MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

I don't pre-order games, but i certainly wont be picking this one up. I really hope we can vote with our wallets for once, instead of buying it like the chumps we usually are.

oh who cares, they will blame poor sales on piracy anyways.
Piracy ? what piracy ? Even people with illegal copies will leave MW2 PC multiplayer die in a slow painfull death. Even those casual players who played cod4 religiously in 20man+ TDM servers will be dissapointed by the lack of dedicated server support, not just the "competitive community"
Know what shits me even more, just about a month ago Bowling lied through his teeth in a shacknews interview, obviously knowing that letting this piece of news out would create an almighty shit storm. These companies are full of lying bastards who are only concerned with squeezing every last cent out of their customers.

You know....they did try to rip off PC customers....How can they say something not even a month ago.

Then come out to say something totally different yesterday?....They have known how the PC Multiplayer was going to be played....

Bold straight fucking lied to us...Too bad you couldn't sue for false advertisment
I don't know who to blame...infinity ward or pirates. I think I'll just blame them both. Any ways the op's link doesn't work so I'm trying to figure out if this claim is actually true. I did order cod4 on ebay for $20 recently :cool:
They are deleting the communities posts and threads on their forums. Even ones about Robert Bowling lieing. This game is going to be dead online thats for sure. Deja Vu Epic's Unreal tournament 3 all over again.
I don't know who to blame...infinity ward or pirates. I think I'll just blame them both. Any ways the op's link doesn't work so I'm trying to figure out if this claim is actually true. I did order cod4 on ebay for $20 recently :cool:

Yes it is true, theres a skype audio broadcast with the lieing sack of shit and some cod4 server admins talking about the changes.

402 comes in around 1 hr 38 mins, the pr bs is rife to say the least.
From a Robert Bowling interview:

Shack: By the way, have you changed the way multiplayer games function on the PC at all?

Robert Bowling: PC will be the same as it always was.
From a Robert Bowling interview:

Shack: By the way, have you changed the way multiplayer games function on the PC at all?

Robert Bowling: PC will be the same as it always was.

Already posted above.
They are deleting the communities posts and threads on their forums. Even ones about Robert Bowling lieing. This game is going to be dead online thats for sure. Deja Vu Epic's Unreal tournament 3 all over again.

Yup, surely a sign of things to come.
It's all about: "down loadable content", my's ok to make a profit, but they want to make it "their" way....and to hell w/ existing users/fans.

And yes, mine is on order.

There's no way I'm going to pay $60 on day one for an unfinished product.

Here's what I'm honestly wondering: If huge AAA titles like these come out and they don't have dedicated servers...and I've been seeing a lot of that...are dedicated servers becoming a thing of the past outright?

It sure is starting to look like it to me if this is anything to go by.
well, after reading all these, i realize that codemasters kick IW's ass [H] in terms of marketing.

they allowed the customers to find no dedicated servers by themselves once the games are purchased and pocketed all the money, while IW's smart ass dumb luck told it too early.

lol...same game, different strategy...dun the players in the same industry learned from one another?
Here's what you can expect to see:

Find game
Connecting to game (2 bar connection)
Lost connection to host
Find game
Connecting to game (5 bar connection)
Game already full
Find game
Connecting to host (1 bar connection)
Game Joined...
(2 mins into game)
Lost Connection to host
Find Game...
As someone on the IW forums mentioned is what makes this even sadder is that nearly all of the new "features" in MW2 originated as mods on the PC version. IW implemented these popular mods into MW2 without giving the original mod authors any credit and on top of that is not releasing mod tools or dedicated servers for MW2.

I don't even play CoD multiplayer but this is just fucking pathetic.
Here's what you can expect to see:

Find game
Connecting to game (2 bar connection)
Lost connection to host
Find game
Connecting to game (5 bar connection)
Game already full
Find game
Connecting to host (1 bar connection)
Game Joined...
(2 mins into game)
Lost Connection to host
Find Game...

So true, one of the reasons why I keep coming back to PC for online gaming.
This doesn't really surprise me, Now that Infinity Ward has the name , they can pretty much put any piece of crap out and people will buy it. I certainly will not be buying this game now.
This forum was already pretty dark on CODMW2 but this has definitely sank the battleship. Fuck Infinity Ward/Spawn/Bored/Derogatory pun.
I linked this old comic back on page 4.

I was thinking this morning, how independent is Blizzard from Activision? I'm concerned with what kind of platform they have planned for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. I hope it's not going to be exploited like this decision or the Guitar Hero series.
I logged on to my regular server, tried to tell them about the news. No one believed me. It was kind of funny.

The admin said "we have a MW2 server reserved and it goes online the day it launches". Either his hosting guy knows something we all dont or he is in for a rude awakening soon :p
I'm concerned with what kind of platform they have planned for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. I hope it's not going to be exploited like this decision or the Guitar Hero series.
It has already begun sadly. They announced a while back that SC2 and Diablo3 will have no kind of LAN support whatsoever the way their predecessors did, ie all games need to go through battlenet. And one of the reasons was "piracy" - how could they be so clueless ugh.

After the backlash from SC fans they said they are now considering including "pseudo-LAN" support in SC2 , whatever that means, though since those games are still years away things may of course change.
OK, I've been following this post, now what do I REALLY do?

Cancel Pre-Order?
Join a Protest?
Practice Yoga?
All of the above?
Non of the above?

Seriously though, I need some practical advice, cancel, or keep my order and hope for the best.........................

There were two threads also deleted on the InfinityWard forums. The first had people posting saying they had canceled their pre-orders. I guess that was bad for business. :D

The other was a dedicated server petition.
There were two threads also deleted on the InfinityWard forums. The first had people posting saying they had canceled their pre-orders. I guess that was bad for business. :D

The other was a dedicated server petition.

Lots more than 2 posts on these. Just two you've caught. My main account for some reason I can't access, so I created a new one. (It wasn't banned, but I couldn't merge over from the old IW forums to the new ones). I've probably posted about 45 posts today, and my post count is 8. That's not to say that they've been deleted from my posts, rather, it's how many posts have been deleted.

I honestly feel bad for the moderators. A weekend no less, and because of someone's stupid idea, the forums just exploded with entirely too much ****. That's not to say that most of it's not deserved, but the blame shouldn't be put on the moderators.


I'll admit, there's one thing that they could do to get me to purchase MW2 now while not having dedicated servers. Allow us to play against console players. But they definately are smart enough never to let that happen. The sheer skill of PC players would crush the console players, as well as the people who cheat, killing the games online community completely within months.
Nytegard said:
I'll admit, there's one thing that they could do to get me to purchase MW2 now while not having dedicated servers. Allow us to play against console players. But they definately are smart enough never to let that happen. The sheer skill of PC players would crush the console players, as well as the people who cheat, killing the games online community completely within months.

if by 'skill', you mean 'keyboard and mouse', then you are correct.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
if by 'skill', you mean 'keyboard and mouse', then you are correct.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

I think it's more accurate to say you can be more skilled and accurate with a KB+M than you ever could with a gamepad, of any variety... By the way, what's the DPI on your Xbox controller these days...?
Well mw2 pre order has been canceled and I moved the money too a preorder for lfd2. Sad vday.
I logged on to my regular server, tried to tell them about the news. No one believed me. It was kind of funny.

The admin said "we have a MW2 server reserved and it goes online the day it launches". Either his hosting guy knows something we all dont or he is in for a rude awakening soon :p

Thats because those GSP's who pre-ordered this crap is going to have to fork all that money back over. Not saying all of the gsp's are bad but there are some that took the money and expanded their server boxes to accomodate MW2.

Those poor clients who gave the money will get a rude awaking when they will not get it back. If you can remember what server it was let them know of the links to the news of this. Also if a GSP is telling you that all is well and their will be dedicated servers they are flat out lieing thru their teeth. Maybe there will be a few less GSP's after all the dust settles. Some GSP's spent alot of money upgrading/adding new windows server boxes to handle this game.

Some of these so called GSP's were strapped as it was due to the bad economy, they are "banking" on the success of MW2. Just some food for thought.

There is no dedicated servers for MW2 period and that fact was confirmed by the Community Manager for IW.

WARNING: do not do a pre-order thru a GSP for a MW2 server. You will lose your money ( possible ).
Now I actually don't mind that there will only be IW servers, but you should be able to be allowed to choose which IW server you go into. For example, some people only want to play hardcore/search and destroy servers(me).
Pretty sure IW will only have listen servers and not be hosting their own "dedicated" servers that people play on.