Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I' am so excited for this game cannot believe what the game has been in production for like 6 years and here we are just a few days away from release! I hope to be one of the early starters on the 13th. It is really amazing how spoiled we are as gamers these days and can never appreciate the positives most people will just point out the negatives but then again that is what the internet is for :).
I' am so excited for this game cannot believe what the game has been in production for like 6 years and here we are just a few days away from release! I hope to be one of the early starters on the 13th. It is really amazing how spoiled we are as gamers these days and can never appreciate the positives most people will just point out the negatives but then again that is what the internet is for :).

I gotta personally thank Deus Ex Human Revolution, and Skyrim for making the last few months of wait time much more bearable :)
Haven't been to the thread in awhile so someone may have covered this early. As of now, 12/10 SWTOR is down because they're wiping the forums and upgrading. Here is my understanding so far as a beta tester etc....

Early Access - Now starting as early as Dec 13th! However, you won't be told exactly when you get to start playing until very soon before it happens. Thankfully, the client (15+ GB) is available now for preloading for anyone who has a pre-order key set on their account. The community is confused and a bit frustrated with the lack of information given about Early Access and when they get in. I know they're doing a staggered early access and launch program, but a few emails "You are in group 1, expected to deploy Dec 13th at 13:00. There may be delays, keep watching email etc..." or similar would make lots of people happy. Right now there are those with July pre-orders that don't know when they're getting in and after the randomness of beta invites many aren't happy. Rumor has it that anyone with a pre-order in July will be in the first wave. Collector's and Deluxe editions may have something to do with it as well, but that's only predicated on an interview with DarthHater or something.

Grace Period - After saying very plainly that "Most MMOs have a grace period. SWTOR won't be any different", it appears that EA has put the boots to that idea. The forums were ablaze because apparently there will be no "grace period" of a week or so where people with preorder/early access can play while they wait for their CDKey to arrive. Doing otherwise penalizes everyone who doesn't have overnight shipping etc... To make matters worse, it appears that Origin, both physical (CE, Standard) and Digital (DDE, Standard) is sending their copies out before the street date to make sure their buyers get them by launch. However, those who are purchasing from anywhere else (Amazon, Gamestop etc...) appear to require to hold the street date - that is to say, it can't arrive before the 20th! If this turns out to be the case, it would be yet another fuck you from EA, similar to how SWTOR isn't available digitally via anything but Origin... and not even for a lower price! This is unconfirmed, but community managers didn't really give straight answers which doesn't make the populace happy.

A special request......

Throughout beta, one thing in SWTOR affected the "feel" of many classes more than anything else - the presence of invisible "stat stick" items. These are items that are typically held/wielded, equipped on your character sheet, but have no graphic in the world. It seems horribly unfinished and is really, really bad forsome classes like the Imperial Agent (and Operative advanced class especially). The Operative's primary weapon, especially for those on the stealth tree, is whatever is in you "knife" slot (Vibroknife at higher levels etc). Its the Operative's "iconic" weapon. They still have the old Imperial Agent ability to equip and use blaster rifles (as opposed to the Sniper's sniper rifles - the sniper uses vibroknives as a secondary, just much less frequently than Ops), but a lot of their time is spend using vibroknife attacks. You can drop a vibroknife into the slot and all it does is up your stats; it has no presence in the world. You can't draw it, brandish, it isn't visible holstered anywhere, it doesn't even have a unique graphic! etc...all unlike the blaster rifle. Melee/knife attacks don't actually require anything in the knife slot, and use a canned, unchanging graphic that pulls a knife out of thin air to stab the enemy; looks the same at level 4 as it does at 40. What's worse is that, unless it has been fixed, the Agent magically had a pistol (they cannot equip pistols) on their thigh during story/conversation for no good reason. The Republic Smuggler > Scoundrel has a similar problem, where as they have a Scattergun that acts similar to the Agent's knife (can't draw, no graphic etc...), Other classes, like Bounty Hunters and single-saber wielding "tank" Force classes, have Shield Generators or Focus items that are equipped in the offhand and are again, invisible. Pretty much anything that's not a pistol, rifle, or lightsaber hasn't been drawn into the gameworld, despite being equipped on your character.

This just seems like shoddy design and that's unacceptable with all the money being SWTOR. In other MMOs, WoW (RIFT does well in this regard in addition) amongst them this is such a common addition that I was really surprised to see SWTOR lacking and halfassing. This would be like, in WoW for instance if.. Bows, Guns, Thrown Weapons, Offhand caster items (books etc..), Quivers, Wands etc... all had no graphic. Imagine if the Hunter only showed the equipped melee weapons, and using ranged abilities conjured a generic bow into being for that second instead, unchanging from 5 to 85! Just bloody unacceptable. When the forums come up, I'm going to remake a thread about this, unless it has been magically fixed in early access, so I'd appreciate any who could give it a bump/word of support. Thanks.
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"Good news! Your order has been despatched and will be delivered soon"

Standard edition of TOR, dispatched by Game UK.

So it aint' truth that standard editions will not be sent before 20. Well, at least not in Europe, don't know how it is with US ;) But, it seems my copy should be with me in 3 days.... then just waiting till 20, lol ;)
Preloading now at a healthy 5.08 MB/s. Looking forward to early access. That is if I have the time this week to actually play the game.
Preloading now at a healthy 5.08 MB/s. Looking forward to early access. That is if I have the time this week to actually play the game.

Thanks for reminding me, I preloaded a few days ago, reopened the launcher after reading your post, and it's updating again. whew :D
anyone ever play on a RP server? sounds corny and all but of all the settings, star wars seems like it could be more fun than anything else to come before it....just trying to run away from the wow kiddies..i figure those little bastards gravitate towards the pvp servers anyway
anyone ever play on a RP server? sounds corny and all but of all the settings, star wars seems like it could be more fun than anything else to come before it....just trying to run away from the wow kiddies..i figure those little bastards gravitate towards the pvp servers anyway

Seemed way too corny and uncomfortable for my tastes. I only need TOR's story, not someone else's :p
I've had this one preordered since probably early summer, but was going to skip out on it after playing a couple beta's and it not tickling my fancy. It just felt so single player up tot he levels I made it to (17ish). Over the last few days I've somehow gotten myself hyped up for this game again, and I'll see how early access goes before I buy. I did preorder this one at a b&m store so I have the option to not buy. One thing I see throwing a wrench into the whole mix is the release of B2K for BF3 on the same day as early access.
anyone ever play on a RP server? sounds corny and all but of all the settings, star wars seems like it could be more fun than anything else to come before it....just trying to run away from the wow kiddies..i figure those little bastards gravitate towards the pvp servers anyway

I always play on RP servers. Community is far nicer, and RP is my kind of game. And all the "leet" crowd usually avoid that place :)
I'm trying to get the pre-load set up on my roommate's computer. She has Win 7 64bit on a 1055t AMD system. All Windows updates are current.

After running the SWTOR_setup.exe, the launcher installation goes fine but after that, launching the launcher (err...) shows launcher.exe in Processes but nothing ever pops up on the screen. I've disabled User Account Control so running as admin is not the issue. I really have no idea why else it might not be working. Does anyone know anything I can try to get the launcher to run on her PC?
I'm trying to get the pre-load set up on my roommate's computer. She has Win 7 64bit on a 1055t AMD system. All Windows updates are current.

After running the SWTOR_setup.exe, the launcher installation goes fine but after that, launching the launcher (err...) shows launcher.exe in Processes but nothing ever pops up on the screen. I've disabled User Account Control so running as admin is not the issue. I really have no idea why else it might not be working. Does anyone know anything I can try to get the launcher to run on her PC?

That's really odd. I'm running Win 7 64bit as well, so it can't be that. And the forums are down and wiped so you really can't ask there. hopefully someone knows here
manually unpack swtor.rar in the temp map installswtor
then run launcher.exe
found it some other forum, donnu if that works for u
That's really odd. I'm running Win 7 64bit as well, so it can't be that. And the forums are down and wiped so you really can't ask there. hopefully someone knows here

Happened to me too, I just extracted the installer and manually placed the files into a SWTOR folder in my Program Files (x86) directory, made a shortcut on desktop and done.
manually unpack swtor.rar in the temp map installswtor
then run launcher.exe
found it some other forum, donnu if that works for u

Happened to me too, I just extracted the installer and manually placed the files into a SWTOR folder in my Program Files (x86) directory, made a shortcut on desktop and done.

Are you guys talking about issues running the installer or the launcher? I can install the launcher just fine on her PC, it's the launcher itself that refuses to run.
manually unpack swtor.rar in the temp map installswtor
then run launcher.exe
found it some other forum, donnu if that works for u

I had problems in the beta with this.

It's just a self extracting RAR file, so just extract the archive, might have to extract the next set of files from that too into a folder then run the patcher/launcher.

I bug reported it several times and sent in my logs from the failed attempts for them to examine. For the pre-load early access it went fine, so whatever issue I was having had been fixed, but I'm certain others will still run into it.
Still no early access notification e-mails? Come on Bioware, the game is released in three days for the lucky ones! I want to know if I made it in the first day. :p

MorgothPI said:
I always play on RP servers. Community is far nicer, and RP is my kind of game. And all the "leet" crowd usually avoid that place :)
Agreed, I've always tried to go for RP-PVP, so I get the PVP action but the generally nicer community. You still have your elitists wherever you go though, especially if they do cross-server PVP or flash points.
Still no early access notification e-mails? Come on Bioware, the game is released in three days for the lucky ones! I want to know if I made it in the first day. :p

Agreed, I've always tried to go for RP-PVP, so I get the PVP action but the generally nicer community. You still have your elitists wherever you go though, especially if they do cross-server PVP or flash points.

atleast for now they dont have cross server pvp, they want the people you fight to not be some random joe you wont see again the next time you pvp.

which is what i prefer assuming you dont land on a dead or dying server lol.
Still no early access notification e-mails? Come on Bioware, the game is released in three days for the lucky ones! I want to know if I made it in the first day. :p

You will get your email on the day that your access starts.
Edit : Whoops wrong thread lol.

I did preorder SW:TOR last week though so I'm looking forward to playing.
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Just had the game of my life , I realize there are far far better players than me but this was pretty exciting for me ( know its Metro 64 , most don't like it) I'm Clarknova on the player list :

God that was fun. Bunch of medics around me , nearly unlimited ammo .. I need to play Metro 64 player more.

Wrong thread?

* Goes back to patiently waiting for an email confirming my start date
Finally got the launcher thing sorted out. Somehow her PC was set to use a proxy server in the LAN options :confused: Unchecked that and it fired right up. I was about ready to start a format/reinstall of the OS too.
And I gotta say, I haven't been this excited for an MMORPG launch since EQ2... and I was server first lvl cap for my class.

God I hope that doesn't happen again. I can't afford sleepless nights when I actually have a real job.
Are you guys talking about issues running the installer or the launcher? I can install the launcher just fine on her PC, it's the launcher itself that refuses to run.

I meant the installer for the launcher, not the launcher itself... that's weird then :(. EDIT: I see you figured the issue out, good :D!
You'd get an email before early access stating which server you'll be on. Unless that's just for guilds only.

Just for guilds. Also you won't get the early access email until the day of your access (which is silly), so just keep re-loading the launcher and hope that Play button lights up!
Just canceled my preorder CE at Amazon. Maybe they'll put it up for sale for one of you guys.