k*'s New Years [H]orde Newbie Challange

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Well I just started a few weeks ago although I'm not in the [H]orde. I guess I can change my other PCs at work over on Monday if need be.

p:4756 w:26

I set my machines up for team #33 so sign me up. I have more computers to bring online next month.
Awesome. Definately be sure to change all your configs over to fold for team 33......The #!1 team in the world:D
If I transfer teams, and fold for [H], would that reset my score back to 0?
Currently folding for another team. :confused:
Tech-Daddy said:
If I transfer teams, and fold for [H], would that reset my score back to 0?
Currently folding for another team. :confused:
Your points for team 33 wil start at 0, but you will not lose the points you already have under another team. Your points will simply be divided--old points there, new points here. Heck, you can fold for two different teams at the same time if you want.
Ok, got everyone pretty much set up, and will update this in the morning, Happy New years all!
Kodiakstar I need to withdraw from the contest. adding more boxen's.
Thanks.. :D
I'll step into THL's place, I've reconfigured my machine to team 33 and pushing a WU now...
What info do you need from me? ;)
so the new year has begun. have a good year folding and borging. i'll see you at the finish line in a month ;)

Well now that the race is on, you can add more boxen, thats the point of the race ;) And i got you T-Daddy. Good luck to all!
starting off the [H] way i guess :rolleyes:

had a moniter and nic go on one box, and had some issue with the upgrade to the opteron, hopefully i can make up for it if i fall behind ;)

KodiakStar said:
Well now that the race is on, you can add more boxen, thats the point of the race ;) And i got you T-Daddy. Good luck to all!

Well shite. Xmas has passed, so I'm broke. NYE has passed, so now I'm a broke-ass with friends who probably will not donate to my cause due to my drunken alienation of them last night :D How will I NOT come in last?
Here is the Official List.

The contest will run until the end of this month. Best of luck to all!
I will do updates at least once a week, and post them in this thread.

I believe there is a five boxen limit to start, then I think the point of the race is to encourage everyone to get some borgs on in order to win with the most points. Then again I could wrong.

Captain Colonoscopy said:
I believe there is a five boxen limit to start, then I think the point of the race is to encourage everyone to get some borgs on in order to win with the most points. Then again I could wrong.
I think you might be right ;)

I'm down for a race. I just started folding again. Last time I folded was back in 2003 with a 600Mhz laptop. Now I got my a64 3200+ so I can get a lot more done :). Just finished my first workunit yesterday too. I'm having trouble getting my badge in my signature though. Anyone know how to do that?

The badge isn't part of the sigs; you can make a bookmarklet that you click instead of the submit button below the post, and it inserts the code for the badge and submits.

thanks KING_N, you da man :D site is awesome

we are already up 200ppd from were we started, i say we try to get a combined ppd of 10,000 by the end of the race. what you guys think?

we're at 3,976

Sorry for not being around, G/F's family had some stuff going on yesterday :)

And yes, 5 to start, then borg as many as you can! And thanks for the help King! Always welcomed!
It looks like we have a great contest between 3 people for number one right now.

In the Lead is: AVEY, followed up by phive0 and T33, both of whom took turns at number one yesterday!

Great Job guys!
At the stats sight he only had 4 boxen up at the time if I remeber right, after the contest starts you are supposed to add more :)
Which stat do you guys read that alludes to the number of procesors?

Also, what is the PPD stat?
looking at folding.stanford.edu, stats, donator stats you can see the number of CPU's that are up for the past 7 days, and the past 50 days.

PPD = Points Per Day (avg)
Well even if they pulled the plug, you came to a good place for your CPU time. Welcome and have fun with the race. Always good to see new peeps here.

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