
Is it up yet?! I'm trying to get onnn :(

BTW FadedSpark needs to be added to builders :)

This sucks. I had a nice chunk of time set aside just for Minecraft and its server goes down.
Good thing im at work and can't play! Don't feel as bad now lol. There should be a receipe to make a bulldozer... clearing mountains by hand is annoying lol
I'm getting connection timed out each time I try to connect to the server.
Ya I lost connection 2 hours ago and couldn't get back in... maybe sup was sleep walking and turned it off
The shockwave from that offending mountain finally worked its way to the cpu...
Took a few screenshots of my main base thing..been slowly changing things that I don't like about it but it's pretty stable now. My workshop is at the top of it...plus a wheat farm and reed farm. Also the majority of my storage. Half way down it's height (close to ground level for what's around it) is a small tree farm. There is a minecart track that goes from the very top to the very bottom that Im still working on a glass barrier around it and drilling down outside the glass barrier to let light into the minecart track because my torches are not completely stopping monster spawns inside it and the very bottom of my base (this started happening post patch).

If you look at the world maps you can see my tower out in the water...it goes only a few blocks below the surface of the water. My intention is to eventually drill it down to the bedrock so you could ride the water column all the way down and use a boat to quickly go up. (4x4 water column in the middle of it surrounded in glass except for one side so you can go half in and out of the water and not drown as you go down). It also has a waterfall off the side of it to cycle the boats back to the bottom since you can't pick them back up, it doesn't work to great atm, but it does work somewhat.

Overall Im still trying to glass off things and get iron ore to complete minetracks and boosters tracks and enough carts to make them all function.

There is also a pretty large tree farm off one of my minecart tracks that Ive been experimenting with trying to make it easier to farm it for seeds and wood. I built a second level so I could make the trees grow taller so the majority of the foliage is on the second level. And working on a way to make it so I can use water to quickly destroy the foliage and collect seeds without ruining my torch setup....otherwise I get a huge monster infestation because the foliage makes it too dark.

The other ramps down from the sky are for harvesting sand mostly.

Eventually I plan on criss crossing the minecart tracks so I can make a big loop of tracks in the sky to move around quickly with towers/structures to allow for mining down into the ground.

I think my two big structures are pretty neat, mine cart things are nothing special..but they look impressive on the overall map...plus makes it a lot easier to watch TV while I run..dont have to worry about jumping over and around things while I travel.

I created this drop box account to host my minecraft pictures. If you have any requests for specific pictures let me know and Ill work on them. I just took a few I though were cool while I was out workign on something else and happened to look back.

Is dropbox free?

Also, sulseeker, I've got 2 more friends to get the game, would you allow them to play with all of us or should I host my own? I know ur connection can't handle too many people and that none of them are affiliated with [H].

I would still play on here when I can still, worked too hard and you guys are awesome too just walk away.

I've hosted 20 man cod servers without lag so im hoping minecraft doesn't require too much lol
Honestly, I'm thinking about handing it to someone who's got a better Upload speed than I do.

We're limited to what we can get done JUST BECAUSE I can't have more than 10 people on or it gets laggy as hell.

I don't want to do it, but F***ing Qwest wont give me the 20Dn/3Up I had at my last place or this wouldn't be a problem.

And I want and encourage you to bring friends to come and enjoy what we've done. Get them playing and make their own works... it's GREAT fun!

I've learned a ton about hosting a server too!!! Trying to keep it updated... and running(!!!)... looking for fun or interesting plugins... trying different server software to use and not use... Doing what I can to keep you guys happy... and Updated with information during downtimes... (this mornings was my son getting happy with the mouse and the X button on windows.)

Also thinking about hosting multiple servers for Earth and Hell worlds... but once again I don't have the bandwidth plus I'm not trying to split what community we do have.

All of this I've thought about and learned these past few weeks of hosting this simple little blocky low-rez game. Thank you guys, also, for being a great community to begin with!!! :)

And on a lighter note... This. Is. Awesome!!!
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Simple solution. We move the server to my rack I have 15/2, we work on it together you can rdp or vnc into it and run it just like before. Can run 2 servers 1 of each world. And u can run r mega project onurs. Ill help u maintain it and all that.

Or can even run one of the servers as a test server to try pluggins on andnot worry about breaking things before we make the move to re main server.
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Ambient occlusion mod and Misa's Realistic make for an attractive landscape
Is dropbox free?

Yes, you get 2 gigs of storage for free...it's really easy to use just drag and drop and it syncs it to the net and whatever PC you install the client with that login on it'll sync off the net as well.

I think they have multiple OSes and even phone installations.

And if you do a few extra steps and invite friends you can increase your storage 250 meg at a time. For instance, if Im doing this properly...if you use http://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTE0NTcxOTY5OQ to sign up it should give me 250 meg extra free space and give you 250 meg for using it. And when you do that you'll get a referral code to give out to others. Also there's some steps you can do to get 250 meg extra...basically running through their help system.

Anyway, if you do decide to sign up please use the referral code. Gets you an extra 250 meg starting out as well as giving me another 250.
It sure was nice to finally log back in and find my entire house/base filled floor to ceiling with glass blocks.

Probably took me and Sul 20 minutes to clear it all out.

Fun Fun Fun :)
I agree that ambient occlusion is a great mod. I just gave Misa's Realistic Overhaul a try and I'm very pleased with it (this is coming from someone who usually hates >32x32 res packs). :)
I wish I could smuggle this on to a computer at work... (A best buy... heh heh heh).

Annnd sorry for the triple post. o_o
I wish I could smuggle this on to a computer at work... (A best buy... heh heh heh).

Annnd sorry for the triple post. o_o

gotta find one w/o Archie...
Though the Bridge systems should be fair game...
gotta find one w/o Archie...
Though the Bridge systems should be fair game...

Someone knows what they're talking about ;)

I was thinking my customer terminal that is running vanilla win7... XD

Ze stargate, with texture pack.

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Too bad the texture pack is not handling the portal very well...

Anyway, SUL, when you post the images, don't post them to the photos dropbox folder, post them to public, then right-click, dropbox menu, copy public link.

Post the link here.

Should solve the 20mb issue...
Also, can you add



names to the builder list, ellz is a friend and illustrial is the female of the house so I have to get her in somehow...
The ambient occlusion is ridiculously awesome.

Minecraft is like the perfect kind of game to have AO used in since the graphics are simple so the effect shows up really well.
The ambient occlusion is ridiculously awesome.

Minecraft is like the perfect kind of game to have AO used in since the graphics are simple so the effect shows up really well.

I'm going to guess from the lack of a recognizeable name, i'm talking to...

So I just bought this game two days ago, and I am utterly consumed by it.. I've known about this game for the past year, but I never took the plunge... I'm so far learning all the basics and crafting.. I am Hashmang on Sul's server, and just staked out a twin mountain range to make my home.

So Sul, I was wondering when the server will be back up, because the withdrawal is about to equal deprived crackmethhead status.. :p

Anyone else know any public alpha servers that are cool to check out and perhaps able to build on? I cannot play this game in single player, as IMO the game is entirely made for multiplayer interaction and public displays.. I don't want to waste anytime building in single player where my efforts are only enjoyed by myself..
I dunno what everyone's talking about... server is up, has been all day.

Check it...

Have I missed anything exciting?

Sul, what would make my tunnel cave in and the mountain reform where we were blasting?
I've been using WorldEdit mod and hey0 on my own private server, might have to add in that ambient occlusion mod.