Long Live Dreamcast

I didnt even know you could pirate the DC games untill near the end of its era. None of my friends did either, we all bought our games. I lived in a little dink town in the middle of Iowa so go figure. I worked at a retail store that went out of business about the same time the DC was. I got a lot of games and a second DC for real cheap, also snagged some N64 games that used to be $70 or $80 for cheap along with the expansion RAM module for the N64 so I could play Perfect Dark nice and pretty haha. Some of those N64 games were expensive back in the day!
Alright, before anybody else starts spouting "facts", lets all read up a little wiki on this subject.

I owned and loved my Dreamcast. It was pretty much my Soul Calibur machine since at that time I was into tournament play (Soul Calibur II didn't really change mechanics all that much) so this was a way to keep my skillz refined. After playing games on this machine there was no way you couldn't see the potential it had. Alas, potential doesn't sell systems/games. Poor business management in general by Sega and their refocus on being a 3rd party developer pretty much made this an oldie but goodie console.

Hey, where's the Turbo-Grafx 16 threads at?!
Sorry, but:

Sales =! Quality (Example? Enter the Matrix. The game wasn't even finished and it sold over a million units in the first week.)

By implying otherwise, you've basically written your status of a casual, ignorant gamer in stone.

To satisfy your immature request, here are the ones I remember. I'm sure I've missed some, but those are the ones I own or have owned in the past.

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
Soul Calibur
Hydro Thunder
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Gunbird 2
House of the Dead 2
Mars Matrix
Dead or Alive 2
Rayman 2
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 2
Phantasy Star Online
Virtua Tennis
Jet Set Radio
Capcom Vs SNK 2
Metropolis Street Racer
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Test Drive Le Mans
Ferrari F355
Chu Chu Rocket
Gunbird 2
House of the Dead 2
Mars Matrix
Powerstone 2
Shenmue 2
Ecco the Dolphin
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Crazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi 2
Samba de Amigo
Oh man, this is making me all nostalgic about my Dreamcast. I LOVED my Dreamcast Arcade Joystick by Agetek. That was the most well-made arcade joystick I've ever owned. The thing was so heavy you could actually use it as a weapon. I wish I had an adapter to play it on my PS2. The Dreamcast was a kick-ass system for fighting games.
I played the DC more and bought more games for it than any other system to date, incl. Xbox and PS2. Almost every single game was a winner. As my buddy used to say, "Dreamcast was the best system evarr in the history of evarr!!"
maddox said:
What Microsoft should have done was team up with Sega to buy all their unsold Dreamcasts and just use them as controllers for the Xbox. It probably would have been smaller than the 8 lb atrocity that they have now.
Great read
Hulk said:
Does anyone have any info on this Headhunter 2 game?



google it


Hulk said:
"By the time Sega decided to cease development of the Dreamcast, about 10 million consoles had been sold"


You would think that 10 million people who bought your product would keep you in business.

Not when you're selling at a loss.

The Dreamcast launched at $199, which was well under what it cost to make (Like the Xbox and PS2). Unfortunately, they couldn't afford to advertise their software, which meant they wouldn't sell as much of it.
Domingo said:
All of these wonderful games that it had usually amount to...Sould Calibur and very little else.

lol I'm with K600 on this one. I own more than twice as many DC games (17) as I do PS2 games (7), and honestly there's only like 4 or 5 more PS2 games that I want. The DC is a gamer's dream come true, esp. if you like arcade games. I love 2D fighting and nothing comes close to what the DC has to offer. And I don't even own Soul Calibur.

As for Sega's other systems, yeah the 32x and the Sega CD were pretty crappy, but you'll notice that the Saturn has a following similar to that of the DC. Sega has always been a source of fantastic games, they just aren't very good at the business side of things.
probably the area i had most fun with dreamcast was the rpg's, Grandia II, and Skies of Arcadia - they were amazing. The colors, the adventure, the side-quests, it was fanastic.

I wasn't crazy about the controller especially with racing games like crazy taxi and test drive le-mans, which were again both great.

Dreamcast was still innovative, risky (think samba, seaman, and the fishing controller) and cared more about its gamers "fun factor" than any other modern system, IMO.

EGM had a great article comparing games and system from NBA LIVE 06 from xbox to xbox360 it was a cool factor, but from Soul Blade PS to Soul Calibur just WOW! Still to this day that game is beautiful.

The fact that the arcade jamma boards and the dreamcast system were the same components made all the games amazingly easy to port.
I'll never forget the first time I was playing NFL2k with my brothers and my mom walked int he room and asked us how we were watching an NFL game on a weekday morning. :D

If I had to pick a single system, and could only have that system and the games that were available for it, I would have to pick the DC to play. I think it just barely edges out the SNES as my favorite system.
jtsnewo4 said:
I'll never forget the first time I was playing NFL2k with my brothers and my mom walked int he room and asked us how we were watching an NFL game on a weekday morning. :D

If I had to pick a single system, and could only have that system and the games that were available for it, I would have to pick the DC to play. I think it just barely edges out the SNES as my favorite system.


ps: icarus is also dead, but at least we know something about it:
K600 said:
To satisfy your immature request, here are the ones I remember. I'm sure I've missed some, but those are the ones I own or have owned in the past.

You forgot Bangai-O! 20 minutes of playing that game was all it took to convince me to get a Dreamcast. One of my all-time favorite games.
Slartibartfast said:
That article that was posted earlier comparing the tech specs between the PS2 and DC was actually pretty enlightening: what I took from it is that while the PS2 has more raw power, the DC is far more efficient - it can decompress textures in realtime, as well as skip drawing unseen polygons, both of which the PS2 cannot do.

Funny thing about that, Dreamcast used a variant of the KYRO graphics chip, if you remember those cards. They were out around the reign of the GF2MX.
so i got a dreamcast and its a dec 2000 model that doesnt play any homebrew games. seems it doesnt even play cds. None of the game shops around me even have games for this. I think i got mine a little late.
unreal tournament online and quake 3 online with a mouse and kb.

jet grind radio.

soul calibur.


dead or alive 2.

skies of arcadia

internet access on my tv for $150 !!!!

it was an amazing system.
fireburster said:
so i got a dreamcast and its a dec 2000 model that doesnt play any homebrew games. seems it doesnt even play cds. None of the game shops around me even have games for this. I think i got mine a little late.

lol yeah, the only stores that carry dc games anymore are independently owned. try www.gamequestdirect.com for lots of new and sealed dc games (man I love that site - and no I don't work for them).
Thats right i got it a year before the american relase. I dont even have the modem its supposed to come with i got some kinda terminator device on it (never knew what it did as it runs with out it). It came with all the games released at the time and they were all in japanese lol. firtual fighter 3 stoped working after like a month of continual play because of a minor scratch( gd-roms had horrible fault protection).

Man i love my dreamcast its actually the only system i still play and i have the saturn too but its kinda not played anymore seeing how i fell in love with marvel vs capcom 2 and sf3 third strike instead of x-men vs street fighter series. it was so advanced as a system at the time infact its water cooled yeah thats right the very first water cooled pc\console (i call it a pc because it had everything a pc does minus hard drive). Im going to buy the new game when and if it comes out and i think every one else should to just to show how much we loved and still love the dreamcast and sega. Sega you are missed in the console world. :(
sabbycon said:
Man i love my dreamcast its actually the only system i still play and i have the saturn too but its kinda not played anymore seeing how i fell in love with marvel vs capcom 2 and sf3 third strike instead of x-men vs street fighter series.

Actually, MvC2 is the fourth game in the x-men vs street fighter series :)
DREAMCAST... How I love thee, let me count the ways.

Noteable Favorites from the PsykoMantis top 500 games of my lifetime:

Tokyo Extreme Racer 1 and 2
Die Hard (that one fighting game aboard the ship with those strange shanghai pirates)
SHENMUE 1 and 2
NOTE: motherfucking Yu Suzuki, PLEASE let me see fucking LAN DI get his fucking justice for killing Ryo's father and let us see the Dragon Mirrors back where they belong
EVERY PERFECT PORT of CAPCOM Fighters thank you.
Soul Calibur
Power Stone
Ultimate Fighting Championship
NOTE: for those MANY MANY nights drinking beer and eating pizza with friends
VIRTUA TENNIS 1 and 2 nuff said
NFL Football Series
NOTE: best console football with the nostalgic "You can't coach that" phrase.
Resident Evil Code Veronica ... WOW
Air Force Delta
ILLBLEED because that game was just cool
NBA Showtime on NBC
NOTE: Soo many wasted moments playing this game with my buddy the MG
San Francisco RUSH 2049
Silent Scope
Zombie Revenge
NOTE: that one shooting game with the black afro dude and tons of zombies. What a cool brainless amount of FUN this title was

I'm sure there's a couple more but those are at the least the ones that stood out the most to me.

The DC was a PURE arcade machine. Only if there was a way I could take all my games, make an ISO share on a HDD, and link the DC hardware to a cabinet with high quality controllers so there's no changing discs and such.

I'm sorry but this must be brought back to life.

I own a Wii, 360, Xbox (with 64, NES, SNES, ang Gen emulators), Genesis2, and a Dreamcast. Besides NHL 94 on the Genesis, I play my Dreamcast the most. It is just so easy to pick up and play. Why is it that you can't do that any more?

Frankly, I wish longer games would have been back then. Now we're all grown up and I along with my friends just don't have the time to sit around and play games all the time.

It also helps that you can d/l any DC game now as well. As far as piracy goes, I don't know that I agree that it killed the DC. If I remember correctly, back then we all had dial-up which took half an hour for an MP3, would have taken forever to DL a DC game. Not to mention, the first cd burners that consumers were getting were around that time as well, and ran for about $100 for an internal burner.

I love the VGA box, but mine isn't of that great of quality and I've already ordered the chip necessary to do the in-box VGA mod. I also plan on ordering a VGA-component converter so I can play it on my HDTV as well.

Lastly, can you image how awesome it would have been to have all the PS2 games that came out on the Dreamcast! They could have easily have done a rev 2 and it would have been so sick.

Pardon me, but SF Rush is calling...
I'm shopping around for a DC to do the VGA mod to as well. I'm a young'un and missed out on it, I guess (I should say, my parents decided upon a N64 as my first console when I was young).

Shameless plug, anyone got a DC bundle you wanna toss me for ~$50 or so? Skies of Arcadia on the DC calls to me...
Dreamcast showed the world how to do a console launch right. Too bad nobody listened.

That sir is my new sig for every forum I visit. I couldn't agree with you more. I still remember that day I opened up my Dreamcast and started playing Sonic. I had the biggest grin on my face for hours on end. The graphics were incredible, and it was amazingly fun. Even when I boot it up these days I can still feel like I did back then. I love the Dreamcast. And, it's still next to all my current consoles. I have my Wii, PS3, 360, and my Dreamcast still hooked up. I still order Dreamcast games off Ebay to this day. I just ordered Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. I rented it a long time ago. I need Crazy Taxi, and Power Stone really bad!
Has anyone here played Half-Life for the DC? I know there are a few copies out there floating around. Just curious as to how it performs, and how it stacks up to the PS2 version that came out later. HL for the DC=most frsutrating time of my life. EBGames kept putting up a release date, I'd call on said date, and be told that it had been pushed back. I must've been crushingly dissapointed a dozen times in 2000.

Yep, i've got a copy for the dreamcast. The controls are a little awkward but overall it runs very smoothly and is lots o' fun. :)
I'm shopping around for a DC to do the VGA mod to as well. I'm a young'un and missed out on it, I guess (I should say, my parents decided upon a N64 as my first console when I was young).

Shameless plug, anyone got a DC bundle you wanna toss me for ~$50 or so? Skies of Arcadia on the DC calls to me...

I have a launch-time DreamCast and a ton of games I bought during and after its lifetime... this thread has reminded me of it, sitting all alone on its shelf, yearning to be played again. Time to go google this "VGA mod", it sounds interesting :D!

EDIT: Apparrently there are pre-made cables that work the same way... does anyone know of a reputable vendor to get one from? Also, where can I get a lightgun for it? I still have 3 original controllers and the unit + a buncha games, but I'm looking to expand :).
I could really use a revamp of MDK2, the dreamcast version, not the PS2 one. I also need to pick up a new DC, mine crapped out years ago, but I've still got it. i didn't have the heart to throw it out.

Now that there are new mods to do vga ==> component in box, I think I may search around for one.

I still want to play that Zombie game, and how does Half Life look? I forgot all about that whole debacle...
Yep, i've got a copy for the dreamcast. The controls are a little awkward but overall it runs very smoothly and is lots o' fun. :)

Ummmmmmm. I knew that, but apparently it's out there amidst the tubes ^^^ So I was curious...

Unless you are calling Apoxi a liar? :p