MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

I agree that the BA is kind of rediculous right now. They really should make it so that you have to choose either that or a mech.

There are other bugs(lag, getting stuck), but you have to keep in mind that this is the very early stages of the beta. And to be honest, I rarely if ever see anyone narcing/tagging people. Most of the time if voice chat is being used at all its to help people figure shit out.

However I still have a hell of a time playing this, I love it(even if i do suck).

im always narcing.. ill yell at people endlessly to make them start narcing.. usually it works or they leave the server which isnt a problem with me.. friggin irritates me when the whole team is using missile boat tanks/mechs and not a single person in it is narcing or tagging..

screen shots are coming.. if ya want more just let me know and ill post them..

all screen shots were taken with gfx settings set on HIGH @ 1920x1200 with AA and AF off.. depending on the map i avg between 25-55 fps with a GTX 260 216 core @ 648/1404/1188.. this was just a rough screen shot capture.. ill take some more with other maps..



the mech(cougar) is being hit by a Man PPC from a battle armor unit..


sorry for it being blurry the unit was in motion when i took the screen shot..


this is a hawkmoth firing off LRM 10's


hawkmoth cocpit.. notice the ice on the screen.. thats because this map is on an asteroid.. so during the night part its cold.. then when it transitions to day the ice goes away and units overheat quicker..


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damn it man, use some thumbnails.

i would of but imageshack was pissing me the hell off and wouldnt let me upload more then a couple pictures at a time.. then all of a sudden it refreshed and had 100 friggin duplicate images.. so got fed up with it and didnt want to bother making a seperate album for all these pictures and just posted them.. theres about 20 other pictures but ill post them as an album link later tomorrow or something when i feel like dealing with imageshack..
im always narcing.. ill yell at people endlessly to make them start narcing.. usually it works or they leave the server which isnt a problem with me.. friggin irritates me when the whole team is using missile boat tanks/mechs and not a single person in it is narcing or tagging..

To be honest, if my entire team is just camping with missile boats, I wont narc/tag period. That form of gameplay is stupid and I dont want to help them. Now if people are actually working together, or there are only a couple missile boats who actually move around I will narc/tag if Im running a mech with one, however i usually dont.

If the other team is missile boating, I love it. Hop in a madcat C and flank them. Those catapults go down quick to a few volleys from the rear.
To be honest, if my entire team is just camping with missile boats, I wont narc/tag period. That form of gameplay is stupid and I dont want to help them. Now if people are actually working together, or there are only a couple missile boats who actually move around I will narc/tag if Im running a mech with one, however i usually dont.

If the other team is missile boating, I love it. Hop in a madcat C and flank them. Those catapults go down quick to a few volleys from the rear.

lol id own you in that madcat before you could get to me.. :p 6 arrow IV's and your a gonner.. :p
This is the reason the original MechWarrior had laser missile defense. w/o that option, like you said, it's just a long range camp and lob game. In the future, as mechs become customizable, they should have the option of fitting missile defense systems on the load out. Then it would be a chance to not have them, or have a missile boat. they should also have missile guidance jammers that double or triple the lock on time. When you have missiles that you cannot avoid, then obviously it's going to be a missile game.
people are so mean to me in game, I dont know what the fack im doing give me a break. how do you fly forward? lol
people are so mean to me in game, I dont know what the fack im doing give me a break. how do you fly forward? lol

W and shift at the same time if your in the vtol.. W is your upward motion and shift is your forward motion.. but to go forward you have to press both at the same time..

if you need more help let me know what server you are on in pm or in here and ill help you out. if you have AIM or yahoo pm me your name and i can help you out that way as well..
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This is the reason the original MechWarrior had laser missile defense. w/o that option, like you said, it's just a long range camp and lob game. In the future, as mechs become customizable, they should have the option of fitting missile defense systems on the load out. Then it would be a chance to not have them, or have a missile boat. they should also have missile guidance jammers that double or triple the lock on time. When you have missiles that you cannot avoid, then obviously it's going to be a missile game.

they will be adding AMS but not LAMS.. LAMS is retarded and ruined MW4.. also you have to use your terrain to your advantage.. its actually pretty easy to dodge missiles.. if you can see them coming toward you.. after they reach their arc and are coming down if you move foward or left or right then the majority of the missiles will miss you..

there are a ton more mech's and weapons that will be added to the game as the beta continues.. i just hope they get the mech lab setup soon..
That sounds excellent. And yes I remember the best defense against missiles was to track around a corner or behind a mountain. I can't wait to get back into this game.
W and shift at the same time if your in the vtol.. W is your upward motion and shift is your forward motion.. but to go forward you have to press both at the same time..

if you need more help let me know what server you are on in pm or in here and ill help you out. if you have AIM or yahoo pm me your name and i can help you out that way as well..

Wouldn't it be easier to just use one button for forward motion?
Wouldn't it be easier to just use one button for forward motion?

no actually it wouldnt.. because the way vtols work is that they need an upward motion to fly.. without the upward push they fall like rocks.. so if you were saying flying in a straight line you would be falling as you went forward.. they have stubby wings so they have 0 lift.. they are basically helicopters without the big propeller on top of it..
ahh makes sense i finally got my first kill from the skies. PEW PEW DIE mech turds! EHHHE EHEHEHEHE EHEHE EPEW PEW
lol id own you in that madcat before you could get to me.. :p 6 arrow IV's and your a gonner.. :p

Thats why I go passive and sneak up beside you.

As others said, On some maps its easy to dodge missiles. Thats why I dislike clearcut, its so flat that you have nothing to block the missiles. And of course clearcut always becomes a big missile boat war.
Thats why I go passive and sneak up beside you.

As others said, On some maps its easy to dodge missiles. Thats why I dislike clearcut, its so flat that you have nothing to block the missiles. And of course clearcut always becomes a big missile boat war.

Only helps if they don't actually see you. Majority of my kills are from looking at the battlefield instead of radar.
Only helps if they don't actually see you. Majority of my kills are from looking at the battlefield instead of radar.

yeah i do both.. use to stare at the radar the whole time when i first started.. then when i started using the sulla i kept running with the radar off at high altitude so no one could see me and looking down on the battlefield.. then while in the dive to fire off my Tbolts id turn it back on.. narc the unit and fire the tbolts.. very fun.. :p
Thank you kind sir! Since my PC is garbage i will live vicariously thru your screenshots! :D

dude your 8800GTX should easily be able to play crysis on decent settings.. crysis doesnt require a fast cpu.. hell it barely even takes advantage of quad cores..
dude your 8800GTX should easily be able to play crysis on decent settings.. crysis doesnt require a fast cpu.. hell it barely even takes advantage of quad cores..

true, i play on an old AMD dual core 939 socket Opteron 165, albeit heavily overclocked, only 2 gigs of old DDR memory and a 9600GSO 384MB video card, and all on medium'ish settings at 1440x900 (native rez for my monitor) and it plays acceptably in my opinion, can force DX9 and lower settings to get really fast framerates but doing that takes a fair amount of visual appeal of the game
true, i play on an old AMD dual core 939 socket Opteron 165, albeit heavily overclocked, only 2 gigs of old DDR memory and a 9600GSO 384MB video card, and all on medium'ish settings at 1440x900 (native rez for my monitor) and it plays acceptably in my opinion, can force DX9 and lower settings to get really fast framerates but doing that takes a fair amount of visual appeal of the game

Heck I remember playing Crysis on Medium settings at 1280x960 or 1600x1200 (can't remember which) with a AMD 3000+ single core @2.6ghz 1GB DDR1 and a overclocked ATI x1800xl 700/700. Maxing the game requires insane hardware but running it on anything under very high really doesn't.
To be honest, I run lower settings in MWLL than I do in regular Crysis. The only reason is becuase in Crysis, just staying above 30FPS is acceptable as its SP, however there are points in MWLL that I was dipping into the low 20s, so I kicked everything down a notch.
To be honest, I run lower settings in MWLL than I do in regular Crysis. The only reason is becuase in Crysis, just staying above 30FPS is acceptable as its SP, however there are points in MWLL that I was dipping into the low 20s, so I kicked everything down a notch.

the volcano maps the killer for me.. 15-20fps.. also on clear cut when flying.. ill dip into the low 20's just because its having to render the entire map.. but on the ground i can hold 40-50fps.. the best performing map for me is asteroid map as long as its dark.. i can hold 60fps.. once the sun comes up it will drop to 30fps..
I havent played the volcano map in a while but I do seem to recall that one making my computer cry. Its mostly clearcut for me, however sandblasted will do it sometimes to if there are lots of missiles/lasers in the air and one of the sandstorms up. I dont play extremity, I hate it.

Still kind of annoying though, the only time Crysis dips below 30 on high settings is when I get ontop of a mountain or something. Oh well, its a Beta.
I havent played the volcano map in a while but I do seem to recall that one making my computer cry. Its mostly clearcut for me, however sandblasted will do it sometimes to if there are lots of missiles/lasers in the air and one of the sandstorms up. I dont play extremity, I hate it.

Still kind of annoying though, the only time Crysis dips below 30 on high settings is when I get ontop of a mountain or something. Oh well, its a Beta.

yeah but look at how much more you are rendering in MWLL with all the mech's, planes, maps vs crysis which is just the people and map textures... are you running dx9 or dx10?
yeah but look at how much more you are rendering in MWLL with all the mech's, planes, maps vs crysis which is just the people and map textures... are you running dx9 or dx10?

also the maps are much much larger, and there's a lot of custom code running.

Fuck, I didn't mean to bump this thread.... I mean to bump my FS/FT
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I am shocked the website isn't back up yet... I suppose it will reset tomorrow at the beginning of the month.
yeah but look at how much more you are rendering in MWLL with all the mech's, planes, maps vs crysis which is just the people and map textures... are you running dx9 or dx10?

Very true. Im running in DX10 at the moment. I still get crashes in DX10(in both vanilla and MW), however its usually only after an hour or two of constant play. If I switch to DX9 the game crashes once every 20 minutes. Lesser of two evils:p
Very true. Im running in DX10 at the moment. I still get crashes in DX10(in both vanilla and MW), however its usually only after an hour or two of constant play. If I switch to DX9 the game crashes once every 20 minutes. Lesser of two evils:p

32bit or 64bit?

mine crashes about every 2 hours or so in 32bit.. same with my cousins rig.. but in 64bit it will run for ever on his system.. since i only have 32bit w7 installed i cant really test it on this one..
Websites been back up since the 2ND. Big things coming.

yep next patch is going to be a nice one.. tons of changes.. hopefully get rid of some of the lag on the servers.. should be an announcement when they officially get the new server running around the end of the week..
32bit or 64bit?

mine crashes about every 2 hours or so in 32bit.. same with my cousins rig.. but in 64bit it will run for ever on his system.. since i only have 32bit w7 installed i cant really test it on this one..

Noob question, but how do I tell with steam? I have 64bit W7, but my steam folder is under the X86 program files.
Noob question, but how do I tell with steam? I have 64bit W7, but my steam folder is under the X86 program files.

if you are using the steam copy then its 32bit only.. the 64bit files should be there.. just need the 64bit exe i believe.. though im sure some one better can answer this since im using the hard copy im not totally sure.. ill ask some people on teamspeak that i play with later tonight and see if anyone of them might know the answer..
Seraph said:
MWLL wins ModDB´s Mod of the Year Award 2009

After winning editor’s choice for best multiplayer mod, we’ve also taken #1 spot for Player’s Choice in the multiplayer mod category! Thank you all so much for your support!
Please read the full release article at ModDB.

not bad for a mod that was released on december 26th of 2009..