Large Hadron Collider in Pictures

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
We’re a week away from the rumored start day for the LHC. The Boston Globe has a cool pictorial of the device in various stages of completion. So this is where the black hole that will rip the Earth apart will be generated, hm? ;)
I think we have something smaller already running. If we were going to be sucked into a black hole, it shoulda happened years ago. :) Of course, the last eight years has felt like I personally have been sucked through a black hole but that MAY come to an end in Nov.
oh yeah baby! Bring it on. My only cerncen is that the Higgs Boson Condensate is the most interesting thing to come out of this century. Not that that would be a bad thing.
No doubt this will point towards things fare stranger.
It wont create a black hole.
Totally wrong color scheme
I'd let Gordon Freeman turn it on in case anything went wrong. :p
advancements and creations like this is why i love science.

there has to be another underlying reason why this was created.. has to be the most expensive, elaborate man made machine ever to look at black holes that are unseen by the naked eye?? c'mon now... im not buying that. im sure that will be done, but im thinking some higher intelligence has told us to build this for some reason.
I wonder if I can get a smaller version to put in my living room. It would make for a great decoration as well as a conversation piece. :cool:

I wonder if I can get a smaller version to put in my living room. It would make for a great decoration as well as a conversation piece. :cool:

not to mention it would be a great way to get rid of stuff...

'whats that thing???'
"watch this..."
~toss a cigerette butt into it~

nothing left.. no smoke, no ash.. its just.. gone
comon comon hurry up already, i want starships and warp drives and transporters and holodecks and all that stuff
they should never have killed the Super Conducting Super Collider. This still cool thou.
they should never have killed the Super Conducting Super Collider. This still cool thou.

this thing is actually better then the ssc from what i have heard, considerably more powerful
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

Lay off the drugs... It will help you in your day to day life making decision.

And if it wasn't for advancements like this.. We wouldn't have the stuff we have now.. So plz.. STFU.. It's better for the world if you do.
this thing is actually better then the ssc from what i have heard, considerably more powerful

actually it isn't, from the wiki
The SSC was designed to reach a higher energy than its European competitor, the LHC, at CERN, Geneva (40 TeV against 14 TeV in the center of mass).
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

And you're posting on a tech site?:eek:
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

they siad the same thing about the first nuclear tests, they where unsure of how big the expolsion was going to be.. what effects it was going on the atmosphere, they where saying that there was a chance that the way the expolsion worked it could boil off the atmosphere, and leech all of the O2 out thought a gaping hole killing the entire planet over the course of a few days.

black holes = mass = matter; matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, i doubt any of them are stupid enough to toss enought matter at it to try an create even the smallest black hole, instead what they are doing is looking at the way different matters and energys act while in the persence of VERY high magnetic fields, like that found in a black hole.

the theroy that a black holes gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape it is what they are looking at. if light cannot escape a black hole, then there must be a threash hold value where the light is trying to escape, but the magnetisim is holding it still, being able to examine energy/matter while it being held still may very well open many doors for us.

they are useing black holes as a reference point as to what they are trying to recreate in terms of effect, not in actual practice.

besides from what i understand, it takes something as massive as our sun to create a black hole the size of a grape fruit, the entire earth would only ammount to a mear speck of dust.
I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

If it were up to a "democratic vote" of 6 billion people to decide the progress of science, medicine, technology, or anything else for that matter, we might as well go back to the dark ages.

For anyone worried about the possibility of global catastrophe with the LHC, I have some black hole insurance to sell you.


We review the possibility of producing dangerous objects during heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. We consider all such objects that have been theoretically envisaged, such as negatively charged strangelets, gravitational black holes, and magnetic monopoles. We find no basis for any conceivable threat.
I really hope there is no creepy looking guy in a suit whispering "Prepare for unforseen consequences" in the ear of the scientist about to pull the trigger :p
I'm no expert, but I've read somewhere about an article explaining why all this black hole thing is nothing to fear of. Well, most people would imagine all black hole to be destructive, but this black hole, if created, would quickly decay, its not the same as those massive black hole creaeted by dying stars

Its not build to observe black hole anyway. hopefully they will continue to find new particles
Holy shit. That is so fucking cool. That stuff all looks like a damn video game or science fiction, but it's real!!!
I'm no expert, but I've read somewhere about an article explaining why all this black hole thing is nothing to fear of. Well, most people would imagine all black hole to be destructive, but this black hole, if created, would quickly decay, its not the same as those massive black hole creaeted by dying stars

Its not build to observe black hole anyway. hopefully they will continue to find new particles

1. The creation of a black hole is a theoretical prediction. It might not even happen in the first place.

2. The miniature black holes will evaporate into a shower of particles almost as quickly as they are created.
The evaporation has to do with the fact that they have such small mass. We aren't talking about stellar mass here. Only leptons, baryons, and mesons.

Besides, if the earth was to go I would rather it be a black hole rather than some crappy nuclear war or global warming.
My hypothesis is that one of two things is going to happen:

1) We will know both position and momentum of the created particles.

2) The particles created will have the same spin value.

Conclusion: /end world.
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

I think we have something smaller already running. If we were going to be sucked into a black hole, it shoulda happened years ago. :) Of course, the last eight years has felt like I personally have been sucked through a black hole but that MAY come to an end in Nov.

Divorce final in November? ;)
Based off of the responses here, none of you have actually thought this over...

Nothing like this has been run before, it is a risk to mess with this stuff; even if it doesnt cause black holes or destroys us all. It will consume tons and tons of our time and effort in vain attempt to control something we are thousands of years away from even having a practical and basic grasp on... (Passive observation is the best way to go)

Do we really want a bunch of self styled scientists who want to "try before they die" (most of these guys are really old) at the expense of everything that exists! This is total madness, at every level!

I honestly feel this is a violation of my right to life, because of its sheer arrogance and lack of caring of the fact that me and 6 billion other people on this planet never had a say in this.

Shortly after the locomotive was invented, it was suggested that someday men could travel faster than 60mph. There were folks, much like you, who warned that such a thing would be impossible because at those speeds they claimed the air would be sucked out of a man's lungs leaving him unable to breathe. I seem to recall similar concerns in middle of the last century about breaking the sound barrier. Fortunately the people designing and building these devices are using extensive reseach and not irrational emotional responses to guide their decisions.
it is the superior screen regarless of age or weight. they need the best of everything :)

Not for text. And I doubt they're using it for graphics design. LCD are better for weight size and text, which look to be the most important characteristics for that application. Plus it looks like a crappy old curved screen CRT, which don't really have very good PQ to begin with.