
Riot, I jumped to VisualAdmin, but it's not compatible with Hey0's mod at this time... so I transferred back, (honestly moving the world around is simple as copying 1 folder, also makes backups a snap.) So i'm using the Baseline Non-GUI server and doing everything by hand at this moment, and since theres something wrong with my groups.txt, I'm adding you all users by hand. It's a pain in the ass but I'm sure you'd all like to have your fun!

Speaking of users, I've added everyone who has PM'd me to builder access. and it seems arr4ws and PanzerboxB haven't been around much, where are you guys?

Ok just curious, the other day you were experimenting with groups and I wasn't sure if VIP (which is green?) had the ability to promote since the question was asked when you weren't around. Also, some builders wanted water and TNT, there isn't anyway to get those until you log on correct?
mind blown
you need to do this and we need pictures immediately. omg that would freaking ROCK

Here I was laying out some blocks as a sample for scale, this is when I realized it was too small...despite being big already IMO lol. Trying to make a rectangle shape curve around and look good is hard at low resolution. I could only theoretically fit about 28 stone blocks as I had it setup whereas 30 are required.

Here I was laying out some blocks as a sample for scale, this is when I realized it was too small...despite being big already IMO lol. Trying to make a rectangle shape curve around and look good is hard at low resolution. I could only theoretically fit about 28 stone blocks as I had it setup whereas 30 are required.

Yeah, I've been building lots of structures with pixelated curves in them - they only look good from far away, up close they make no sense. You just get used to it after a while. It will help a little to take the blue-print (which looks awesome, btw) and fill in the blocks that make up the structure - just having the clean lines on there is only the first step, and I think if you try to build straight off that blueprint, it will be really confusing. With a structure that big, it's not going to be easy no matter what.

I need to pick up some graph papper - should help a lot.
Riot, I jumped to VisualAdmin, but it's not compatible with Hey0's mod at this time... so I transferred back, (honestly moving the world around is simple as copying 1 folder, also makes backups a snap.) So i'm using the Baseline Non-GUI server and doing everything by hand at this moment, and since theres something wrong with my groups.txt, I'm adding you all users by hand. It's a pain in the ass but I'm sure you'd all like to have your fun!

Speaking of users, I've added everyone who has PM'd me to builder access. and it seems arr4ws and PanzerboxB haven't been around much, where are you guys?

Thanks, should be on a lot this weekend if lag allows ;)
To: homeless
From: vault 13
Subject: free housing

Dear homeless people, or those who would like a change of scenery, we at vault 13 would like to off free housing to those in need. We have 1 house and 2 empty lots currently available. Tired of huge pyramids and random huge building? Look no further! We are so far to the west you'll Never see them again!

Thank you,
Vault Dweller Greatone
To whom it may concern,

Tired of not having giant pyramids to gaze at leisurely? Well, worry no more! We at Absurd-a-Mids Inc will build a giant pyramid in your neighborhood shortly! No more will you have to wonder what the view is like for your far off friends!

You might ask, "What do I have to do to make this happen for me?" The answer is: NOTHING!!!

Soon you will see the construction framework and beautiful lava central core being assembled near you! So sit back, relax, and just enjoy the new sights coming to the area near you!


President of Absurd-a-Mids Inc
Ok just curious, the other day you were experimenting with groups and I wasn't sure if VIP (which is green?) had the ability to promote since the question was asked when you weren't around. Also, some builders wanted water and TNT, there isn't anyway to get those until you log on correct?

I just check and No, VIP didn't have promote ability, which I thought it did... :mad:

And while Water is cool to spawn, i'd rather not spawn TNT willy nilly cause A) it causes server lag, B) Has the ability to crash the server (if enough is detonated at the same time,) and, C) Exponentialates Tycho's Greater Internet F***wad Theory

See here.

No, I don't think anyone would go blowing up downtown... but I could imagine someone filling a cave system if I freely allowed TNT... and that would be bad.

I know, I've tried it.
We have monster spawns again on the server?...found some feathers on my lawn today.
Just pigs and chickens...

And a zombie or two in the tunnels...

Maybe a skeleton...

But don't mind them, they're still celebrating halloween.

But NO creepers, cows or sheep.

Man, I want a sheep.

You know... to ride... like a pig...

QUIT THAT, look it up on minecraft wiki, you can ride a pig.

No idea when/if they'll allow you to ride sheep... you sick f#cks.
QUIT THAT, look it up on minecraft wiki, you can ride a pig

No idea when/if they'll allow you to ride sheep... you sick f#cks.

My friend and I raced pigs on my server when were bored. We didnt get very far. And there is mod that allows you to use a saddle of all the other animal Sul.
Man, I want a sheep.

You know... to ride... like a pig...

QUIT THAT, look it up on minecraft wiki, you can ride a pig.

No idea when/if they'll allow you to ride sheep... you sick f#cks.

No idea what you're talking about, Sul. :p
Minecraft Alpha 1.2.1, Minecraft Server 0.2.3

The server update is not mandatory, but you might want to update just to make sure.

This is a bugfixes only update:

* Signs on the sides of cacti no longer crash the game
* The player won’t get stuck on the top of the world in multiplayer
* Reverted mob spawning back to the old code, it was far to annoying. I have plans on what to do with this.
* Fixed the leaf particle colors
* Reduced CPU usage for monster spawning, but there’s still a lot of work to be done to reduce lag on SMP servers.
* Attempted to fix the portal dupe bug where you could exit through a different (new) one than the one you entered through.

About the portals, it’s possible that two portals can lead to the same portal in the Nether. This is because the space down there is compressed by a factor of 8, and I haven’t come up with a good way to fix this yet.
I might just end up doing an explicit one-to-one binding between portal pairs, but that’s nontrivial as it should survive the portal being temporarily destroyed. If you TNT a portal then rebuild it, you’d expect it to still lead to the same place, right?


More bug updates are coming next week, mainly related to survival mode multi player.


Client 1.2.1_01 fixes armor. And I forgot to mention that Music will play in multiplayer now as well.
Just purchased minecraft :D i know im super late but its awesome!

SUL can you add me to the vip list please i would love to start building stuff

username: Enphenate
Can't find an Update to Hey0's mod... so I guess I'll Jump on getting the new server patch downloaded and running.

EviL-aLphA, I'll get you added while the server is down.

Also... anyone interested in doing a mega project of some sort? Thinking of NES era RPGS and the Final Fantasy 1 Overworld map has been tossed around a bit, as well as SNES FF6 (FF3US) but I think that would be block limited.

Any thing we do would be a massive undertaking... but I still think it'd be cool as hell to crawl around in these old school games in an FPS. So if you're interested... list some ideas below.

Edit: Server is up
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not all that old school, but the resident evil mansion or RE2 Police station?

would be perfect to spawn a lot of zombies in :D
Update didn't fix foliage to auto-decay, and two of my minecarts vanished maybe more, but the two nearest my location are gone.

Gonna have to get an account to upload screenshots to, but got a few. For those of you who don't know as I didn't until someone told me. If you press and hold F1 and then hit f2 you can get a screenshot saved to the application data/.minecart folder in PNG format.
WTH can't I connect?

EDIT: Says minecraft.net is down. Grrr....

Edit2: Now sul's server won't let me log in. :-(
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Weird, can't log into my server anymore, says took too long to log in. Coincidence with minecraft.net being down? :sad:
Weird, can't log into my server anymore, says took too long to log in. Coincidence with minecraft.net being down? :sad:

Glad you said something, thought it was only me.

Yup, server is running... no one can log in at the moment tho.

still, there's always This to look at.

That got yanked quick Modred!
Wasn't yanked...
BTW, it won't et me see the three most recent pics because they are >20mb.