Long Live Dreamcast

kohan69 said:

Oh man, the thought of Shenmue 1-3 all in one game on a next gen console... Sweet. I have a 360 already, and will probably buy a PS3, however if this was exclusive to one system, and I didn't already have it, it would be *the* system seller.

I just wonder if a.) they will beef up the first two games to make them look next gen and b.) allow you to skip right to part 2 or 3 if you have already played and beaten a shenmue game. Even in next gen, fork lifts get old really fast :D
What about the 360 offering Dreamcast titles via LIVE dowload service?

I really want to play the dreamcast Spawn game in 720p, with LIVE multi-player. (it was the ONLY good Spawn game made to date)
The only next-gen system I would want to see Shenmue on would be the Revolution. It's the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast, in my eyes.
Dreamcast failed cause of sega's complete inability to control piracy. Initially, all you needed was a bootdisk to load copied games, and soon thereafter utilities were out to make games autoboot with absolutely no modification to the hardware whatsoever. Yes, the graphics were nice and it had some cool gimmicks, but it was sega's fault for not protecting it. I know many dreamcast owners who bought 0 games for their system. I remember people trading games in high school, just because they could. Yeah, its nice in theory to say it wasnt that big of a problem or that it should have succeeded anyway, but the bottom line is that if the company makes it that easy to do, people are gonna do it, especially high school and college age kids who dont exactly have money pouring into their bank accounts. In its age that was a large portion of the market for video game sales.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
Dreamcast failed cause of sega's complete inability to control piracy.

B.S. Where I live there are more stores dedicated to selling bootlegged PS2, Xbox and PC games than legit shops. In fact, I've never seen one of those systems sold, even in legit Sony dealers, without a mod chip preinstalled. However there is NO Gamecube piracy whatsoever (afaik and see).

By your logic shouldn't Gamecube be the successful console out then?

pigwalk said:
B.S. Where I live there are more stores dedicated to selling bootlegged PS2, Xbox and PC games than legit shops. In fact, I've never seen one of those systems sold, even in legit Sony dealers, without a mod chip preinstalled. However there is NO Gamecube piracy whatsoever (afaik and see).

By your logic shouldn't Gamecube be the successful console out then?


Uh, where do you live exactly? You've never seen a ps2 or xbox sold without a modchip installed? There are more bootleg stores than legit dealers? I'll bet any of the dozen best buys/circuit cities/gamestops/eb games within 10 minutes of my house sell more than all those stores combined. The fact remains, piracy on those systems is not widespread in mainstream (read: people who buy madden every single year) console use, as it was on the dreamcast, and these are the people who drive the market as a whole.
Let's not debate about piracy. SEGA made a mistake of leaving backup bios on the final consoles, and another company was stupid enough to make a bootdisk "just to show", and it got leaked. SEGA thought they were secure with the GD-ROM, which could be read by a modified CDROM drive. 98% of all Dreamcast games pirated was by one single group: echelon, who are now a big releaser of PS2 games as well. The latest version of dreamcast did NOT play self-boot pirated games, and required a modchip. However, that latest version is one of the fewest sold, since SEGA stopped production.

Gamecube does have piracy, and is rather easy to exploit, *read forums rules, deletes 2 sentances*, it requires only a special game, a something something, and modifying the top of the case. So, it's not AS easy, but it's pretty much as easy as PlayStation 1

Now xbox360 has the same overprotection with it's encrypted executables -that's it.
Microsoft is relying on soley their encryption to save them form piracy. As many of you know, you can burn the a k??sk disk, and play the demos on your 360.
Hell, you can download the official xbox360's xbox1 emulator and burn it, to install it.

However, M$ has the advantage of forcing people to update via xbox live.

Back on topic,

The new games for Dreamcast are:

Under defeat (Mar 23, 2006)


and for latest homebrew games (some are really good!) check out:
This is the best thread I have seen here in a long time. I sold my xbox and ps2, but I still have my DC LOL! (saving for 360 :eek: )

My all time DC favorites:

1. virtua tennis
2. soul caliber
3. shenmue
4. crazy taxi
5. ecco (the visual/graphics on that game were stunning IMO)

The system was very nice. I liked it. I am surprised to learn about new releases, tho :D .
PS2 vs DREAMCAST, technical comparison
-Please comment only if you can understand what the numbers mean.

As for the realistic comparions, the 2 systems can both perform rather stunningly, because ecco the dolphin looks great on both

PS2 does lack antialiasing though DEAD OR ALIVE looks better on dreamcast

Please remember, the grpahics you see on PS2 today is the result of 5+ years of programmers learning this pain-in-the-ass hardware. Dreamcast was out for only 2-3 years, if the development continued, and the hardware was further programmed for, we would have similar, if not better, graphics on the Dreamcast than on the ps2

For best graphical experience however, I recommend playing ecco the dolphin on the dreamcast emulator: chankast
The Sega Dreamcast had a Solid Launch Title and amazing quality in a small foot print with 4 player support and online play. But Sony BSed their way to number 1 and bought the support they needed. Since the PS2 Launch Sony has gotten much better at being "Sincere" still I only wish the Dream Cast had made as much of a impression in the gaming world as it did me. That console is Freaking amazing and I still have mine with all its games to this day. Next to the Genisis the DreamCast Ranks Supreme.
The day Sega left the hardware business, I lost the urge to play console games and couldn't really play more than a couple hours per month for a while. I keep hoping that one day, I'll wake up to see a news post regarding Sega getting back into the hardware business with an all new console. Of course, that's only a dream and the chances of it actually happening are slim.

Oh well, I've got a Genesis, Sega CD, Saturn, and my beloved Dreamcast at home. I'm never getting rid of any and I will cherish them forever. :)
kohan69 said:
Gamecube does have piracy, and is rather easy to exploit, *read forums rules, deletes 2 sentances*, it requires only a special game, a something something, and modifying the top of the case. So, it's not AS easy, but it's pretty much as easy as PlayStation 1]

Nintendo consoles are funny.. they all require breaking something to either A) Play imports, or B) pirate games.

On topic: No one out there who liked jet grind radio? :(. Oh, and wasnt the only online game phantasy star online? (kinda like gamecube)
WaterproofPaper said:
Nintendo consoles are funny.. they all require breaking something to either A) Play imports, or B) pirate games.
You make it sound like it was a bad business move on Nintendo's part to block people from doing either. Pretty amazing opinion, if you ask me.
LOL, so many dreamcast !!!!!!s. I had one over a ps2 and I liked a few games A LOT but honestly if I think back I remember being disappionted over and over again by the dreamcast game releases beyond launch w/ nfl2k and soul calibur. The toy game sucked, that mech game zero something had horrid framerate issues, all the ports were very unimpressive, ect....

It had a few cool games but lets not get caught up in the anti sony/sega hype and make the cast seem so much better then it really was.
Anyone found a way to silence the DC a bit? That damn GD reader is loud as balls!

kohan69 said:
PS2 vs DREAMCAST, technical comparison
-Please comment only if you can understand what the numbers mean.

As for the realistic comparions, the 2 systems can both perform rather stunningly, because ecco the dolphin looks great on both

PS2 does lack antialiasing though DEAD OR ALIVE looks better on dreamcast

Please remember, the grpahics you see on PS2 today is the result of 5+ years of programmers learning this pain-in-the-ass hardware. Dreamcast was out for only 2-3 years, if the development continued, and the hardware was further programmed for, we would have similar, if not better, graphics on the Dreamcast than on the ps2

For best graphical experience however, I recommend playing ecco the dolphin on the dreamcast emulator: chankast

Thanks for the linkage, that's an interesting article. I definitely notice the horrid jaggies on the PS2 as compared to the DC, and to me it makes the DC look better.

The Dreamcast is such a fascinating console because it still maintains such a devoted fanbase, and had a great launch, yet lasted only a few years because of the Sony hype machine. This is a perfect illustration of the ways in which gaming is reaching the mainstream: the PS1 sold fantastically well to people who were non-gamers because of the 3D graphics and the Madden games. The Dreamcast lacked the EA sports titles, so none of the fratboys bought it, and went for the PS2. I think that the "Sega" brand still meant "dork" to a lot of people at that point, whereas the Playstation was considered cool. There is almost nobody who considers themselves a gamer and thought that the Dreamcast sucked, and I think that almost all of us wishes Sega was making hardware.

Although, who here honestly liked the Dreamcast controller? The xbox controller S is what the DC controller should have been.
Funny, but I've started playing Shenmue II again. Not on my Dreamcast (which I still own) but on my PC using Chankast.

I always loved my Dreamcast ever since playing the first Shenmue and Seaman. SF Rush 2049 is another favorite.
Too bad you guys didn't spend more money (or more of us that did) on the dreamcast back when it was still being sold, it could still be alive and kicking.

It failed for a reason people.
Json23 said:
Too bad you guys didn't spend more money (or more of us that did) on the dreamcast back when it was still being sold, it could still be alive and kicking.

It failed for a reason people.

Hey, don't be hatin'. I was in highschool with no job when it came out, and then I was in college when it died. Excuse me for not being able to magically pull $299 out of my ass :rolleyes: If I could have bought one I would have, and I plan on ordering a new one off of www.gamequestdirect.com when I have some spare cash.
Hey, don't be hatin'. I was in highschool with no job when it came out, and then I was in college when it died. Excuse me for not being able to magically pull $299 out of my ass If I could have bought one I would have, and I plan on ordering a new one off of www.gamequestdirect.com when I have some spare cash.

I was in highschool too. And I had a $6.75/hr job at wal-mart and bought one myself. That is no excuse! :p

And I am certainly not " hatin' ". I am just sad that there wasn't more of us capable of supporting the console.

Oh well, the PS2 came out and it was a superior console in almost every way. (even though I hate it now) Then the Xbox came out and the rest is history. It is not like the Dreamcast was replaced by inferior products.

I wish that Nintendo would release another virtual boy, only this time in color and without the neck cramps. Maybe just a headset with a small controller that you can wear while taking long trips or sitting in your bed. It wouldn't be hard to do I don't imagine.
Json23 said:
I was in highschool too. And I had a $6.75/hr job at wal-mart and bought one myself. That is no excuse! :p

And I am certainly not " hatin' ". I am just sad that there wasn't more of us capable of supporting the console.

Oh well, the PS2 came out and it was a superior console in almost every way. (even though I hate it now) Then the Xbox came out and the rest is history. It is not like the Dreamcast was replaced by inferior products.

I wish that Nintendo would release another virtual boy, only this time in color and without the neck cramps. Maybe just a headset with a small controller that you can wear while taking long trips or sitting in your bed. It wouldn't be hard to do I don't imagine.

I hear ya. I didn't get a job until about a year after the DC came out, and then it was minimum wage anyway. Besides, back then I didn't realize how cool it was. We had an N64 and so did all my friends, I really wasn't exposed to the DC until it was almost gone :( It's too bad, Sega certainly deserved my money more than Sony does.

I have a virtual boy too, but honestly I don't think the games were all that great. My favorites were probably Red Alarm, Wario World and Nester's Funky Bowling.
:p at the PS2 being superior. Perhaps now, but not when it was first released; the ridiculously contrived hardware architecture and mediocre software (SMUGGLER'S RUN ZOMG FUN...not) put it on a pedestal far below that of the Dreamcast.
K600 said:
:p at the PS2 being superior. Perhaps now, but not when it was first released; the ridiculously contrived hardware architecture and mediocre software (SMUGGLER'S RUN ZOMG FUN...not) put it on a pedestal far below that of the Dreamcast.

I hated saying that as much as you hated hearing it, trust me. But it is true no matter how you look at it.
Json23 said:
I hated saying that as much as you hated hearing it, trust me. But it is true no matter how you look at it.

That article that was posted earlier comparing the tech specs between the PS2 and DC was actually pretty enlightening: what I took from it is that while the PS2 has more raw power, the DC is far more efficient - it can decompress textures in realtime, as well as skip drawing unseen polygons, both of which the PS2 cannot do.
Slartibartfast said:
That article that was posted earlier comparing the tech specs between the PS2 and DC was actually pretty enlightening: what I took from it is that while the PS2 has more raw power, the DC is far more efficient - it can decompress textures in realtime, as well as skip drawing unseen polygons, both of which the PS2 cannot do.

Yes. The dreamcast is easily comparable to PS2 as xbox360 to PS3
don't forget they gave the dreamcast away for free (after a mail in rebate) near the end of it's cycle, and people still didn't bite

personally, i blamed the controllers and VMU's for its failure
(well, lack of certain 3rd party devs hurt too)
I have 2 DC and about a dozen controllers, even a couple of arcade pads for it. Great little machine.
I bought my Dreamcast and games for it while it was on the market.

That said...playing DC games on my PC using Chankast makes me happy that I can use my cordless Rumblepad 2 instead of the old DC controller.
well, it wasn't that it was big, i felt it could have been bigger

it was the odd sharp angle the edges that make my wrists ache not long after playing

i prefer a wider xbox, or ps controller

as a quick diagram, the DC controller kept your arms in a more vertical position
red lines

when a rounder controller with bigger grips would allow a relaxed handling.
blue lines

i think there was 3rd party controllers that created this, but always looked real cheap
*edit, found one
Exactly, I hate how the DC controller makes it so my wrists are closer together than my palms, it's just plain uncomfortable. Also, wtf is up with that d-pad, anyway?
I think the whole idea of the Dreamcast is just funny. When it came out, if all of these !!!!!!s and hype machines were around pushing it...it would've actually been successful for more than a year.
Yes, it was a precursor to some of the current game features we now enjoy...but no more than saying "Grand Tourismo 4 is actually Rad Racer 36!"

Fact is, Sega had one successful system in their history and people seem to forget all of their failures. Go hunting around to some used games stores and count the wonderful items for the Master System, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, Game Gear, etc.

The Dreamcast was their last shot and while it was a decent system that was a little ahead of it's time...it was virtually an entire generation behind the competition that came not long afterward. The fact that Sega was notorious for failed hardware by that point kept a lot of people away, too. After getting burned by the Sega CD and Saturn, I stayed the hell away and most of the serious gamers I know did the same.

All of these wonderful games that it had usually amount to...Sould Calibur and very little else.

I think a lot of people either yearn for nostalgia or just enjoy the fact that it was a pirate's dream. You could copy games just like a PC...but sans ANY protection.

I'm sure it's been said before, but it DID have the 2nd worst controller ever (can't forget the Jaguar), too.
Domingo said:
I think the whole idea of the Dreamcast is just funny. When it came out, if all of these !!!!!!s and hype machines were around pushing it...it would've actually been successful for more than a year.

1. Grow up and stop using the word "f-a-n-b-o-y". It's ignorant and immature.

2. No amount of support would have circumvented the baseless hype that surrounded the PS2 (Which was largely unimpressive until Gran Turismo 3).

3. The Dreamcast provided features that the PS2 wasn't even close to reaching.

4. Anyone who knows the hardware knows that the PS2, while more powerful, isn't nearly as refined as the Dreamcast. The fact that it died doesn't mean that it was anywhere near reaching maximum potential.

Domingo said:
Fact is, Sega had one successful system in their history and people seem to forget all of their failures. Go hunting around to some used games stores and count the wonderful items for the Master System, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, Game Gear, etc.

The Master System and Saturn were quite popular in Japan and ended up selling over 10 million each. Are those sales monumental? No, but they're not abysmal failures either.

Domingo said:
The Dreamcast was their last shot and while it was a decent system that was a little ahead of it's time...it was virtually an entire generation behind the competition that came not long afterward.

Wow...just wow. Do some research before you make statements like that next time.

Domingo said:
The fact that Sega was notorious for failed hardware by that point kept a lot of people away, too. After getting burned by the Sega CD and Saturn, I stayed the hell away and most of the casual gamers I know did the same.

Fixed for accuracy.

The launch and following software for the Dreamcast were far better than anything the PS2 had to offer in its first year.

Domingo said:
All of these wonderful games that it had usually amount to...Sould Calibur and very little else.

Dumbest Post of the Day.
Haha...yeah, Soul Calibur and little else. Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure, all the 2K sports games, PSO...off the top of my head. This is the part where you say, "I didn't actually own/play any DC games, that's just the impression I got."
"f-a-n-b-o-y" is the proper term for someone who has this crazy fanaticism for some random corporation to the point of justifying his/her support of them to the point of ignoring anything that doesn't fit what they want to hear. If there's a better term, I'd like to see it. Nintendo has 'em, Sony has 'em, and so does Microsoft.

Name some of these wonderful Dreamcast games that we should've all went out and bought. Now compare them to the PS1 or eventually the PS2. How many were Dreamcast exclusives with no port or comparable game on another system? At the time, unless it was a Sega 1st party game....not many. I'm sure someone's going to post a big ass list of them...but when that happens, make note of how many these games actually sold, and compare them to the closest thing to it on other system.

As far as research goes...look up some financials on Sega. My college roommate actually wrote his final Global Econ. paper on the rise and fall of Sega back in '02. The actual $'s don't lie.