Large Hadron Collider in Pictures

Its plain to see theres clearly a lack of reading (use of brain also maybe) going on here. I expected more neurons firing from a site of this calibre; shame really.
<insert rubber/glue rhyme> I actually don't blame them for ridiculing the willfully ignorant. :p

The kooks have already officially been answered.

Fire it up and make some discoveries!
Fire it up I say. Let's see what comes from it. Curiosity is what's killing me.
HMMmm..... They have a LHC@Home program, Maybe, this is my idea atleast, Team 33 could sponsor a 72hr fold-a-thon for the LHC project....

HMMmm..... They have a LHC@Home program, Maybe, this is my idea atleast, Team 33 could sponsor a 72hr fold-a-thon for the LHC project....


Not a bad idea. Looks like they are coming out with some new numbers to crunch when they start actually getting data from the LHC.