League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

Not sure why I expected anything different again.

New patch, new champion gets halted for release again, for "stability" reasons (which they didn't do like a month ago and past, and it worked ok).

Guess it'll be another week til we actually get to play the new champion that was suppposed to release today.
Meh same old, same old...

Vayne OP then nerfed after everyone bought
Orianna weak to start, buffed, everyone bought then nerfed
Yorik UP to start, buffed to OP, everyone bought now nerf this patch
Leona ... well female tank, everyone bought her reguardless of her being UP.
Monkey king will be OP to start, then nerfed in a few weeks once they made there money.

I could keep going backwards on the list too but it really seems to be the pattern, never buy a champ in the first month cuz they are gunna nerf it.
Did anyone read the new article yet? I knew they were getting big but I didn't think they had quite as many players as they are at now. I'll copy the article into my post. "you've grown league of legends into a massive game

Heh... Marc "Tryndamere" Merril - President & CEO .... well now we know why Tryn was allowed to go OP for so long.

will be interesting to see how he performs now as fury instead of crit/health.
Out of curiousity, has anybody bought Leona, Wukong or Yorick?

I bought Leona with IP and passed on Yorick, I have about 2.2k IP and building it up, I will probably get Wukong once I have the IP if he pans out to be any good.

it's kinda hilarious in the spotlight video how he's fighting weak ass Veigar and they use that to show how much "Wukong Pwns"

They shoulda shown him vs a Jarvan or something.

Oh wait . . . .

Also, as I'm at work I can't log in obviously, how are the servers and is Wukong available yet to buy?
Also, as I'm at work I can't log in obviously, how are the servers and is Wukong available yet to buy?

Played 2 ranked games earlier and servers were fine, had a 4 min or so queue. Yeah you can buy Wukong now. Didn't see anybody play him, wasn't expecting to see him in ranked right away though.
I'm loving Wukong so far, already playing him in ranked.

So far I'm building madreds + mallet on him against tanky teams, this allows you to slow people to the point they can't escape you + madreds rips them to shreds.

I also find Sheen/cleaver to work too depending on the team (not too tanky, this build works good).

His W is so fun, I've already had ww/galio's waste flash + ults on me.

If you like Shaco, this is a type of character you'll love.

My only problem is people that complain if you pick him in ranked, so annoying (I can understnad if it's your first time, do NOT play new champs in ranked, go normal first to learn) and won't let you solo.

I've already had one game where my team wouldn't let me solo, morde went top and I was bot with a Vayne, she got alllllll the farm. Morde went 1- 10.
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I'm loving Wukong so far, already playing him in ranked.

So far I'm building madreds + mallet on him against tanky teams, this allows you to slow people to the point they can't escape you + madreds rips them to shreds.

I also find Sheen/cleaver to work too depending on the team (not too tanky, this build works good).

His W is so fun, I've already had ww/galio's waste flash + ults on me.

If you like Shaco, this is a type of character you'll love.

Since I know how good you are at this game, I definitely respect your opinion.

Probably gonna buy Wukong tonight, lol.

I'll just save my IP for the next champion that gets released.

I'm glad he's not UP like Leona or Yorick are. However, they will probably nerf the bejeezus out of him once a little time passes.
Played Wukong quite a few games last night and he's a blast.

I've been building Boots 3, Mallet, Madreds, Phantom, Last Whisper, and either BV or Thornmail. If its a really CC heavy team, ill get Merc's instead.
I'm finding his early game and late game are nicely balanced, he scales really well with gear.

His W is the epitome of lawlz and probably the most entertaining skill in LoL so far. I had an Annie unload a full q,w,e,r on it, Malz ult it, and a Jarvan ult it, only to get away and/or kill them instead.

Is he OP? Not really, he's kind of a Lee Sin + Shaco + Garen all rolled into one.
Is he balanced? I think he's pretty well balanced, could use a few tweaks here and there.

Definately worth the investment IMO.
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LOL is defintely not worth it from Kuwait, the ping is horrible and I hated putting my team mates through that nightmare. I have yet to try the Euro server though, that'll be on my list to do tonight.
Played Wukong quite a few games last night and he's a blast.

I've been building Boots 3, Mallet, Madreds, Phantom, Last Whisper, and either BV or Thornmail. If its a really CC heavy team, ill get Merc's instead.
I'm finding his early game and late game are nicely balanced, he scales really well with gear.

His W is the epitome of lawlz and probably the most entertaining skill in LoL so far. I had an Annie unload a full q,w,e,r on it, Malz ult it, and a Jarvan ult it, only to get away and/or kill them instead.

Is he OP? Not really, he's kind of a Lee Sin + Shaco + Garen all rolled into one.
Is he balanced? I think he's pretty well balanced, could use a few tweaks here and there.

Definately worth the investment IMO.

I too, bought Wukong, he seems far too much fun to NOT buy. I think he is really balanced, he might need a slight damage buff, but he is NOWHERE near as UP as Leona and Yorick are.
Speaking of shaco, any pro players here? i love the guy as AD, but can't ever seem to trap right... there's something i'm missing. I always end up dying to a pile of 5 JITB's... how come i can't ever pull this shit off?
Shaco isn't that great, he has great early game (provided no one breaks his boxes). But he loses use late game. I have seen a few Shacos pull late game off well, but I don't recall their builds. Shaco is a character that takes a lot of nuance and understanding to play well. I've seen one shaco play strictly counter jungle and it was brilliant.
I played some more games last night and finally saw some Wukongs, seems just decent. His mimic really gets people a lot, messed me up the first couple times. Until I started paying closer attention to him, you can still see him for a bit when he uses it. Just gotta keep an eye on him.
I played some more games last night and finally saw some Wukongs, seems just decent. His mimic really gets people a lot, messed me up the first couple times. Until I started paying closer attention to him, you can still see him for a bit when he uses it. Just gotta keep an eye on him.

Wonder if you can use the Ol' Shaco trick on him. When facing a Shaco, always ping him to put a mark above his head. When he pops his ult and duplicates the clone won't get the mark, only the real one.

Unsure if they patched that or anything, I haven't faced a Shaco in maybe half a year.
Played Wukong quite a few games last night and he's a blast.

I've been building Boots 3, Mallet, Madreds, Phantom, Last Whisper, and either BV or Thornmail. If its a really CC heavy team, ill get Merc's instead.
I'm finding his early game and late game are nicely balanced, he scales really well with gear. .

I suggest dropping this. Phantom is mainly useful if you are going for a crit/as type of build (IE ashe/GP, etc). I'd suggest to throw in bloodthirtster or another type of lifesteal item so you have more sustainability.

Speaking of shaco, any pro players here? i love the guy as AD, but can't ever seem to trap right... there's something i'm missing. I always end up dying to a pile of 5 JITB's... how come i can't ever pull this shit off?

JITB's scale on AP , not ad.

The shaco's that do really good with those build AP mostly (malady, etc).

However if you go full ap, you become really dependable on them and in a team fight it won't be that useful.
^^ thanks for the reply, but i'm trying to figure out how exactly, on a 12 second CD, ANY shaco goes about getting 5+ traps in one spot. Do those AP shacos build full CD reduction? i've been starting out with tri-force (just because really), it seems to do okay and give me sorta hybrid-ness. I've tried a cd reduction build once, and it didn't really effect my traps enough to justify it...

i guess ad is still the way to go... what AD builds do you guys go?
AP is only for shits and giggles as far as I am concerned. I've counter-jungled with AP before and put all 5 in the bush by blue or something and it's hilarious to see them drop in two seconds. I don't see how to play it effective besides that.
I used to play shaco a lot, AD shaco was clearly best, but the key to Shaco is again, you need to GANK to be effective, that's something that's lost on a lot of people, but to gank with him as another poster said, you have to understand the nuances of playing him.

The most successful ganks are where you execute superior positioning (i.e. let the enemy overextend, and come in from behind) as his knife throw allows for a slow, not just that, but Exhaust is mandatory on Shaco as well and it allows you to secure a kill.

Some shacos take exhaust + ignite to allow for sure kills by blowing both cooldowns.

It also reduces the healing of a target too to enable you to ensure a kill.

Also, Guardian Angel is a great item for Shaco to have because if he gets focused, it allows your teammates to wipe the enemy team out and they have to choose whether to make SURE you're gone or try to kill your teammates, giving you enough time to get back in the fight.
I used to play shaco a lot, AD shaco was clearly best, but the key to Shaco is again, you need to GANK to be effective, that's something that's lost on a lot of people, but to gank with him as another poster said, you have to understand the nuances of playing him.

The most successful ganks are where you execute superior positioning (i.e. let the enemy overextend, and come in from behind) as his knife throw allows for a slow, not just that, but Exhaust is mandatory on Shaco as well and it allows you to secure a kill.

Some shacos take exhaust + ignite to allow for sure kills by blowing both cooldowns.

It also reduces the healing of a target too to enable you to ensure a kill.

Also, Guardian Angel is a great item for Shaco to have because if he gets focused, it allows your teammates to wipe the enemy team out and they have to choose whether to make SURE you're gone or try to kill your teammates, giving you enough time to get back in the fight.

Correct, a Shaco that isn't ganking non stop is not good. He needs the early feed to carry his mid game
The only point in playing Shaco is for level 2 and 3 ganks. Most junglers need to hit level 4 before they can get a decent gank.
What does everyone think of the windamere changes? Also the legendary windamere skin that is incoming? I like one but not the other I'm sure you can figure out which is which.
I haven't played yet. My friend said he played two rounds and really couldn't tell much of a difference at all. The only thoughts I have are that it might be harder for him to build up a decent heal in lane.

Also, how are the Kayle changes? Hard to tell if it's a buff or a nerf...
I just feel trynd got a bit gimped for those of us who already setup rune pages to exploit super high crits early.

Kayle I think was nerfed? I don't know I don't play kayle often and got my ass handed top me when I tried the new one. Heal AP ratio is gimped, but I like the idea behind the passive.
I haven't played yet. My friend said he played two rounds and really couldn't tell much of a difference at all. The only thoughts I have are that it might be harder for him to build up a decent heal in lane.

I've never played as him, but from what I've seen there might be something to that heal issue. It could just be that inexperienced people are trying him because of the changes, but the ones I faced last night seemed much easier to send back/kill pre-level 6.

Also, how are the Kayle changes? Hard to tell if it's a buff or a nerf...

The people I've seen play her have all complained about it being a nerf. A friend of mine plays her a lot and says that now she's forced to build CDR to do anything. That said, since the patch her presence has actually been noticeable in games, whereas before she seemed to be merely a placeholder; as a non-Kayle player that sounds like a bit of a buff to me.
problem with trynd now is your heal and your crits are on the same mechanic - so you either heal yourself with your rage bar and have no crits and die or you don't heal yourself, keep the full rage for crits and die

pretty big nerf - he's much more risky/squishy now, harder to early jungle and harder to stay in as long via ulti
I've never played as him, but from what I've seen there might be something to that heal issue. It could just be that inexperienced people are trying him because of the changes, but the ones I faced last night seemed much easier to send back/kill pre-level 6.

It really depends, I trashed some kids early game with Trynd, but I trashed kids before. Starting with around 30% crit chance is OP. Some Morde tried to lane against me bad idea. That said Trynd is a great counter to Yorick and Morde.
problem with trynd now is your heal and your crits are on the same mechanic - so you either heal yourself with your rage bar and have no crits and die or you don't heal yourself, keep the full rage for crits and die

pretty big nerf - he's much more risky/squishy now, harder to early jungle and harder to stay in as long via ulti

Yeah, I would like to see them change how Rage is given for Trynd. Renekton has a much easier time charging his rage bar while trynd really has to work to fill it.
I just feel trynd got a bit gimped for those of us who already setup rune pages to exploit super high crits early.

Kayle I think was nerfed? I don't know I don't play kayle often and got my ass handed top me when I tried the new one. Heal AP ratio is gimped, but I like the idea behind the passive.

They nerfed her support role, etc.

Now you pretty much just go magic speed + cdr or such. (IE Nashor's, etc).

E is her main skil to build toward, healing sucks on oher big time now, not that useful.
They nerfed her support role, etc.

Now you pretty much just go magic speed + cdr or such. (IE Nashor's, etc).

E is her main skil to build toward, healing sucks on oher big time now, not that useful.

Definitely interesting. I doubt I will play her any more than I did previously but who knows.
i tried to play last night but we all just kept getting aced by that new monkey. WTF do you do against that douche? Or is it the simple case of OP at launch, to be nerfed later...?