Love your socket 754?

tsuehpsyde said:
now I kinda wish I had the Abit cooler, because a passive cooler on this chipset is damn impressive, imo. :p


Edit: After writing this, the chipset is back up to 49C after priming during all of that, even with the fan fully cranked. God I hate this dang chipset and it's Pentium4-like heat.

What did i tell ya tsue? shoulda gone with that abit. SILENCE IS GOLDEN :D

RobberBaron said:
Sempron with 7800GTX 0wnage!
The ARC is down (forever it seems) so I screenshot the "Submit Score" page. Unfortunately, it doesnt show the score on that page, so just multiply the AvgFPS by 1,000 and theres the Aquamark3 score

Very nice baron, thats some extreme sempron pwnage. thats definatey some record, even though Aquamark3 is done for totally.
tsuehpsyde said:
Edit: After writing this, the chipset is back up to 49C after priming during all of that, even with the fan fully cranked. God I hate this dang chipset and it's Pentium4-like heat.
pull the chipset heatsink and remount it with AS5
CCU, it's not the noise that bothers me (I can't hear the chipset fan at all to be honest...sure it's louder than passive ;)) but I'd rather have the passive cooling assuming it runs cooler. If not, meh, at least it would dump the air out of the back of the case...and if you needed to, a small fan blowing air thru the fins would enhance it's abilities quite well.

And when in God's name the AM3 die? If I can't submit an ARC score....oh, someone will pay.
i read in a thread at oc that its done for. no more submitting scores, no more of that stuff, just write it off as a loss, i have already.
i read in a thread at oc that its done for. no more submitting scores, no more of that stuff, just write it off as a loss, i have already.

Maybe Aquamark 4 is in the works :cool:
hey, the 9600XT arrived. im excited! gonna redo my loop tonight, fill her, bleed her, and then throw her in, i need ramsinks though! what am i gonna do!
well, im pretty hasty on buying ramsinks only. i would get some for sure, but shipping eats the big one. its like 1 dollar for the ramsinks and 6 bucks for shipping
well, im pretty hasty on buying ramsinks only. i would get some for sure, but shipping eats the big one. its like 1 dollar for the ramsinks and 6 bucks for shipping
good point.. need anything else while you're at it?

also, site pimpage. finally got the CMS done to a reasonable level of completion. there are some quirks in IE that i can't figure out though :(
Pfft....who visiting your site would be n00b enough to still use IE?? :p

[EDIT] I got post 1337!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
banGerprawN said:
Pfft....who visiting your site would be n00b enough to still use IE?? :p
too many:
browser -> hits -> %
Firefox -> 11622 -> 76.4 %
MS Internet Explorer -> 3203 -> 21 %

and most of those FF hits are from me :p
i dunno what your problem is (cf), IE is super1337! and ohh, yea. im a moment of idiocy, ive bought a whole aircooling setup, meaning that after testing insues, im either selling my watercooling or my aircooling. so be on the lookout.
I use IE, so I'm sure I'm like 75% of those IE hits. ;) All of you IE haters are just haters. If I'm gonna use Windows, I might as well use IE. I'll setup Linux on my desktop if I want FF, but for now, I leave Linux for my serving needs.
tsuehpsyde said:
I use IE, so I'm sure I'm like 75% of those IE hits. ;) All of you IE haters are just haters. If I'm gonna use Windows, I might as well use IE. I'll setup Linux on my desktop if I want FF, but for now, I leave Linux for my serving needs.

IE is just ugh.
well, i need advice. should i :

A. Setup full watercooling, CPU and GPU, and then when my aircooling comes wait until setup the xp90 and panaflo and ATI silencer and compair.

B. Setup just CPU watercooling, wait for my Air to come, along with ramsinks for the ram on the 9600xt


C. Wait for aircooling to come, and set that up.
A. Setup full watercooling, CPU and GPU, and then when my aircooling comes wait until setup the xp90 and panaflo and ATI silencer and compare the max stable clocks at a constant voltage, then write up my findings for an article on EOC.
fixed. ;) :p
sabrewolf732 said:
how come Im not on the list :(

Added now.

And I have FF installed, but like, I've used both...and IE hasn't given me ANY problems, so why fuck with it? I mean seriously....what difference does an open source browser make if you're ENTIRE SYSTEM is running on closed source? Be more "open" minded, people. :p Google toolbar + router + AVG + Ad-Aware = problem free Windows, end of discussion.

I bet half of you FireFox camel jockeys havn't even installed or ever touched I'm running a dedicated server on a Gentoo install I setup with the aid of a fellow Gentoo user over SSH remotely over a 3-4 hour period. I'm more than capable of open-source, I just know when there's no fucking need for it. Tab browsing? It's not that cool.
I personally like the feel of the Firefox interface more than IE. I'm too in the habit of middle clicking links for tabs, tabs, tabs! Oh those crazy tabs!
robberbaron said:
I personally like the feel of the Firefox interface more than IE. I'm too in the habit of middle clicking links for tabs, tabs, tabs! Oh those crazy tabs!

Yeah, I've gotta say the ultra-sexy tabbed-ness gets me every time. Ever go to fix some old ladies computer, and find yourself screaming in frustration because the middle button on the cheap no-name mouse brings up an entirely proprietary menu that enables you to "quickly" access "favoured" applications?
I have.
banGerprawN said:
Yeah, I've gotta say the ultra-sexy tabbed-ness gets me every time. Ever go to fix some old ladies computer, and find yourself screaming in frustration because the middle button on the cheap no-name mouse brings up an entirely proprietary menu that enables you to "quickly" access "favoured" applications?
I have.

Oh I've seen that. It's like this goofy wheel-shaped menu that's full of garbage.
tsuehpsyde said:
Added now.

And I have FF installed, but like, I've used both...and IE hasn't given me ANY problems, so why fuck with it? I mean seriously....what difference does an open source browser make if you're ENTIRE SYSTEM is running on closed source? Be more "open" minded, people. :p Google toolbar + router + AVG + Ad-Aware = problem free Windows, end of discussion.

I bet half of you FireFox camel jockeys havn't even installed or ever touched I'm running a dedicated server on a Gentoo install I setup with the aid of a fellow Gentoo user over SSH remotely over a 3-4 hour period. I'm more than capable of open-source, I just know when there's no fucking need for it. Tab browsing? It's not that cool.

:D I <3 ff for tabs
tsuehpsyde said:
I bet half of you FireFox camel jockeys havn't even installed or ever touched
i hate installing gentoo. as easy and lame as it is, mandrake is where it's at for me :p
that aside, how did linux.. come into the question?
open source broswer ... open source OS. you get the deal. im soo used to Firefox and its tabbing goodness, that without it, it die alittle.
well, i setup CPU watercooling. and later on today when i get driver cleaner and some cd-r's im gonna setup watercooling on my 9600xt and see where i stand on my benching goals.
Well said Eclipse ........ why argue the merits of 939vs754..... get'm both. I'm having a ball playin' with this 3700/nf3 250 combo I just got hold of. Lookin at my sig specs, any advantage with the DFI board using the Mushkin 3500 bh-5? I hope I'm not gonna regret selling my rev2 OCZ tccd's....:-(
Toonage said:
Well said Eclipse ........ why argue the merits of 939vs754..... get'm both. I'm having a ball playin' with this 3700/nf3 250 combo I just got hold of. Lookin at my sig specs, any advantage with the DFI board using the Mushkin 3500 bh-5? I hope I'm not gonna regret selling my rev2 OCZ tccd's....:-(

On 754, no...on 939, yes. :p But it's still fun...but DDR500-DDR550 with 2-2-2 is better, hands down. And I have both (selling the 754 to a friend because he badly needs an upgrade) and yeah, there isn't much difference at all...but the Venice is a nice chip for the money.
Oh come on, only 10 posts (9 now ;)) until this becomes the largest thread in the AMD section. Don't crap out on us now. :)