Love your socket 754?

ohh it wont crap out. tsue, are you gonna keep your TCCD or get some UTT goodness? your gonna need it to take it to (cf). are you gonna let a s754 chip SPANK your almighty venice?
ohh it wont crap out. tsue, are you gonna keep your TCCD or get some UTT goodness? your gonna need it to take it to (cf). are you gonna let a s754 chip SPANK your almighty venice?

If my Venice had a better memory controller, I'd already be spankin' it. :p The high point of TCCD is being blocked by this chip, so yeah, I'm going to get some BH-5 or CH-5 and I'll kill 30 seconds for sure. And I'll sell this TCCD after I get new memory and swap out. Interested? :p
nah, i have a grudge against TCCD. it eats butt. basically. you have the choice of selling your TCCD and getting A.) OCZ Gold, B.) Mushkin pc4000 (trust me tsue, the pc4000 is the good stuff) C.) Geil ONE bh-5 stuff or D.) Gskills BH-died stuff. i told you UTT was best, but NOPE! i swear by TCCD. goon!
Tsue, was it you, baron, or eclipse that had the turion? I can't remember. Whoever it was, what sorta clocks did you hit, and how did the performance compare? Interested coz I just found a nice deal (for Australia, anyway :rolleyes: ) on an ML-40 OEM.
everyones been really busy with other ventures. me tsue cf and baron are doing our own ocing website that reviews stuff, and everyone else is probably gettign ready for school. i justy went and posted. and congrats on hitting 2.5ghz!
Yea, I found out what was holding me back after all this time...I forgot to set the HTT-Link multi down from 4x to 3x! 'doh! :eek:

BTW, I think she's still got some left in her yet! I'll get an aftermarket cooler on there and see how things go.
(any recommendations on one? I was thinking a Zelman)
xp90 maybe xp120. that should do the trick.

Edit : and with this post, we official TIE the venice thread as being the longest thread in the AMD section!
banGerprawN said:
Tsue, was it you, baron, or eclipse that had the turion? I can't remember. Whoever it was, what sorta clocks did you hit, and how did the performance compare? Interested coz I just found a nice deal (for Australia, anyway :rolleyes: ) on an ML-40 OEM.

I can't say I ever HAD a Turion, but my friend recently got a Lance Armstrong HP laptop with a Turion and I got to play with it, including getting a CPU-Z to tease you all. :p But as far as clocks, no idea....ran silky smooth when I used it tho, I was impressed.

And CCU, yes, Mushkin PC4000 is what I plan on next. But my memory is only worth like $160 new, so like I might get $140 shipped for them or something...I might try to sell the sticks locally first. Might sell them to my friend who's getting my DFI.
tsue you might wanna check out the geil One stuff. its rate 2-2-2-5 for ddr400 and 2-2-2-5 for ddr500 and its only 160 bucks, waremteed up to 3.8v. its a good choice.
Yeah, geil or OCZ VX or Mushkin Redline. Whatever I can find that performs well whenever I have some available money...even if this TCCD can't do 2.5-3-3 DDR600, it'll hold out until after I get a decent videocard in this beast.
threw the silencer on. i love it. temps went from 45 idle 60 load to 34 idle 45 load. i cant get over it. for 15 bucks
banGerprawN said:
Tsue, was it you, baron, or eclipse that had the turion? I can't remember. Whoever it was, what sorta clocks did you hit, and how did the performance compare? Interested coz I just found a nice deal (for Australia, anyway :rolleyes: ) on an ML-40 OEM.
newark is better imo. if you're gonna spend that much get a 4000+, 2.6ghz, 1.35v stock :cool:
here's how my 3700+ does:
(cf)Eclipse said:
newark is better imo. if you're gonna spend that much get a 4000+, 2.6ghz, 1.35v stock :cool:
here's how my 3700+ does:
Yeah, I wouldnt mind doing that, but you try tracking a newark down in Australia!!
Anything that's not S939 over here doesnt come with correct core info or a core code name. And emailing distributors? Think again. You'll be lucky to get an autoreply email.... :rolleyes:
well, i sent in the RMA request form in on my 6200 which mysteriously died. ive been tinkering with watercooling getting the max i can outta it. my cathodes kill the stability of my 12v rail, its ultra lame.
Are there any game benchmarks using the Sempr0n64's? I've been lured to a sempy for my shuttle (when or if their BIOS recognizes it, sn85g4v3 model) and I wonder what kind of performance hit I might be taking with the 256 vs 512k of cache.
its not horrible. lets see, at 2.7ghz a sempon is comperable to a 2.5ghz a64, but they run alot cooler then the desktop counterparts.
Excellent news. What about processor intensive applications like video/audio encoding? I dont expect the world from a sempron but I'm used to a 35 minute transcode with my 3400, I wonder how much its going to be with the sempy's.
im osrry team members, but im gonna hafta leave s754. i however like baron and tsue will still be active. im selling my 2800+ vnf3-250 and soundcard, the little guy that comes with it for 200 bucks locally. meaning that im gonna sell my 2 video cards, the 9600xt and 6200 when it comes back from RMA, and sell my watercooling. that should give me around 400+ bucks to work with for a new rig.
yay for being true :p

if i ever get s939, it'll be for a reviewing rig, and not for normal use ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
yay for being true :p

if i ever get s939, it'll be for a reviewing rig, and not for normal use ;)

Sure, keep on saying that. Maybe you'll believe yourself, too. :cool:
Fucking right. Only a real man can handle a pink $500 videocard. You only wish you had half my cool. :cool:
tsuehpsyde said:
Fucking right. Only a real man can handle a pink $500 videocard. You only wish you had half my cool. :cool:

So are you getting that to match your lipstick or your panties?
robberbaron said:
So are you getting that to match your lipstick or your panties?

No, I was going to get it to match yours and surprise you when you came over again tomorrow night, but now you've gone and ruined the surprise.
back on topic! im gonna play with s754 a bit more, im gonna see what i can do with an xp90 with panaflo fan. but im still going to s939. heres what im thinking. ABIT an8-sli or DFI NF4-d or Ultra-d and a Powerstream 520 or FSP BlueStorm 500w psu. what do i do for a gpu now?
so it appears that im going to be moving to s939 alot sooner then i thought. so yea, who wants a 9600xt with silencer, used for under 1 day, and a 6200 fresh from RMA?
hmm, lemme gimme a knife, i need to a hand off, cause im made of money. BUDGET gpu im talking! BUDGET!!! maybea 6600non gt or something of the similar price range.
so it appears that im going to be moving to s939 alot sooner then i thought. so yea, who wants a 9600xt with silencer, used for under 1 day, and a 6200 fresh from RMA?

Prices? :D I may be interested
asus has a nice 754 pin motherboard with pci-express. also has a 8 SATA ports :eek:
My board has 8 SATA and PCI-Express. :D But the 4 SATA's on my 250GB were overkill, so the 8 I have now are even more overkill. Oh well, at least I can run all the SATA I want if I ever need to.