Nominations: [H]ard|DC'er of the Month for December

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Dec 13, 2004
It's that time again folders, lets get those names in the hat!

Thread Rules:

(1) Post Once (1x) in this thread.
(2) Nominate One (1x) person and ONLY One (1x) person.

At a random time in the future the person(s) with the MOST nominations will
thrown in the Cage... err.. in another poll thread at least.. for you to VOTE on..
Just like last time, only this time we have more time to decide who gets the
[H]onor of being the next [H]ard|DC'er of the Month!

You can only be the [H]|DC'r once in a years time.

(We will keep a running tally in this spot as the nominations come in)

(7) - Viper
(5) - BillR
(2) - Moose
(2) - p[H]ant0m
(4) - Marty
(3) - FLECOM
(2) - Mohonri
(1) - SuperMen
(1) - Steve (aka "THE MAN")
Alright I have been thinking. We wouldn't have the team it is today if it wasn't for one person. He doesn't post here really but he prob theh reason 95% of us are here. lets not forget Steve and all his great pimpage!!!!!

Third for Viper :D He's been nominated the past two months and lost both times, now that King_N has his title Viper needs one ;)

Viper87227 said:
I'm gunna give my nod to p[h]antom this time.

:eek: You love me, you really love me!!!!

Yeah.... I think I need to quit taking my cold medicine, its making me loopy.

Loopy enough to nominate marty for all his antics. ;)
I nominate BillR cuz he's a grumpy old right wing asshole.


:D :) :D
Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! Moose! ...

AlmightyMoose said:
indeed, it is.
*blush* Gee, thanks! But I'm (relatively) new here...better to give the kudos to the long-suffering veterans...

This is one place you don't have to worry if you are a n00b or not... you are part of the team... and you have done something that others consider worthy of mentioning... thats what matters.
the kudos go to those that contribute, in whatever way they can/do.... whether a noob or a veteran, or somewhere in the middle...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

I nominate Darktiger :D

MooseEdit: Didn't you try this last time too? You cannot give a nod to yourself. :p
LMAO @ Darktiger!
hey next month you vote for me i vote for you:D sound good lol :cool:
KodiakStar said:
This is one place you don't have to worry if you are a n00b or not... you are part of the team... and you have done something that others consider worthy of mentioning... thats what matters.

Well said K*. We all do what we can no matter how big or small. The fact that you are helping the cause is all that matters. :)
BillR : cause he is always helpful, really helpful at that Place-That-Must-Not-Be-Named here. Always ready to give advice and assistance to those needing folding help, or building a new boxen. He will even go and dig up web-sites for you, in answer of a question you might have. Yip, BillR. All the way.

Ciao for now .....
BillR...your treading on thin ice!

You should just withdraw yourself when you can. We would hate to see any... accidents... with your boxen
Viper87227 said:
BillR...your treading on thin ice!

You should just withdraw yourself when you can. We would hate to see any... accidents... with your boxen
More videos! :D

Keep the chatter to the voting thread guys :) Its hard enough to figure out what some of you post already, let alone seeing how many nominations someone has ;)
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