k*'s New Years [H]orde Newbie Challange

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/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004

The Race is off and started, Happy New Year to all, and the best of luck!
Sign ups are closed, but always be on the lookout for new contests coming soon!​

Check out the standings here: http://www.hardfolding.com/index.php?go=1020&tier=1

KodiakStar said:
This is similar to all the other n00b races we have put on before. But this one is done by...

You guessed it. Me. So don't bitch to any [H]ard|OCP Staff, Mods, or your granny.

Classic. :D

Good luck to all the little n00bs who end up joining. :cool:

Now this is a good idea, all you new guys get your name in the hat! :cool:

I'm new, I'm new. It's just that I happen to use the same username and team as another guy. I don't stand a chance, really.

Aww, man. I just passed 50,000 a few weeks ago, and I even have just 5 PCs under my name! Bummer, I just missed out!

Rock, stanford shows you with 4 active in the last 7, and 5 in the last 50, so you are golden...
I must have missed something, I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I have heard of the folding thing but I use Seti@home so I guess this wouldnt apply to me.
You are correct, this is just a F@H race. http://folding.stanford.edu

this project looks at protiens and how they "fold" and "mis-fold" in attempts to find cures to things like cancer. Its all medical research type things, we have quite a few people around who know a ton about all of this stuff, so if you have any questions, fire away!
KodiakStar said:
Still need a few more people...

I'm interested, i used to fold but its a been i would say a few years, i have no idea how many work units i have from back then. do i count?
Sooo close. And if I would have gotten my damn Opty in a couple days sooner, I'd be in :( Instead of relying on my M & P's 500Mhz clunkers clunking away. What if I promise to have 5K by Tuesday :D

yeah, i didnt have anywhere near as many points as i thought i had, might take me a bit to get 5k
I say open it up to ALL new folders.....even those who haven't thought of folding yet. New recruits are good, and the dangling carrot (i.e....a free computer) is good incentive to fold your butt off. Especially since we need all the THz we can get to put a commanding lead on our friends down under.
umm, can I start from 0 points under a new name? Or is it "real newbies" only?
haha, real n00bies only, sorry ;)

The main reason we have always done a min limit for people to sign up, is to make sure they really are interested in taking part of the team, and once they get the freebie they don't just run off.... but... I suppose this one time we can let the rules slide a bit ;)

Oh.. and the contest will run for just the month of Jan, start on the 1st and end on the..31st ;) :)
hey Kodiak Star, do you have a list of all the people who are in so far so we can see what we are up against :)
KodiakStar said:
haha, real n00bies only, sorry ;)

The main reason we have always done a min limit for people to sign up, is to make sure they really are interested in taking part of the team, and once they get the freebie they don't just run off.... but... I suppose this one time we can let the rules slide a bit ;)

Oh.. and the contest will run for just the month of Jan, start on the 1st and end on the..31st ;)

Sweet. Thanks KS. You've moved up in to my Top Five Favorite People List :D
hmm, dont hink im gonna ge t to 5000 anytime soon with a pentium celeron and an a64...
I'm keeping the list at the bottom of the first post.

The basics of the contest (in case some of you haven't seen the earlier ones) is I will take all your scores starting at midnigh/jan 1, and "reset" them to 0. From there every point you make is your contest score.

For Example:

(Current Points) - (Points at Start of race)= Race Points
300,000 - 150,000 Points = 150,000 Race Points

Clear as mud? Good. :)

There are no handicaps, bonus' or any "new age math" real basic, real simple. :)

And as far as favorites go, if you fold, no matter what team you are on, you are on my favorite list :)
How about an old school noob coming back into the scene? The only ones I recognize are Tiger and Moose, who was a noob at the time I left. :)

Duster said:
i want to play :D

first anual... that is like a oxymoron

Me too! And isn't this like the 2nd quarterly noob race? :p

Vitamin T said:
Sweet. Thanks KS. You've moved up in to my Top Five Favorite People List :D

Heh, K* has groupies now. :eek:
Well its the 1st ever K* New Years Race

There will be another next year... who knows.. maybe another computer or two given away...
I hate to do it, but yea, going to have to cut you out, you are too [H]ARD for this n00b race ;) But don't let that stop you!
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