MSI 8800GT $208 @

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I don't see why the warranty matters. After 2 years most of us would have done upgraded again anyway. Any video card after that time probably wouldn't be worth fixing. Not to mention you would be able to probably buy this card for what it costs to fix it in 2 years.

But if your like my sister,bro inlaw,ect and use the same setup for 5 years I can see why you would want a better warranty.
I don't see why the warranty matters. After 2 years most of us would have done upgraded again anyway. Any video card after that time probably wouldn't be worth fixing.

The wait plays a factor in me not wanting it also, id rather just not get it know, and in 2-3 weeks i'm guessing the pricing will be down on most cards anyways.
and i plan on keeping the system i am building for 4+ years like i did my old one.

So anyone know how to cancel it, do i have to call or is there a spot on the website.
Oh no. Newegg just bought up all of Dell's cards and are reselling them for $300. :(

j/k Got me a MSI card. Thanks a lot. I've been waiting for months to finish building my new PC.
prices won't be be down to 207 on a 512mb card that has a factory overclock for a long long time.

I bet six months from now you won't even be able to get this price again. This is one of those cards you could probably keep for a year and still sell for $200.
MSI's crap warranty :

I have highlighted the crappy service/coverage parts..

Don't know if this has been posted here either but XFX 8800GT for $235

The backing of H is enough for me. If this card is still in my system in two years, let alone not ebayed next christmas season, then I must've gotten addicted to an MMO again.

All the products are in fact the traditional reference design, same cooler, but with a different logo on top. Besides, if XFX, BFG, and eVGA feel comfortable with giving this same reference board a lifetime warranty, that says something about quality of manufacturing. It's not an ATi product where their own manufacturers boxed product only carries a limited one year. Even then, people will still buy those and have no issues with them forever.

If you haven't owned that much hardware, and are truly that concerned about warranty, then please only buy XFX, BFG, and eVGA hardware where ever possible. You will find that 2-3 years is absolutely standard for any motherboard as well. 3 years is retail CPU. Perhaps I'm the abnormal one around these parts, but so far I've yet to have a video card fail. Motherboards, hard drives, CPUs, and power supplies over the years, but never a video card for me. The majority were DOA, in which case the store gives me another one.

Maybe one day I'll figure out why everyone is concerned with the warranty on the component most replaced in gaming PCs.
prices won't be be down to 207 on a 512mb card that has a factory overclock for a long long time.

I bet six months from now you won't even be able to get this price again. This is one of those cards you could probably keep for a year and still sell for $200.

no once they get back in stock, which is actually suppose to be early december if i remember correctly. When both the 3870 and 8800gt are in stock, the price battle will begin and the prices will lower. Right now both are high, cause people will buy which ever one comes in stock, no mater the price.
Bought 3 cards for Triple SLI :cool::cool::D;)

More like I bought 1 right when the deal came out, the bought another because of FatCash from Fatwallet. Then decided that maybe a XFX one will be better. Probably going to take the 2 that ship the fastest. The other Ill just cancel.
no once they get back in stock, which is actually suppose to be early december if i remember correctly. When both the 3870 and 8800gt are in stock, the price battle will begin and the prices will lower. Right now both are high, cause people will buy which ever one comes in stock, no mater the price.

Thing is the 256MB card will probably get down to the $200 mark.

The 512MB card is supposed to get down to the $250 mark.

The fact is - this is a 512MB card, and OC'ed to boot, for a 256MB card price.

I bought twenty 7900GTX cards today for $70 a piece, new retail from

I plan to resell them on ebay for about $70 profit a piece --- IF my order goes through...they are no longer available on the site
LOL... I'm seeing this same thread mirrored all over the internet, by my quick count, they've sold a few hundred already.

I seriously doubt they have that many in stock, how many "backorder" emails should we expect.
LOL... I'm seeing this same thread mirrored all over the internet, by my quick count, they've sold a few hundred already.

I seriously doubt they have that many in stock, how many "backorder" emails should we expect.

I hope I am not on that list. :eek:
no once they get back in stock, which is actually suppose to be early december if i remember correctly. When both the 3870 and 8800gt are in stock, the price battle will begin and the prices will lower. Right now both are high, cause people will buy which ever one comes in stock, no mater the price.

The 8800GT has spent maybe one week at it's $250 MSRP. If the 3870 costed less than the 8800GT by say $30, then it would be priced appropriately. It is faster then the 8600GTS, which is about the same as a 7900GS in DX9, but is slower than the 8800GT. Reviews around the internet, including [H]'s own, reflects this.

LOL... I'm seeing this same thread mirrored all over the internet, by my quick count, they've sold a few hundred already.

I seriously doubt they have that many in stock, how many "backorder" emails should we expect.

Yeah, by this point I imagine they have sold whatever they had to sell. :( In a perfect world, everyone would just get their card instantly when they clicked submit. Fingers crossed I suppose.
The 8800GT has spent maybe one week at it's $250 MSRP. If the 3870 costed less than the 8800GT by say $30, then it would be priced appropriately. It is faster then the 8600GTS, which is about the same as a 7900GS in DX9, but is slower than the 8800GT. Reviews around the internet, including [H]'s own, reflects this.

the 8800gt hasn't had any competition, and has not been in stock at all no matter what the price. With the new ati 3000 series out its going to lower the demand for the 8800gt. So they will end up having to lower their prices, unlike before.
bought one to, was gonna get a new monitor but rather get a larger display later than a small one now. that and some of my games are a little slow due to my system, i just hope it wont be waiting on the cpu all the time.least not that i can notice anyway.
The backing of H is enough for me. If this card is still in my system in two years, let alone not ebayed next christmas season, then I must've gotten addicted to an MMO again.

All the products are in fact the traditional reference design, same cooler, but with a different logo on top. Besides, if XFX, BFG, and eVGA feel comfortable with giving this same reference board a lifetime warranty, that says something about quality of manufacturing. It's not an ATi product where their own manufacturers boxed product only carries a limited one year. Even then, people will still buy those and have no issues with them forever.

If you haven't owned that much hardware, and are truly that concerned about warranty, then please only buy XFX, BFG, and eVGA hardware where ever possible. You will find that 2-3 years is absolutely standard for any motherboard as well. 3 years is retail CPU. Perhaps I'm the abnormal one around these parts, but so far I've yet to have a video card fail. Motherboards, hard drives, CPUs, and power supplies over the years, but never a video card for me. The majority were DOA, in which case the store gives me another one.

Maybe one day I'll figure out why everyone is concerned with the warranty on the component most replaced in gaming PCs.

I actually own 2 x MSI NX7800GT's in a rig I don't use anymore...I'd rather have the piece of mind. If I still have the 2 7800GT's in a rig I can use, more so a backup that I don't have to really upgrade, then I'd like to have the warranty. Didn't realize that when I got the 7800GT's though...Also, for those of us that build PC's for friend's/family that don't upgrade/can't upgrade, then lifetime warranty like evga's is the way to go...=)

BTW, I figured I'd post the crapiness of their warranty anyways...Some might like to know, and it looks like I've helped a few out, which was the point of my post.

[H]ot. In for 2. ETA 12/10. If shopblt actually ships on 11/25, I will cancel at Dell

Hopefully, by now, NVIDIA has taken the hint and has an entire city building 8800GTs full bore
Sweet deal. Buddy needs a gaming comp and with limited funds (Like most of us) and is in no hurry. perfect !

Thx for the headsup !
"Ship in 1-2 weeks" looks to me to be a euphemism for out of stock, since it's not even explained in the clickable menu alongside the more typical messages they run ("Ships in 24 hours," etc.)
looks like 12/10 is the common est. ship date.


Does Dell ever ship sooner than their estimates?
I read from a couple different ppl they would get a 1-2 week email after ordering something and dell ship next day(business day). I wouldn't hold my breath but it could happen. If anyone has a crap load of these Dell does.
looks like 12/10 is the common est. ship date.


Does Dell ever ship sooner than their estimates?

They are out of stock, so they could ship earlier if you where an early buyer (your not) and they got stock in early.
This saved me money in more then one way. Now I'll just get a P35 mobo instead of a X38 one since I got an Nvidia card and will have no use for xfire.
I've bought an LCD monitor, a couple of laptops, and some desktops from Dell in the past and the estimated ship date has always been overestimated. My stuff has always shipped out long before the estimated date, usually within a couple of days (5-6).

I hope this won't be any different.
Bought first thought about later.

Shipping Method: 3-5 Business Days
Est. Ship Date: 12/10/2007
Est. Delivery Date: 12/13/2007-12/17/2007

Shipping Method: 3-5 Business Days
Est. Ship Date: 12/10/2007
Est. Delivery Date: 12/13/2007-12/17/2007

I'll likely cancel whichever comes later; if I get both meh. I think I would prefer the MSI one though I would rather have the pre-OC than the free game.

Even though this BF kinda sucked it's been quite expensive for me :(
To the people who said they will cancel if one or the other comes first. I'm curious how you would do that? What happens if both are shipped at the same time? Has anyone tried to cancel anything with Dell before?
Everyone else has been price gouging the 8800gt's, limited available and high demand. I would get an eVGA card from newegg but they're still out of stock till who knows when.

I do have a feeling this may get put into some sort of endless waiting game with the "we're sorry but the item you want is backordered" etc.
Man, there's just something poetic about that--awesome!

Glad I'm not the only one who felt that way :)

Signature updated to explain the squeeze... new case! Mega gaming is best served in small packages!

Hope this comes before December... 10th!
I think i'll order 50 and sell them on eBay for $350 or something like that. Or, should I save some for you guys?
if some of you guys cant wait, compusa is gonna have the bfg 8800gt for $250 its a few bucks more unless someone got faster shipping on the xfx card, then its the same deal. the deal is good thru dec 1st. , i dont mind so much i still saving $30 bucks plus tax.
Just ordered the MSI. $225 total.

I should get the card by the time finals end, so I have a month to play before next semester.

I'm just a tad concerned that it might not come by that time, since almost all the other tech and bargain websites/forums know about it and a lot of other people ordered as well. Time will tell.
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