k*'s New Years [H]orde Newbie Challange

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Man my new borgs are starting to drop some nice wu's shesh lol :eek:

Added 8 new boxes since the start. :D

I can't bring myself to borg any of the servers here at work. The quad Opteron is very tempting though..... ;)
should let me in this one. I'm coming back to folding. I've been out for at least a couple years. I'm wandering about work today installing client on PCs. By the end of the week I'll have 45x P3 1GHZ folding away nicely. These machines are being replaced next month with 55X 3.0GHZ P4 w 1GB Dual Channel DDR2. I think I'll rack up some WUs soon.
embries, Welcome back to the world of folding! Sadly, for this race, the signups ended at the start of the 1st, but don't worry, there are going to be some more contests coming up soon! If you have any questions feel free to ask any of us!
yea, theres some seriously [H]ard points goin on for a buncha "newbs" ehehe

you should see my house, i'll snap some pics, got enuff comps goin to launch a space shuttle, wires everywhere, systems running out of cardboard mobo boxes.

Mine are mostly old PIIIs we were getting rid of here at work. I have about 8 boxes running at home and a few here at work. They're just so damn slow. If the Dual Xeon machine at home wasn't so damn loud I'd have it running as well. If the doctor and pharmacy wouldn't have owned me yesterday I would have ordered another cheap AMD system to throw into the mix.
yea i got some p3's goin :)

just gotta remember its a win-win situation, its for a good cause, the olny way to lose is to not fold with your spare cycles.

As a group, you are nearing 50k points total since the race has started, and it hasn't been a full week yet..


You all are very [H]ard!
Rockaholic said:
come on.... big points! no whammies... :cool:


And, the definitive whammy source :D
you gotta photoshop a boxen under that hammer...

thats what happens to me, i go out for something, and come back and boxens are locked or, or crashed, them dam whammies got to em... :D

Ya I learned a lesson this morrning. Disable Auto install of updates lol. Woke up and had three boxen sitting at login. 6 hours of not folding last night :(
looks like week one is gonna come out to around 55k total race points.

what do u guys think, 60-65k more for week two? :)

i say we just keep pushing, more points more points :D I need to add some more boxen, im falling behind

Sneaking past the rest, first to 10k, still holding first... its....


Keep up the awesome work guys!!
Yea, the whole memberlist for the team is down, once its back up, I'm sure everything will be kosher... no worries :)
I was hoping to see myself in 3rd for once. Oh well I'll just have to add more boxes to ensure a #1 spot.

That's going to set me back. I just lost two 450 point WUs I spent the past two days working on.

How does one "loose" WU's? Doesn't the F@H client keep hte WU until submission? HOw would it loose the work?
:confused: :confused:
No idea. I had about a day to go on them and my machine froze. Lack of ventilation on the bottom of the laptop I think. I rebooted it and it started two new WUs. Oh well. I started another box to night at the house to help out. ;)

You'll have that on occasion. FAH will hold onto a completed unit. If the client doesn't shut down cleanly or the WU is corrupted, in some cases it will turn in the completed work for partial credit, or if the corruption is bad enough, it'll just delete the WU and move on to a new one. If you've got alot of that going on, its time to pull that boxen and make sure its stable before going and getting more work.
p[H]ant0m said:
You'll have that on occasion. FAH will hold onto a completed unit. If the client doesn't shut down cleanly or the WU is corrupted...or if the corruption is bad enough, it'll just delete the WU and move on to a new one.

Unfortunately, qft. :mad: Many a wu have I lost...
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