Let's play...

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ROC = Republic of China, so it IS plausible.

IF it is true...that is a big blow to OCAU. BIG.

Thats a 300k+PPD Swing in favor of the [H].
Wow. That is quite a first day out. Welcome aboard ROC. Stop by and say hello. Looks like we'll all be getting ready for a mow down. :)


I might not even have time to see you in my threats list. You might pass me too fast to even show up. I don't think I mind though!

Edit: Nope, there you are. Damn. It won't take you long at all.


wanna join [H] Nitteo?

So this confirms it. :)

Thanks for the invite.

But my goal was to add more folders to the cause...so OCN is where I am staying. It is a relatively "untapped" resource of GPU folders.

We all have our reasons for moving...and I am sure you will find the [H] Cave cozy.
So this confirms it. :)

Thanks for the invite.

But my goal was to add more folders to the cause...so OCN is where I am staying. It is a relatively "untapped" resource of GPU folders.

We all have our reasons for moving...and I am sure you will find the [H] Cave cozy.

Come on... I will team up with you and fold under a name of your choice:D
One great big WELCOME AssM@N and thanks for joinin' the [H]orde. I have nothing but respect for the OCAU folding team, but with this ROC thing you can see where the [H]orde needs all the "heavy hitters" it can get to stay on top :)

Ahh.., oh yeah, the term "yankee" is that people from the Northern US states, Americans in general, people from North America or none of the above :confused:

That guy Phillip Dutton sure showed em' how to ride :D (you gotta' wonder if it didn't take an Australian representing the US to show the rest of the world how to ride horses, until 1991 he was an Australian citizen)


Oh, now that I found my jaw, let me say a big welcome. I'm happy to see someone who can make Sunin sweat a lot :D

I'm now off to build a anti-mowing shed...

Ha! Tempting...

It WOULD be cool to see a "user" beat out "anonymous" at 511k PPD. :D

I'm giving my farm a slight upgrade....... together we could beat anon

In case you're wondering why I aren't producing 200k points as I previously did..... Not all cards are in action

To the [H] members..... you don't need to thank me... thank the other OCAU users who invited me here. (They never told me to go to [H]..... nor are there words that tell me to leave, but they are the ones for my reason for leaving)

Trevor68, sgtraven, Teddy, chestRcopRpot

If you ask Mits, I had a few PMs with him when I just joined [H].... I said I will stay here for a while and *consider* returning to OCAU. This was prior to you saying nasty things on IRC...... hence I left OCAU after that

Main point: I wasn't 100% sure I would stay at [H] forever....... until I logged on IRC and saw you

reason to leave: trevor68
point of no return: chestR + sgtraven

there is that better?

I'm giving my farm a slight upgrade....... together we could beat anon

In case you're wondering why I aren't producing 200k points as I previously did..... Not all cards are in action

Same here, cards are gathering dust as we speak. I have nothing but headaches from the p6n's. I have 2 MSI P6Ns rotting away in my desk.:mad:
So this confirms it. :)

Thanks for the invite.

But my goal was to add more folders to the cause...so OCN is where I am staying. It is a relatively "untapped" resource of GPU folders.
Hi nitteo,

How's it going with the recruiting over at OC.net? I noticed that your team has been moving up the stats lately. Looks like you got people mobilized over there.
Same here, cards are gathering dust as we speak. I have nothing but headaches from the p6n's. I have 2 MSI P6Ns rotting away in my desk.:mad:

What kind of headaches are you getting with those motherboards ?

Hi nitteo,

How's it going with the recruiting over at OC.net? I noticed that your team has been moving up the stats lately. Looks like you got people mobilized over there.

Dont want to Jack A-Mans Thread. PM on the way.

To the [H] members..... you don't need to thank me... thank the other OCAU users who invited me here. (They never told me to go to [H]..... nor are there words that tell me to leave, but they are the ones for my reason for leaving)

Trevor68, sgtraven, Teddy, chestRcopRpot

I see :eek:

I'm giving my farm a slight upgrade....... together we could beat anon

In case you're wondering why I aren't producing 200k points as I previously did..... Not all cards are in action

To the [H] members..... you don't need to thank me... thank the other OCAU users who invited me here. (They never told me to go to [H]..... nor are there words that tell me to leave, but they are the ones for my reason for leaving)

Trevor68, sgtraven, Teddy, chestRcopRpot

Your motives are your own, we don’t pry.;)

That said, welcome aboard and enjoy the mayhem that is the [H]:)

Yeah, if anyone is really curious, the various related posts have been un-deleted over on OCAU.

Welcome aboard and its a pleasure to have you here...
Were a pretty friendly bunch, so sit back and grab a beer...or 4...Xilikon's buying..:)

Welcome aboard and its a pleasure to have you here...
Were a pretty friendly bunch, so sit back and grab a beer...or 4...Xilikon's buying..:)

Did i miss a recent meeting of the [H]orde ?

Welcome to the [H]orde Assman! We're always happy to welcome anyone, but especially happy to welcome a heavy hitter like yourself. I see your points have made a difference already. :D

Welcome Aboard!!! Doesn't matter why you came over, but that you continue to fold. Folding with us is gravy.

Sad reading... but at least your still folding. You will be missed. Not for just your folding skills, but your general banter and friendship. hopefully you will still pop into the irc every so often.

Its a sad day for me, idc about the points, but moreover i feel like i have lost a friend, someone that alot of people looked up too, me included.

Fold on!
yea I have to say I been folding along time, and teams shoot there self in the foot alot,everyone starts off friends, then ego's get involved, and all of a sudden war breaks out.
I reciently left my old team, and Im gonna say that here at this forum are some of the best folding people Ive seen to date, everyone's ego seems checked at the door, its why they are number one. I was gonna hop over here but it doesnt feel right, jumping to #1 like that.I did jump to a team that I can push past my old one though LOL
yea I have to say I been folding along time, and teams shoot there self in the foot alot,everyone starts off friends, then ego's get involved, and all of a sudden war breaks out.
I reciently left my old team, and Im gonna say that here at this forum are some of the best folding people Ive seen to date, everyone's ego seems checked at the door, its why they are number one. I was gonna hop over here but it doesnt feel right, jumping to #1 like that.I did jump to a team that I can push past my old one though LOL

We have a bit of the ego once in a while, but I do think that many (most/all) try and keep it to a minimum and remember that folding is the reward. Everything else is truly secondary.

That said

Welcome! It is always a good day when we can add another folder to the mix, and very good when one with the mad folding skills you do.


(and the wake of mowed over folders will add many a name to the club :p )

Sad reading... but at least your still folding. You will be missed. Not for just your folding skills, but your general banter and friendship. hopefully you will still pop into the irc every so often.

Its a sad day for me, idc about the points, but moreover i feel like i have lost a friend, someone that alot of people looked up too, me included.

Fold on!

Hey leroyxx

Thanks for posting here man!:) It's funny how quick a team will forget you:eek:....... just read the posts on OCAU

See you on IRC some time?:D

Welcome AssM@N.

Your another +100,000 PpD folder to try and stay ahead of ............. :p

Luck ............ :D
About the ego thing, what's the point of biting the hand who give you lots and lots of ppd ? Everyone fold with whatever they can, be small or huge, all it matters is that the production is going toward a better understanding of proteins folding and ultimately a cure ;)

We are swimming in madness and enjoy it trememdously. Even those who are getting mowed a lot is having fun drinking beer together and this speak a lot about what we do. We do even take pride to congratulate everyone who reach a milestone, be a known folder or a lurker champion.

Be nice and you will be rewarded ten fold (pun intended) :D

Were a pretty friendly bunch

Speak for yourself. :p

everyone's ego seems checked at the door

Trust me, that doesn't always happen but we've managed to make it through each time it has happened. Besides, between myself and a couple of others we have enough dirt on just about everyone here that no one dares do anything... unless they are drunk. But since just about everyone is drunk all the time... Well, maybe people do normally check their egos at the door... :D

Welcome to the team AssM@N, I hope your stay here will be more to your liking.

And to everyone else, look out. The [H]Mowed|Over Club is back open for business and NOBODY is safe. I'll get to stocking the fridge. :D

Does [h] have an IRC channel?

If so, what are the details?
Does [h] have an IRC channel?

If so, what are the details?


Go there and hit up the link for [H]ard|Folding Chat. Due to some unfortunate happenings in the past that's about all I can say in the forum.

It is somewhat quiet in there at times but any and all are welcome to shoot the shit, ask questions or whatever as long as the rules are followed.

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