Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I'm resubbing solely for the Founder title! .........Oh wait no one cares about that.

I'll resub to this game until GW2 or Tera come out then purchase them, play my free month, if they don't impress me moreso than TOR then I'll cancel and stay with TOR (assuming I'm not utterly bored with it by then)

Thus far the leveling experience is fun, FP's and 4-heroic quests are fun with players who don't suck, and I'll see how PVP is at 50 when I get there (currently 35)
Well, 30 to 60 may be an exaggeration, but people were not exaggerating when they said massive gains could be had. Especially if you camped the spawn location. You get 5 or 6 repubs trapped in there, and you are talking about 1k valor every time they respawn.

Which brings me back to the original point. Being able to camp spawn and not let people even get out is obviously not an intended feature, which clearly makes it an exploit.

Is it really so "obvious" though? Personally, there's really nothing all that obvious about Illum from the get go. If you were like me and didn't read anything about it before hitting 50, you don't even realize at first that where you first land on the planet isn't where all the real "action" is.

Once you finally get to the "PvP" zone, you then look around at the map and wonder WTF you're supposed to do at all the spread out "objectives" on the map. You finally realize that if you want to get any objective points you have to travel all the way to the other faction's base (across a map that is WAAAAY too large for no good reason whatsoever mind you) and then wait until some dumbass decides to repair one of the cannons so you can click on it once and "destroy" it, and then rinse and repeat again, and again, and again...

Stupid. Boring. Lame. Give me my objective points and let me get the fuck out, thank you very much.

Then yesterday comes along, and everyone's like, "omg, we get objective points and more valor for actually killing people now... kill EVERYONE!" So you do. And eventually, because one side outnumbers the other by a significant margin, you end up killing them fast enough that you finally end up inside their base.

Now what? Isn't this stupid shit supposed to be "winnable" or something if we "destroy/control" their base for long enough? No? It's not ending at least... What if we try destroying those turrets? Oh shit, I just aggroed it and now I'm dead. Fuck! OK, let's run back and see if someone will heal me while I try and beat on that thing for a while at 5 fps. Nope, dead again. Oh well, I got some valor for the rebs that are getting killed. Might as well stick around for some valor until we figure out how to actually "win" this thing.

That's how it went down. If you still want to claim that as being "obvious exploitation" then I don't know what to tell ya because all I and anyone else I know was trying to do was win the game/zone that we were presented with.

I knew, as did most of my guildies, that the changes they made never would make Ilum "winnable." It never functioned that way before and both sides knew this. I read that Ilum was the PvP Planet, purely from chat as I leveled. It took me about 2 minutes to find things. So most of it was indeed obvious. But I guess not everyone picks up on stuff easily.

I participated in Ilum since hitting 50 and before the patch it was an objective trading map. Badly designed? Oh yes. I agree. There was no incentive to stick around and kill the Repubs. The *only* change the patch made was making players part of the Weekly objective to try and foster Open world PvP. Everything else was the same, which means everyone knew...or at least the vast majority, that the zone never "finished." Like Wintergrasp did. This didn't change.

So unless all of those people hit 50 and had the same mindset as you did, they took advantage of an undesired system and essentially griefed the Republic side into losing. Whether or not the valor gains were inflated, or just plain wrong, it still fosters a thought to the people on the losing side: "Well shit, what the hell is the point of sitting on us? Must be some crazy incentive!" Can't blame people for being upset.

On my server, where I am Republic, the Imps didn't farm my base. They waited till I got into the middle of the zone to get the armaments, and a group of 16 (full Op) decended onto me to kill me. I typed, "lol" in /say and I ported out and left. Shortly there after, the rest of the Repub's did the same. I can tell you that I won't return until I have a full Ops group to take on the numbers later this weekend.
EA is now down 1.25 a share, damn near 7%, seemingly solely because of the analyst call that SW:TOR is a hot mess.

Shit just got real. I'm sure we'll get some EA corporate press release about the game, which will be interesting.

I knew, as did most of my guildies, that the changes they made never would make Ilum "winnable." It never functioned that way before and both sides knew this. I read that Ilum was the PvP Planet, purely from chat as I leveled. It took me about 2 minutes to find things. So most of it was indeed obvious. But I guess not everyone picks up on stuff easily.

I participated in Ilum since hitting 50 and before the patch it was an objective trading map. Badly designed? Oh yes. I agree. There was no incentive to stick around and kill the Repubs. The *only* change the patch made was making players part of the Weekly objective to try and foster Open world PvP. Everything else was the same, which means everyone knew...or at least the vast majority, that the zone never "finished." Like Wintergrasp did. This didn't change.

So unless all of those people hit 50 and had the same mindset as you did, they took advantage of an undesired system and essentially griefed the Republic side into losing. Whether or not the valor gains were inflated, or just plain wrong, it still fosters a thought to the people on the losing side: "Well shit, what the hell is the point of sitting on us? Must be some crazy incentive!" Can't blame people for being upset.

On my server, where I am Republic, the Imps didn't farm my base. They waited till I got into the middle of the zone to get the armaments, and a group of 16 (full Op) decended onto me to kill me. I typed, "lol" in /say and I ported out and left. Shortly there after, the rest of the Repub's did the same. I can tell you that I won't return until I have a full Ops group to take on the numbers later this weekend.

I just got 50 on my first character late last week. I went into Ilum maybe two or three times before this latest patch so I don't really have much to go on other than that. To me it was just a broken mess before, and a bigger even more boring and broken mess now. I honestly wasn't sure if it was supposed to be something more like AV or Wintergrasp, but both of those were truly winnable, where this appears not to be as of now. For what it's worth, I always hated Wintergrasp so if that's what this appears to be their version of that, I'll only be there for the daily/weekly quests and quickly port the fuck back out. I just don't think you can really blame anyone for sticking around in the opposing faction's base for a while to see wtf was going on, see if it was possible to "win," and yeah, get a bit extra valor at the same time. I just don't see it.
EA is now down 1.25 a share, damn near 7%, seemingly solely because of the analyst call that SW:TOR is a hot mess.

Shit just got real. I'm sure we'll get some EA corporate press release about the game, which will be interesting.

Even if we do it will be all PR spin. They'll never admit they screwed up, that would be a death knell and the stockholders would freak worse than they are atm.

Stock is hanging around $17 give or take a little atm, I think people will be watching SW:TOR a lot more closely though because of this.
This is a STUPID fucking change they made in the latest patch. I hate this crap as well. The cool down animation is the same, but they no longer gray out buttons for things still in cool down. This is retarded in my opinion. I find myself clicking on things as the cool down animation nears the very bottom of the icon and of course these abilities don't cast again.

Sucks ass.

You mean to tell me this is a FEATURE they added?! Why the fuck would they do that?! I find myself constantly pressing a damn ability thinkin the cooldown is done, when it actually still has less than 2 seconds left because you cant SEE the damn bar.
You mean to tell me this is a FEATURE they added?! Why the fuck would they do that?! I find myself constantly pressing a damn ability thinkin the cooldown is done, when it actually still has less than 2 seconds left because you cant SEE the damn bar.

They thought this would "correct" the problem people were having using riposte-like abilities that had triggering events, which were apparently hard to see before. Now, everything is hard to see, yay!
Oh yeah, I'm just shaking in my boots... oh please oh please Bioware, don't ban me for standing around for a couple hours, bored out of my fucking mind with a bunch of other nitwits just to see what your broken Illum PvP zone is all about! They'd have to ban every 50 on my server if they really wanted to do that.

Sound like you're just jealous you weren't there. :rolleyes:

I said they deserve a ban, which they do. Corpse camping is frowned upon in every single game/genre -- with almost every modern and old MMO giving you some nice time off for doing it.

Will EA/Bioware pursue bannings? Hell no. People didn't get banned for exploiting the piss out of the dupe bugs. People didn't get banned for speed hacking (they're still around, actually). People also didn't get banned for using exploits in the war zones to become unkillable.

They NEED subscriptions, of course they're not going to give out bannings.

But anyone who corpse-camped for hours on end is a raging dildo and deserves a banning, and that is something I believe the majority would agree with.

And I was there -- I was the only one there on my server. No one plays Ilum on my server.

I just noticed the cool down changes now after doing some PvE (since I haven't been able to get a war zone since the 50 bracket was implemented and Ilum is dead, so I haven't used any abilities) -- what a fucking mess. Who thought this would ever be a good idea?
I finished the trooper story line last night. Pretty cool stuff. I was expecting to get some dark points for what I had to do, but I didn't, so my trooper remains "pure" with 6900 light and 0 dark.

I just finished Trooper Act 1. I have 5050 Light, 50 dark because I did a group quest and turned it in on a holocall. Because I wasn't physically there, I couldn't choose the Light option. Pissed me off.
I just finished Trooper Act 1. I have 5050 Light, 50 dark because I did a group quest and turned it in on a holocall. Because I wasn't physically there, I couldn't choose the Light option. Pissed me off.

Don't worry about it. As I indicated above, you can actually purge dark or lightside points if you choose to do so.
You mean to tell me this is a FEATURE they added?! Why the fuck would they do that?! I find myself constantly pressing a damn ability thinkin the cooldown is done, when it actually still has less than 2 seconds left because you cant SEE the damn bar.

Same, it's teeing me off.
You mean to tell me this is a FEATURE they added?! Why the fuck would they do that?! I find myself constantly pressing a damn ability thinkin the cooldown is done, when it actually still has less than 2 seconds left because you cant SEE the damn bar.

I guess someone bitched about the grayed out stuff. When it's grayed out I know I have insufficient rage to use it or the ability is in cool down. With just the animation, it gets hard to tell at times. It's a bunch of crap.
To be honest, there are more than a few unintended "features" in this game currently that are frustrating and provide no benefit to anyone. At least in this case both sides were able to get a little extra valor while standing around doing nothing at 5 fps anyway.

No, they really were exaggerated. People were claiming they went valor 1 - 60 in a matter of hours. That is quite simply impossible. So we all got 200 valor for the first kill on someone... big whoop. They already had a hidden timer on players so you couldn't get valor credit on the same guy over and over again within a certain timeframe anyway. I sat around for a couple hours and got a couple valor levels on my high pop server.

Unintended? Sure. Game breaking? No. Even if they roll back valor to before the patch I couldn't care less. It's going to take me forever to get to rank 60 valor anyway. A couple levels plus or minus isn't going to kill anyone.

If by "exaggerated" you mean some ridiculous claims on some forum around the web, sure. If by "exaggerated" you mean that some people exaggerated it, yeah.

But if by "exaggerated" you mean that it was not really out of line, then bullcrap. In a 15 minute session in my sorta dead server, with 8 repubs and about 12 empire, I got 6000 valor.
And I was there -- I was the only one there on my server. No one plays Ilum on my server.

With as much time as has been spent complaining about the lack of a population on your server, you could have leveled a new character to 50 on a different server.

Dan_D said:
I guess someone bitched about the grayed out stuff. When it's grayed out I know I have insufficient rage to use it or the ability is in cool down. With just the animation, it gets hard to tell at times. It's a bunch of crap.

I noticed this last night on my marauder - thought my UI was bugged. Whoever thought that change was a good idea needs to be fired...
Even if we do it will be all PR spin. They'll never admit they screwed up, that would be a death knell and the stockholders would freak worse than they are atm.

Stock is hanging around $17 give or take a little atm, I think people will be watching SW:TOR a lot more closely though because of this.

Are people acting like TOR is EA's first and only title? So what their stock dropped a little. TOR wouldn't break EA, it would hurt BioWare pretty bad but EA is fine either way with titles like...uh...BATTLEFIELD 3. I'm sure their stock dropping is not directly caused by THIS game anyway. I don't know a ton about stocks but they fluctuate, and just because some "analyst" said the game was a mess shouldn't make all the shareholders go up in arms and SELL SELL SELL. It's one game, yeah it's got a lot of monetary potential due to monthly subs, but they'll be fine. Sit back and enjoy the game, it is after all...A GAME. Delving into the politics associated with software developers stocks is silly.
With as much time as has been spent complaining about the lack of a population on your server, you could have leveled a new character to 50 on a different server.

So I can play 1-50 on my smuggler again? No thanks

Problem: low population servers, imbalanced servers

Solution: server transfers/mergers
Are people acting like TOR is EA's first and only title? So what their stock dropped a little. TOR wouldn't break EA, it would hurt BioWare pretty bad but EA is fine either way with titles like...uh...BATTLEFIELD 3. I'm sure their stock dropping is not directly caused by THIS game anyway. I don't know a ton about stocks but they fluctuate, and just because some "analyst" said the game was a mess shouldn't make all the shareholders go up in arms and SELL SELL SELL. It's one game, yeah it's got a lot of monetary potential due to monthly subs, but they'll be fine. Sit back and enjoy the game, it is after all...A GAME. Delving into the politics associated with software developers stocks is silly.

*face palm*

First of all, their stock didn't drop "a little." Being down over 7% intraday on this news is substantial. It damn near touched a 52 week low. Stocks don't just fluctuate on no news like that.

And yes, the analyst call on this game is solely what caused the sell off. This is a huge game, and part of the price of the stock was the predicted performance of TOR. They want their own WoW cash cow, and TOR was supposed to be it. When the people analyzing the stock say that the churn rate on the game has to be revised higher, that is catastrophic for the stock price, and is directly related to the quality of the product.

That's huge news for an MMO. The churn rate is going to determine the survivability of the game. EA isn't just going to keep paying to maintain it if the subs don't support it. It's not "the politics associated with the developers stocks;" it's the financial viability of the game.
*face palm*

First of all, their stock didn't drop "a little." Being down over 7% intraday on this news is substantial. It damn near touched a 52 week low. Stocks don't just fluctuate on no news like that.

And yes, the analyst call on this game is solely what caused the sell off. This is a huge game, and part of the price of the stock was the predicted performance of TOR. They want their own WoW cash cow, and TOR was supposed to be it. When the people analyzing the stock say that the churn rate on the game has to be revised higher, that is catastrophic for the stock price, and is directly related to the quality of the product.

That's huge news for an MMO. The churn rate is going to determine the survivability of the game. EA isn't just going to keep paying to maintain it if the subs don't support it. It's not "the politics associated with the developers stocks;" it's the financial viability of the game.

This isn't EA's first go-around with an MMO title so I'm sure they know better than to pull the plug too soon. Games like this take time to build their playerbase. Yes there is always an exodus after the first month, but players come back and new players start, assuming the game continues to get good reviews and market itself appropriately. Yes 7% is nothing to scoff at but it's definitely not the end of the world.
If by "exaggerated" you mean some ridiculous claims on some forum around the web, sure. If by "exaggerated" you mean that some people exaggerated it, yeah.

But if by "exaggerated" you mean that it was not really out of line, then bullcrap. In a 15 minute session in my sorta dead server, with 8 repubs and about 12 empire, I got 6000 valor.

Actually that is in the realm of possibility and not necessarily as broken as you claim as far as I'm concerned. I mean it depends on how long the valor eligibility reset timer is per player of course, but assuming it's like 5-10 minutes and you kill 15 unique players @ 200 valor per kill (assuming you have control of all objectives) then that's 3,000 valor right there. Do the same thing every ten minutes and you could theoretically get 6,000 valor every 20 minutes or so.

I highly doubt you could sustain that kind of rate since you'd need to be going up against fresh meat continually, but with people all curious about the Illum changes yesterday you could've been seeing just that.

Also, consider the fact that all you're really doing in Illum after the daily/weekly quest is farming valor. Getting to valor 60 is only granting you the ability to wear higher level PvP gear. You still have to earn all the commendations to actually purchase that gear elsewhere.

Bottom line, even if they just fixed the graveyard camping and left it as is, I wouldn't have a big problem with the rate of valor gain. There's enough other crap you have to do to actually outfit yourself in higher level gear. Making the valor grind a little quicker isn't going to break my heart because it's still not going to happen over night, or even over the course of a week or two for most people.
Well i did unsub. Some of the planets looked good, and while I liked the game I felt constantly detached from other players. All the armor looks the same and its hard to distinguished how good of a gear someone has.

It was nice that I had to make a forum post to find out the link to cancel the subscription as well. I literally couldn't find it on their subscription section of my account.
Superfly, this is a browser issue. A lot of people are reporting issues with various add-on's customizing the page and rendering the link invisible.
*face palm*

First of all, their stock didn't drop "a little." Being down over 7% intraday on this news is substantial. It damn near touched a 52 week low. Stocks don't just fluctuate on no news like that.

And yes, the analyst call on this game is solely what caused the sell off. This is a huge game, and part of the price of the stock was the predicted performance of TOR. They want their own WoW cash cow, and TOR was supposed to be it. When the people analyzing the stock say that the churn rate on the game has to be revised higher, that is catastrophic for the stock price, and is directly related to the quality of the product.

That's huge news for an MMO. The churn rate is going to determine the survivability of the game. EA isn't just going to keep paying to maintain it if the subs don't support it. It's not "the politics associated with the developers stocks;" it's the financial viability of the game.
It rebounded by 3% and now is only down 4....
Anyone who claims to know what "solely" caused a sell off in stocks is lying through their teeth. Especially since the "analyst" simply revised his target price from 28 to 22, and 22 is already much more than what the stock started at today. So the guy changed his opinion from the stock being undervalued by 10 bucks to it being undervalued by 4.

Blizzard also dropped in this one week period,
It rebounded by 3% and now is only down 4....
Anyone who claims to know what "solely" caused a sell off in stocks is lying through their teeth. Especially since the "analyst" simply revised his target price from 28 to 22, and 22 is already much more than what the stock started at today. So the guy changed his opinion from the stock being undervalued by 10 bucks to it being undervalued by 4.

Blizzard also dropped in this one week period,

Being "only down 4%" in one day is a huge swing. EA has been trumpetting TOR as its version of WoW, and any news that TOR will not be bringing in WoW money is going to hurt the stock valuation.

Blizzard dropped this week due to video game software sales taking a huge hit recently.
Being "only down 4%" in one day is a huge swing. EA has been trumpetting TOR as its version of WoW, and any news that TOR will not be bringing in WoW money is going to hurt the stock valuation.

Blizzard dropped this week due to video game software sales taking a huge hit recently.

Again, to say that it is down because of solely because of SWTOR is bullshit. You keep ignoring the fact that the analyst who made the claim about SWTOR still thinks the stock is undervalued. If all game companies have fallen this week, it is hardly exclusive to swtor or EA.
Second night I've sat in the queue for 6 hours (while doing some homework)

Just so disappointing
Yeah, damn that Wall Street Journal ignoring facts!

Blizzard was up 1% today. EA tanked. Anyone thinking the price drop has nothing to do with the concerns people have about TOR is delusional.

Your lack of understanding trends doesn't make your point correct, nor does an early assessment without facts make it true. Re-read the analyst statement. Stocks rise and fall regularly by single digit percentage points. If the stock rises 5% are you going to automatically change your tune to sing the praises of the most awesome video game ever? Of course not because stocks, especially entertainment stocks, rise and fall regularly; check out Activision's or Disney's stock chart over the last year and check out close to or double digit declines.

Could the game be in trouble financially? Sure, but to start yelling the sky is falling because sales "appear" to be below expected numbers or a "casual" observation of early game play. I sure hope you don't do any investing if that is what you base your decisions on.

Ya that happens a lot in PvP games sadly. It will be fixed though, it always is; however, it is surprising that this creeps up all the time in PvP centric games.
I have to say, playing this a couple weeks and then after christmas/new year, I just ended up dorpping it for some reason.

I loved it at first, it felt different enough and the way the story lines.

I LOVED the flashpoints, but I expected a LOT more of them, I thought that was the games biggest selling point/strength, but it seems they put more development time on side/throw away misions that amounted to the usual "go kill x number of enemies."

After the "new" wore off, it ended up where I expected it, feeling likle "more of the same old same old."

It got to the point as I was playing that instead of doing flashpoints/pvp/awesome group storyline quests, I was stuck grinding out solo missions on ye olde "fetch x number" and I was like "man, this is starting to get boring...feels less like fun and more like work."

I enjoyed the time I played, but I won't be re-subbing for now. Maybe in a few months/year down the road, if they add something neat to it.

Sorry for all those in the [H] guild, I didn't do much but just lost interest so fast after the Holidays and being away a few days.
Blizzard was up 1% today because they were down 8% last friday. OMG!
Ask anyone in finance and they will tell you finance reporting is terrible.
The entire gaming industry took a hit (or performed less than expected) this holiday season. There probably was some speculative dumping based on that one guy/company's report, but overall it shouldn't change much.

Also, honestly, it seems like the worst part of the SWTOR community hangs out on the forums. Most of the people I've interacted with in game have been fun and enjoying the game, but it seems like every obnoxious, self-entitled no-lifer rushes to the forum to spew some form of verbal diarrhea or another. If these are the people leaving, they won't be missed.
Also, honestly, it seems like the worst part of the SWTOR community hangs out on the forums. Most of the people I've interacted with in game have been fun and enjoying the game, but it seems like every obnoxious, self-entitled no-lifer rushes to the forum to spew some form of verbal diarrhea or another. If these are the people leaving, they won't be missed.
While you may not appreciate their tone, it's a whole lot better than a community that throws money at developers, tells them how wonderful they are, and lets things slide.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. And MMO forums are almost universally ugly.

It's up to the development company (who has been paid tens of millions of dollars), to be thick-skinned professionals, see past the customer's attitude, and satisfy the customers who are shelling out millions of dollars with the expectation of a quality product.
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