LG L204WT: 5ms and 2000:1 contrast

Shaman said:
I wonder why they say the L204WT is 6-bit+FRC in the anandtech lcd buyers guide.


The LG L204WT is a 6-bit+HiFRC (total 16.7M colors) panel in the US. A few S-IPS versions have been floating around Europe though. It's a TN panel so it can't be true 8-bit. I believe it's because they don't have high enough contrast or precision. I've never heard of an 8-bit TN at least. Every time someone thinks a TN is 8-bit it ends up using dithering. (Take the ViewSonic VP930b and Samsung 970P for example, though they are MVA-based, for ages dozens of reviews listed them as 8-bit.) They can claim 8-bit because it reaches an 8-bit range by means of FRC (flickering). HiFRC is a method where the first three missing tones (equating to only 16.2M) are accounted for using a higher dynamic range. Read about HiFRC here: http://www.unionen.se/pub/swec/Hi-FRC.pdf

If you guys don't notice it, HiFRC is doing its job well. And even if it is indeed 8-bit after all, what does it matter? As long as the gradient looks good, you don't see any noise, and the dark tones are still being reproduced faithfully, it doesn't matter. I do have little doubt it uses HiFRC but I'm not 100% sure. With such a fast response time, 8-bit would be unfeasible.

The main color deficit on TNs is due to their typically low contrast, not necessarily dithering, though it can cause horrible grayscale tracking.

There was a Polish site that actually reviewed both types of LG L204WT (TN and S-IPS) but I don't know if I'll be able to find it again for the life of me.


I've shot off an e-mail to LG Philips LCD regarding the LM201WE3 panel, which is what I believe is being used in the LG L204WT.

Does the LM201WE3 TN panel (as used in the LG L204WT monitor) use any form of dithering or FRC to reach a true 8-bit color depth?

If not, is this the first TN panel without dithering/FRC to reach true 8-bit like S-IPS panels? Would an 8-bit TN have a higher response time than one that uses 6-bit with dithering/FRC?
wow did everyone die out there? btw my guess is its 8bit, IF it uses dithering, then this is the BEST ive seen
is there a "standard" way to calibrate the monitor and colours? such as calibration software or something?
Hi everyone !

I bought the lg l204wt a few weeks ago and I'm very satisfied. But I have noticed something and I would like to have your feedback.

I've wanted to see the monitor's ability to display gradients. The tool I use is called gradlin-v0.3-mix-fs.exe (available at lcdresource.com) and it displays different color gradients including black and white.

The result is quite good, I can see transition between colors but no banding. each color is defined from the ones nearby but the gradient is perfect from the darker colors to the lighter ones.

It gets a lot worse when I use the f-engine mode (Text, User or Movie). When I use one of these modes, I see a LOT of banding (nearby colors gets merged into one big band).

I'm using a DVI cable and decided to do the same test with a VGA cable. The result : all the banding is gone !

I'm still using the DVI cable because I don't use the f-engine (it does'nt give me anyting better) and I find that the colors are richer with the DVI cable.

So did anyone notice the same thing ?


P.S. I did a lot of search all across internet and I didn't find any information on the CLAA201WA03 panel. And I'm still not sure if it's a 6 or 8 bit panel !!!
I bought LG L204WT-SF last week, and today returned it (fortunately with full rebate).
The reason was that the panel really was not good enough, even for the low price (330€ here in north europe).

Here's what was bugging me:
1) The colors of the panel were lousy. This was because the white level was too high no mather what I did with the settings (contrast, brightness, color settings). The picture just seemed washed out, or how would I describe it - "burned" perhaps.
2) The black level really was a downer. I tested this with a test program which made the screen completely black (blank). The screen was still glowing due to the backlight bleeding (and it was worse on the top and bottom edges of the panel).
3) The screen changed it's look around moving things, even though there was nothing changing there! This was especially irritating when the screen around my moving pointer arrow was changing slightly with a radius of about 4-5 cm around the pointer. Could this be due to 6-bit colors and dithering, or perhaps the LG F-Engine?
4) Last but not least, the panel seemed to somehow "turn off" at random. Nothing but a complete restart of the both computer and the monitor would fix this. The monitor power led was still on, but nothing but the (bleeding) backlight was shown on the screen. I think this happened (especially) when the screen modes were switched (e.g. to a different resolution, or when starting windows).

BTW: If someone's interested, this monitor had the panel "CPT20.WIDE" (read from the service menu).
Hi sup, i'm willing to buy this screen or L194WT.
what really bothers me on the 20 is that the only resolution you can use is 1650X1080 and in my opinion it will be a little small for text..
what do you think about it? and what other resolution I can use in the 20.1 display? 1440X900 is displayable?
YEs i have the LG L204Wt and i previously owned the 19inch lg too
it can display any res up to 1680x1058
and it doesn't look bad at lower res either
but for best quality the native res is best obviously
but i play some games below the native res and its fine
not as bad as you would think
get the 20 inch not only for size but for the fact that the 19inch ws can't accurately display fleshtones and no matter what i did i couldn't get the colors right

with the 20 inch i didn't have to adjust much at all it came out great right outta the box
colors are fantastic and it has very deep blacks !
go with the 20 inch its a way better display
i have SLIGHT bleeding on mine, using DVI and no banding issue, SOME pics show it a bit but the quality of the pic is poor... JEFF, it is hard to tell if this is 6 or 8bit, ive emailed and called LG multiple times and asked questions such as how many colors does this display, and on differ. calls things like how many bit colors. ive gotten 16.7M colors and 8bit true color. im not sure, but again, i think its REALLY GOOD 6bit dithering, or it is true 8bit.... all i know is for 279$ im VERY pleased. i mainly game or surf/im
I've wanted to know if someone else had noticed the banding issue using the f-engine mode with a DVI cable. So you say that you have no banding at all ? did you try the "gradlin" tool ?

I'm wondering if the problem comes from my DVI cable, it's a 15 feet cable. Way to long for what I need but it was the only one left in the store. Anyway it's not really a problem for me cause I don't use the f-engine mode at all.

Like you, I am very satisfied with this monitor. The colors are great. I've just finished playing Half Life 2 in high resolution (1680x1050) and it was just amazing. But you know, when I buy something, I really like to know what I'm buying...I like to see the specs...but it seems just impossible to know exactly what are the specs of this monitor ! It's just frustrating.

Caraudiomrw said:
i have SLIGHT bleeding on mine, using DVI and no banding issue, SOME pics show it a bit but the quality of the pic is poor... JEFF, it is hard to tell if this is 6 or 8bit, ive emailed and called LG multiple times and asked questions such as how many colors does this display, and on differ. calls things like how many bit colors. ive gotten 16.7M colors and 8bit true color. im not sure, but again, i think its REALLY GOOD 6bit dithering, or it is true 8bit.... all i know is for 279$ im VERY pleased. i mainly game or surf/im

May I ask where you are getting this monitor for only $279? Circuit City has them on sale for $329.99 after a $20 mail in rebate. Where are you getting such a great deal? :eek:
I had the chance to see this monitor side by side with the chimei 22" tn panel, both hooked up via DVI at native res. The colors and contrast difference was very apparent, and text looked much sharper on the LG (not just because of the smaller pixel pitch, either - i looked from a slightly further distance when comparing the text on the 22" screen). furthermore, the viewing angle is actually not that bad for a tn panel. On a full white screen, looking from a 120 or so degree angle, the chimei's white turned into a dark yellowish ugly mess, whereas the lg only got slightly dimmer, and the white was still white. I was originally going to go for the 22," but LG has shown me that I can get better quality for a cheaper price.
i had a nice coupon that was floating around on the net back when i got mine, search circuit city coupon on google, i think it was 15% off anything 299 and up maybe, but it was 329 - 15% = 279 and well worth the price.
16.2 million color display with 160 degree viewing angle? Sounds like junk to me.
BadDog said:
16.2 million color display with 160 degree viewing angle? Sounds like junk to me.
Wow... what a well informed and reasoned post. You have 37 pages of discussion on the merits of the screen and that's what you come up with.
Psychotext said:
Wow... what a well informed and reasoned post. You have 37 pages of discussion on the merits of the screen and that's what you come up with.

37 pages isn't going to change the specs, boy! :D
Psychotext said:
Specs don't reflect quality, noob!
In this case, they do... bcs they show that it's a TN panel and that means only 16.2mio colors (by dithering), bad viewing angles and bad movie quality.
Well the specs are wrong. The viewing angle is awesome on this monitor. In fact I can see everything clearly at pretty much 180 degrees ( little less so I can still see the screen). As well, movie quality is absolutely mindblowing with this monitor. It is fantastic.

I think LG made a mistake on their website regarding this monitor.

37 pages of praise from people with this screen in their hands should be enough to convince anyone that this is a fantastic screen. Why not go to your local circuit city or Futureshop and have a look for yourself?

Or maybe you don't like it because your favorite seller on Ebay says it is no good (so he can peddle some other crap instead).
myckee said:
Well the specs are wrong. The viewing angle is awesome on this monitor. In fact I can see everything clearly at pretty much 180 degrees ( little less so I can still see the screen). As well, movie quality is absolutely mindblowing with this monitor. It is fantastic.

I think LG made a mistake on their website regarding this monitor.

37 pages of praise from people with this screen in their hands should be enough to convince anyone that this is a fantastic screen. Why not go to your local circuit city or Futureshop and have a look for yourself?

Or maybe you don't like it because your favorite seller on Ebay says it is no good (so he can peddle some other crap instead).
What other monitors and panels have you tried to be able to compare?

I have tried/tested more than 20 different monitors... and believe me, if it's a TN panel, the difference with a MVA or IPS is huge.

Of course it's totally different if it's not a TN panel... but then what panel is it then? (plz don't tell me it'as a new 8bit TN panel... that just doesn't exist, if it's a 8bit, than it's not a TN, as simpe as that)
Hi Folks.

I'm a new member here. I have been following up with this thread for few days now.

After using it for 8 years, my Viewsonic PF795 PRO CRT is starting to go bad. I am looking for an LCD that will serve my purpose for editing photos in Photoshop, yet it has good video capabilites as well for home video editing.

After reading some of the reviews here at the forum, I went to both Best Buy & Circuit City, and compared all thr floor display models, and liked both LG L204WT and Samsung 205BW. From what I found out, most say that LG is better then the Samsung, but when comparing them side by side:

SAMSUNG: liked the warmer color tones better, more setup options, adjustable stand that flips is a plus.

LG: like the contract better and it seem like its much easier on the eyes to read articles. few setup options, strudy stand that can't be tilted or adjusted to a perfect position.

I purhcased both of them today, and they are both sitting in my room. However, can't seem to make up my mind on which one to keep. You guys know your stuff well, so can you please help me choose which one would be the right one for me. Its going to be mostly for photoshop, video editing, and surfing the net.
Just bought today LG L204WT. I'm from Romania and it came with DVI cable.

Here is what secret menu revealed :)

L204W V.130
GM 5726 by MSHAN
2006.08.11 0
Hi guys,

What settings do you use with this panel ?

How can I disable this dinamic contrast ? I saw that only on user mode it's disabled, on text, movie and normal it's enabled. And I use normal cause I like to tewak brightness and contrast.

Here are my settings.
They were taken with phone camera, that's why they are a little bit shity.

Here are the original setting in Service Menu which came with the monitor.
Firmware 1.30, monitor built on 8 nov. 2006.

Here are the modified settings.

Here is brightness/contrast settings. I've tryed also gamma 0 and it's ok. Gamma -50 makes the black deeper.

Temperature color 6500. RGB set on 50 50 50. It doesn't matter which one is set on RGB as long as you select 6500 and the press menu. Only if you modify R or G or B and press menu they will be keept.

Sharpness 5

Here is an image as I used for reference from an older firmware 1.21

Now I'm on sRGB with 40 brightness and tweaked Service Menu as in 2nd screenshot.

I've to read more abut GAIN and OFFS. All the fine tuning is in that service menu, before tweaking no matter which settings I've used, I've had that redish on top, after tweaking the redish disapear and beside that the white seems to look more uniform (not so much difference from top to bottom).
I don't know if there is any use from switching from CPT to LPL panel. I've seen no difference.
Will be usefull if you put some Service Menu screenshot so we can see how different firmwares are set.

Suprising it uses a CPT (chunghwa picture tube panel). Looks like it is an 800:1 TN panel afterall.
travbomb said:
Suprising it uses a CPT (chunghwa picture tube panel). Looks like it is an 800:1 TN panel afterall.

Yes, panel type can be changed in that service menu from CPT to LPL, but by default was CPT which means Chunghwa. But it's well known that it use this kind of panel.
Also same panel it's used in Samsung 205BW.
Hi, I want to buy a my first ever LCD widescreen, this one looks good, but I'm debating over this, the ViewSonic VX2025WM , and SAMSUNG 205BW.

which you guys recommend?
Ladic said:
Hi, I want to buy a my first ever LCD widescreen, this one looks good, but I'm debating over this, the ViewSonic VX2025WM , and SAMSUNG 205BW.

which you guys recommend?

I had Samsung 205BW and LG L204WT ... and I've choosed LG L204WT.

Samsung 205BW it's a good monitor, the only thing which I didn't liked was a screendoor effect when I was moving different windows in desktop. You can see the line between the pixels, not very visible but disturbing. It's like a mosquito screen.

About the Viewsonic I didn't saw it, so I can't pronounce.

I like LG cause you have service menu where you can do a lot of fine tuning.
the only thing giving me doubts is that the Samsung 205BW is actually $50 cheaper than the LG (At newegg) and it includes de DVI cable.
Ladic said:
the only thing giving me doubts is that the Samsung 205BW is actually $50 cheaper than the LG (At newegg) and it includes de DVI cable.

I'm from Romania and Samsung came without DVI cable, but LG came with DVI cable.
Anyway I had a DVI cable from my previously Benq FP202W, so DVI cable wasn't a problem.

It's about quality in time not a DVI cable.
I had a 1400:1 19" 1952TX and also a 1600:1 19" LG.

I have to say that the 1400:1 was much better than that 1600:1 piece of garbage, which displayed noticable brightness imperfections all around the borders. We ordered about 7 for the office and they were crap. The boxes were not opened (you could tell by the tape), but the monitors themselves were packaged so poorly that they had fingerprints on them and the stickers on the cables had been removed, leaving only the glue and bits of paper.

I called LG and they said they had a problem with 'packaging', but that the monitors were okay. All in all, I was not impressed and would hesitate to buy another LG product.

Better make sure yours appears 'new' in store before you take it home. (my DVD player made by LG is a piece of crap too....lol...worst DVD player I have yet to come across).
Can anyone tell me if this monitor can do 1:1 pixel mapping, as well as aspect preservation (in both DVI and VGA)?

Example of 1:1 - Playing a game at 1280x960, you'd get thick black bars on the left and right, and thin ones on the top and bottom.

Example of preservation - Playing a game at a low 4:3 res (say 1024x768) it uses as many pixels as it can, whilst preservation the 4:3 ratio (so you'd get bars similar to running at 1280x960, since that's the largest 4:3 res it can display).

The 2007WFP can do both of these, but I'm unhappy with mine and returning it. I want to make sure that the next monitor I get has this feature. Thanks.

P.S. I know some video drivers can provide these features, but I need the panel to do it because the VGA input will be used with an Xbox 360.
I convinced this is the monitor I will buy. I will be using it strictly for my 360. When I get the monitor, does anyone have any suggestions of what I should change the service menu settings to? I will be using it only for my 360.
tiuk said:
Can anyone tell me if this monitor can do 1:1 pixel mapping, as well as aspect preservation (in both DVI and VGA)?

Yep it does, thru OSD you have the option of full, aspect and off. You will want to keep it off so you get auto 1:1 pixel mapping.
BadDog said:
Yep it does, thru OSD you have the option of full, aspect and off. You will want to keep it off so you get auto 1:1 pixel mapping.
Where do you see this option? You are talking about the L204WT?
I have been using my Viewsonic PF795 Pro monitor for 8 years now, and it started to give up on me, so its time for me to try out a LCD Display. After reading the entire 39 pages, I have bought and tested both LG L204WT & SAMSUNG 205BW. Before I go on with my opinion on both moitors, I want you all to know that they are both great LCD's and that I am not choosing one over the other becuase of the brand or its reputation. Here is how they perfomed on my PC:

1) GHOSTING: Didn't notice any on the LG. On the Samsung, it barely noticable time to item, but still really good.

2) BANDING: On the LG it so little that as if there is almost none. On The Samsung, I have quiet a bit no matter how much I played with the settings.

3) BLEEDING: Both has slight bleeding on fart Top & Bottom of the monitor, thought Samsung had it more running towards the center on from both top & bottom. On both LCD's this is only visible when the LCD's is black.

4) BACKLIGHTING: More even on the Samsung then the LG. Samsung has a brighter screen on the top left side, and no matter how I shift myself, its still visible. LG seems to have a faint bluish tint on all corners, although this is when I look directly straight at the LCD. They disapperar when I shift myself and look straight on at the corners.

5) SCREEN DOOR: Didn't experience any with both LCD's.

6) CONTRAST: Without a doubt, LG is far superior in this feature then Samsung. Samsung however seems better then most other LCD's I saw on the store displays.

7) VIEWING ANGLE: SAMSUNG has a better viewing angle then the LG. One of the main reason for me to say this is, the color tones don't change as much as the LG when you look.

8) BLACKS & WHITES: The are both really good, but LG has more rich tones then Samsung. On the Caliberation test, blacks were noticable at RGB=3 on the LG. On The SAMSUNG it was noticable on the RGB=4 (best I could read after trying different adjustments).

9) COLORS: Samsung has warmer colors that look a little richer then it does on LG. Not by much though. Better choice for someone who does work on Photoshop.

10) PLAYING MOVIES: It wasn't as bad as some have metioned. There is definitely grain visible on the LG, but still I was able to watch movies and enjoy it (still prefer to watch the on the TV). Surprisingly, I got some pixelization on the SAMSUNG, which I couldn't figure out why. I viewed 720P movies on both LCD's, becuase of black and whites being better, I liked the results better on the LG.

11) PICTURES: Another tough call, both had sharp & crisp pictures. I was impressed with both. Can't go wrong with either one. If it came to choosing one of these, I would go with the SAMSUNG for more warmer & slightly better color tones then the LG.

12) GAMING: Sorry folks. I am not a big gamer on the PC. I myself have to go with your personal opinionn of the both LCD's on this.

13)TEXT: Both really sharp, did equally well in my experience.


SAMSUNG: It has a better overall design. I like the height, the buttons being on the front side. Color being black (U.S. version) doesn't distract you when doing work like it does on the LG. Rich color tones.

LG: Bright & sharp display, rich black & whites, good contrast that stands out from other TN LCD's that I have seen in store displays. Although I didn't play any games on this monitor, comparing the performances of both LCD's, in my opinion, it seems to be a better choice for gamer then SAMSUNG.


SAMSUNG: I was a bit disappinted about the color banding which I have experienced. Playing movies isn't something I would look forward to on this monitor. It may be me, but the LCD seems the be standing in a slight angle leaning toward right (I only noticed this upon real close examination). Although some of you said that it has a sturdy stand, I didn't see it to be any different the the LG when it comes the shaking.

LG: Height of the LCD. Buttons being at the back of the LCD (although it this didn't bother me much at all). The bluish ting I notice on a white screen. Poorer viewing angle then SAMSUNG.

NOTE: I used a gold plated DVI-D 24AWG Cable. I have not decided which one I should keep and which one to return. Although I am aiming towards keeping the LG, but its not certain.

The specifiacation of my PC are:

Pentium 4 3.2GHz HT
Asus P4C800E Deluxe
Nvidia FX5950 Ultra AGP8
Creative Labs Soundblaster Audigy 2-ZS Platinum
2GB DDR2 3200bus Ram
240GB (120x2) 8MB 7200 SATAII HD

I performed some of the comparison test using the following links:





