MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

I think you missed my main point which was piracy is more a problem among Adult-PC gamers than Under18-PC Gamers. You never once referenced an age group in your last post.
Pathetic. It's sad how far Call of Duty has fallen since the original. Any respect I had for IW is now gone.:(
Guys, stop getting so off topic in these Mechwarrior threads.

We don't need to be discussing no Modern Whatever.

Sad... I was looking forward to this one, but no dedicated server support killed my interest completely. I view this as a move to force people into buying DLC, since they've effectively killed modding and map making now.
Wow, I'm just baffled. This game went from a day 1 purchase to being skipped.

A complete passover, as I don't pirate. If it isn't worth being paid for, it isn't worth playing.
I keep getting the vibe that they want anyone to jump into a server and kill ANYONE. That just isn't how FPS works. If I'm better than you, you'll die to me, a lot. There shouldn't be a compensation for lack of skill straight out of the box. So then this leads to all this crap...

It's how a casual kiddie fps works. And those are really popular these days.

If you want to play a game that best separates the good players from the bad, play quake.
The first article has been updated.

"........the latest I have heard related to dedicated servers was a comment from a GSP (anonymous source as he wanted anonymity) that dedicated servers will in fact be available. Apparently, he was contacted by IW on this topic recently."

That post was made "BEFORE" the Community Manager for Infinityward spoke today at the Bash N Slash.

I state again, there will be NO dedicated servers

1. There will be dedicated servers. (Just a new matchmaking system. (Similar to L4D, like LuminaryJanitor said)
2. There will be anti-cheat system.

Come-on. That was the most over analyzed and wrongfully speculated crap I have ever read.
Why in the hell would IW remove dedicated servers and remove anti-cheat from their best selling game ever. CoD4 has a ton more users on PC then console. Why would they remove features on MW2 that made MW1 great?

Think you better go re-read what was said today. I will quote 402 and what the deal is.

1- NO dedicated servers
2- NO mods
3- NO custom maps
4- NO anti cheat
5- NO competition, ie ladders/leagues

That is FACT backed up by the Community Manager of Infinityward studios. So do not get your hopes up on MW2 having what the PC has had in the past.

Its a P2P system where you the "HOME" Listen server will talk to IWNet for match making. Its just like the Operation Flash Point:Dragon Rising and its P2P system.

Also if there is any DLC for the PC side it will cost even more money for it.
I guess I should be thanking IW, they just saved me $60.

I wouldnt mind knowing on how many cancellations there was today after this news. I read at another site, RGN or FPSAdmin that a best buy in one place had 87 cancellations for MW2 just today.
Mr Wizard,

I don't give a shit about the COD series anymore, but I did listen to parts of the show. I thought they did mention something about competitive play at 1:42:05? Is that not the same thing?
I think you are the one misinformed and mistaken my friend. A few months after the launch of COD4 IW commented directly regarding the piracy on the PC and they weren't happy to say the least. It went something like while the sales of COD4 are good across all platforms we took note of something distrubing. They looked at the number of PC players playing MP and that was a great number until they realized how many people were playing hacked versions of their game and on hacked servers. They never published exact numbers but they eluded to the fact that it was VERY high.

Now we all know everyone who pirates a copy of a game doesn't automatically translate into a lost sale but that's not how devs/publishers look at it. They use the lost sale excuse. In short they were basically saying while our sales numbers are good on PC they could have been and should have been better if not for piracy. So don't down play the effects of piracy when you have no idea what your talking about.

While I can agree to a certain point they ATVI did have a choice in the "pirate" issue.

1- they did not go after Game Server Providers who was leasing/renting our CRACKED servers. Yes folks GSP's were renting out cracked servers and Activision did nothing about it

2- These cracked GSP's/hosters was infact reported on numerious times and they Activision did nothing about it. 402 and IW was also informed of this and again they did nothing about it.

3- Another ATVI studio, Treyarch harbored and protected a well known pirate and cracked server provider. This cracked server provider was renting out cracked servers for CoDMW and as I said above Activision/IW/Treyarch did nothing about this even after it being reported on.

Activision has no leg to stand on nor does Infinityward, they knew full well what the deal was. Hell they even were given names, ip's, locations and damn even the GSP name/address and guess what no action was taken.

So please do not even try to say that piratcy is to blame for this. Not when Activison, Infinityward and Treyarch supported and protected a said well known cracked server provider.
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Mr Wizard,

I don't give a shit about the COD series anymore, but I did listen to parts of the show. I thought they did mention something about competitive play at 1:42:05? Is that not the same thing?

The comptetive play I am speaking of is like TWL, Cevo, EuroLeague you know like CAL was. If there is a match type system then I have no idea on how that is going to work. But the "traditional" matches is gone.

1- how will you have a match with a 300 ping or higher.
2- if you have a match on a IWNet server then how will you get the server logs, how about some screenshots of the players, ie, PB SS's.

I wouldnt do a match on this type of system just because the checks and balances are now gone. Oh how about demo's guess we can kiss that good bye too.

Cant wait to see how many You F'n cheating POS clan" crap be lodged left and right. And nobody has crap to back their butts up in this type of a case. The cheatinng accusations are going to go thru the roof.

Again .....

5- NO competition, ie ladders/leagues
I think you missed my main point which was piracy is more a problem among Adult-PC gamers than Under18-PC Gamers. You never once referenced an age group in your last post.

What does the age group matter? they don't care how old you are if you steal from them. if you steal from them you steal.
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Guys, stop getting so off topic in these Mechwarrior threads.

We don't need to be discussing no Modern Whatever.


You're not cute with this. You're an idiot. MechWarrior 2 came out 14 years ago, and only a handful of die-hard fans care about it.
While I can agree to a certain point they ATVI did have a choice in the "pirate" issue.

1- they did not go after Game Server Providers who was leasing/renting our CRACKED servers. Yes folks GSP's were renting out cracked servers and Activision did nothing about it

2- These cracked GSP's/hosters was infact reported on numerious times and they Activision did nothing about it. 402 and IW was also informed of this and again they did nothing about it.

3- Another ATVI studio, Treyarch harbored and protected a well known pirate and cracked server provider. This cracked server provider was renting out cracked servers for CoDMW and as I said above Activision/IW/Treyarch did nothing about this even after it being reported on.

Activision has no leg to stand on nor does Infinityward, they knew full well what the deal was. Hell they even were given names, ip's, locations and damn even the GSP name/address and guess what no action was taken.

So please do not even try to say that piratcy is to blame for this. Not when Activison, Infinityward and Treyarch supported and protected a said well known cracked server provider.

Some good points there dude. So what theory do you support as to why they would do this to the PC gaming crowd. You can't tell me they think we would be all about this idea do you? They aren't stupid they know pc gamers expect full dedicated server support for a game of this caliber. Am I nuts?
Pathetic. It's sad how far Call of Duty has fallen since the original. Any respect I had for IW is now gone.:(
huh? cod1 wasnt that good... DoD had better MP and the SP was not without flaws. ive played every one on the PC and theyre all the same. decent graphics, mediocre single player, above average, easy, multiplayer.

not dissing the series as bad, but it's certainly never been a MUST BUY in terms of quality. there just hasnt been a counter-strike or day of defeat in 5 years to compete with. i play CoD5 and enjoy it, but only if i play hardcore mode. the standard MP now is a joke with yellow numbers flying around the screen and radars everywhere.

also, i was looking forward to MW2 until they released the pricing, at which i abruptly decided 'no thx'. i dont spend $50 on new PC games, let alone $60, and i buy a LOT of games.
All it says is that they're including a matchmaking system. That doesn't mean no dedicated servers, and it doesn't mean no server browser. L4D has all three...

and all 3 suck, BAD. im a huge valve fan but L4D MP is seriously messed up. the matchmaking sux, bug time, the server browser was a console command for 6 months until valve added it to the gui, and its still difficult to play on servers with <100 ping.
If this is the case, my 5 friends and I are not buying (we were going to form a clan).
I lost respect for IW after they waited months to release the first patch of COD2 with punkbuster. They should learn a few things from Treyarch.
I keep getting the vibe that they want anyone to jump into a server and kill ANYONE. That just isn't how FPS works. If I'm better than you, you'll die to me, a lot. There shouldn't be a compensation for lack of skill straight out of the box. So then this leads to all this crap...
communist gaming! no one should be better than anyone else! cradle the noobs from the real world of skilled players.
Cool, now I got 60 bucks to spend on a better cooler for my i7.

There is so much fail here by IW that its become epic. If they noticed that more people were playing online than they had sales, why in the world would they nutter the very reason that everyone got the game? Is that really a hard conclusion to come to?

Bascially, they just killed any chance of them making a profit on the pc version if a overwhelmingly large percentage buy the game, by IW COD4 mp hack vs sales comment, just to play it online.

I so hope this is false, but I'm sure IW or someone would have said something by now.

edit: btw, I first started playing with COD4
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I wouldnt mind knowing on how many cancellations there was today after this news. I read at another site, RGN or FPSAdmin that a best buy in one place had 87 cancellations for MW2 just today.

well that just sounds like a bunch of fanboy bullshit. I doubt that 87 for a single bb location would have gotten the news and taken time out of there day on a saturday to go pout and cancel.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Cancelled my PC reservation, but I'm keeping the xbox360 cod bundle reserved. It seems they're really scarce on details for IWnet. It seems like they want to copy the steam system's features (friends / matchmaking (l4d)), maybe even bring in dedicated servers the way L4D has them and have it host the match after it has been setup with a banner add or something. I really hope they do push out more info on IWnet. Right now it just seems like a HUGE power grab.
I keep getting the vibe that they want anyone to jump into a server and kill ANYONE. That just isn't how FPS works. If I'm better than you, you'll die to me, a lot. There shouldn't be a compensation for lack of skill straight out of the box. So then this leads to all this crap...

QFT. The only way to get good is to get beat by someone who is good and to learn from your mistakes. Im probably sticking to playing CoD4 and other fps for a while because of this crap. Everything looked so good about this game and then suddenly AV/IW flings the finger to the PC gaming community.
Why would they kill off their PC user base like this? It's not like it would take any effort to do a good job.
well that just sounds like a bunch of fanboy bullshit. I doubt that 87 for a single bb location would have gotten the news and taken time out of there day on a saturday to go pout and cancel.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Thing is tho now while I do not know exactly the stats, ie, where the 87 figure came from you do know its very simple to cancel. It takes all about a minute or 2, its called calling them up. Again takes a minute or 2 and its done. You do not have to leave your house to cancel a pre-order.

I do know that they was many cancellations today after this news was published.
This really sucks for a buddy of mine who owns a PC game hosting company. I know he was looking forward for this. Watch CoD4/5 make a comeback.
You're not cute with this. You're an idiot. MechWarrior 2 came out 14 years ago, and only a handful of die-hard fans care about it.

It's not like I'm insulting Modern Warfare. Every time I see the MW acronym being used, I personally think Mechwarrior, so I associate it with depressing thoughts of discontent/years of not having a dead game series.
And the worst thing about this will be that the "geniuses" who came up with this idea to take away modding and dedicated servers will see the fewer players as "PC gaming is dead, consoles are our future" rather than actually using their brain and realizing the ******* mistake they made.
I think you are the one misinformed and mistaken my friend. A few months after the launch of COD4 IW commented directly regarding the piracy on the PC and they weren't happy to say the least. It went something like while the sales of COD4 are good across all platforms we took note of something distrubing. They looked at the number of PC players playing MP and that was a great number until they realized how many people were playing hacked versions of their game and on hacked servers. They never published exact numbers but they eluded to the fact that it was VERY high.

Now we all know everyone who pirates a copy of a game doesn't automatically translate into a lost sale but that's not how devs/publishers look at it. They use the lost sale excuse. In short they were basically saying while our sales numbers are good on PC they could have been and should have been better if not for piracy. So don't down play the effects of piracy when you have no idea what your talking about.

If you buy from a company that spiels about piracy then you deserve to get ripped off. Piracy has no true impact on these so called *AAA* games. Only when it comes to Indie games can it have a bad impact of any degree.

You're not cute with this. You're an idiot. MechWarrior 2 came out 14 years ago, and only a handful of die-hard fans care about it.

With that mouth of yours I'd say you're the cute one with a piece of trash attitude. :rolleyes: but what do I know vs someone with an obvious obsession.
And the worst thing about this will be that the "geniuses" who came up with this idea to take away modding and dedicated servers will see the fewer players as "PC gaming is dead, consoles are our future" rather than actually using their brain and realizing the ******* mistake they made.

unless they are doing this on purpose to keep driving console game sales. I am sure they are fully aware not allowing dedicated servers would go over poorly with the pc crowd.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device