October Nexus Prime rumors

using lmgtfy.com links: the best way to make a person feel like an absolute moron while still being helpful.
Can anyone comment on the "fragile" feeling the Cnet review talks about? They state that all the Samsung devices suffer from this.....


Samsung devices are plastic and light so dumb reviewers will say it's fragile. I've had my Captivate since release and while I've only dropped it a few times it basically looks like I just took it out of the box. I don't even need a screen protector or case with this phone. The same reviewers will say the iphone 4 has the best build quality of any phone on the market while it basically requires a case. If you drop an iphone 4, chances are either the back or front are done for.
How can it perform "extremely well" and at the same time get it's ass kicked by an iP4S?

Usually the reviewer says something like "considering how many pixels the GPU is driving, it performed extremely well." It's like that one dude who pulls a semi-truck by a rope using his teeth... the truck doesn't move very fast, but the fact that he can do it makes his performance extremely good. I dunno... to me all this means is that the optimizations in ICS are well done, and that devices with better graphics chips will reap even more benefits.

My Evo 3D has been registering phantom screen taps for the past week, and after trolling the XDA forums, it seems as though this isn't an uncommon problem... this is just the excuse I need to justify buying a new phone. Part of me doesn't want to leave Sprint though- the integration with Google Voice has been really awesome... receiving calls on my laptop is great when i'm inside a building with poor reception, and sending/receiving SMS in Chrome has been really convenient.
I think the Nexus has a curved front glass so it can survive a front drop. Drop it face first and most likely only the top and bottom edges will sustain damage/scuffs. The backside is plastic and can take a million drops.
I think the Nexus has a curved front glass so it can survive a front drop. Drop it face first and most likely only the top and bottom will sustain damage/scuffs. The backside is plastic and can take a million drops.

Assuming you drop it on a completely flat/level surface. If there's any rocks or debris on the ground, it would probably still reach the center surface somewhere. Not that it should hurt it much anyways since the screen is fortified and seems to take a key pretty well.

Seems like Verizon will not be launching this phone this week now :mad:. If anything was happening today, we should have heard it by now.
Yeah, today is the 21st and no release apparently. Unless they are planning a black friday release it seems unlikely that it is coming this week.
I just noticed that you can get the GSM 16gb version from ebay because of the UK release. The $850 price is a little much though. But hey, if you have to have it now....
I just noticed that you can get the GSM 16gb version from ebay because of the UK release. The $850 price is a little much though. But hey, if you have to have it now....

This guy ordered his here for $700.

Still way too much for a 16GB phone though. I'm on Verizon too, so I'm stuck waiting for the CDMA/LTE version :mad:. I refuse to leave my unlimited data plan on the carrier with the best coverage in the US. I live right outside of an LTE city too.
By the time it comes out, we're gonna be debating Nexus or Padfone. :(

And I might just have to go with Asus on that one.
Bit relieved at the reviews to be honest. If they had all been glowing I'd be tempted to spend $300 and upgrade.
So I figured that this would be a good place to ask instead of in the Hot Deals section.

Many phones are .01 at Amazon right now, and I want to get either the Rezound or Razer since the GN isn't releasing yet. I am leaning towards the HTC Rezound myself.

My question is can I do the "Add a line (new contract)" option under Existing Customers with family plan? The other option "I am part of a family account" price is still $230. I am eligible for the 2 year upgrade on my phone right now, so is this possible in anyway?

Google finally fixed the storage specs on their page. to reflect 32 GBs of storage. I wasn't worried about it in the first place though because they had the GSM/HSPA+ version listed with only 16 GBs too and we all know that isn't true.

So I figured that this would be a good place to ask instead of in the Hot Deals section.

Many phones are .01 at Amazon right now, and I want to get either the Rezound or Razer since the GN isn't releasing yet. I am leaning towards the HTC Rezound myself.

My question is can I do the "Add a line (new contract)" option under Existing Customers with family plan? The other option "I am part of a family account" price is still $230. I am eligible for the 2 year upgrade on my phone right now, so is this possible in anyway?


The $.01 deals are for new contracts only, not for re-newing a contract. Every enticing deal on Amazon is like this because they make more money off of new contracts than they do keeping existing customers. The only way I see you getting that deal is if you call them and see if they'll be nice enough to extend the deal to you for a re-newal. If you do that though, be sure to post back what they tell you because I'm in the exact same situation :(.
Add-a-line deals are still a new contract and should be eligible for any other new line deals.
Add-a-line deals are still a new contract and should be eligible for any other new line deals.

Not sure how it would be logical to add a line (and another $40+/month to your bill) that you don't need just for a new phone though..?

That video basically just made me 100% certain I'm getting a Galaxy Nexus.

We complain about benchmarks a lot and the state of its hardware but in real usage, everyone has basically said it's the best device there is. That video kind of shows it. Of course the SG2/Rezound/Razr will get ICS as well, but the Nexus will always be a step ahead of them in versions and at the pace that the video shows, the hardware bump of Exynos might not show a noticeable improvement, besides gaming.

Even for graphics, it runs Riptide flawlessly at 720p.

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That video basically just made me 100% certain I'm getting a Galaxy Nexus.

We complain about benchmarks a lot and the state of its hardware but in real usage, everyone has basically said it's the best device there is. That video kind of shows it. Of course the SG2/Rezound/Razr will get ICS as well, but the Nexus will always be a step ahead of them in versions and at the pace that the video shows, the hardware bump of Exynos might not show a noticeable improvement, besides gaming.

Even for graphics, it runs Riptide flawlessly at 720p.


That's about how good I am at Riptide, lol.

I'll be interested to see how well it runs games released 8 months from now. My Incredible couldn't even run games that came out in the same year it was released.
Slashgear has reviews of GN and ICS.

Interesting note:
Although the TI dual-core is capable of 1.2GHz in the Galaxy Nexus (the chip itself is offered at up to 1.5GHz in other devices) during our testing it spent less than 5-percent of its time at that speed. In fact, over 85-percent of the time the CPU was running at just 350MHz, with the remainder somewhere around the 700-850MHz point. That aggressive throttling – and the fact that the phone never felt slow – is testament to Ice Cream Sandwich’s frugality and refinement.

Only real fault is with the camera in low light situations. Everyone's still waiting on the LTE to test battery life, though.
Well the slashgreat review was kind of lame. Doesn't really cover things like reception; phone call quality; battery life; ability to lock on a weak signal and so forth. I suppose those things might only be important to myself but those are also the areas samsung has been less than stellar.
Well the slashgreat review was kind of lame. Doesn't really cover things like reception; phone call quality; battery life; ability to lock on a weak signal and so forth. I suppose those things might only be important to myself but those are also the areas samsung has been less than stellar.

Well if you're in the US, all of those factors can be considerably different on the CDMA/LTE version on Verizon, so I don't think it would have told us much compared to what we'll actually have in hand here. Esp. considering that the Verizon version will have a bigger battery since it has LTE, but if you disable LTE/4G (I will since I don't live/work in an 4G area), I'd say you'd get pretty good battery life.
Galaxy Nexus to be launched in December.

Update to this post here - Verizon has launch for 11/28, but there are supply issues.

I'm skeptical on 12/8 to be honest. 12/15 or 12/22 anyone?

If they pushed it to near Christmas, I'm afraid there would be Verizon stores getting Molotovs thrown through their windows, lol.

I was really hoping to have this phone for Thanksgiving :(. Oh well, my Droid is running pretty good now that I have a stock ROM on it, so I guess I can tolerate it a bit longer still.
If they pushed it to near Christmas, I'm afraid there would be Verizon stores getting Molotovs thrown through their windows, lol.

I was really hoping to have this phone for Thanksgiving :(. Oh well, my Droid is running pretty good now that I have a stock ROM on it, so I guess I can tolerate it a bit longer still.

My droid is running worse than ever. When I get phone calls it takes so long for it to start responding that I miss the call. I recently wiped it and started fresh so I don't know what the issue is.

So, what great phone is supposed to come out next? How long until the next latest and greatest phone is supposed to be released? If something is supposed to come in January and I'm still waiting for the galaxy nexus in December.....
So, what great phone is supposed to come out next? How long until the next latest and greatest phone is supposed to be released? If something is supposed to come in January and I'm still waiting for the galaxy nexus in December.....

The only decent phone I know of coming to Verizon after the Nexus is the Droid 4, which seems to be a RAZR with a keyboard. It may be clocked slightly higher or have an OMAP 4460 instead of the 4430 (higher clocked GPU and CPU is rated up to 1.5 GHz - same as the Nexus). That's just my speculation though, no real specs have been leaked yet, I'm just going off of leaked photos since it's shaped similarly to the RAZR.

After that, who knows. I'm not sure of those quad-core HTC phones are going to be on Verizon immediately or not, but they're not due out until Spring anyways. So the Nexus should definitely be among the best for the foreseeable future (next 4-5 months, which is a long time for a smart phone these days).
If they pushed it to near Christmas, I'm afraid there would be Verizon stores getting Molotovs thrown through their windows, lol.

I was really hoping to have this phone for Thanksgiving :(. Oh well, my Droid is running pretty good now that I have a stock ROM on it, so I guess I can tolerate it a bit longer still.

I was hoping for the same, but it would seem to be Samsung's fault and not Verizon's.

The only decent phone I know of coming to Verizon after the Nexus is the Droid 4, which seems to be a RAZR with a keyboard. It may be clocked slightly higher or have an OMAP 4460 instead of the 4430 (higher clocked GPU and CPU is rated up to 1.5 GHz - same as the Nexus). That's just my speculation though, no real specs have been leaked yet, I'm just going off of leaked photos since it's shaped similarly to the RAZR.

After that, who knows. I'm not sure of those quad-core HTC phones are going to be on Verizon immediately or not, but they're not due out until Spring anyways. So the Nexus should definitely be among the best for the foreseeable future (next 4-5 months, which is a long time for a smart phone these days).

I think the 4460 is the best case scenario for the Droid 4. The shots of the prototype/beta show no removable battery, which sucks. I really hope all Android phones don't go to a non-removable battery.

If you're not rooting, any Verizon phone since the Droid 1 has taken forever to get updates. So if you care about having the latest software on your phone without having to install custom ROMs, a Nexus on Verizon is a big deal. It's not looking good for custom ROMs on the Razr and likely the Droid 4 as well.
I think the 4460 is the best case scenario for the Droid 4. The shots of the prototype/beta show no removable battery, which sucks. I really hope all Android phones don't go to a non-removable battery.

Well it seems like we'll soon be finding out about the Droid 4. It might be launching along side the Nexus. Pretty crazy how Moto is crapping all over themselves nowadays. Launching the RAZR barely 2 months after the Bionic and now the Droid 4 within a few months of the Droid 3. Good news for me though because my wife is due for upgrade on the 12th and she prefers a physical keyboard, so this might be the perfect upgrade and Christmas present for her.
I want to get excited for the possibility of a $199.99 price, but part of me keeps thinking, "There's no way that's actually real. Flagship for $199.99? Not happening."

I suppose we'll find out tomorrow then!
hmmmm, will the verizon one have the Penta-Band GSM radios in it as well (to make it world phone ofc...) ?