MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

For people having troubles with it crashing the second you go to the login screen for multiplayer (or change options such as graphic settings etc.) you probably have AVG installed, or a virus scanner or some sort.

That is EXACTLY what it was doing to me, until I uninstalled AVG.

I have Win7 64bit
For people having troubles with it crashing the second you go to the login screen for multiplayer (or change options such as graphic settings etc.) you probably have AVG installed, or a virus scanner or some sort.

That is EXACTLY what it was doing to me, until I uninstalled AVG.

I have Win7 64bit

I'm surprised you are a member here and use AVG at all... Being that there is a bazillion threads proving how crappy it is. Install MSE and be happy. ;)
I'm surprised you are a member here and use AVG at all... Being that there is a bazillion threads proving how crappy it is. Install MSE and be happy. ;)

MS OneCare was worse than AVG. In the best AV review I'd seen, MS OneCare was the worst one tested.
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I'm surprised you are a member here and use AVG at all... Being that there is a bazillion threads proving how crappy it is. Install MSE and be happy. ;)

eset nod32 or nothin.. sorry but theres absolutely nothing that compares to nod32 and its active scanning..
Missing the missile lock sound is the most irritating for me since you can't tell from your HUD if you have a lock while in BA. :mad:

you will see a red ring around the crosshairs if you have a missile lock..
not while in battle armor, you only have sound, which only works some of the time, you only get those red rings while in a mech
now that i got it all working.....after a clean re-install of crysis, patched, and modded properly and with a few tweaks like forcing dx9 and medium settings, this mod is a real gem for any mechwarrior fans, and considering it is a first run beta right now....i have high hopes

now i wonder if they will port to warhead or will they go straight to crysis 2 since its coming out soon....
it will be ported to warhead at some point.. probably when the final version is released for crysis.. and they said it will work with crysis war or what ever the multiplayer pos thing is for crysis warhead.. its on their front page if you want to read up more on it..
hmm was there the other day when they released the hotfix.. now i cant find it.. weird..

Off the topic... you have that 120Hz LCD when you connect it to PC it lets you set the refresh rate to 120? I'm asking cuz i have a BRAVIA (still in the box) with 240Hz refresh rate... kinda curious if it will let me set 240Hz refresh rate :p
no clue.. ive never tried it since i have it hooked up via VGA and not HDMI.. maybe when i actually get some ram to replace this worthless crucial ballistix tracer that i have to run at 2.45v then i may play around with it..
Off the topic... you have that 120Hz LCD when you connect it to PC it lets you set the refresh rate to 120? I'm asking cuz i have a BRAVIA (still in the box) with 240Hz refresh rate... kinda curious if it will let me set 240Hz refresh rate :p

no, those TV's arn't really 240 hz. Theres not many monitors out there that can do true 120hz and the only tv's that can are projection tv's
I am having trouble with the mod. I get a lot of static when I get in game, it sounds so awful I haven’t played long. I will update my sound drivers tonight in case, but there are other issues too. I have fallen through the floor a lot, floating through walls etc. Is there anything else I should look at?
No that's just part of it, well being a beta. You can noclip thru the hangars, some sounds like to cut out or just not be there at all. Which can be fixed by setting sounds to low or medium I guess, havent tried yet cuz I've just left my setting still at high/very high. If you get in a VTOL, do not try to land or touch anything but air. Hitting the ground/wall will cause your craft to fail for some apparent reason and won't fly again.
FML! I have my Crysis DVD right here, but I can't flipping find the case/CD-key.
FML! I have my Crysis DVD right here, but I can't flipping find the case/CD-key.

You not the only one... I only got everything to Warhead... Also cant see myself buying a 2nd copy, unless it's on super sale which it was on Steam and i missed it... :( bah... hopefully they will port it to Warhead ASAP, I mean Crysis Wars :p
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Having issues in Win7-64bit with HDR/Lighting... When I am inside the hanger everything looks fine however if I look outside the hanger or when HDR would be used my screen goes white untill I looked back/away from the lighting/HDR. 32bit doesnt have this issue.
Hopefully they will work on the models/textures because they are a bit underwhelming. They look like a gray container texture, not much to it.. If you compare them to say the Hummers or any vehicle in Crysis it’s really no comparison. Hopefully we can get an 360 controller keymapping for the game as well..
Only played for about 10 min but the MOD could hold some potential especially if the needed support is there..
How is MWLL? I just was on their site the other day, thinking about checking it out... i miss the old Mechwarrior games...
You not the only one... I only got everything to Warhead... Also cant see myself buying a 2nd copy, unless it's on super sale which it was on Steam and i missed it... :( bah... hopefully they will port it to Warhead ASAP, I mean Crysis Wars :p

And they're still selling Crysis for $30. Bah!

I'll wait for the official Mech Warrior game. :(
How is MWLL? I just was on their site the other day, thinking about checking it out... i miss the old Mechwarrior games...

Mod is good but stay far away from severs that have more then 25 players. They become a lag fest. Servers with 15-20 players are a blast. Not alot of lag so hitting targets isnt a chore. I love flying the aero planes and doing hit and run on light mechs.
The mod is in BETA, so expect problems.
yeah they are working on beta server codes with the 32 player servers trying to fix the lag.. ive been playing on those ones trying to help them fix it but usually i go back to the smaller servers when i cant stand the lag anymore..

this is more battletech then it is the old mech warrior mostrovia but it still has the awesome mech warrior feel to it with way better graphics.. thanksfully they will not be adding the stupid LAMS in this game like they did with MW4
laser anti missile system.. pretty much impossible to hit the person with rockets..
If my ping is around 30-40 on the server im currently on I can play with 30-32 people without much lag issues. Planes are the hardest part put they are like that even on low pop times. Weapon hits and mech movements have been fine. My net connection isnt too great either, 3.5 down and 1 up.
laser anti missile system.. pretty much impossible to hit the person with rockets..

:eek: Really? I played 4th, Black Night and Mercenaries... and didn't know about it. I guess at that time i didn't know English too well :p

Anyway... In MW:LL i herd people say that when you shoot enemy mech you can see chunks fall off, is this true? They incorporated damage physics?
:eek: Really? I played 4th, Black Night and Mercenaries... and didn't know about it. I guess at that time i didn't know English too well :p

Anyway... In MW:LL i herd people say that when you shoot enemy mech you can see chunks fall off, is this true? They incorporated damage physics?

Yes you can blow off arms and damage legs so the mechs become immobile. You can repair damaged systems, but not destroyed systems by powering down in the mech bay.
Yes you can blow off arms and damage legs so the mechs become immobile. You can repair damaged systems, but not destroyed systems by powering down in the mech bay.

No no I mean small debris, i know you can blow off arms, legs etc, but when I shoot in torso will I see/make a hole, see an actual damage I did?

Also when aiming in to the cockpit (the lucky shots) will I kill the guy? Like in Mechwarrior 3/4.
No no I mean small debris, i know you can blow off arms, legs etc, but when I shoot in torso will I see/make a hole, see an actual damage I did?

Also when aiming in to the cockpit (the lucky shots) will I kill the guy? Like in Mechwarrior 3/4.

Hmm I'm not sure about true damage physics ... I may be incorrect but to me it looked like particles flying from areas I shot, and not parts of the actual mech model. Yes you can aim for the cockpit and kill the pilot.

Mechs will sometimes go critical and go off in a nuke type fashion which causes splash damage. Also your night vision can get knocked off and you have to wait a few seconds to use it again.
Another interesting bit about headshots: You can leave your mech at any time by pressing F, but if you don't Shutdown first (press P) then you'll technically eject, which destroys your cockpit armor in the process. If you (or anyone else) pilots that mech then they'll have zero cockpit armor which can make for some very easy headshot kills.

Regarding mech damage: mechs will not lose "chunks" but they will however lose arms and shoulder-style missile pods if those parts sustain enough damage. Any other debris you see are just particle effects from the weapons.
No no I mean small debris, i know you can blow off arms, legs etc, but when I shoot in torso will I see/make a hole, see an actual damage I did?

Also when aiming in to the cockpit (the lucky shots) will I kill the guy? Like in Mechwarrior 3/4.

no, not yet anyways, but considering this is truly a low budget first Beta......i am very impressed with what we do have, these guys have things going for them, i hope they get big money backing to work on the next title because i can only imagine what they could do with a larger team and greater resources....and a paycheck....

like others have said, stay away from 32 player servers.....i usually try to find one with say a 20 player max, those are some really smooth playing games usually
I love the Hollander with the Heavy Gauss rifle. Mech's use a couple different reactors, the heavier class makes use a fusion reactor I believe and destroying them makes a nuclear explosion. I've gotten 4 kills from making one go nuclear.
yep you are correct.. quite fun unless your killing the person with a BA.. otherwise your SCAROOOODDD.. has happened to me a few times when i was running around tagging mechs..
...when i was running around tagging mechs..

What do you mean by this exactly? I have noticed some mechs have a tagging "weapon" that I realized isn't doing any damage. What does that do?

(I wish there was some official guide for this mod...)