NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

Yep, I have my fingers crossed. As soon as an etailer with good return policy like Dell or Amazon has it in stock, I'm going to order it blind. I'll be testing it against my 2209WA and decide which I like better. I prefer the 23" 1080p resolution and if the panel is similar in quality otherwise to the Dell eips, it will be a keeper. In any event, if it sucks, I guess I'll send it back, but I think this will be a great monitor.
Is this glossy? I have the WMGX2 and I would NEVER NEVER buy a monitor that didn't have the glossy "opticlear" coating. Everything else is like looking through a screen door.

My mail-order for one is already in at B & H Photo. Their website has stated that they will receive these units in 7-14 days. And orders already placed will ship first. By the way, the unit will also come in a silver/white color, but I haven't seen anything but the "BK" (black) model to pre-order, so far.

Anyway, I'm certainly looking forward to getting the EA231WMi, even though it will be only a moderate upgrade from a Dell 2005FPW, which has been super.

Peace to you all,
C. Livingstone
Is this glossy? I have the WMGX2 and I would NEVER NEVER buy a monitor that didn't have the glossy "opticlear" coating. Everything else is like looking through a screen door.

No. Not glossy. The new Apple 24" ACD is the only glossy IPS I can think of.

The Apple 24" Cinema Display has glass over the panel, so it isn't really glossy, is it?

Wouldn't it be considered "glassy", instead?

Peace to you all,
C. Livingstone
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No. Not glossy. The new Apple 24" ACD is the only glossy IPS I can think of.

This just shattered all my hopes and dreams. I'm dying to replace my WMGX2 with a 1080p panel like it so I can mirror it easily with my Kuro. The WMGX2 stubbornly looks better than everything else I've tried and has more than acceptable input lag.
This just shattered all my hopes and dreams. I'm dying to replace my WMGX2 with a 1080p panel like it so I can mirror it easily with my Kuro. The WMGX2 stubbornly looks better than everything else I've tried and has more than acceptable input lag.

I know how you feel. I'd love to see a 23"+ glossy ips lcd like the 20WMGX2 but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. This new NEC or maybe the Dell U2410 looks like the closest thing to a successor to my GX2.
I am happy they aren't going glossy. Numerous polls here show that in spite of a very vocal glossy fan group, they are the minority and most of us prefer screens without the reflections.
The problem is LG IPS panels tend to have a grainy anti-glare coating. The first generation H-IPS panels had a mild coating, but it looks like newer panels have gone back to the grainy coating. I wish the coating wasn't so aggressive.
I am not a fan of super-glossy displays, but I also don't like very grainy anti-glare coatings - they make text look less crisp and cause the occasional sparkly.
As the initial poster to this thread, it has been a long wait.

B+H I saw reading this thread will have them for $369 which is a really good price plus I like the NEC Quality. Will wait closer to year end but it seems like this is right now the one to get and is a reasonably priced IPS 23" with true HD quality.

Waiting for B+H to get stock so I can see it in person. And if I like it will buy. I am using a 19" Hitachi CRT but will likely get a new monitor soon.

I don't know what other competition is out on the market, but this NEC looks sweet.

The old days were the days of Sony, NEC, Hitachi and the like.

Today, the IPS is the superior panel and the NEC will likely take the cake with this new model. The price is within range and reasonable and NEC has a good and solid reputation.

This is my top contender right now. I haven't followed up on the LG Flatron models, but the NEC seems like it has everything I could ask for.
Hi fellow members,
My name is Aaron and I have been watching this forum and thread for a while and came upon it while searching for more info on the NEC you are all discussing. I am going to use it for Photoshop for my photography and it seems like the best quality for the money that I can find. As mentioned it looks like it will not be in stock anywhere for a low price anytime soon. That's probably good because I don't have the funds right away for this sort of thing. I look forward too the info and reviews we can all find on this product!
As for the Frog wallpaper I kind of made my own from a close up of the monitor. It works for smaller monitors with little distortion.
My current 19" now uses 125 watts of current for my CRT based display. The new 23" will use 28 watts of current in Eco-mode. I also have seperate Harmon Kardon speakers but the sound has a lot of static in it even though it has a subwoofer with 2 small speakers.

It is quite possible that the electricity savings will pay for this monitor and some on my electrical bills.

I am thinking 75 kwh savings on a per month basis which varies month to month but costs roughly 20 cents per kw/h on a monthly basis.

So a maximum total reduction in cost of $15 a month on my electric bills assuming 24/7 monitor usage but since I don't and it goes into standby mode or I shut it off, it probably will come to somewhat less. So lets say maybe $100 a year reduction. In 3 and a half years, the monitor is paid for with electricity price reduction and then will cost me even less down the road.

So I guess this is a good deal for me.
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It looks like the new AMD video cards will all have DisplayPort, and I need to upgrade my video card, too, so I'm really getting excited about taking this monitor for a spin when it arrives, and I'm a lot less bothered about the lack of HDMI now. My order is still on ETA to ship out Sept 16. Can't wait!
Just a heads up to anyone looking to order this monitor now and doesn't mind waiting til stock arrives. The Dell U2410 thread has a 20% off coupon code for the small business dell store that also works on the NEC EA231WMi. You make out like a bandit at $331 + free shipping, you just have to wait until NEC actually releases these things (I think the latest rumor is next month??).

The coupon expires on the 13th so you can't wait on the fence too long about this. I'm putting a lot of trust in NEC's reputation with IPS panels, but I think I'm gonna go out on a limb and take the NEC over the Dell without my usual obsessive consulting of reviews and consumer reports since there aren't any out yet.

That extra $150 a U2410 + coupon would cost is tough to swallow. I can't see myself absolutely requiring the extra pixel space of the U2410, it uses more juice, and there are already complaints about backlight uniformity/reflectivity issues that I wouldn't want to put up with at that pricepoint. At $330 I'd be a little more forgiving of such an issue. My main requirements are covered with this panel: sRGB, displayport, and IPS (and it comes with a handy dandy handle! :p). Some people absolutely must have that extra vertical space, but I see myself using this mostly for media and games so as long as it does 1080p I'm a pig in shit.
$330ish with coupon isn't a steal. Remember $379 is list price. $369 is the preorder price. Prices will drop further when stock comes in.

We will see this in the high $200's or very low $300s later on. People who buy preorder in most cases pay more with exceptions and you know when those are. This is not a case of that.

However the Dell coupon may indeed be the best preorder price right now for the time being.

I plan on waiting further myself and will try to get this monitor for less. $330.00 is just too high a price for me.
$330ish with coupon isn't a steal. Remember $379 is list price. $369 is the preorder price. Prices will drop further.

+ shipping ~= $400 for almost every site I've seen it pre-listed. $330 is a savings of $70 which is a large chunk of change, at least to me anyway. Not to mention a good return policy and a reputable store.
For most people, preorders are generally (with few exceptions) not the best way to buy electronics.

After the item comes in stock, certain distributors will push out items. The list price is $379.00 on this item. Actual dealer cost can be significantly less on these items. $331 with free shipping may be the best price today, but when these start shipping and arriving out to distributors, you will be able to get even better prices on it.

Not sure why you are so desperate to buy it from a store where it is pre-listed. Even just buying on the day it arrives to the vendor can yield savings but more savings come after the vendors know what the inventory and sales levels are like.

People should wait on this deal. It is not a superior deal in any respect. I am waiting myself and will indeed see prices lower than $331.00 on this item in the future. Yes reputable stores will have it. Dell is by no means the cheapest vendor nor most reputable on items which are not their own branded items.

I save $10 approx in electricity costs on a per month basis with this monitor. A lower initial pricepoint over $331 and it will come is more important than the $10 in lost savings for the month for me.

A 1-2 month delay means $20 more in electrical bills but a lower initial cost on the monitor itself which will exceed $20.00.
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$330ish with coupon isn't a steal. Remember $379 is list price. $369 is the preorder price. Prices will drop further when stock comes in.

We will see this in the high $200's or very low $300s later on. People who buy preorder in most cases pay more with exceptions and you know when those are. This is not a case of that.

However the Dell coupon may indeed be the best preorder price right now for the time being.

I plan on waiting further myself and will try to get this monitor for less. $330.00 is just too high a price for me.

High $200s sounds too optimistic, from a $379 MRP. This NEC looks to sell since I'm sure were all tired of seeing a TN panel being release every two months. This looks like my next monitor for my Windows 7 build, luckly October 22 is still a little over a month off, so there should be plenty of people reviewing and testing the monitor.

Suprisingly, the link to Dell website indicates in their specifications that this is a TN panel, and Dell is selling it for $414.99. Not in stock though.
Not sure why you are so desperate to buy it from a store where it is pre-listed. Even just buying on the day it arrives to the vendor can yield savings but more savings come after the vendors know what the inventory and sales levels are like.

I really just don't think this is going to come that far down in price that quickly as you are expecting. Like I said I very rarely pre-order electronics without consulting reviews for days on end, but I'm dying to get a new monitor and I will have one this fall, no way around it. It's down to the U2410 and the EA231 and this just seems like the best deal out there for the foreseeable future. Still gonna sit on it and let it marinate a couple of days, but I really think I'm gonna hop on this before the coupon expires on Sunday.

I could see this monitor getting down to $300 or maybe even below that on a black Friday deal or around Christmas. Sometimes those deals are their own brand of pain in the ass to cash in on tho: mail in rebates, waking up at 3AM to camp out for in-store only deals with crazy ridiculous demand, etc.

Considering there isn't exactly much competition for IPS panels in this price range why would the retailers budge so much in the next 3 months? I'm not exactly sure why you're so confident that this $330 price point would become the norm or even overpriced by year's end or by the time this thing comes out officially...if you have some insider info about that I think we'd all like to know :D
No insider information. But computer equipment purchases just aren't on the radar screen of most people right now.

You can do yourself a pricetrend search on NEC Monitors.

Case in point:

NEC 22" E222W-BK Widescreen LCD Monitor, Black

First price it was out for is greater than $295 when inventories came in.

Just 1 and a half months later the lowest price found was $240.00.

According to a quick websearch the list price is $295.90 and I have no clue if it went through a price adjustment.

$295.90 to $240.00

10% off is $29.50
20% off is $59

Slightly under 20% off MSRP discount.

$379.00 MSRP on this one. So assume 20% off MSRP give or take:

$303.20. Considering the MSRP is higher on this one, likely it will be found greater than 20% off or better plus its also later in the year as well.

$331.00 is just not a good enough deal for me. I realize even the lowest prices can fluctuate on items and this model I posted on actually went up after the $240 was out to $260ish. However this was AFTER the item came out.

So I will say after it comes out and after there are inventories, if the price dips to a very nice level don't hesitate to buy. But a preorder discounted price with coupon? Not good enough.

My own feeling says with a coupon from a vendor AFTER this monitor comes out I will be able to do even better than 20% off and get this monitor for less than $300 and Im talking no more than 3 months after this monitor hits the streets at latest. I cant say what degree under $300 I will find it for, could be $239.00 $269.00 or $299.00 for all I know and its variable. But I will say under $300 is very likely.
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I don't think this display has any fancy video processing or lut or any of that. The input lag should hopefully be decent enough for gaming.

Here's a pic of the NEC EA231WMi in the silver/white color.

That would match my Mac Mini very well. But most all of my other computer stuff is black, including a new Ergotron arm, so I'll be happy with a black unit. But the Ergotron arms come in silver, too, for those with a lot of Mac stuff in silver.

About the Ergotron LX Desk Mount arm; it's very cool. But I did discard the base clamping mechanism, and I welded the heavier duty clamp from an older arm to the Ergotron 1.5" tube/pole, as I mounted it upside down, from an upper shelf. And I would have done that even if I mounted it the normal way, as this arm (with the extension arm) extends about 24" from the mounting pole, which is great, but really requires a sturdier base and clamp mechanism when extending a monitor out at that length, even for monitors under 20 pounds, I think. I've got my Dell 2005FPW on it now, which is close to the same weight of the NEC EA231WMi. And I really like the Ergotron, not just for it's long extension ability, but because it has a mechanism that allows it to raise and lower easily, via an adjustable tensioning cam that makes a monitor seem weightless.

Peace to you all,
C. Livingstone

Here's a pic of the NEC EA231WMi in the silver/white color.

That would match my Mac Mini very well. But most all of my other computer stuff is black, including a new Ergotron arm, so I'll be happy with a black unit. But the Ergotron arms come in silver, too, for those with a lot of Mac stuff in silver.

About the Ergotron LX Desk Mount arm; it's very cool. But I did discard the base clamping mechanism, and I welded the heavier duty clamp from an older arm to the Ergotron 1.5" tube/pole, as I mounted it upside down, from an upper shelf. And I would have done that even if I mounted it the normal way, as this arm (with the extension arm) extends about 24" from the mounting pole, which is great, but really requires a sturdier base and clamp mechanism when extending a monitor out at that length, even for monitors under 20 pounds, I think. I've got my Dell 2005FPW on it now, which is close to the same weight of the NEC EA231WMi. And I really like the Ergotron, not just from it's long extension ability, but because it has a mechanism that allows it to raise and lower easily, via an adjustable tensioning cam that makes a monitor seem weightless.

Peace to you all,
C. Livingstone

Here's a pic of the NEC EA231WMi in the silver/white color.

That would match my Mac Mini very well. But most all of my other computer stuff is black, including a new Ergotron arm, so I'll be happy with a black unit. But the Ergotron arms come in silver, too, for those with a lot of Mac stuff in silver.

About the Ergotron LX Desk Mount arm; it's very cool. But I did discard the base clamping mechanism, and I welded the heavier duty clamp from an older arm to the Ergotron 1.5" tube/pole, as I mounted it upside down, from an upper shelf. And I would have done that even if I mounted it the normal way, as this arm (with the extension arm) extends about 24" from the mounting pole, which is great, but really requires a sturdier base and clamp mechanism when extending a monitor out at that length, even for monitors under 20 pounds, I think. I've got my Dell 2005FPW on it now, which is close to the same weight of the NEC EA231WMi. And I really like the Ergotron, not just from it's long extension ability, but because it has a mechanism that allows it to raise and lower easily, via an adjustable tensioning cam that makes a monitor seem weightless.

Peace to you all,
C. Livingstone
Holy Schmoly!

My WiFi hit a speed bump, yet had a better short term memory than I thought.

Sorry, Gang!

C. Livingstone
anyone know anything about this "rapid response" technology that NEC advertises. the monitor is listed with a response time of 14ms but then says it uses rapid response to get response times "as quick as 4ms"

what gives?

any other U2410 vs EA231WMi comparison insights?
Don't worry about it. The Dell 2007WFP had like 16ms response time and it was fine for gaming. My NEC 20WMGX2 has a specified response time of 6ms but it's more like 10ms really.
Well, I decided to temporarily cancel my order w/Dell after seeing the SB deals and feeling a bit gilted. I have a month or so before I need it anyhow. I normally get it from SB but got antsy and just used Dell home for the EPP discount (a mere 7%). I have to say I've purchased from Dell "Home" and Dell SB and the cust service difference is night and day, with SB being 110% better.

That 20% discount is great, but they come up from time to time. I'm confident Dell will lower their list price a bit and another coupon will be available. If I had not ordered it and knew I could go through the cancellation, I would have taken that 20% discount but its now over. I really don't think you're going to get much better than 330 w/free shipping on this unit until 2010. Looking forward to the next one, or a vendor with same return policy & price!
any info on the type of coating that NEC uses for this display?

I don't want the same coating my DELL 2007WFP has, it's too grainy and sparkly. Therefore the Dell U2410 is of my list.

The NEC EA231VM has a matte screen finish.

S. Balgaroo
NEC Display Service & Support
Telephone: 1-800-632-4662

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Sep 13, 2009 6:43:43 PM
Subject: Question about NEC EA231WMi


I'm wondering if the new NEC EA231WMi has a glossy or antiglare coating on
the surface of the


Thank you
Here's another email response from them:


The unit will support standard DVI /VGA computer signals, please be aware that this a computer monitor and not a TV.
1080i is 1920 x 1080 is supported
480i is 720 x 480 not supported
The grainy versus Soft look is more subjective , to my eyes it looks more grainy than soft.

S. Balgaroo
NEC Display Service & Support
Telephone: 1-800-632-4662

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sep 14, 2009 8:28:06 PM
Subject: NEC EA231WMi


I have a question about the NEC EA231WMi.

Does this monitor accept interlaced resolutions such as 1080i or 480i?

Also, the matte finish on the screen surface, is it soft or more grainy

Thank you.
According to a few retailers various people have talked to, NEC didn't start distribution until the 15th or 16th. We should hopefully hear in a week or so, assuming NEC didn't push the dates back.