LG L204WT: 5ms and 2000:1 contrast

peo, could you do us all a favor (including yourself) and reply with
something like 'you should have more info...' blablabla.. blalblalb
like with what you said 'they should have more info'......

i get the idea that we get set off yes

please go after it.
Main2 said:
peo, could you do us all a favor (including yourself) and reply with
something like 'you should have more info...' blablabla.. blalblalb
like with what you said 'they should have more info'......

i get the idea that we get set off yes

please go after it.

Already answered. Waiting for their reply. But one have to remember that most people on the service departments are rather incompetent and can only deal with standard issues.

Wouldn't be too surprised if they have the info but it's a company secret so to speak. Beeing able to separate markets to make more money is a common buisness practice. So if this is the case they might not want to reveal any such info since it might come back to bite them in the rear if it can be proved that they are offering one segment a less for more product compared to another segment.
Hey, just a question about input lag. I gave the timer and photo thing a shot with a CRT next to this montior and I was averaging around 15-20ms input lag with nothing higher. Not bad for gaming at all really if you ask me. Has anyone experienced differently otherwise?
peo said:
Tried to ask LG directly about it and got this response.

Would think they would have more information than the very little thats on the website.

Don't realy like companies to treat me like a second class customer when I pay the same so if the panels arn't identical and the one sold in europe is "artificially" boosted to reach similar specs it's not likely i'll buy it. Afterall I have to pay the equivalent of 400$ for the screen in Sweden.
I guess we need people from europe that bought this monitor to go into the service menu and see wich panel they got. There should be a good amount of europeans in this thread.
Shaman said:
I guess we need people from europe that bought this monitor to go into the service menu and see wich panel they got. There should be a good amount of europeans in this thread.

That only gives the panel, sadly not the difference between the two panels.
Anyway from other places it seems that all europeans are getting the chungwha panel but noone seems to know the difference. Would like to get it from the source though. Afterall they are going to rely on reviews on american sites for promotion so the difference between the european and american models should be visible so that the consumer can make a informed decission.
I might be nit-picking, but I notice on the left edge of the monitor there is a slight blue tint to everything. This is most obvious in the upper left hand corner. I have my horizontal and vertical viewing angles set up as best as I can, so I don't think what I am seeing is due to that.

Can other people with the L204WT throw up an all white screen (full screen about:blank web page perhaps) and look at the colors? I really see a difference between the upper left "white" and the middle of the screen. Anyone else? Think I should exchange this for another?

This effect is really only noticable on solid backgrounds that take up most of the screen. During normal use, the monitor is perfect!

or you just read trough the last five pages of this thread...

this is with all these displays - but i stopped talking about it

after people made me out for 'liar' 'bullshitter' and who knows what.


this is a picture from a professional foto shoot of the l204wt .. check the other images of the serie as well

I think that LG is setting us off, by providing 2 different pannels (a good one/ and a bad one)
i see that blue tint in that pic, however on mine ive JUST did the white page test and i see no blue tint on mine. i would return yours and get another if you have that color problem, the first one i had had one stuck pixel, i didnt notice this blue tint on that one either.....
Thanks for the input. I tried to search through the thread, but 35 pages are a lot to read. The picture you posted is exactly what I am seeing...

Are you suggesting that some units have this while other's dont, and there are two different sets out there? I think I will try to return it to Circuit City and hope I get lucky then.

Thanks again!
ya mine doesn't have that blue tint
maybe you should returne it

i have a question what level of sharpness do you guys prefer

the default is 5 i like 4 for somer eason to me it just looks better because the monitor is so sharp its almost too sharp i feel like i need to dull it a little bit
I recently purchased this monitor and love it, though I am having one problem that I cannot figure out. Every once in awhile in a game when the going from the loading to screen to the actual game screen my monitor will receive a wrong refresh rate signal (59hz instead of 60hz) and the screen goes completely crazy and I have to reboot computer to correct problem. This has only happened gaming it has never happened at the desktop. Also I have my xbox 360 hooked up via the vga connection and when this happens I can switch to the xbox 360 and the screen is fine. Do I have a bad dvi cable or is something causing interference? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
What would be better to get the LG L204WT or the dell 2007FPW. They are pretty much the same price now. I don't do any photo work nor do I really watch dvds on my computer. My only concern would be for intense gaming.
i like the LG because the BLacks are REALLY BLACK ! and whites are white
and most lcds can't do it !
colors and stuff are great its definately 8 bit panel
i love watching movies espcially HD 720P content looks great theres theres no banding or ghosting. if you get thsi monitor get a LCD DESK ARM ! its so worth it !

and for the problem your having with your lg i think you might have a bad DVI cable
go to wal-mart they have philips dvi cables for like 22 dollars there nice highquality cables gold 24k plated even
When I start Photoshop 7 ... I get this message: "the monitor profile "LG L204WT" appears to be defective. rerun your monitor calibration software".

any ideas what to do? I didn't see where to run any LG monitor calibration software.

Thanks for any help with this

wow thats wierd althought i don;t have photoshop 7
iam just wondering if it might be a driver issue with the monitor
i wonder if there is updated drivers for this monitor
thats the ONLY place ive seen it listed as 6bit, i own this monitor, and have done testing with this and other LCDs, and i can tell you its an 8bit LCD. LGs website, and thier tech support when you call say its 16.7M colors as well
@123Lanoix: great idea!! to buy gold plated dvi cables...

NOT.... dvi =digital, it doesnt help at all.....

about the spots on the screen, post a pic of your screen (fully white background) in the dark
then please
wether the gold or not i know doesn't really matter i guess
but its still a good deal for a dvi cable 22 bucks i mean sure you could get one cheaper online but it be about the same price with shipping. it is a better cable than the dell cable i was using
I just bought mine the other day and picked it up yesterday from Circuit City. But there was a dead pixel which is really small however it's right in the middle. I could see it when picture is all black and gray. I am still debating whether or not to keep it since it's the only one left in stock in my area unless I want to drive 2 hours back and forth. I drove about 40 minutes just to pick this one up and was the last one left.

Another thing is I think this LCD killed my video card. When I first installed the LG I left the settings how they were. Everything was fine. Then I decided to change the resolution to 1680 x 1050 which then produced flashing red particle lines on my black desktop and white particle lines when surfing on yahoo home page which has a white background. The lines are like the ones you see on visiualization when playing say music on media player.

I first thought it was the drivers that I hadn't installed so I decided to update LG drivers. It corrected the problem and played some battlefield on widescreen. I then powered down battlefield 2 a couple of times and then those lines started coming out again. So I updaed the latest ATI drivers for my 9800 Pro but still kept producing the those particles lines. I even change the resolution to old resolution it had. Finally the particles were all over the monitor covering everything where I couldn't even see my desktop so I quickly powered down my computer and still have not powered it up yet.

I opened up my desktop and it was it covered full of dust. So tommorrow I am going to get some dust cleaner to clean up my desktop to see if that was the problem. But I have a feeling that it might be the video card given the signs. What most likely happened?
@123Lanoix please select a white background in windows (instead of wallpaper)
and make a picture with your digicam (while the light is out)
Got this monitor today and am very happy with it but when playing games is it only some games that can display the optimal resolution ie flatout 2
Becuase fear and need for speed most wanted go up to only 12x9 in fear and 12x10 in most wanted
They both stretch to fill the screen tho
Same in doom 3 it shows 16x12 but i cant play it at more than 12x10
Is this common place in games or is it a widescreen issue
And is there anything i can alter in the nvida control panal to solve it
i don't have a digicam
so i guess i can't show my monitor
but i can tell u i don't see any problems like the ones your describing ive had this monitor for over a month now
Main2 said:
@123Lanoix please select a white background in windows (instead of wallpaper)
and make a picture with your digicam (while the light is out)

I just took some pics for you. They aren't compressed so i'll only link to them (arount 1mb each)

This is completely white background, Crosshair only there for my Cam to focus. Now, i took one shot at the brightness i use (45) and one at 100%. They both came out looking the same because my crappy cam (SD500) doesn't have manual shutter time...

LG L204WT White Background (1mb)

Because I was all set up I took two shots with black backgrounds. One at 45% brightness and one at 100. Again.. I couldn't really fix the shutter time so they aren't 100% accurate (i.e don't show the reall difference in brigtness between 45 and 100).

LG L204WT Black Background Brightness@45 (1mb)
LG L204WT Black Background@100% Brightness (1mb)

(lol.. just noticed my cam has dead pixels)

Anyways, hope theese show you want you wanted to see... if you require different pics i'll be glad to take some.

edit: just noticed you have the same screen... lol... so my post might not be needed
MaricMecca said:
I just bought mine the other day and picked it up yesterday from Circuit City. But there was a dead pixel which is really small however it's right in the middle. I could see it when picture is all black and gray. I am still debating whether or not to keep it since it's the only one left in stock in my area unless I want to drive 2 hours back and forth. I drove about 40 minutes just to pick this one up and was the last one left.

Another thing is I think this LCD killed my video card. When I first installed the LG I left the settings how they were. Everything was fine. Then I decided to change the resolution to 1680 x 1050 which then produced flashing red particle lines on my black desktop and white particle lines when surfing on yahoo home page which has a white background. The lines are like the ones you see on visiualization when playing say music on media player.

I first thought it was the drivers that I hadn't installed so I decided to update LG drivers. It corrected the problem and played some battlefield on widescreen. I then powered down battlefield 2 a couple of times and then those lines started coming out again. So I updaed the latest ATI drivers for my 9800 Pro but still kept producing the those particles lines. I even change the resolution to old resolution it had. Finally the particles were all over the monitor covering everything where I couldn't even see my desktop so I quickly powered down my computer and still have not powered it up yet.

I opened up my desktop and it was it covered full of dust. So tommorrow I am going to get some dust cleaner to clean up my desktop to see if that was the problem. But I have a feeling that it might be the video card given the signs. What most likely happened?

I am on the computer with LG connected to it and when I booted it started doing thhose red particles on the desktop when booted. I quickly change the resolution to 1024 x 768 and they are gone for now. So what do you guys think the problem is? Is it my Radeon 9800 pro not being able to handle the resolution? A driver issue?

Here is what I see when changing the resolution to widescreen 1680 x 1050


And here is the dead pixel.


I've updated all the latest drivers.
I have another problem with this monitor when i try to connect it with the supplied dvi cable the monitor just goes into digital power saving mode
When its connected with the dv ito vga adapter at the pc end and vga at the monitor end its fine
anyone have an idea why
My graphics card is a XFX GeForce 7950GX2 500M
The dvi cable has 9 small pins then a space then 9 small pins then a small horizontal pin
Do i need a different cable for that card im baffled anyone??????
A quick search through this thread yielded conflicting answers to my question.

If a game only supports 4:3, will i be able to keep 1:1 pixel mapping and play the game centered on the monitor with black bars on the side? In other words, i want to avoid playing stretched out games that would not keep the initial aspect ratio. Is that possible with this monitor?

Is this at all related to the monitor or only to the video card drivers im using?
mojoicus said:
I have another problem with this monitor when i try to connect it with the supplied dvi cable the monitor just goes into digital power saving mode
When its connected with the dv ito vga adapter at the pc end and vga at the monitor end its fine
anyone have an idea why
My graphics card is a XFX GeForce 7950GX2 500M
The dvi cable has 9 small pins then a space then 9 small pins then a small horizontal pin
Do i need a different cable for that card im baffled anyone??????

Anyone?? please
could be ur video card, same cable i have and no problems here, could be a bad monitor too, try it on another box or ur friends.
Caraudiomrw said:
could be ur video card, same cable i have and no problems here, could be a bad monitor too, try it on another box or ur friends.

Right ive tryed everything i can think of to get this monitor to work in dvi mode and its a no go
Ive conected both dvi and vga at the same time and used the source button and its fine in analog but still goes into digital power saving mode on dvi
Ive tryed the monitor via dvi on my daughters pc and its the same problem via dvi
So is it more likely to be a cable problem??
I have a duel link dvi cable comeing tomorrow to try which will hopefully work if its a faulty cable problem
If not im still baffled ive tryed uninstalling nforce driveres and reinstalling them still no go
If no one can suggest a fix and the other cable doesnt work its going back and ill have to resume my search
this has been quiet the past couple days whats up?! did everyone get a 204 or what? so what are we bumping? lol
how do you set your gamma , is it at -50 or at 0
at -50 the colors are sharper but the image is to dark
is ther a program to calibrate the monitor?
You can download the LG calibration software here.

I use the following settings on my monitor:
Brightness: 63
Contrast: 73
Gamma: 0
Color: 6500k
Sharpness: 4

Service Menu:
6500 R 246 G 247 B 243
OFFS R 71 G 64 B 72
GAIN R 401 G 406 B 391

I have just bought this monitor but my Acer 2310 laptop using SIS M661MX graphics with XP Pro SP2 refuses to take the 1650 resolution (it stretches the desktop and requires scrolling to view the whole desktop). I'm stuck at 1024 to get a full, proper desktop which is blurry.

Moreover, as the laptop does not have a DVI port I thought a Hama DVI converter (5 quid) would have been ok. Instead I don't think it will allow a convert from VGA to DVI signal. So I'm with VGA for now.

Can anyone suggest what I can do to rectify this? Is it software or even a hardware upgrade I need?

Thank you, Wim