Long Live Dreamcast

I have a launch-time DreamCast and a ton of games I bought during and after its lifetime... this thread has reminded me of it, sitting all alone on its shelf, yearning to be played again. Time to go google this "VGA mod", it sounds interesting :D!

EDIT: Apparrently there are pre-made cables that work the same way... does anyone know of a reputable vendor to get one from? Also, where can I get a lightgun for it? I still have 3 original controllers and the unit + a buncha games, but I'm looking to expand :).

I know racketboy sells them, but the website says they don't have many left so you should hurry. However those are just VGA cables and not the breakout box that also allows S-vid. I currently have a breakout box but the signal gets degraded and the it just isn't the quality it should be.

FYI if you really want VGA - I bought the only microchip needed brand new on eBay for $6 shipped. All I need now is a VGA plug from Radio shack, a few resistors and transistors, wire and solder. I think it'll be cleaner and give a better signal (not to mention be cheaper).

I'll post pics whenever I get the mod done. I also want to put S-vid, composite, and RCA stereo ports on the DC as well but it is going to be a tight fit so we'll see. Anyone know where I can get a 4-pin DIN to use for the s-vid port? RS doesn't seem to sell one.
Ummmmmmm. I knew that, but apparently it's out there amidst the tubes ^^^ So I was curious...

Unless you are calling Apoxi a liar? :p

Speaking of things outthere on the intertubes - Propeller Arena is a MUST for any DC player! It would have been sooo amazing to have that with online play had they released it...
Anyone know where I can get a power cable for the DC cheap? I usually have dozens of those cables around, but amidst many moves they've disappeared. Anyone have one to sell me for cheap :) I miss my DC, looking forward to some 4 player Gauntlet drunken madness again.
I know racketboy sells them, but the website says they don't have many left so you should hurry. However those are just VGA cables and not the breakout box that also allows S-vid. I currently have a breakout box but the signal gets degraded and the it just isn't the quality it should be.

FYI if you really want VGA - I bought the only microchip needed brand new on eBay for $6 shipped. All I need now is a VGA plug from Radio shack, a few resistors and transistors, wire and solder. I think it'll be cleaner and give a better signal (not to mention be cheaper).

I'll post pics whenever I get the mod done. I also want to put S-vid, composite, and RCA stereo ports on the DC as well but it is going to be a tight fit so we'll see. Anyone know where I can get a 4-pin DIN to use for the s-vid port? RS doesn't seem to sell one.

Wow, racketboy is way overpriced compared to other sites I used to see with them instock not so long ago. Do you know of any other in-stock sites that aren't twice the price of others, or is that basically it now and you just have to live with the high price if you want it? I don't want to do the mod, heck, I doubt I could if I tried :). I've never heard of them either, so I'm not terribly comfortable ordering there.
Have had my DreamCast since its release, love it to death, and will never get rid of it, (unless it just stops working) It gets played just as often as my other consoles, mostly so that me and my friends can geek out on MvC2 and SF3rd Strike. :)
I bought more games for the Dreamcast then I have for any other console. In total I once had a collection of about 35 games. What an incredible system.
I bought more games for the Dreamcast then I have for any other console. In total I once had a collection of about 35 games. What an incredible system.

Yup, I think I have more Dreamcast games, then all my other systems combined! Awesome system, and still my favorite of all time.
Yup, I think I have more Dreamcast games, then all my other systems combined! Awesome system, and still my favorite of all time.

Yeah, and the amazing thing is, that I bought those 35 games in the course of 1-2 years. I don't ever remember so many good games coming out for a single console in such a short period of time. I wonder how many awesome Dreamcast titles we would have had if it survived?
Soul calibur, Ikaruga, Sanfranscio RUSH 2049, SF III Strike, Bomberman Online (neverplayed online but with friends) to name a few. The Dreamcast is awesome.
Any more recent news? That article is from 2005 and still calls the Wii "Revolution". Shenmue was the second game I bought for my Dreamcast after I played Soul Calibur for a couple months....I had an Xbox but never got Shenmue 2.:(

I'm pretty sure that we'll get Shenmue 3 when DNF comes out!
I busted out my Dreamcast this weekend and played some Rez, Aero Wings and Sonic Adventure. I wish it hadn't died so soon, it had the most unique games of any system before or after it. One I've always wanted to try is Seaman, now that looks unique.
I busted out my Dreamcast this weekend and played some Rez, Aero Wings and Sonic Adventure. I wish it hadn't died so soon, it had the most unique games of any system before or after it. One I've always wanted to try is Seaman, now that looks unique.

I've been wondering that myself, and i've been scouring Ebay for DC games for weeks now. I remember being in Best Buy, and seeing Seaman. It came with a microphone and was apparantly very unique because of it's voice recognition. Anyone have any thoughts about Seaman (from those who have played it).
The DC was an excellent system. I'd still take it over anything Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft have currently put out.
Anyone here done any mods to theirs? Anyone running it on VGA, if so what setup?

I thought about doing the speed increase but since I don't play xvids, vcds (anymore), or emulators on it I figured it wasn't worth taking the chance of screwing up other gameplay. I remember though, the first pirated movie I watched was the Fast and the Furious, cam version, VCD on the DC! Yeah baby!
Ummmmmmm. I knew that, but apparently it's out there amidst the tubes ^^^ So I was curious...

Unless you are calling Apoxi a liar? :p

Sounds like I am. Either that, or he's a Valve employee and has some kind of crazy unreleased version... or isn't a Valve employee and still has a crazy unreleased version.
Sounds like I am. Either that, or he's a Valve employee and has some kind of crazy unreleased version... or isn't a Valve employee and still has a crazy unreleased version.

Were you talking about HL? Is there another version besides the one easily available for DC? I found the framerates to be dissapointing.
just want to say thanks to everybody for bringing this up. I saw this post this morning and went out an bought a dreamcast about an hour ago. Bought the system, 2 controllers, UFC + Quake III arena... My roommates and I have been having a blast on UFC.
I loved Dreamcast, the system. I absolutely abhorred Dreamcast, the controller.

I couldn't play that damned thing for more than two hours without my hands cramping up. Still, I think most of the year 2000 I fought through hand cramps. :D