Let's play...

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We get a fairly long leash on what we can talk about here in th DC forum.

If it can't be said here, anything goes in Gen May.

I am coming over to kidnap Relic as retaliation :D

Even if I did, you guys are getting the better deal.... losing a folding brother like that is not nice.
I'm giving my farm a slight upgrade....... together we could beat anon

In case you're wondering why I aren't producing 200k points as I previously did..... Not all cards are in action

To the [H] members..... you don't need to thank me... thank the other OCAU users who invited me here. (They never told me to go to [H]..... nor are there words that tell me to leave, but they are the ones for my reason for leaving)

Trevor68, sgtraven, Teddy, chestRcopRpot

You can get stuffed AssM@N. I had a bit of a whinge AFTER you changed teams. Then after an hour or so i apologised over pm. What cut me was you had said you HATED the [h] but then you go and fold for them just out of spite. But i got over that quick after all it doesnt matter who is folding who who as we are all doing good.

But now you name me as one of the ones that made you go to [h]? thats a big fat lie because you changed well before i said anything at all. I didnt even know you were folding for them for almost a day.

Not that it matters anymore, I honestly dont care. I fold because of the people in my family affected by the likes of cancer and parkinsons. You can fold for whoever you want for whatever reasons you want.

Good day to you all and as [h] would say, fold on.
You can get stuffed AssM@N. I had a bit of a whinge AFTER you changed teams. Then after an hour or so i apologised over pm. What cut me was you had said you HATED the [h] but then you go and fold for them just out of spite. But i got over that quick after all it doesnt matter who is folding who who as we are all doing good.

But now you name me as one of the ones that made you go to [h]? thats a big fat lie because you changed well before i said anything at all. I didnt even know you were folding for them for almost a day.

Not that it matters anymore, I honestly dont care. I fold because of the people in my family affected by the likes of cancer and parkinsons. You can fold for whoever you want for whatever reasons you want.

Good day to you all and as [h] would say, fold on.

/munches on popcorn

Where is Digi. I need a tamale and a beer.

If you ask Mits, I had a few PMs with him when I just joined [H].... I said I will stay here for a while and *consider* returning to OCAU. This was prior to you saying nasty things on IRC...... hence I left OCAU after that

Main point: I wasn't 100% sure I would stay at [H] forever....... until I logged on IRC and saw you

reason to leave: trevor68
point of no return: chestR + sgtraven

there is that better?

Hey, let's keep the fights and other unpleasantness out of here. The main forum is not a place to discuss anything like this. That is what PMs are for if you wish to discuss it.

Hey, let's keep the fights and other unpleasantness out of here. The main forum is not a place to discuss anything like this. That is what PMs are for if you wish to discuss it.

I agree, It is getting a little bit Days of our Lives" in here.

It's folding people. It's serious work, but we can't take ourselves to seriously.

Dang... I've had a busy couple of weeks and wondered what I'd missed here then finally get a chance to see wazzup tonight and well...

Welcome AssM@N. Be you here for a little or here for alot. You're still folding and that's what counts IMO. I don't know or care to know what all went on that brought you to this and us but I'm pretty sure it'll all work out in the end one way or the other. Meanwhile your contribution is welcome here. It's a great group of people that are always willing to share ideas and help. I think that's a big part of what keeps this team rockin'.

There's been some issues here as I'm sure there have been on many if not most teams. How they're worked through and handled is what separates them.

Meanwhile, you've put up a tremendous effort for the cause and THAT'S to be commended.

So welcome to the [H]orde. I wondered who ROC was that popped up on my radar out of the blue. I'm putting on my fire retardant skivvies as the doors to the castle are about to go up in flames... ;)

Keep Folding ON!

Welcome AssM@N. Be you here for a little or here for alot. You're still folding and that's what counts IMO. I don't know or care to know what all went on that brought you to this and us but I'm pretty sure it'll all work out in the end one way or the other. Meanwhile your contribution is welcome here. It's a great group of people that are always willing to share ideas and help. I think that's a big part of what keeps this team rockin'.

Enough said:)

Hey leroyxx

Thanks for posting here man!:) It's funny how quick a team will forget you:eek:....... just read the posts on OCAU

See you on IRC some time?:D


hey assman :)

ah, i dont mind i do a fair bit of lurking around here :)

As for the ppls on T24 thats been doing that - its like biting the hand that feeds us.

n yeah :) usually logged onto IRC #Team24 - on oz.org!
Had some reports on this thread asking for it to be closed, so I'll do that.
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