LG L204WT: 5ms and 2000:1 contrast

I've been very hesitant on buying an LCD for a number of years now after witnessing ghosting and not so rich colors in some instances... but this monitor has changed me for life. I'll never be buying another CRT again. And I'm also coming from a 19" P95f+b 85hz at 1600x1200 and it doesn't even come close to comparing to this LG.

No ghosting, no dead pixels, easy controls, and a sleek look. If you're on the fence about it, don't be. You won't regret buying it, I can guarantee that.
i agree GREAT monitor for the money, dont waste 100+ for the dell, and get made fun of by your techy friends, i know i wouldnt want thier trash on my desk! with the 3 year warr. on the LG, you cant go wrong! PS. buy a DVI cable for the best quality!
yea the text is very good on this monitor among other things

i work for a insurance company and right now they are switching out older computers
we newer dells and some people have gotten new dell lcd monitors and stuff
and i have to say even though they are ips and the color is good the LG is very similar in color
i have not tested out the dells in gaming because i use them for work obviously
but as desktop vs desktop color vs color i would say the same
except the LG is faster 5ms response time is really good
the only thing dell has on the LG is the viewing angles
The LG is great if your sitting in front of your computer for normal usage
but if you like to stand and run around while using your computer
but the dell i noticed the picture doesn't change much like if i stand
move side to side jump rope or do aerobics at my desk

but for people who want a good monitor for there money get the LG its great
or if your on the fence don't be
I thought it was hdcp iam pretty sure it does 720p
i dunno does anyone know about this or confirm this or tested it out ? :rolleyes:
i don't even use any of this stuff i just watch dvds and play games
on my computer :D
I'm still a little curious, after reading the thread, what this screen does with non 16:10 aspect ratios. For example, I love widescreen, but sometimes I still need to use a square screen. (I have a dell ws notebook, building widescreen desktop) With nVidia drivers, I usually set the option to "Use fixed aspect ratio scaling". Then if I have an application that runs say a 1280x1024 (5:4 ratio) screen, it will scale it up as much as it can without distortion, leaving two black bars on the left and right of the screen. If I do the same on this screen, will the same effect occur, or will it internally stretch the screen itself?

Thanks in advance for any replies, especially if somebody goes and tries this specifically themselves.
It could be a fault with the test, it is a beta after all:

The CyberLink BD / HD Advisor (Beta) is made for your reference only and is prepared in good faith on the basis of data or information reasonably available. CyberLink does not guarantee its accuracy. We recommend that you contact your hardware specialist to verify our results and assist you with upgrading your system.

Then again I'd be happy for more confirmations about the issue too. :)
I think the Chungwa panel isn't HDCP compliant?

I hate LG!!! You make such a pwning monitor and give us Americans a freakin chungwa panel
why would LG screw over americans
wouldn't that be bad for business ?
people have USED this monitor with an HD source, it works in 720 not 1080, it IS HDCP, and IS 8bit
God damn this thread is up to 32 pages its being going on since july
I have an LG upconvert DVD player that says in the manaul that it won't show a picture (only snow) if connected HDMI to a non HDCP compliant display. When this HDMI DVD player is connected HDMI to DVI in my L203, I get an upconvert DVD playback of 720p. Try this test with your L204.
i saw on earlyer posts someone did the same thing and said it works on 720, idd like to see some more tests tho, but i do believe this is hdcp
Can someone look at these gradients from a chinese review of the L204WT? I'm looking at them from a Sony CRT and I can clearly see some sort of stepping, it's not obvious banding but you can tell where one tone ends and the other starts. If you translate the review, they say the gradients are not smooth.

Should this happen on a true 8-bit monitor?


Also I've seen a few people here saying they can see the dynamic contrast ramping up and down, does it also happen with a DVI connection?
you can see the dynamic contrast SOMETIMES, it doesnt bother me at all, now that ive had it for a couple weeks i dont even notice it.
first pic looks OK, can see faint banding, 2nd pic i see no banding, im using DVI, the pic up farther is better to see banding
same the 1st one very faint i have to look at it closely and pick it out
2nd one nothing
when you have black bands, under and above a movie (like a normal most dvd's / 16:9) then you see little bleeding, i dont find it so annoying that i'll turn it off
But when you have a fullscreen 720p HDTV, its different ..

You can get test HDTV movie trailers here:
I advise you to grab the 720p one's, because the display is 720p

now.. people - when you turn off your pretty wallpapers, and select a white background color
do you notice a tint / gradient in white at the left top corner of the screen - or on the left side (or other places)?

The first L204WT i bought here in holland, had a 'redish' colored corner (left top) so i brought it back and received a new one, but this one has a bit greyish bar totally on the left (its hard to see, almost invisible.. but my good eye's say its there), when i visited another store of the same company, i saw the greyish corner / bar left side as well - but more noticeable.

Yesterday i saw some pictures from a guy posted in this topic (external link, but i cant find it back) the gradient on a white screen was cleeeeeeeearly visible, i would like to clear up what is going on so

1. Please turn of your monitor, hold the menu button - turn it on while still holding the menu button, when the display is on, release the button and press it again. Now the fourth line
'Panel >' will tell you what type of panel it has (mine has a CPT20.Wide) after turning it off the service menu will be gone again (do not change any settings, just press menu again to turn off this service menu)

2. Please! try what i asked earlier, turn off your pretty wallpaper =) and select a totally white background.

and post what type of panel you got , and wether you see any 'degree's of whiteness' any spots.

I doubt wether this caused by backlight leakage, maybe its a problem with the Chunghwa panel, if we guys cooperate we might find out.

-edit:>> ie. in my case, i got a little bit of a gradient on the left side .. the left 8cm is a bit more greyish (hardly noticeable, but its there), and my panel type is a Chunghwa<<

-edit2: here you see it a lot in the left corner (This isnt in the wallpaper is it?)
yeah i too havent noticed this and i have the CPT20.WIDE, the dynamic contrast doesnt bother me at all, but i dont use movie mode alot, i use the text or user preset and use about 88% brightness. DODS did look good in movie mode tho, the changing contrast didnt effect the game in a negative way, i think it was more neutral or pos. gain.
Can anybody who has this monitor comment on it's noise level? I've had LCDs before that have generated quite a bit of noise while operating, like an electrical buzzing or humming. Not looking for any exact dB reading, just if there's anything noticable.
@Irondonkey: i never heard any sound comming out of this monitor so far at all,
dont worry
ya there is no noise
umm i don't know what i was commenting on
i forgot
I am planing to buy TFT , and LG L204WT looks good to me..
But, I am not a gamer,i am programmer..
Does someone program on that monitor?
What are defects of 20"Wide on that field?
i'm not a dedicated programmer, but I use Eclipse for some computer courses.

I really like the wide aspect for Eclipse, the toolbars can be on the sides and you're still left with a wide view for the code window.
the text looks good on this
as far as wide screen it seems like you would have more room
to have multiple windows up and stuff
Is absolutely nobody experiencing 'spots' on a totally white background
i cant believe this!!

please let me know..
MAYbe you see spots because you have glaucoma ??
the whites are blinding white on this display