JVC harx700 - a poor mans ath-a900!!

Ourfpshero: I saw on Head-Fi that you were selling your Koss A130 headphones. How do the A130's compare to the JVC's? (I have both but the A130's are in for repair - again)
Comfy? Yes. Though when I first tried them on, it felt like it was squeezing onto my head a little too much, but that went away.

Great headphones. Though I have no high end headphones to compare them with, they sound very good to me. Hearing things i've never heard before is great. Good $35 spent. After a couple days of burn in, they sound better too. I don't think i could ever shell $200+ on headphones anyways, haha.
I thought 150.00 would be it for me till I got my 595's. I was so impressed with their gate way sound I bought the 650's a day later for 384.00. Still not sure why people think headphones should be cheap, and disregard them if the price is over 200.00. 200.00 for a quality audiophile headphone is a great bargain.. Would cost you much more to better the sound with speakers. If I made 50k a yr Id buy the L3000 or the Q10. Both go for over 2 grand on the used market. Guess I wan't to know what the 'best' sounds like.
I thought 150.00 would be it for me till I got my 595's. I was so impressed with their gate way sound I bought the 650's a day later for 384.00. Still not sure why people think headphones should be cheap, and disregard them if the price is over 200.00. 200.00 for a quality audiophile headphone is a great bargain.. Would cost you much more to better the sound with speakers. If I made 50k a yr Id buy the L3000 or the Q10. Both go for over 2 grand on the used market. Guess I wan't to know what the 'best' sounds like.

I don't think headphones should be cheap, I just can't spend that much on headphones. Don't get me wrong, i would love to hear the high high end stuff, but I just can't afford to and it isn't one of my top priorities anyhow.
I have had K1000s, Stax etc.

The JVC 700 is not near either. However, it is damn good compared to anything under $300. Simply hangs in there. I have been content with mine so far.

If I had a choice, I would get my Stax Lambda normals and an srd-7 energizer with a nice little amp. That sound is WHOA!

Trouble is, money is tight. I just bought a pc and 4 other houses lol. All investments but still. Ouch.

So I am glad to be able to get something like this.

It is important that such a headphone exist b/c it allows many more folks to experience good sound.

That makes me happy.
I wonder how Head-Fi accepts this HARX700...

The last cheap headphone craze was the Koss A250.
Ourfpshero: I saw on Head-Fi that you were selling your Koss A130 headphones. How do the A130's compare to the JVC's? (I have both but the A130's are in for repair - again)

the jvc's have 10 times the bass of the a130s, and much more mids as well. i didnt care much for the a130, except for the comfort and highs
the jvc's have 10 times the bass of the a130s, and much more mids as well. i didnt care much for the a130, except for the comfort and highs

I have another question: did you amp the a130's and the HARX700? I use the HARX700 with the Fiio amp or my receiver and I find it much better amped.
I have another question: did you amp the a130's and the HARX700? I use the HARX700 with the Fiio amp or my receiver and I find it much better amped.

i sure did. it could be that the koss needed more burn in. i gave them a 24 hr burn in b4 using them and the bass never really kicked in
My a130's started getting bassy-ish after 250 hours of burn in. Still better than 280 Pro's which have a burn in time of forever.
I wonder how Head-Fi accepts this HARX700...

The last cheap headphone craze was the Koss A250.
i made this same post on headfi and overclock.net. headfi got a ton of response (but not as much as here) and a few buyers. one guy got the jvc 900 model. headfi caters to the higher end mostly. i just put this on overclock a few days ago. the community there isnt very large and this hasnt developed much interest there
These things kick. Lots of riveting detail without being mean to older recordings. I think they've improved a lot over these past 20 minutes. Still hoping for a tiny bit more bass, but I may just owe them an amp. Very good presence of all frequency bands.
Just placed an order on the rx900. I'll see if the dt770 velour pads work on them when they come in some time this week.
Zero dac or the headroom Total Bithead. Both are around $150-180. Either will do very well.
It has that option. Or at least it did. I think you have to specify that they include it.

I believe it only has optical in, but you can purchase a USB to Optical cable from most of the people who sell the Zero I believe.

I just ordered the 900 so I will be able to a/b the two sometime soon. Probably Sat or next Monday.
does somebody know if they are aviable in europe?

i checked the usual online dealers but found nothing.

on ebay.com they only ship inside the states.

I just ordered the 900 so I will be able to a/b the two sometime soon. Probably Sat or next Monday.

hmmm ... i should have waited to hear thoughts on the rx900, but i just ordered the rx700. did the slow, free method from buy.com... maybe they'll let me change if it's worth it.

looking forward to your rx700 vs 900 conclusion :D

thanks again
Oh I am sure either is fine. I do not expect a big difference. I got the slow shipping too. Not spending a penny more than I have to lol.
I don't think headphones should be cheap, I just can't spend that much on headphones. Don't get me wrong, i would love to hear the high high end stuff, but I just can't afford to and it isn't one of my top priorities anyhow.
Wasn't so much directed at you. In general. Yes, its about priorities. Someone who buys a 600 video card would probably laugh at the guy buying a 600 headphone, and vise versa.

I just ordered the 900 so I will be able to a/b the two sometime soon. Probably Sat or next Monday.
I should get my F1's tomorrow. Curious to hear the external drivers. Someone said they are the best for biaural recordings and very 3D like. But thought their sq was last compared to the 225,325,590,600.
Yeah, mainly bought them for their speaker like presentation. Someone said they are like the 650/701s mixed together, while retaining their strength and none of their flaws. Pretty high praise. The person I bought it from had 3 pairs, and favores them over his 701/303. Too bad they are discontinued in the states.
You can try searching for the victor models. victor hp-rx*00.

thanks that did the trick, i found a few japan sellers on ebay that ship to europe.

only thing is should i get the 700 or is the 900 worth the 30 bucks more?
thanks that did the trick, i found a few japan sellers on ebay that ship to europe.

only thing is should i get the 700 or is the 900 worth the 30 bucks more?

Well, my 900s are on the way so I should be able to tell you sometime late this week.

So the bass is detectable down to 25hz. I believe the rolloff point is about 35hz. This means that the bass drops in punch around that point. You can still feel/hear it at 25hz but not like at 40hz which is probably 40% louder.

I really need to get my X-FI here so I can make more accurate judgements. This onboard sound is ok but...........
will do. i played with my x-fi's eq while listening to songs that dig way down low. the 31mhz slider definately doesnt have the impact of the 60hz slider but it still does make a difference. i will play with the bass boost cutoff level next
How would the bass and overall sound compare to that of the porta pros or the senn px 100s?
How would the bass and overall sound compare to that of the porta pros or the senn px 100s?


Way better than both. Much more refined and detailed. Bigger sound stage. These are not thumpers. You can't get detail when the bass is drowning everything else out. Portapros thump and the px100 are, well no. Just not even close.

These are Audiotechnica drivers. That, or really close copies.
So by that do you mean they dont have the kick the portapros have or just not as much bass?I mean its ok if they dont i just want to know.Either way i ordered some so lets hope i like them.
They do not have the exaggerated bass that the portas do. You will understand once you hear them.
Buy.com in Canada sucks compared to the U.S. They don't sell any JVC headphones. In fact, their headphone selection is really poor. They have like a total of five to choose from and they are all crap. I can't find anywhere up here in Canada that sells those specific JVC headphones.
Buy.com in Canada sucks compared to the U.S. They don't sell any JVC headphones. In fact, their headphone selection is really poor. They have like a total of five to choose from and they are all crap. I can't find anywhere up here in Canada that sells those specific JVC headphones.

if spaceman likes the jvc 900 more than the 700 -i'll sell u my 700 :)