MWLL: Mech Warrior Living Legends Crysis mod out Dec 26th!

Any one tried online? How is it, stable unstable? A lot of Daishis running around? :p

alot of everything.
theres so many mechs and weapons, and tanks, and jets, and hovercrafts......

i just played 3 straight hours. a few crashes, but other than that its great fun and very well done. they have done an excellent job so far with this mod.
It is going to take some practice to get used to this game. I like what they did for the cockpit in the mechs. However the two maps I have played so far seem way way too bright. It's like bloom is maxed out constantly and you can't see a thing.

I am seeing the same thing with DX 10. I am going to fiddle with the graphics settings and try DX 9.

The game is alright, very much a beta in terms of polish and stability. I will take some screen shots later today. Hopefully I can fix the really bright/bloom issue. Some of the mech configs need work. I was in an awesome with 4xLarge laser that were all linked. When I fired them it would max heat out and I would auto shutdown.

The sound is decent, although there is a bug where sound drops and/or becomes unsync'd. In my last play session I was able to play 2 full games without any crashes. I find the 16 player servers are more stable than 32. I dont believe there is a 3rd person view, only cockpit.

Makre sure to copy over and rename the actionmaps file, if you don't it will crash or not work properly. My next step is to edit the actionmap and try with my joystick and xbox 360 gamepad.
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For those whom are unable to play what does it sound like? Do you have 3rd person view or just cockpit view? Post some Screen Shots Please!!!









This looks great but I'm with Chombo, I wish there was a single player campaign too.
It was made to be exclusive multiplayer and thus have minimal AI to program.

There is no 3RD person view. It was left out because that was one of the things that broke MW4. The game plays as much like a Sim as possible.

There are currently 5 maps to play on. More maps and mechs will be included in the final version. The final version is planned for Crysis Wars and they have said, in the past, that they will not produce more content for the vanilla Crysis version. It remains to be seen if that will change in the coming months.
darnit, cant get my crysis cd to work :(

And of course the activate feature for the EA downloader wont wortk wiht crysis, sigh looks like ima have to find a torrent for the crysis .iso
Looks like it will be a blast. Now to go get a copy of crysis somewhere today.
Looks like it will be a blast. Now to go get a copy of crysis somewhere today.

yeah i need to get the original crysis as well.. but im not paying 30 bucks for that crappy game.. so i guess ill just have to keep waiting..
My boxed copy of Crysis is usually used in conjunction with Gears of War and The Witcher to keep the pedals of my G25 in place.

pedals|||entertainment unit

Hopefully I can fix the really bright/bloom issue. Some of the mech configs need work. I was in an awesome with 4xLarge laser that were all linked. When I fired them it would max heat out and I would auto shutdown.

The sound is decent, although there is a bug where sound drops and/or becomes unsync'd. In my last play session I was able to play 2 full games without any crashes. I find the 16 player servers are more stable than 32. I dont believe there is a 3rd person view, only cockpit.

Play with the gamma settings, that seems to help. You're right though, a few maps are WAY too dark. Also, the weapon loadouts are just defaults, you need to change the weapon grouping using the arrow keys and enter. Hopefully we can save these settings in future versions, but its the only way to not fire your full salvo at once.

The sound bug, they know about it already. I hope they fix vsync soon. That irritates me more than anything.

BTW, you can override shut downs by pressing 'O'
awesome cheatsheet:

and criccio:
thumbnails dude. thumbnails.
I finally got my joystick working with MWLL, I had to edit actionmaps and joystick.cfg. still trying to ge the hat switch to work correctly.
For the next week or two (maybe longer) the torrent will be seeded on a 100mb connection to help people grab it quicker.
I'm very interested in this mod as I used to play Mechwarrior 3 ALL of the time on the Zone. How does the Mech piloting compare to previous games. Does it function more like Mechwarrior 3 or Mechwarrior 4 as I found the control of the mechs in 4 to be absolutely atrocious and completely unbarable.
For those that have the blackscreen when loading problem.
Go to your "My Documents" directory and the "My Games" directory. There should be a Crysis folder in there. Delete or rename it. Relaunch and it should come up. Crysis will recreate the files/directory.
E.G. C:\Users\ProGamer\My Documents\my games\Crysis. Rename (or delete)
I had the same problem after I maxed all settings and put the game up to 8x aa... don't know why it failed...
I have been playing the Beta since it was released and I can firmly state that I am impressed. The CryENGINE does tax my system though - regardless of the settings. :mad:
Is it worth picking up the original Crysis for this? They have new copies on Ebay for ~19 bucks shipped.
I am having a blast now that I got my joystick working with this. I also switched from DX10 to DX9 to improve stability.
Thanks but nothing more there than short install txt.
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Nothing but crashing every time I try and connect to multiplayer. As soon as I hit login or remember it crashes to desktop.

Win7 64bit OS
Gamspy is the big fail here. Can not login through either crysis or MWLL. Can create game just fine and run around in mechs by myself. What a steaming pile gamespy is.
Gamespy fix here and new HOTFIX available!,6492.0.html

#1 Created a new gamespy login at (This may not be necessary)
#2 Make sure you can log in and out of this profile on, after checking it works log off of your account on gamespy
#3 Went in to regular Crysis (This is after everything was patched to 2.12 and mod was installed + working)
#4 Go to online multiplayer, click on create new account (this is in game)
#5 Enter the same information you did at (Same account name, Password, etc.)
#6 You then should be able to log in to mulitplayer on Crysis
#7 Close Crysis and open up MWLL
#8 Now try to log into MWLL multiplayer with the same information (if it doesnt work try the new account button and enter the same info)
#9 Play MWLL!
I picked up crysis to play this. It's been pretty fun so far, even the last 2 days when I would crash after about half an hour or less. Since the hotfix they released I havent had any problems, even staying in the same game for over an hour.
Ok, maybe I am dumb but I can't can't get it to work. I think I extracted incorrectly. I downloaded the .zip, extracted to the Crysis folder, added " -mod mwll" to the shortcut, and replaced the actionmap. However, when I start the shortcut Crysis loads with no indication that the mod works. When I run the mwll launcher directly, it says that it cannot find the crysis.exe file. The thing that bothers me is that I have the folder "MWLL-OpenBeta1" in the Crysis folder and the files did not extract into the their respective Crysis folders.

Here is the link to the download page I used. Link

Any suggestions? I run Win 7. Thanks!
So whats the verdict on this? Is it any good? Can you guys take some screenshots? Is it worth reinstalling crysis?
Ok, maybe I am dumb but I can't can't get it to work. I think I extracted incorrectly. I downloaded the .zip, extracted to the Crysis folder, added " -mod mwll" to the shortcut, and replaced the actionmap. However, when I start the shortcut Crysis loads with no indication that the mod works. When I run the mwll launcher directly, it says that it cannot find the crysis.exe file. The thing that bothers me is that I have the folder "MWLL-OpenBeta1" in the Crysis folder and the files did not extract into the their respective Crysis folders.

Here is the link to the download page I used. Link

Any suggestions? I run Win 7. Thanks!

Try running the exe in the MWLL folder instead of using a shortcut.
I'm still in the same boat. If lots of people are playing online and it's fun, I'll buy Crysis. If not, well then no.

I own Crysis and just built a new system so I want to know if it’s worth the headache of installing/patching Crysis and then installing/patching/tweaking this MOD. I am a huge MechWarrior fan since MechWarrior I, however my gaming time is very limited these days and will it be worth it? Also does it work with the 360 Controller? Please post some more screen shots from US domains if possible :).