October Nexus Prime rumors

hmmmm, will the verizon one have the Penta-Band GSM radios in it as well (to make it world phone ofc...) ?

No, it will only have CDMA/LTE radios in it. It won't be a world phone. I haven't seen any of Verizon's 4G/LTE phones have GSM radios inside either. I wouldn't think it would be very feasible until Qualcomm (or whoever is manufacturing the LTE chips) shrink the radio further, which is supposed to be happening in phones early next year.
ahh, a wait and see gambit, would be great to be able to swap between any/all carriers at a whim (off contract) ...... one can dream.

No, it will only have CDMA/LTE radios in it. It won't be a world phone. I haven't seen any of Verizon's 4G/LTE phones have GSM radios inside either. I wouldn't think it would be very feasible until Qualcomm (or whoever is manufacturing the LTE chips) shrink the radio further, which is supposed to be happening in phones early next year.
Over 3 months of reading, 43,000 views, 800 posts, and being eligible for a every 2 yr free upgrade for over a year, I am near my end. Worst part is I am still rocking the OG Droid and I have friends with the Bionic and its bad ass. I waited to see if apple came out with the iphone5 and then waited for this phone and waited and waited. I am not waiting much longer for a release date because I will smash my droid and will just pick up a razor or bionic. This is the biggest cell release tease ever. #CLUSTERFUCK
Over 3 months of reading, 43,000 views, 800 posts, and being eligible for a every 2 yr free upgrade for over a year, I am near my end. Worst part is I am still rocking the OG Droid and I have friends with the Bionic and its bad ass. I waited to see if apple came out with the iphone5 and then waited for this phone and waited and waited. I am not waiting much longer for a release date because I will smash my droid and will just pick up a razor or bionic. This is the biggest cell release tease ever. #CLUSTERFUCK

wonder when chiu will come crap this thread......unless i missed something ...

but yes, still anxiously awaiting the Galaxy nexus ....
Over 3 months of reading, 43,000 views, 800 posts, and being eligible for a every 2 yr free upgrade for over a year, I am near my end. Worst part is I am still rocking the OG Droid and I have friends with the Bionic and its bad ass. I waited to see if apple came out with the iphone5 and then waited for this phone and waited and waited. I am not waiting much longer for a release date because I will smash my droid and will just pick up a razor or bionic. This is the biggest cell release tease ever. #CLUSTERFUCK

Here's something to fap to while you're being teased:

Naked Galaxy Nexus
Mine was shipped out today. Hopefully this week I'll have it. Yipee!
That's very old school. It clearly shows how old a person is.
Sorry I don't have a taste of old retard.

Or..... shows that they can't keep their phone in their pocket for some reason? Cops for example tend to use phone holsters for obvious reasons... many are not old, and I dare you to call one retarded to their face for using one.
God only knows.
I'm just hoping it lives up to the hype of being the best smartphone out there.
Still, it makes sense not to purchase until at least a week of reviews are out.

Being the best smart phone these days is pretty subjective. At this point, I don't really care about that now. It will be an exponential upgrade from my OG Droid, so I know I will be happy with it regardless. :cool:

The only thing I'm vaguely concerned about is the size and how it feels in my hand. The Rezound felt almost perfect in my hand, so I'm hoping it's not much larger than that. The RAZR definitely felt too wide and tall for me, but since it's stupid thin, it's not very ergonomic, so that may have been why I didn't care for it so much.
Being the best smart phone these days is pretty subjective. At this point, I don't really care about that now. It will be an exponential upgrade from my OG Droid, so I know I will be happy with it regardless. :cool:

The only thing I'm vaguely concerned about is the size and how it feels in my hand. The Rezound felt almost perfect in my hand, so I'm hoping it's not much larger than that. The RAZR definitely felt too wide and tall for me, but since it's stupid thin, it's not very ergonomic, so that may have been why I didn't care for it so much.

That was how I felt in regards to the Rezound and the Razr. I almost pulled the trigger on the Rezound during Amazon's 1 cent sale, but decided to wait for the Nexus. I'm beginning to have second thoughts now as I'm growing somewhat impatient with the release.
When is the release date?

I need some of this for Christmas.
This is a sad fucking joke now. Not sure who's to blame ? Verizon...Samsung...Google...? But the American release of the Galaxy-Nexus is a cluster fuck. It's December already and still no official release date. WTF.

Phone is already for sale in Europe since last month.

Google should release this device on all four U.S. carriera at the same time, non of this exclusivty BS for a Nexus phone. I am staying with Sprint now and picked up the Epic Touch 4G and could not be happier. Rooted with custom ROM and ICS theme, this phone rocks. With killer battery life too.
The big question I have is...

what phone will chiu crap on once the Nexus is released?
Samsung is pulling the same shit they did with the Galaxy S2. Released first in Europe back in April, the U.S. carriers don't see the S2 until Sept/Oct, no fucking reason for the delay on that device, except douche bag carriers wanting their different versions, but should not have taken an extra 5 fucking months for that :rolleyes: I am sure Verizon is still getting it this month, but still, this is craziness...

The U.S. carriers really know how to muck up a phone release like no other. The four major U.S. carriers have us by the balls. Charging extra for texts :( lol there is zero reason for charging for texts if your on an unlimited minute plan, texts take up the less bandwidth than a phone call, and if you signed and unlimited phone call plan, there should be NO text charge at all, but they still call it a $20 extra per month for unlimited texts, LOL those sneaky fucks . Fucking Nazis.

Don't like the iPhone, but Apple sure knows how to promote and release a phone properly.
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/me is glad he finally picked up a SGSII instead of continuing to wait for this POS.
I will admit I laughed pretty hard when I saw that.

About time. I had to stop reading threads in the mobile phone subforum because of his constant thread crapping. I've heard of people convincing themselves that they purchased the best product, but that dude was ridiculous.

Anyway, I've been keeping up with the stuff being posted on Androidforums, and so far 12/8 is still looking like the most solid date we've had so far...if you can call rumors solid at all.
About time. I had to stop reading threads in the mobile phone subforum because of his constant thread crapping. I've heard of people convincing themselves that they purchased the best product, but that dude was ridiculous.

Anyway, I've been keeping up with the stuff being posted on Androidforums, and so far 12/8 is still looking like the most solid date we've had so far...if you can call rumors solid at all.

You know what date I'm pretty sure about?

12/31. Verizon did say Q4 and/or before the end of 2011. :p
You know what date I'm pretty sure about?

12/31. Verizon did say Q4 and/or before the end of 2011. :p


Yeah, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but there have been several different people over on Androidforums that got calls/texts from Verizon store reps late today saying to keep their calendar open next Thursday. Since multiple people are all reporting the same thing, I think there is some credibility to the date now.

On a side note, I ended up ordering a case for the phone today since I know I'll be getting it regardless of when it comes out. From everything I've been hearing in the time I've spent browsing the web reading about the GN, everyone seems to say that that this Diztronic case is the best one to get. I got it on Amazon since I have Prime, but the company also sells it straight from their website with free shipping. Probably worth checking out if you're interested in the phone. Can't really beat a quality case for $10 shipped IMO...especially since the crap you'd buy at the VZW store will probably be double or triple the price.
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Yeah, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but there have been several different people over on Androidforums that got calls/texts from Verizon store reps late today saying to keep their calendar open next Thursday. Since multiple people are all reporting the same thing, I think there is some credibility to the date now.

On a side note, I ended up ordering a case for the phone today since I know I'll be getting it regardless of when it comes out. From everything I've been hearing in the time I've spent browsing the web reading about the GN, everyone seems to say that that this Diztronic case is the best one to get. I got it on Amazon since I have Prime, but the company also sells it straight from their website with free shipping. Probably worth checking out if you're interested in the phone. Can't really beat a quality case for $10 shipped IMO...especially since the crap you'd buy at the VZW store will probably be double or triple the price.

I'll be ready next Thursday to pop in a pre-order if they're up. We shall see.

My concern about buying a case now is that the VZW GN is a bit thicker than the pentaband version.

I've owned Otterbox cases in the past so I was just planning to hold out for one again. My current phone has met cement a few times in it's commuter without sustaining any damage. I'll just have to be super careful until I get one.
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I'll be ready next Thursday to pop in a pre-order if they're up. We shall see.

My concern about buying a case now is that the VZW GN is a bit thicker than the pentaband version.

I've owned Otterbox cases in the past so I was just planning to hold out for one again. My current phone has met cement a few times in it's commuter without sustaining any damage. I'll just have to be super careful until I get one.

The company that makes the case I linked released a statement the other day saying their case would fit both versions of the phone. Quote from the site (tpu-cases.com):

11/17/11 Update: Our case will fit both models. It was designed around the i515 (LTE) dimensions. Since the i9250 is less than a 1/2mm smaller it will also fit perfectly. You only run into issues once you get over 1mm in size difference on TPU cases. The pictures below are of the case on the i9250 GSM version.
/me is glad he finally picked up a SGSII instead of continuing to wait for this POS.

eh? POS? The phone has a great SoC, great build, and hand down the best possible mobile OS installed.... one that puts the Touchwiz abortion on the S2 to shame...