MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

I never pre-order games in case crap like this happens.

That said, this went from a "maybe" to a definite "no". I bought CoD4 at full price and while it was decent, it didn't hold me like DoD, BF2, TF2, etc have done before it.

I already had moved this from a "buy" to "maybe" over the price tag but to expect me to use some shitty match-making system where I can't pick the map or server settings is just horseshit.

The truth in this is obvious. In that interview all I heard was "we want to charge for DLC". They don't want community maps or mods. They don't want cracked servers where pirates can play. They want people that would buy the PC version to buy a console version.

Fuck them. Fuck them good and hard. I will not buy this game, nor any Activision product form now on. I am SURE that this was an Activision call as I refuse to believe a PC dev like IW would just abandon the people who made them successful. I hope Bobby Kotick dies. I would literally take pleasure in reading that he was struck by a bus.
lol my friend just called me that works for the bestbuy by my house.. as of 8 this morning they are up to 95 pre-orders cancelled and there is still 7 hours to go for the day..
lol my friend just called me that works for the bestbuy by my house.. as of 8 this morning they are up to 95 pre-orders cancelled and there is still 7 hours to go for the day..
I find that hard to believe, but I hope it's true.

I'd rather get my dedicated servers than boycott the game.
I find that hard to believe, but I hope it's true.

I'd rather get my dedicated servers than boycott the game.

I think we all would rather buy the game with dedicated servers than not have it at all. However, for me and many people I know, without dedicated server support, it is a no buy.
I don't think people understand that servers will be run by IW...that doesn't mean there won't be dedicated IW servers.
I linked this old comic back on page 4.

I was thinking this morning, how independent is Blizzard from Activision? I'm concerned with what kind of platform they have planned for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. I hope it's not going to be exploited like this decision or the Guitar Hero series.

Blizzard is becoming no different. There will be no LAN support in SC2 and D3. They will also be milking SC2 with 3 seperate games instead of one.
I find that hard to believe, but I hope it's true.

I'd rather get my dedicated servers than boycott the game.

They sell a lot more games on console though, it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference to them if they didn't make a pc version.
I don't think people understand that servers will be run by IW...that doesn't mean there won't be dedicated IW servers.

It won't be like that. The aren't making dedicated servers as its all gonna be hosted by people, listen/p2p servers. Only way they'll make servers is when they start charging you to play. They are wanting to charge us for everything now. Forget that. The game is now trash. They went out of their way to do this so they could make money. Greed.
I emailed a couple of my server admins

they still have orders in for dedicated servers

they even did a few fake orders to see if you can still do so

worked just fine
Please participate in the available feedback to IW....sign one of the petitions, post on Facebook, Twitter, etc....or participate in the forums, including this one. I'd rather have the dedicated server option re-instated, than cancel my order.....
Watch the piracy numbers actually increase for this game because people will only want the single player. I haven't been too big of a fan of cod since the first one, which I only played single player. Modern warfare 2 for me is too much of a grenade spam fest. Its a major reason I prefer counter-strike because frag/he grenades aren't so devastating and tossed with such reckless abandon.

The single player was decent, but nothing to write home about. Both Crysis games in my opinion were much better single player experiences. It had the perfect amount of freedom and linear gameplay to keep it moving.
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the MP system until the game is actually in my hand. That's why I've refused to comment in any of the eleventy billion threads out there online at IW's site and elsewhere. Am I gonna hold out for dedicated servers? Of course! I'm not gonna cancel my preorder and that's that.
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the MP system until the game is actually in my hand. That's why I've refused to comment in any of the eleventy billion threads out there online at IW's site and elsewhere. Am I gonna hold out for dedicated servers? Of course! I'm not gonna cancel my preorder and that's that.

You are a trader!!!!!! Not canceling your pre order! ;)

I get a sweet discount at work on games so ill just wait to see if it truly does have some major issues with multiplayer and then pick it up a week or so after it releases because I definitely wanted the game
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the MP system until the game is actually in my hand. That's why I've refused to comment in any of the eleventy billion threads out there online at IW's site and elsewhere. Am I gonna hold out for dedicated servers? Of course! I'm not gonna cancel my preorder and that's that.

Good luck on playing on those 300 ping HOME Listen servers where the hoster has 0 ping you have what oh thats right 300. Good luck on killing the 0 pinger.
I'll admit, there's one thing that they could do to get me to purchase MW2 now while not having dedicated servers. Allow us to play against console players. But they definately are smart enough never to let that happen. The sheer skill of PC players would crush the console players, as well as the people who cheat, killing the games online community completely within months.

You got that right, the PC players would crush the console players hands down. The console players would go crying to their daddy and IW and spew all sorts of crap.

LOL PC > XBOX and thats the fact. PC would C R U S H the console players in any match or free play.
You got that right, the PC players would crush the console players hands down. The console players would go crying to their daddy and IW and spew all sorts of crap.

LOL PC > XBOX and thats the fact. PC would C R U S H the console players in any match or free play.

Yep, but the point is that's a technology difference, not necessarily a skill difference (mouse/key board VS controller).

Despite this fact, it would be nice to kill em dead.

I don't see why we can't have both their bullshit matchmaking and the option of dedicated servers. People do like choice.
I would gladly give up dedicated servers for a few months to slaughter all the console players ;)

That would be the just deserts to all of this. I would then call it even after the slughter we would give the console players. After the beating we would give them they will then go out and buy up some PC's and see what the real deal is.
And so goes the story of how PC sales fucking tank and IW blames it on something stupid / uses it as an excuse. People are going BERSERK over this, is this really worth millions of dollars in lost sales?

OFP mp is basically dead already from lack of dedicated servers, what is goin to happen here?

PC users want to play on real servers hosted on fat pipes hosted at datacenters, not some kids DSL line. LOL HOST MIGRATION. Get real.
I would gladly give up dedicated servers for a few months to slaughter all the console players ;)
So would I, just to make them STFU. Unfortunately that will never happen with MW2.

So few of them get it. I went to Gamestop today to cancel my preorder.
The guys behind the counter wanted to know why I was canceling because they had some 20 cancellations of the PC version today. I told them because IW just confirmed no dedicated servers and no mods allowed for the PC edition. They didn't understand. I explained it like this:

PC doesn't have the backbone system of Xbox live. That backbone system is provided by dedicated servers on the PC side. Almost all of the servers are paid for and maintained by an enormous community that numbers in the millions. Imagine if they released the Xbox version without xbox live integration. No way to meet and play with your friends or setup clans. Then top it all off, the multiplayer was so laggy because not all xboxes were built equally.

Then they finally understood.
I love multiplayer games. 99% of the time when buying a game, I look at how the multiplayer is set up. There have been a few games I bought that I liked alot, but were turds when it came to multiplayer because they were too console-ified. Burnout Paradise and Lost Planet are examples of multiplay gone wrong (no dedicated server and/or too cumbersome).

I've always liked the CoD series. Two legal copies of CoD, Two legal copies of CoD2, and between myself and ONE of my friends, we own SIX legal copies of CoD4. I run my own dedicated server for myself and a group of friends.

Looks like I will be saving the cash for the new AvP or BF1943 when it finally hits PC.

CODMW2+No Dedicated = NO BUY
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the MP system until the game is actually in my hand. That's why I've refused to comment in any of the eleventy billion threads out there online at IW's site and elsewhere. Am I gonna hold out for dedicated servers? Of course! I'm not gonna cancel my preorder and that's that.

There's nothing to reserve judgement about: it's been tried before and failed horrifically, as well as being pathetic to even attempt to play with. I was going to buy this as soon as a sale brought it below $50 (since the $10 price hike was just stupid IMO), but now I won't likely buy it even if it hits the bargain bin as multiplayer is all I really care about in a COD game.
So few of them get it. I went to Gamestop today to cancel my preorder.
The guys behind the counter wanted to know why I was canceling because they had some 20 cancellations of the PC version today. I told them because IW just confirmed no dedicated servers and no mods allowed for the PC edition. They didn't understand. I explained it like this:

Same here but my local GameStop only had 16 cancellations on PC, which i found very surprising that there were that many PC gamers in my area. Keep getting the word out. :cool:
I signed it and it's pretty cool to see almost 40,000 names already. Some interesting lost revenue for them when you do the math. 60 x 40000 = 2.4 million in potential lost revenue and counting. Gg on that iw. Schmucks.
can't say this kind of stuff surprises me anymore. guess they really just want an excuse to go console only in the future.