October Nexus Prime rumors

Lol that was great! Even my wife who doesn't get all the lingo was laughing because I've literally said the exact same things.

That it has awesome red accents? :D

Oh Dr. Dre, what has happened to thee.
Lol that was great! Even my wife who doesn't get all the lingo was laughing because I've literally said the exact same things.

same here, she thinks me following all the phone news is geeky and dumb, but she even LOL'd at that video
Does anyone think we'll even see an announcement for this phone before its launch? I'm thinking that since its not a "Droid" phone, that they'll just add it to their phone selection on the 8th/9th with no announcement whatsoever, just like they did with the Rezound before it launched (HTC had announced the phone with no release date, but Verizon did say anything about it and it just popped up one day - all we had to go off of was rumors and screen leaks of Verizon's system).

So, given that nothing has been said from them yet, the phone has been updated to 4.1, Samsung has it on display at their NYC store and every other screen leak has it pegged for the 8th/9th or 11th, you would think that if Verizon was to say anything about it, they would have already.
Yeah, I am thinking that they will release it without saying a word until the day of.
Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think either no pre-orders or it's not coming out this week.

I really hope it's the 8th and not the 9th. I won't be able to run to a store to get one during work this Friday.
Per Phil at AC phones should arrive today or tomorrow so we should be getting some leaked shots of the phones at the stores.

I feel good about the end of this week.
Posting from the phone now.....just received it today....not as large as i thought it would be
rotation of the screen is slow compared to iphone. Tmo service very fast here in nyc. Getting four g signal no problem
rotation of the screen is slow compared to iphone. Tmo service very fast here in nyc. Getting four g signal no problem

I've read that too. I'm sure that's easily adjusted in software. If Google doesn't tweak it, then I'll bet XDA will. I've also read that they have the auto-brightness set way too low.
Turned auto brightness off, and set it to what I wanted. Face recognition is fun for five seconds and then seems like a pain. Easier to enter numerical code, at least to me.
What's important to me is that the phone works properly. Unfortunately prelim reports I have seen suggest speaker is too quiet and call quality is not great. Hoping the Verizon reviews say otherwise.
What's important to me is that the phone works properly. Unfortunately prelim reports I have seen suggest speaker is too quiet and call quality is not great. Hoping the Verizon reviews say otherwise.

What reports are you reading? Everything I've seen has been positive. The ONLY bad thing I've heard, once the volume bug was FIXED, is that the 5MP camera could have been better. I couldn't care less about that though. I have a camera for pictures.
What reports are you reading? Everything I've seen has been positive. The ONLY bad thing I've heard, once the volume bug was FIXED, is that the 5MP camera could have been better. I couldn't care less about that though. I have a camera for pictures.

I think it was this one.

Of course, it's just one perspective. That said, all the bells and whistles mean nothing to me if the phone itself is not up to snuff.
"This is THE Android phone to beat".

Eh, I've watched that video and not going to watch it again, but I seem to remember he loved the phone and his main complaint was the camera. :confused:

Ya I don't think he even mentioned call quality in it.
Ya I don't think he even mentioned call quality in it.

Nope, don't remember any mention. I haven't seen anything negative except the volume thing that they patched. Someone please post any of the negative articles I must have missed.

Maybe some people are confused and took chiu's ramblings as real news? :D
Do you guys think there will be any issue with stock at the Verizon corporate stores if I just walk in on release day?
No problem with call quality at all. Youtube plays fast and smooth.
Do you guys think there will be any issue with stock at the Verizon corporate stores if I just walk in on release day?

No telling. Depends on how much stock is pushed out. I would call your local store(s) in the next couple days as they come in to see how many they got and if they've had many customers ask about them. I plan on calling my stores Wednesday and asking.
Hmmm, I can't view the full WSJ article, but at least in the first paragraph there is no mention of whether it's $299 for 16gb or 32gb. It sucks if it will be priced at $299 for 16gb and $399 for 32 gb.
Hmmm, I can't view the full WSJ article, but at least in the first paragraph there is no mention of whether it's $299 for 16gb or 32gb. It sucks if it will be priced at $299 for 16gb and $399 for 32 gb.

That would suck hairy ballsagna. I got my hopes up for the $199 price for the 16GB model, but I suppose I see no reason why this wouldn't be another one of those letdowns this phone has been infamous for... first the processor (I know it's good, but we were all hoping for next-gen) and camera specs, continuously with the release date, and now with the price. :mad:
No way can they gouge $399 for the 32gb model. It's a direct competitor to the iPhone 4S so surely they have to match the price.
Where are people getting the idea that a 16GB LTE model even exists? Google's own tech specs say 32GB only.
For that much money you would be better off buying a GSM version and getting a TMo prepaid plan- 5GB/200min/unlimited texts sounds pretty awesome for $30/mo... cost of entry is $750 for the import, but from the looks of it, you could easily recoup that in the first year...
For that much money you would be better off buying a GSM version and getting a TMo prepaid plan- 5GB/200min/unlimited texts sounds pretty awesome for $30/mo... cost of entry is $750 for the import, but from the looks of it, you could easily recoup that in the first year...

I'll stick to my unlimited with LTE speeds thank you very much. Also the LTE version is 32GB whereas the GSM is 16GB, considering there is no microSD that extra storage is a big deal.
I'll stick to my unlimited with LTE speeds thank you very much. Also the LTE version is 32GB whereas the GSM is 16GB, considering there is no microSD that extra storage is a big deal.

Where do I sign up for that data plan? Oh, wait...

Yeah- nice for you. A lot of folks who want the Nexus are switching carriers to get it. Personally, i'm looking at a $200 ETF as well as the cost of the phone, and then once I finally switch, it's tiered data. For me, the TMo route makes a lot more sense. For you? Not so much- you're already with VZW with a grandfathered plan. It's like saying "You should just get a $30 SERO plan..." not helpful.
Just FYI. To make a shortcut to the homescreen you have to go into WIDGETS. No more long press on the home screen.