JVC harx700 - a poor mans ath-a900!!

Hmm. I need to find a Vista friendly, cheap sound solution. Get back to you all on that.

Right now, the Zero Dac/amp is pretty popular. There is also the Total Bithead.

The X-FI Titanium is the only $100 option I can think of but yeah, 64 bit Vista is chancy.

The Prelude is more than $100 lol.
Gaming/music. I really don't mind that much music wise, since I really listen to 128bitrate music anyway. RARELY 320, it sounds a lot better but I can't justify the space it takes up..
Last post. I'm really jacking this thread without realizing it... Get back to talking about your awesome HA-RX 700s guys!
Hmm. I need to find a Vista friendly, cheap sound solution. Get back to you all on that.

Right now, the Zero Dac/amp is pretty popular. There is also the Total Bithead.

The X-FI Titanium is the only $100 option I can think of but yeah, 64 bit Vista is chancy.

The Prelude is more than $100 lol.

I've been contemplating about getting a zero DAC for the past couple days, and just now finally decided that I wouldn't go through with it. I don't have high-end pro headphones (these JVC's do sound nice, but I can't really see how it could count as high end for ~$35, and wasn't expecting it to be either) and my speakers aren't really that high up to satisfy the dac, at least, thats what i'm thinking... Maybe im wrong?

I like the sound from my x-fi anyhow. I have no problems with my x-fi on vista x64. It has never crashed on me, no driver problems or anything. ALchemy works great with my x-fi, so no problems there. I can't even tell much, if any difference between my front panel connector and being directly plugged in.

I want to buy the zero though, esp after the 30% cashback, but I just can't seem to justify it. This is a freakin hard decision, haha. DOA from china also gets to me...

Hopefully I made the right choice. I don't even have that much money to spend excessively on these things, haha.
The Zero has good support. That company seems to do well. The only real issue is shipping yeah. The Zero pops up on Head-Fi from time to time used and in the States so you are safe with that. If you get it doa from a seller there you just get your $$ back.

I am looking at just getting the X-FI titanium and the JVC 700 for now myself too. I have XP pro and agree that the Zero is overkill for the JVC.

When I go big I will get some Stax headspeakers anyway so there is no reason for me to spend any more $$ than absolutely necessary.

Still, I won't get my JVC 700s until at least next week. Booo to West Coast ground shipping. USPS priority is always the best bang for the buck for small items.
Got mine in today! I have to admit these things look more expensive then the $34 I paid for them.
Are there any B&M stores I could get these at?

nope. not that we have found anyway. they want you to buy their cheap crap anyway. if they sold these, the other crap would never leave the shelves lol. that is why the koss sb40 isn't at BB gaming where it should be while bose and logicrap are all over the isle.
I know you ordered yours from buy.com and your still waiting on them. Any other online shops that have them, which might ship faster?
Well, my fault for that. Buy.com is west coast and I selected free shipping. That means the train and 5-6 days travel time to VA. So it depends on where you are and where they are and what shipping you are willing to pay for. Buy.com shipped pretty fast though. Next business day actually.
well I'm in the midwest but seeing as it's Thursday evening if I ordered now I wouldn't see them til Monday or Tuesday anyway.
Just got mine.

They do sound like the A900s. Sound stage is both vertical and horizontal. Highs climb up and lows come from down low in cup. A very good sign indeed. Low end rolloff will be tested but I would guess that these go down to about 40 hz without roll off. No gaming pc to test with but

two thumbs up. These are the best deal in headphones atm.
Damn. You make me want to spend a third of my bank account on it! And what am I supposed to do with the SB40's? :(
Roommate got one to play around with. I have the ATH-A900 and I agree the sound signature is similar. However it is still easy to tell between the two. A900 sounds more refined and clearer. Hits lower as well. But for $30 it is well worth it. Wish the ear pad was a bit larger. It seems to be the same size as the A900 from pictures but it is not as large and not as comfortable.
The SB40 still do very well for directional sound in games. I have never liked them for music b/c they are grainy.

The A900 is certainly better. Not $160 better though. Perhaps the Har-x900 is closer but I am just fine with the 700.

Once I get my modded x-fi elite pro in we'll see about gaming. That will be about Monday or Tuesday though.

Dethklok sounds pretty damn good though lol. Great detail for such cheap headphones.
I always wanted to hear the audio-technica sound... guess I can give it a try through JVC :p

Next time I'm up in the States I think I'll try and get one of these. Especially since my Sb40's came with a defective right side driver :(
Roommate got one to play around with. I have the ATH-A900 and I agree the sound signature is similar. However it is still easy to tell between the two. A900 sounds more refined and clearer. Hits lower as well. But for $30 it is well worth it. Wish the ear pad was a bit larger. It seems to be the same size as the A900 from pictures but it is not as large and not as comfortable.

i agree i can tell the difference ez between the a900 and the jvc. but i think the jvc is the best thing i've heard under 100-150$. the bass opens up on the jvc a lot with use. the a900 still has better highs. of course the a900 has better highs than most anything less than 300$
To those of you who have this headphone, how is it for comfort and extended use? Anything else better in that regard in this price range?
Once I get these in the near future, I'm going to mod them with the Velour pads.
lol-these are cushy and comfy. they are only a little less so the the audio technicas. ive gamed w/these many hours now- no comfort issues at all!!
when those of us that have them say they are not are comfortable as the a900- keep in mind that the a900 is a very very nice, large, comfy headphone -one of the most comfortable closed headphones made.
the jvc are great comfort-wise -u dont need to mod these whatsoever in that regard!
lol-these are cushy and comfy. they are only a little less so the the audio technicas. ive gamed w/these many hours now- no comfort issues at all!!
when those of us that have them say they are not are comfortable as the a900- keep in mind that the a900 is a very very nice, large, comfy headphone -one of the most comfortable closed headphones made.
the jvc are great comfort-wise -u dont need to mod these whatsoever in that regard!

I have to say these are comfy.. I was more worried about heat then anything but even after 2 hours of COD4 they are fine so I don't feel like I have to mode them. These kick my cheap ass Altec's ass bad. I can't believe these things are 34$ shipped.
Just received mine as well and the verdict is in...these cans are nice for the price. I could've shelled out for headphones in $200 and up range, but I was tight on me and thought what the heck, this is going to be my first entry headphones. They are very comfortable! I thought they were going to be a little loose, but they fit really snugly. I won't be using PC use for these, except for music and that sounds great as well. I'm diggin the bass on these, makes my songs bumpin! My main use is going to be PS3 and they sound great for gaming there too; still need to burn them in but so far so good. I'm still getting used to the soundstage though! I've never had cans or ear phones that have delivered so much detail, its awesome. I'm loving these cans. No complaints here! : )
I just placed my order and they should be here by next Friday. I was very close to getting the Beyerdynamic DT 770's for $130, but thankfully spaceman pointed me towards the rx700's.
I just placed my order and they should be here by next Friday. I was very close to getting the Beyerdynamic DT 770's for $130, but thankfully spaceman pointed me towards the rx700's.

Naw this is heros find. I'm just verifying it.
Just ordered the HARX900 from Buy.com. With all the good press the HARX700 is getting, I can only imagine the 900s will sound even better (I hope).
Comfy? Yes. Though when I first tried them on, it felt like it was squeezing onto my head a little too much, but that went away.

Great headphones. Though I have no high end headphones to compare them with, they sound very good to me. Hearing things i've never heard before is great. Good $35 spent. After a couple days of burn in, they sound better too. I don't think i could ever shell $200+ on headphones anyways, haha.
I might get the 900 just for the hell of it sometime soon.

The 700s are exactly what I hoped, entry level audiophile. Exactly that guys. If you want to hear the real, really cheap; this is it.

Comfort is 8/10
sound is 10/10 for the $$
I was saving up for A700's but at $32 I am going to try these out. Thanks for the reviews guys.
Thanks... mine will hopefully be here within the week :)
I'll get to hear what I've been missing from all these reviews which is nice.
Thanks ourfpshero and spaceman
They are good for gamingtoo. Just played some COD4 on onboard sound and it was fine. Headphones are very comfortable and not as hot as I feared. 2 hrs and no sweat. The koss might have a bit larger sound stage but I will not know until I get an x-fi in to do a fair comparison. I am going on memory with the koss btw. I gave mine to a nephew.
I got to open my box yesterday, and they sound great. I'm hoping more bass will show up though, and that the midrange will calm down in a lot of songs.
I got to open my box yesterday, and they sound great. I'm hoping more bass will show up though, and that the midrange will calm down in a lot of songs.

Bass has gotten better with mine already. I've been playing a lot of rap and sent about 6 hours of pink noise through them. This alone and I can already tell a difference in them.