Perhaps all the lucky folk are west coast or something, I dunno. Reached out via phone a few times and they're clueless.You should try talking to them through chat because I saw the same thing this morning (said free delivery tomorrow) while my order said July 27th. I got into chat telling the rep that I can order again right now and have it tomorrow so why is my current order still showing July 27th and after the guy looked into my order it miraculously shipped 5 minutes later.
He also said that I'm "lucky" to have it shipping soon because demand is huge with a long order back log.
EDIT: The reason I gave up and ordered at BB is because their ETA as evident by this thread and else where is very conservative. People have been ordering and receiving it in a few days or weeks. Yours seems to be an outlier.
FYI Walmart has it in stock online too last I checked and it said I'd have it in a few days.
I certainly don't appreciate going into the low priority queue very much. Best Buy logistics are on my shit list.