LG L204WT: 5ms and 2000:1 contrast

From LG UK about HDCP

Further to your query,

W can confirm that the L204 IS HDCP enabled
Yours Sincerely,
LG Electronics UK Helpdesk
0870 607 5544

Monday - Friday from 9am – 8 pm
Saturdays from 9am - 5pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays from 10am – 4pm
i MAY see alittle bit of that white spot thing, but i cant really tell, it may just be the brightness? but i kinda see what you mean, doesnt bother me tho. yeah the USA version is HDCP as well. as is the 19'' widescreen
i looked at that site from a dell lcd at work and my lg at home
and it looks the same a white friggin square
what you talking about spots
are tehy black spots yellow spots pink spots
i mean it looks white

because you where too retarted to click on the link i've given earlier.. once more

'Its clearly visible in the professional photoshoot review of this screen.
123Lanoix said:
its not visible on my screen i just looked at it

On every screen ive seen so far - you have these spots

and because im trying to find out how it comes - i asked you guys to check what type of panel you have (turn monitor off, keep menu keep pressed - while you press the on button, release the menu button - > now press it again -> and you see what panel you got on the fourth line 'Panel >' )
i have a dell 1905fp at work and the LG at home
i don't see any spots on either
and it looks like the dell is a ips panel too the viewing angles are awesome
better than the lg but lots of ghosting on the desktop
like when i move my mouse cursor it leaves a trail
the colors the same on both displays
bothi use dvi connection
Main2 said:
On every screen ive seen so far - you have these spots

and because im trying to find out how it comes - i asked you guys to check what type of panel you have (turn monitor off, keep menu keep pressed - while you press the on button, release the menu button - > now press it again -> and you see what panel you got on the fourth line 'Panel >' )

Maybe these spots are on YOUR lcd? :D
Mine has just arived. It has 1 stuck on pixel, but it's only light gray so I don't see it unless I look for it.

One tip for those who have just got this monitor, try downloading one of these wallpapers. That and the high definition sample videos really show what this monitor can do.

Oh and go to Display Properties, Appearance, Effects and switch ClearType on. It makes text look much better.
I take it back, it's a dead pixel. Like I say though I don't mind though, I'm a perfectionist but it doesn't bother me as it is so small and only visible if I look right at it on a pure white background.

This surely is a sexy monitor.

p.s. playing DEFCON on it rocks! :D
i tryed the clear type thing today, i dont really care for it, it kinda makes the text look dirty, i dunno, just my opinion tho, i would take it back, first one i had a black dead pixel, returned it and this one is fine, SLIGHT backlight bleed, but good other than that

Just brought a new one and thinking of returning it by the end of the week. The text is too small for my taste. No dead pixel. If anyone is would like to buy it, let me know. Don't want to pay the restocking fee. pm for more detail.
hahah u have to enable large fonts in windows
or increase the DPI size its a 20 " monitor you should be able to read text
i'm not sure why, but i can't stand clear type on.... makes everything too smooth looking. I like the text Sharp.
For ClearType to work the lcd must be on it's native resolution, 1680/1050 for this one. If it is not an lcd or it isn't at native resolution it will look bad.
What drawbacks does this screen have?
Considering saving up to buy this shortly (damn crt broke down the other day)
The TN screen is 7 bit from what I understand but if i'm not into heavy graphics editing or watching movies on the computer (don't do either at all) does that acctually matter?
How is it for normal office work etc?
(from what I understand it's good at gaming so not asking that again)
No need to be touchy, not everyone knows that ClearType can look bad on a CRT or none native resolution.
can anyone please tell me what I should do if my games cannot be run @ 1680x1050 ? since people already said that this monitor does not support less than 1440x1050 ?

this is a customer review on circuit city

"My only complaints are widescreen resolutions below 1680x1050 are not supported and the image looks like crap when it's forced. "

and someone posting in this thread "In video playback and web browsing, the monitor auto scales the image to match the aspect ratio of the source material (e.g. 4:3 designed web sites are centered with large colored border areas on the sides). Why wouldn't it be the same for non-wide screen game resolutions? Why would the image only be stretched in gaming applications?

DVD playback is also auto scaled to match the aspect ratio of the movie."
some games i have only run in 1024 or 1280, and they still look good! fear is an example. i wouldnt hold this as a reason not to buy it, im 100% glad i dove into the Widescreen LCD market, i love this LCD, PS they are on sale at CC for 309$ again, dunno if a coupon is still out there for 10% off yet.
i just got a new dvi cable at wal-mart they are selling them for like 24 dollars
they are gold plated 6ft made by phillips i noticed a improvement in clarity and responsiveness over my parents 17" dell dvi cable ive been using since i got this monitor
i play most of my games at native res 1068x1050 very smoeth and sharp
there is a very minimal blurring on this display like you won't notice it unless u look for it
and iam not even sure its the monitor i think its the game its so close
like in wow if i look in the bottom of the screen i might get a lil blur
but before i changed my cabel like the whole screen blurred and i couldn't even read peoples names when ii was walking around. i only see blurring in wow i don't notice in fps that much i dunno why
123Lanoix said:
hahah u have to enable large fonts in windows
or increase the DPI size its a 20 " monitor you should be able to read text

Personally I like the normal font size, but that is with ClearType on which makes fonts a bit beefier looking.

I was actually worried about how fonts appear on screen for the first couple of days. It turned out that I was getting eye strain from the brightness of the monitor. Now I use 80% brightness in the day and about 45% at night and my eye's aren't getting tired any more text looks perfect.

One thing to watch out for with regards to programming with this monitor, in my opinion the font "Courier" looks horrible but "Courier New" looks fine. I ran into this as I use php.net quite a bit and they use Courier heavily. To get around that you can add a user stylesheet if you have a browser that supports that, like Opera, for php.net I use:

code, pre, tt {
font-family:"Courier New" ! important;
font-size:14px ! important;
awww life is good i got a new dvi cable from wal-mart really made things clearer the
and i just finished installing ergotron neo flex lcd arm omg these things are awesome
the best monitor stand i have the monitor at the right height and angel and if i want to move i just position it any way i want its awesome !!! you should get one if you have this monitor
the friggin stand is a pain to get off i had to hack saw it off and bu my monitor still works fine
i feel like i get better viewing with the lcd arm like i dunno maybe because its higer i get more viewing angles iam so happy!!! i use clear type i like it best i use it at home and at work i think it makes a big diffrence easier to read on a lcd !
I bought a black 'New Star D600' the day after i bought the screen, it connected easily to it (it fits on the vesa plate of the arm 100mm, it has 75mm holes as well).. you just unscrew the fitted screws in the center/back of the screen, then place the screen in front of it - while the original standard is still on it - then you screw it against the vesa plate of the desk stand - and when ur done - you raise the screen, and take off the standard lg stand. (that way, you can never drop the screen - 0risk)

this is ideal, i didnt like the original stand - because i found it ugly - now the screen is floating in the air in front of me (i cant see the foot when i sit behind it)




here you can see all my photo's from the LG screen:

you can download my modified times square wallpaper here

if you want the original unmodified, you'll have to request it.
how hard was it to take off the original stand? it seems like it REALLY is on there, i think i can get the bottome plate off easily, but the other piece seems really on there, tips would help!
Caraudiomrw said:
how hard was it to take off the original stand? it seems like it REALLY is on there, i think i can get the bottome plate off easily, but the other piece seems really on there, tips would help!

well, if you unpack the monitor and click the thing in the foot.... you basicly just drop the monitor on the stand...

if you pickup the monitor, and somebody pushes on the foot - it really easy comes off...

you dont have to unscrew anything to take of the original foot

for the desk arm, you simply unscrew the four screws (in the center/ back) of the screen

then put the screen against it, and tight it against the arm with the screws wich come with the arm...

vesa connection its how its called, google a bit about it........
wow thats a nice lcd desk arm you got there i got the ergotron neo flex it cost 74 bucks with tax how much did yours cost they look to function similar. anyways to take the stand apart is a real bitch !!! i was able to take the bottome round part off easily but the black plastic connector piece is fucking impossible i had to take a hack saw and cut it until i could pull it off !!! . the lcd desk arm is the way to go no matter what monitor you have
i can postion it any way i want its fucken awesome !!! worth the money !!!
i have even more desk space hell i can use my entire desk now ~! the monitor takes up no space on the desk !
Anyone know what the difference in specs are between the LG/phillips panel and the Chungwha panel for this monitor is.
peo said:
Anyone know what the difference in specs are between the LG/phillips panel and the Chungwha panel for this monitor is.

peo said:
Anyone know what the difference in specs are between the LG/phillips panel and the Chungwha panel for this monitor is.

peo said:
Anyone know what the difference in specs are between the LG/phillips panel and the Chungwha panel for this monitor is.

now thats a really good question ^^
i was looking at the differ too, they both are 8bit panels, it seems that the 203 used this panel too or an IPS, but the 204 uses the LG or CPT. the CPT is essentialy the same as the 203, but they used a new controller and thus the DFC contrast is better along with the 5ms refresh, i believe its 8 on the 203. both are 16.7M colors, 8bit true color. GREAT monitor, dont cheap out and get DVI!!!!
Tried to ask LG directly about it and got this response.

-----------Reply to Customer Enquiry------------
Hello Paul, The one that sells at the Swedish market is called 204WTBF and you will find it at our webpage and read out the specification. We don´t have any information about models from the US market. Best Regards Pernilla LG Electronics Costumer Serivce

Would think they would have more information than the very little thats on the website.

Don't realy like companies to treat me like a second class customer when I pay the same so if the panels arn't identical and the one sold in europe is "artificially" boosted to reach similar specs it's not likely i'll buy it. Afterall I have to pay the equivalent of 400$ for the screen in Sweden.