MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

I still hate the VTOLs....usually just enough lag they that jump making it difficult to shoot them down.
I know the Tbolt cant target on its own. Just wondering if you can lockon with the NARC from a vtol, or does it just shoot straight out. It seems like it homes in.

i have yet to see a tbolt follow a target when i am in that aerospace always goes straight where the pointer was at the time i fired it
Not many yet, but then again it's definitely BETA, it's a large download, and it's not newb-friendly. There are some annoying issues, but the next patch should fix some of them.
i have yet to see a tbolt follow a target when i am in that aerospace always goes straight where the pointer was at the time i fired it

the Tbolt will only target the narc but it cant move very much.. so you have to be pointing right at the person and they cant really be moving.. great on tanks and catapults sitting on hill sides firing rockets or arrows..
How many people play this? I haven't installed it yet.
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i can tell you theres anywhere from 500-700 people seeding the insall files via torrents at times which is a decent indicator of the install base i would say, have never had an issue finding full/semi full rooms to play in either, any night of the week there's at least one room if not more with 20 people or more in the room, of course it depends on where you are too, im on the eastern side of the US, and all the CHH servers based in chicago are almost always having players and i get the best ping there too
i can tell you theres anywhere from 500-700 people seeding the insall files via torrents at times which is a decent indicator of the install base i would say, have never had an issue finding full/semi full rooms to play in either, any night of the week there's at least one room if not more with 20 people or more in the room, of course it depends on where you are too, im on the eastern side of the US, and all the CHH servers based in chicago are almost always having players and i get the best ping there too

there was something like 1400 people that downloaded the torrent file.. ive been seeding it since release day and im already over 60 gigs seeded back on it.. im not at home right now so i cant check how many times it's been downloaded since utorrent gives that information but last i checked it was at 1400 completed downloads..
there was something like 1400 people that downloaded the torrent file.. ive been seeding it since release day and im already over 60 gigs seeded back on it.. im not at home right now so i cant check how many times it's been downloaded since utorrent gives that information but last i checked it was at 1400 completed downloads..

On my mirror I have seen additional 600 direct downloads so the total available user base has to be quite large. Yes, the beta status and rough edges have definitely turned many off but if you look at the activity on their forums there are still many active players.
new patch out!!!

You may grab the updates from the following mirrors:;sa=downfile;id=80;sa=downfile;id=82

Many new features, game balancing changes and bug fixes have worked their way into this update, so please familiarize yourself with the release notes found below!

Installation is very simple!

Extract straight into your Crysis directory.

NOTE: You do not need to have the hot fix installed to update to this patch. This patch will overwrite all files updated by the hotfix and thus will work with or without the hot fix.

Version 0.1.0
- Damage drop off added to Heavy Gauss after 300m.
- Increased damage of all Gauss (except Heavy Gauss).
- Increased Gauss and Clan Gauss ammo per ton from 8 to 12.
- Increased LRM ammo per ton from 120 to 240.
- Decreased SRM ammo per ton from 240 to 120. Increased radius of splash damage.
- Decreased NARC ammo per ton from 6 to 4.
- NARCs no longer emit a signal if they attach to the ground.
- Decreased Medium and Large Pulse Lasers damage.
- Increased damage of all Beam Lasers. Lowered heat of ERLBL.
- Decreased Clan ERPPC heat and increased PPC heat. Increased heat transferred to targets for all PPCs.
- Decreased heat transferred to targets by Flamers.
- Increased RAC2 and RAC5 Damage.
- Increased accuracy of AC2 and AC5. Increased damage to light armor (Battle Armor, hovercraft, VTOL, aerospace). Decreased damage to heavy armor.
- Decreased turn rate of Arrow IV.
- Decreased Battle Armor health regen when moving (from 40 seconds for full health to 60 seconds).
- Decreased Battle Armor health from 150 health to 125 health.
- Inferno charges now add heat to vehicles they detonate on.
- A mech's back torso can now be repaired once destroyed.
- Improved Harasser drivability.
- Changed Harasser C weapon loadout.
- Slightly decreased Partisan armor.
- Decreased Huitzilopochtli heat efficiency and increased price.
- Increased price of Sulla B.
- Increased price of Shiva C.
- Increased MASC speed boost amount.
- Increased mech turn rate.
- Increased Owens and Uller top speed.
- Increased price of Hollander II. Changed weapon loadouts of Hollander II B and C.
- Changed weapon loadout of the Vulture B.
- Changed weapon loadouts and improved heat efficiency of MadCat A, B, and C.
- Changed weapon loadouts of Mauler A and C. Improved heat efficiency of Mauler A, B, and C.
- Changed weapon loadout of MadCat MKII B.
- Changed weapon loadouts of Atlas A, B, and C
- Increased point requirements for every rank.
- Increased CBill rewards for damage.
- Increased rewards for killing Battle Armor.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed several crashes.
- Fixed bug where NARC and TAG gave extremely large rewards.
- Fixed bug where your rank and cbills were not saved after reconnecting.
- Fixed bug that allowed tanks to greatly increase their speed.
- Fixed being able to fire some weapons while shutdown.
- Fixed LBX being able to reload a shot higher than max.
- Fixed bug where shooting pulse lasers into the sky would cause much higher heat than normal.
- Fixed bug where pulse lasers could shoot multiple bursts at a time.
- Missiles no longer explode on contact with water.
- Mechs no longer play their fall animation for short falls.
- Fixed turrets firing randomly after firing once.
- Aerospace can now buy SRM ammo.
- Mechs no longer shutdown after the pilots ejects.
- Brake now works on vehicles with ramping throttle.
- Fixed some of the arm parts on the Shadowcat not falling off.
- Fixed bug where a mech's shutdown sound would loop.
- Fixed PPC third person effect.
- Fixed player name display in the target box.
- Fixed TAG graphic display at certain distances.
- Ammo display now hides empty ammo types.
- Fixed ammo count displays in buy menu.
- Removed some of the console debug messages.

New Features
- Aerospace equipped with fire bombs now have a bomb sight to assist in aiming.
- Added Aerospace altimeter.
- Added new C3 equipment, which allows a mech to upload their radar data to friendlies within a certain radius. Available on the Raven and Cougar.
- New radar icons for turrets and Battle Armor.
- Friendlies and detected radar entities are displayed on the overview minimap.
- Added a random chance for parts to blow off when a mech or vehicle explodes.
- Kills, deaths, and score are now tracked if you disconnect and reconnect during the same game.

- Reduced server network and cpu usage, especially during large fights.
- Heavily optimized usage of sound channels.
Anyone else having trouble registering for their forums? They have that stupid question after the text and no matter what option I chose it says that I have to confirm im human.

Just installed though and while it does have a bit of a learning curve im having a hell of a time. Never really played many mech games or anything before. Still trying to figure out what mechs I like. Been playing around with the bushwacker B( i think).

BTW, is there a list of the weapons and damage or at least some info on them out there? Like I said I have no prior experience with this type of stuff so half the names dont mean jack to me.
page 12 post 227 of this very thread has some good basic info on weapon naming

i saw you in the server tonight asking about the being human part on the forums....LOL

the answer is a lot simpler than you think, dont think so hard, i forget what it was.....but when i saw it i was like..okay...thats simple LOL
Hmmm I tried every option there was.

Thanks though, ill have to read up. Figures it was only one page back :p
new patch out!!!

and the sound glitches are completely gone!!!!!!! woohoo!

only thing now ive noticed is that im getting some odd texture glitches sometimes.. but i havent had a chance to try it on my system at home to see if its dx9 screwing up or not since the system where im at is using xp still..
and the sound glitches are completely gone!!!!!!! woohoo!

only thing now ive noticed is that im getting some odd texture glitches sometimes.. but i havent had a chance to try it on my system at home to see if its dx9 screwing up or not since the system where im at is using xp still..

Now after the patch im getting random crashes to desktop in game. Usually after a hour or two playing. Trying the shader trick and forcing DX9 to see if that helps.
Now after the patch im getting random crashes to desktop in game. Usually after a hour or two playing. Trying the shader trick and forcing DX9 to see if that helps.

hmm odd.. i had the game open and on a server for like 6 hours though i only played maybe 4 of those hours.. to much multi-tasking.. :p
Anyone know how to change the money you start with when hosting a lan game?

should be on their forum.. saw it a while back.. just search for money cheat or something like that.. cant remember the exact title of the thread..
Patch fixes so much. No audio problems, (Still crashes).

Seems to run much smoother. I did not look at FPS before and after but it feels amazing now.
THis is weird, I forced dx9 mode because they said that fixed alot of crashes. I also lowered all my settings from high to medium becuase on some levels like clearcut I drop into the low 20s in dx10. In dx9 mode on clearcut I was getting 10-15 fps, and just barely staying above 30 on the other maps. I switched back to dx10 with the medium settings, and im getting a 50-60 on other maps and 40ish on clearcut.
i get anywhere from 15-40 fps.. my frame rate tanks between the transition from the hanger to outside then after that it goes right back to 40fps..

what drivers are you using for your gfx card?
I was having crash issues after the latest patch, deleted the shaders folder in documents\crysis and it fixed it.
THis is weird, I forced dx9 mode because they said that fixed alot of crashes. I also lowered all my settings from high to medium becuase on some levels like clearcut I drop into the low 20s in dx10. In dx9 mode on clearcut I was getting 10-15 fps, and just barely staying above 30 on the other maps. I switched back to dx10 with the medium settings, and im getting a 50-60 on other maps and 40ish on clearcut.

i have found similar things going on.....i'll settle with DX10 medium, running the CCC crysis config tool 2.21, and things will run great, after a while it seems to bog down, i mean after a couple days, not hours, so i will load a new DX9 profile and force dx9 at launch.....framerates go way up....for a few days....slows down, switch back to DX10 and all is better again.....its not consistant, its weird
Ive got a 5850 and im using the 9.12, which im assuming has the hotfix becuase I downloaded it from ATi last week.

Ive already deleted the shader folder to see if that helped but nothing. Sucks becuase I still cant register on their site. Apparently im not human.
sounds to me like its the drivers that are the problem..

probably need to go back to 9.10.. i know a few people were saying they had problems with crysis with 9.12 and the hotfix version on the 5k series cards..

you did both anti bot things?
Yea, I tried every option for the second one, multiple times.

Hmm, 9.10 you say? I might have to give them a try later. I almost think it is the mod though, because ive put ~10 hours into crysis itself without any issues. But hey, its a beta, thats the whole point.
so now that its been a few days since the patch was released.. whats your guys opinion on it and are you actually starting the enjoy the game more now that all the sounds actually work?
i down loaded the mod and reinstalled and patched crysis, followed the instruction on how to get the mod working. got the mod to work, went online and couldnt join any of the servers. apparently the verisions were different, so i went to the MML website and downloaded the hotfix and followed the instructions, but the version never changed and still couldnt join any games. so i gave up.
well they released a beta patch to fix a bunch of problems.. you might want to check that out.. should fix your problem.. just make sure you have the 1.21 patch for crysis installed as well..
Looks like I'll wait a few more days or weeks before loading everything. I just wanted to ask, do the mechs work like they did in MW3, etc, or has everything been changed? I was a big MW fan and was really excited about this mod. what should i expect as far as differences go?
Looks like I'll wait a few more days or weeks before loading everything. I just wanted to ask, do the mechs work like they did in MW3, etc, or has everything been changed? I was a big MW fan and was really excited about this mod. what should i expect as far as differences go?

no theres not that much of a difference between MWLL and MW3.. though its more simulation then it is arcade playing like MW3 is.. also MWLL is based off battletech universe vehicles and weapons.. so you wont see retarded crap like LAMS(laser anti-missile system) in the game.. at some point they will add the ability to do mech customization.. but it hasnt been added yet.. also be prepared for planes/vtols since thats essential to battletech..
no theres not that much of a difference between MWLL and MW3.. though its more simulation then it is arcade playing like MW3 is.. also MWLL is based off battletech universe vehicles and weapons.. so you wont see retarded crap like LAMS(laser anti-missile system) in the game.. at some point they will add the ability to do mech customization.. but it hasnt been added yet.. also be prepared for planes/vtols since thats essential to battletech..

So you mean each mech has a stock load and you can't change it, for now?

Can you pilot vtols and and planes?

And actually, I meant MechWarior 4: Vengeance, Mercenaries, etc. Is the game like that?
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So you mean each mech has a stock load and you can't change it, for now?

Can you pilot vtols and and planes?

And actually, I meant MechWarior 4: Vengeance, Mercenaries, etc. Is the game like that?

there are 4 variants of each mech.. very similar to what the mechs suppose to have in the battletech universe.. some are a little different just to balance the game..

yes you can fly the vtols and planes and they are damn fun to do as well..

yeah the games very similar to those.. more similar then to MW3.. but still not as arcade style.. its 100% team based.. if you get a couple idiots on your team that just screw around the whole time then your teams screwed..

my favorite is clear cut being in the vtol and narcing people.. then having 2 or 3 teammates in catapults with Arrow IV missiles just waiting for the narc icon to pop up and firing at them.. fun to watch those huge missiles flying through the air..
I noticed late at night and early in the mornings the morons are out... Trying to explain a narc to them while getting your ass handed to you isn't fun.
I noticed late at night and early in the mornings the morons are out... Trying to explain a narc to them while getting your ass handed to you isn't fun.

Actually what isn't fun is the fact I can be standing in my base and lob out NARCed arrow IVs with impunity the entire match, sometimes without even moving, and get the highest score on the server.

This mod has awful, awful balance problems, which are only made more severe by the insane lag, inability to reliably hit battle armors and aeros, and bitch tactics like being able to eject from my mech, deny someone a kill they had pegged, and then maintain nearly full combat viability as an armored suit.

No other mod has made me feel more guilty or cheap for winning. It's too bad, because I was really hurting for some mechwarrior action, but some of the design choices on this mod are simply unbelievable.
This mod has awful, awful balance problems, which are only made more severe by the insane lag, inability to reliably hit battle armors and aeros, and bitch tactics like being able to eject from my mech, deny someone a kill they had pegged, and then maintain nearly full combat viability as an armored suit.

I agree, this is way too battlefield-esque of a tactic. If they are trying to make a mech sim, the mech cockpits should at least show an armored suit inside of it, not a human wearing a headset..
I agree that the BA is kind of rediculous right now. They really should make it so that you have to choose either that or a mech.

There are other bugs(lag, getting stuck), but you have to keep in mind that this is the very early stages of the beta. And to be honest, I rarely if ever see anyone narcing/tagging people. Most of the time if voice chat is being used at all its to help people figure shit out.

However I still have a hell of a time playing this, I love it(even if i do suck).