MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

Tagging them for LRMs.

Think of it as basically target painting for artillery.
Ahh, so when you do that the guys in the mobile howizter type things get some type of targeting reticule telling them where to aim?
basically. Anyone with LRM racks, be it Mech or other battle vehicle, will be able to fire upon the painted target.
well as soon as I can find crysis at a cheap enough price I will try this.
On the screen shots posted I noticed single player. Is this a single player game as well?
well as soon as I can find crysis at a cheap enough price I will try this.
On the screen shots posted I noticed single player. Is this a single player game as well?

No. Multi player only although you can create your own game and just run around in the maps to get a feel for the way all the assets handle.
Here's a list of weapons and equipment since there's no documentation and many people have not played MW before.

Note: If something starts with a 'C' then it is Clan tech and therefore awesome.

Energy weapons have unlimited ammo but create a lot of heat.
ER denotes Extended Range
PPC - Particle Projection Cannon. Lots of everything: damage, range, heat, cycle time. Some of the most powerful energy weapons a mech can carry. Splash damage. Getting hit by a PPC disables nightvision for a short time.
For all laser weapons, keeping the beam on target is critical for maximum damage.
BL - Beam Laser. Good range, damage, ok rate of fire and heat buildup.
PL - Pulse laser. Good rate of fire, ok damage and heat, short range.
Flamer - Very short range, low damage. Little heat buildup in core (watch for weapon heat though) and it overheats the enemy reactor. Effective on 'hot' maps and against energy weapon mechs such as the Awesome.
Projectile weapons have limited ammo but very low heat.
Machine guns - Low damage but excellent range and a very high rate of fire.
Autocannons (AC) - long range, good rate of fire, decent damage. Number denotes size and damage.
Ultra Autocannons (UAC) - artillery. Long range, low rate of fire, very high damage.
LBX - Huge freakin' shotguns. Short range, low rate of fire, high damage. Very effective against BA due to the spread.
Gauss rifles - Very long range, good damage, decent rate of fire.
SRM - Short Range Missiles. Lots of ammo in storage. Good damage and rate of fire. Two SSRM 6s on a light mech is devastating.
LRM - Long Range Missiles. Limited ammo. Good damage, decent rate of fire. Beware of minimum range (300-400m).
Arrow - Very long range and high damage. Lots of heat and low rate of fire. Limited ammo. Minimum range of 500m or so.
Use a TAG or NARC to guide missiles.

JJ - Jump Jets - Let a mech fly. Use the WASD keys to jump in a direction. Note that the direction orientation is based on the orientation of the torso, not the legs. Also, leg must brace for landing, stopping a mech dead temporarily.
TAG - Targeting laser. Guides LRMs and Arrows to the target. Unlimited ammo but must be held on target.
NARC - Small, long range missile that places a homing beacon on the target. LRMs and Arrows will now track and hit the target. Limited ammo.
HS - Heatsink. Reduce heat (duh). The more the better.

Let me know if there is anything else to add!
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Projectile weapons have limited ammo but very low heat.
Machine guns - Low damage but excellent range and a very high rate of fire.
Autocannons (AC) - long range, good rate of fire, decent damage. Number denotes size and damage.
Ultra Autocannons (UAC) - artillery. Long range, low rate of fire, very high damage.
LBX - Huge freakin' shotguns. Short range, low rate of fire, high damage. Very effective against BA due to the spread.
Gauss rifles - Very long range, good damage, decent rate of fire.

Ultra ACs are higher rate of fire versions of the standard AC.
yeah just put the mods folder in your main crysis game folder.. then create a short cut for the MWLL launcher..

theres also directions on their site on how to do the actionmap file as well..
the hud is fine with me as it is mostly, biggest problem with the game now is the lag and the sound, sounds cut in and out and sometimes go away altogether

Heavy Gauss rifles are one of my favs, give me one or two of those, a few extra tons of ammo, and extended optics and i will place a slug in the other team quick!!
I was just wondering how people feel about the HUD system in the game?

hud system is fine.. its the way it should be.. but like nobody_here i really wish they would fix the audio.. game would be 1000 times better when thats fixed..

I had to go purchase Cyrsis as I could not find my key. :( Bought the last copy at Gamestop within 200 miles for $19.99. :D

Played for 4hrs straight no crashes, or sound problem. little laggy at times, but it is beta. I have had a recurring problem with being unable to lockup enemy units for missile fire, that is about the only problem I have seen repeatedly.

I have always loved the Battletech/Mechwarrior games. Played even the board games 15-20 years ago. I have been waiting for a new game with battlemechs and this is everything I have wanted. Love the addition of ground vehicles and aircraft.

That being said this is beta and there are some bugs still.
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I had to go purchase Cyrsis as I could not find my key. :( Bought the last copy at Gamestop within 200 miles for $19.99. :D

Played for 4hrs straight no crashes, or sound problem. little laggy at times, but it is beta. I have had a recurring problem with being unable to lockup enemy units for missile fire, that is about the only problem I have seen repeatedly.
Have you tried "r" to switch from passive to active radar? You can't lock on enemy targets in passive radar mode.
you have to A. have radar in active mode, B. target that enemy by hitting "E" (target nearest enemy) or if that doesnt work hit "T" (target next closest enemy) and if that doesnt work put your aiming reticule on the target you want to get a lock on and hit "Q" (target object in reticule), then when the ring around the aiming reticule turns red adn you hear tone, fire away
you have to A. have radar in active mode, B. target that enemy by hitting "E" (target nearest enemy) or if that doesnt work hit "T" (target next closest enemy) and if that doesnt work put your aiming reticule on the target you want to get a lock on and hit "Q" (target object in reticule), then when the ring around the aiming reticule turns red adn you hear tone, fire away

damnit why cant you be on any of the servers im on when im playing.. swear to god its all noobs that have absolutely no clue how to play.. so sick of running around tagging mechs while everyones sitting there asking what tagging means every 10 seconds..
hey it was like that in mw4 when it was first released. Most people tried to play it like a quake game. Run and gun.
Its a simulator and you have to think. So the console people have no reason to even try this.
damnit why cant you be on any of the servers im on when im playing.. swear to god its all noobs that have absolutely no clue how to play.. so sick of running around tagging mechs while everyones sitting there asking what tagging means every 10 seconds..

I know what the TAG does but I dont know if I still need a lock to fire. Is it like a fire and forget system?
hey it was like that in mw4 when it was first released. Most people tried to play it like a quake game. Run and gun.
Its a simulator and you have to think. So the console people have no reason to even try this.

Yeah, I am constantly moving about, picking what targets I can engage and what I can run from. I constantly scan the radar looking for nearby friendlies and enemies in order to mass firepower and run away like a bat out of hell when the tables are turned ;)
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Can you install this alongside Crysis, or will it overwrite the game?

You can install it alongside crysis, but every time you play crysis it will overwrite your actionmaps.xml file. This file is required for the mod to run properly as it has the key bindings in it. Also, a problem with the actionmaps file can cause crysis to crash.
Can you install this alongside Crysis, or will it overwrite the game?

yeah just drag the mod folder into the main crysis folder..

like draax said playing cysis will over write the action map file that your told to put in your profile folder.. so its a good suggestion to use 2 profiles.. one for MWLL and 1 for crysis so this doesnt happen if you still play crysis..
Here's a list of weapons and equipment since there's no documentation and many people have not played MW before.

Note: If something starts with a 'C' then it is Clan tech and therefore awesome.

Energy weapons have unlimited ammo but create a lot of heat.
ER denotes Extended Range
PPC - Particle Projection Cannon. Lots of everything: damage, range, heat, cycle time. Some of the most powerful energy weapons a mech can carry. Splash damage. Getting hit by a PPC disables nightvision for a short time.
For all laser weapons, keeping the beam on target is critical for maximum damage.
BL - Beam Laser. Good range, damage, ok rate of fire and heat buildup.
PL - Pulse laser. Good rate of fire, ok damage and heat, short range.
Flamer - Very short range, low damage. Little heat buildup in core (watch for weapon heat though) and it overheats the enemy reactor. Effective on 'hot' maps and against energy weapon mechs such as the Awesome.
Projectile weapons have limited ammo but very low heat.
Machine guns - Low damage but excellent range and a very high rate of fire.
Autocannons (AC) - long range, good rate of fire, decent damage. Number denotes size and damage.
Ultra Autocannons (UAC) - artillery. Long range, low rate of fire, very high damage.
LBX - Huge freakin' shotguns. Short range, low rate of fire, high damage. Very effective against BA due to the spread.
Gauss rifles - Very long range, good damage, decent rate of fire.
SRM - Short Range Missiles. Lots of ammo in storage. Good damage and rate of fire. Two SSRM 6s on a light mech is devastating.
LRM - Long Range Missiles. Limited ammo. Good damage, decent rate of fire. Beware of minimum range (300-400m).
Arrow - Very long range and high damage. Lots of heat and low rate of fire. Limited ammo. Minimum range of 500m or so.
Use a TAG or NARC to guide missiles.

JJ - Jump Jets - Let a mech fly. Use the WASD keys to jump in a direction. Note that the direction orientation is based on the orientation of the torso, not the legs. Also, leg must brace for landing, stopping a mech dead temporarily.
TAG - Targeting laser. Guides LRMs and Arrows to the target. Unlimited ammo but must be held on target.
NARC - Small, long range missile that places a homing beacon on the target. LRMs and Arrows will now track and hit the target. Limited ammo.
HS - Heatsink. Reduce heat (duh). The more the better.

Let me know if there is anything else to add!

Sounds to me like the game is concentrating on the Battletech 3050 tech tree. There's none of that MRM bullshit :)

I totally need to go out and buy Crysis now :)
To clarify the TAG for people. As I've noticed quite a few people don't know exactly how it works.

When you use TAG it will guide missiles to wherever you have it targeted, ground, enemy mechs, friendly, etc. You must keep the TAG laser on the target you wish to hit the entire time, it's not a fire and forget, if you don't keep it on target the missiles stop homing. I generally don't fire missiles when there is a TAG up because most people use it incorrectly and it hits nothing.

NARC would be the "fire and forget". Just get it on a mech/vehicle and its good to go until they are destroyed.

Edit: What are peoples in game names? It's been about a week since I've played but thats because I was playing through Mass Effect to have a save file ready for ME2. Mines Samson.
im sirmonkey in game.. usually play on the 32 person servers.. mostly the MWLL texas server just because im helping out trying to find the lag issues with the current dedicated client beta code..

btw the NARCs dont stick til they die.. i think they have a 30-45 second life span before you have to fire another one at the mech.. also you cant narc multiple mech's.. so if you narc a second mech the first narc disapears.. its pretty fun though running around in a raven narcing mechs then watching 2 tanks fire off arrow's at a single mech.. nothing can survive those things.. :p
Ah alright. I wasn't sure on the time span of NARCs. Not being able to narc multiple mechs is another point I shouldve brought up but slipped.

I havent been one to NARC/TAG much, more of the JUMPPPPPP...............BOOM HEADSHOT. heh. My favorite early/midgame mech is the Hollander w/Heavy Gauss. Firing 'ze missiles is something I do quite a bit usually Arrows, they are nasty :). I play mostly on the Battlebox red and gold servers and also the usa east server when the others are full/low.
I've never been able to play a single mech warrior game despite having 7 store bought copies since none of them EVER worked on windows xp, I even set it to play on windows 98 compat but it never worked. I was only ever able to play the demo 10 years ago -_-.
It was nice to see you in game sirmonkey *salute*. I got a disconnect halfway thru the match when it changed to clearcut and then 2 more crashes trying to get back in game, but the lag was pretty tolerable for the planes. Hope I'll see ya again sometime.
yup was fun man.. you were kickin my ass in that plane.. still trying to get the hang of the vtol with my insanely sensitive mouse and the lack of being able to change the sensitivity in the game.. im usually in that server.. either under that name or Anvil or Wulf if im at my cousins place..

btw yes the arrows are sdfjhsdgfjkfgsd bad ass.. its just a pain to get people to use them.. 4 hits on a heavy/assault mech and thats all she wrote for em.. the light mechs take 1 or 2 hits from an arrow depending on which one it is..

me and my cousin tag team people with the raven and catapult with the arrows or the tank with arrows..
I just recently become decent at flying vtols, I was working on narcing from the vtol and trying to tbolt missile for the first third of the game. Does anyone know how narcs work exactly when shot? Does locking on effect it at all? because I've noticed its usually easier for me to get a good narc when I have a lock on.

Catapult/sniper Hollander are my favorite mechs for most of the matches. I've been stocking my BA up fully loaded recently too and ejecting early and man cannoning people.
awww yeah , this is awesome.
been waiting for this for quite some time now.

you guys remember Heavy Gear? The designs were a little better, but it was still mechwarrior.

Heavy Gear II was the most awesome unfinished game ever.

If you think Heavy Gear was Mechwarrior, you weren't doing it right.
I just recently become decent at flying vtols, I was working on narcing from the vtol and trying to tbolt missile for the first third of the game. Does anyone know how narcs work exactly when shot? Does locking on effect it at all? because I've noticed its usually easier for me to get a good narc when I have a lock on.

Catapult/sniper Hollander are my favorite mechs for most of the matches. I've been stocking my BA up fully loaded recently too and ejecting early and man cannoning people.

thats because, in your particular case, the NARC beacon is the only thing that has active targeting....the Tbolt is an inherently dumb missle, it's a straight shot WYSIWYG like shooting a really slow Guass rifle, it cannot change directory, the NARC is a homing style that can and will follow a target

this has been my experience anyways
I know the Tbolt cant target on its own. Just wondering if you can lockon with the NARC from a vtol, or does it just shoot straight out. It seems like it homes in.