Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

wow I thought I lost my lcd for few minutes here. What happend was that the light in the back only worked in the lower right hand corner rest of the screen was dead.....Just when I was about to pack it up and return it tomorrow It came back up lol????? I bought it at Best Buy It is out of the 14 day return/exchange period but I did get the 4 year warranty with it.....I am hoping that this was a 1 time thing :confused:
My HDMI to DVI cable arrived but my L2410NM doesn't even work with in HDMI mode. :(
When I plug it in, I get no signal on the display at all. I know there is some communication since I can run it in dual display mode with my Dell and the nvidia control panel detects the monitor, but no resolution mode can make the Westy display anything. I've tried rebooting, switching ports on my video cards, running in single mode... nothing. I've also tested the cable on my 42" TV and it worked, so I'm pretty sure the cable is fine.

Anyway, this problem combined with the dead pixel, screen door effect, and overall lackluster performance (based on VGA mode)... I'm just going to return it to BB and get a refund. I think I will spend the extra money and just get the Planar PX2611W.
I think I will spend the extra money and just get the Planar PX2611W.

Wow... If I only had the ability to say "I don't really like this $350 monitor, so instead I'll go with a $900 one."

Why don't you try another Westy? It will be easy to switch out at BB and you'll probably get one with 0 dead pixels and working HDMI. You really can't judge a monitor based on what it looks like in VGA mode.
My HDMI to DVI cable arrived but my L2410NM doesn't even work with in HDMI mode. :(
When I plug it in, I get no signal on the display at all. I know there is some communication since I can run it in dual display mode with my Dell and the nvidia control panel detects the monitor, but no resolution mode can make the Westy display anything. I've tried rebooting, switching ports on my video cards, running in single mode... nothing. I've also tested the cable on my 42" TV and it worked, so I'm pretty sure the cable is fine.

Anyway, this problem combined with the dead pixel, screen door effect, and overall lackluster performance (based on VGA mode)... I'm just going to return it to BB and get a refund. I think I will spend the extra money and just get the Planar PX2611W.

Perhaps all you need to do is change the input. Press the 2nd to lowest button on the right, above the power button. Just tap it, don't hold it down.. You switch between D-Sub, HDMI, S-Video, Video, etc.... It sounds like you were still on D-Sub, but you are inputting to the HDMI port.

I just got mine and its great. I like this monitor, and you cant beat the price. I didn't get a single dead pixel. I do notice the slight horizontal lines people talk about in the top right, but its rare that you notice them unless you really look for it.
Perhaps all you need to do is change the input. Press the 2nd to lowest button on the right, above the power button. Just tap it, don't hold it down.. You switch between D-Sub, HDMI, S-Video, Video, etc.... It sounds like you were still on D-Sub, but you are inputting to the HDMI port.

I just got mine and its great. I like this monitor, and you cant beat the price. I didn't get a single dead pixel. I do notice the slight horizontal lines people talk about in the top right, but its rare that you notice them unless you really look for it.

I had it on HDMI mode. I own 2 other Westinghouse displays so I am familiar with how their menu system works. I'm pretty sure it was just a non-functional HDMI port. Anyway, I took the monitor back to BB for a refund. I had it hooked up by VGA for 3 days. Aside from the screendoor effect, which was pretty bad, it wasn't a bad monitor. It just wasn't nearly as nice as I wanted. Going to splurge and get a IPS-based LCD.
I've read part of this thread but not every post so please forgive me if I'm repeating something ...

I just unpacked my L2410nm and the built-in GeForce 6150's 1920x1200 puts the desktop off-center. In 1900x1080 it fills the screen (but looks like ass) so I know the LCD is okay. I'm just wondering what is going on ... Have the latest drivers (downloaded today) ... I've tried moving the desktop in the NVpanel but it's only able to go so far (basically the entire desktop is down and to the right).

Anyone else come across this? I have a feeling it's this POS video card as 1600x1200 is way off to the left and the aforementioned issues above. TIA everyone.
You need to go into the OSD and screw around with it.

I'm assuming you are trying 1920x1200 over VGA? If so, you need to use the "Image" menu in the OSD and mess with either the Auto-Config (try it once) and then the H.Position and V.Position controls.

You go to it by just hitting the third button from the bottom to move over and the two top buttons are up and down.

Hope that helps.


I've read part of this thread but not every post so please forgive me if I'm repeating something ...

I just unpacked my L2410nm and the built-in GeForce 6150's 1920x1200 puts the desktop off-center. In 1900x1080 it fills the screen (but looks like ass) so I know the LCD is okay. I'm just wondering what is going on ... Have the latest drivers (downloaded today) ... I've tried moving the desktop in the NVpanel but it's only able to go so far (basically the entire desktop is down and to the right).

Anyone else come across this? I have a feeling it's this POS video card as 1600x1200 is way off to the left and the aforementioned issues above. TIA everyone.
1920x1080 can look good. Ensure the sharpness is at 3 or 4 and go into the tools menu (second from lowest) and change the "Aspect" setting to Normal.

You will see black bars top and bottom but it won't stretch or distort the image to 16:10 ratio


1920x1080 can look good. Ensure the sharpness is at 3 or 4 and go into the tools menu (second from lowest) and change the "Aspect" setting to Normal.

You will see black bars top and bottom but it won't stretch or distort the image to 16:10 ratio



Thanks man, I didn't realize that you needed to hold down the input button. Auto adjust worked like a champ!
I just got the L2610LM at BB. It was a floor model. It works great except for two issues. The first is that it says "Out of Range" when the computer is booting and the Windows logo is showing. But once you get to the login prompt, the graphics show up. So not a huge deal, but strange. Second issue is that once it's in XP, the resolution is set to 1920x1080 (1080P). It fills the whole screen, and doesn't look terrible, but you can tell it's not the native resolution. When I try to change it to 1920x1200, the desktop is sized correctly, but the text is basically unreadable. It's like they just use a few pixels to draw the text. I've played around with the NVidia control panel, but I've not got the 1920x1200 mode to work through HDMI on my desktop system. The graphics card is an NVidia Quadro FX3000 w 256MB. Driver is 162.65 (Latest for the Quadro).

I tried my laptop through the VGA port, and 1920x1200 looks great. My laptop doesnt' have DVI. I assume it's probably a driver issue, but I have the latest. I know the video card is a little old, but my primary one (7900GS) is out for warranty repair, and this was something a borrowed in the mean time.

Anyone have any suggestion?

I don't know about the L2610NM OSD, but if it's the same as the L2410NM I would check a couple of things.

First off, in the "wrench" menu there is an "aspect ratio" control. See if "normal" is one of the options you can change to. The default is "full" which fills the screen, but also scales different aspect ratios to 16:10 which can look like crap.

Secondarily, when you set your PC to 1920x1200, go into the top (image) menu and fool with the sharpness and see if it makes any difference.

Also, you may want to disable any font smoothing like Cleartype in Windows. I find it can cause havoc more often than not, and cause text to be blurry, and/or fuzzy.

The graphics card may be old, but it should still work better than what you describe. My old 8800GTS 640MB (over a year old now) had no issues with the L2410NM.



I just got the L2610LM at BB. It was a floor model. It works great except for two issues. The first is that it says "Out of Range" when the computer is booting and the Windows logo is showing. But once you get to the login prompt, the graphics show up. So not a huge deal, but strange. Second issue is that once it's in XP, the resolution is set to 1920x1080 (1080P). It fills the whole screen, and doesn't look terrible, but you can tell it's not the native resolution. When I try to change it to 1920x1200, the desktop is sized correctly, but the text is basically unreadable. It's like they just use a few pixels to draw the text. I've played around with the NVidia control panel, but I've not got the 1920x1200 mode to work through HDMI on my desktop system. The graphics card is an NVidia Quadro FX3000 w 256MB. Driver is 162.65 (Latest for the Quadro).

I tried my laptop through the VGA port, and 1920x1200 looks great. My laptop doesnt' have DVI. I assume it's probably a driver issue, but I have the latest. I know the video card is a little old, but my primary one (7900GS) is out for warranty repair, and this was something a borrowed in the mean time.

Anyone have any suggestion?

In the wrench menu, there is a choice that says "Optimal Aspect Ratio", and the choices are ON or OFF. Neither helps, and it doesn't seem to make any difference either. And just to be clear, the graphics card is probably 5 years old, although I agree it shouldn't be the problem.

In the wrench menu, there is a choice that says "Optimal Aspect Ratio", and the choices are ON or OFF. Neither helps, and it doesn't seem to make any difference either. And just to be clear, the graphics card is probably 5 years old, although I agree it shouldn't be the problem.


Try newer video card drivers ... I had the same thing happen with a Dell running XP and newer drivers fixed it. Also, 1920x1200 is optimal res so update drivers, go into the menu and do the optimize thing and all should be good.
I just returned my L2410NM three days ago because it kept turning on and off on its own every day.
Sounds like the OSD is different than the one in the L2410NM, as my only choices under Aspect ratio are "Normal" and "Full".

You may want to update your drivers. How are you connected? VGA or DVI > HDMI cable?

Unfortunately you may have to stick to VGA with a video card of that generation.



In the wrench menu, there is a choice that says "Optimal Aspect Ratio", and the choices are ON or OFF. Neither helps, and it doesn't seem to make any difference either. And just to be clear, the graphics card is probably 5 years old, although I agree it shouldn't be the problem.

I FINALLY decided to dive in and buy this monitor. My initial impression: I love it! I've been reading quite a bit about LCDs lately, but I'm very far from an expert. I might try to get around to writing a more lengthy review later, but for now, I'll be enjoying it.
Sounds like the OSD is different than the one in the L2410NM, as my only choices under Aspect ratio are "Normal" and "Full".

You may want to update your drivers. How are you connected? VGA or DVI > HDMI cable?

Unfortunately you may have to stick to VGA with a video card of that generation.



I did find slightly newer drivers on the NVidia site yesterday, and that didn't change anything. The problems were occuring with a DVI>HDMI cable. I tried a VGA connection, and that works great. Boot screen shows up, and it's set to the full 1920x1200 and it looks great. So I'm guessing it's just the 5 year old video card, which is basically the workstation version of the FX 5900 Ultra.
If you've successfully used the DVI connection to another monitor recently, it may be that the card has problems with the monitor in general. If not, it may be that the card supports DVI-A only?

I had the same issue with an old All-in-wonder card. Most everything did not display over DVI, but the second I put the vga cable on it, it worked great. Funn enough it was an all-in-wonder DV! My regular All-in-wonder worked fine and it wasn't the DV edition.

You could always upgrade the card to a 9600 and get a faster card for $175.00 or so. I still have my 5900SE somewhere, I would try it but it's AGP.



I did find slightly newer drivers on the NVidia site yesterday, and that didn't change anything. The problems were occuring with a DVI>HDMI cable. I tried a VGA connection, and that works great. Boot screen shows up, and it's set to the full 1920x1200 and it looks great. So I'm guessing it's just the 5 year old video card, which is basically the workstation version of the FX 5900 Ultra.
I finally got the colors how I want it after spending days calibrating and I thought I'd just share my calibration settings for anyone else using Nvidia cards to try:

Westy Settings:

Brightness - 60
Contrast - 72
Sharpness - 3
Color Temp - 6500K

Nvidia Control Panel Settings:

Brightness - 37%
Digital Vibrance - 3%
Contrast - 10%
Gamma - 39%
Thanks! These settings look great.

I finally got the colors how I want it after spending days calibrating and I thought I'd just share my calibration settings for anyone else using Nvidia cards to try:

Westy Settings:

Brightness - 60
Contrast - 72
Sharpness - 3
Color Temp - 6500K

Nvidia Control Panel Settings:

Brightness - 37%
Digital Vibrance - 3%
Contrast - 10%
Gamma - 39%
I tried the settings as well, and although they look great, they seem to wash out the whites.
When the monitor contrast is set to that high, the highlights will turn too bright.

I use a contrast of around 50 to 60 at maximum, and maybe slightly higher for the PS3 (as it saves separate settings for HDMI video devices than DVI.



I tried the settings as well, and although they look great, they seem to wash out the whites.

That looks more like a misbehaving camera or misbehaving photographer than a misbehaving monitor. Even the W is blurred.

I have played both 360 and PC games on it without issue.

I tried the settings as well, and although they look great, they seem to wash out the whites.

Bumping up the contrast in Nvidia control panel should fix that.

Edit - I tried 20% for contrast in Nvidia control panel and that seems to make the whites whiter. But if you do that, you need to change the gamma to 42-43% too.
I just got the L2610LM at BB. It was a floor model. It works great except for two issues. The first is that it says "Out of Range" when the computer is booting and the Windows logo is showing. But once you get to the login prompt, the graphics show up. So not a huge deal, but strange. Second issue is that once it's in XP, the resolution is set to 1920x1080 (1080P). It fills the whole screen, and doesn't look terrible, but you can tell it's not the native resolution. When I try to change it to 1920x1200, the desktop is sized correctly, but the text is basically unreadable. It's like they just use a few pixels to draw the text. I've played around with the NVidia control panel, but I've not got the 1920x1200 mode to work through HDMI on my desktop system. The graphics card is an NVidia Quadro FX3000 w 256MB. Driver is 162.65 (Latest for the Quadro).

I tried my laptop through the VGA port, and 1920x1200 looks great. My laptop doesnt' have DVI. I assume it's probably a driver issue, but I have the latest. I know the video card is a little old, but my primary one (7900GS) is out for warranty repair, and this was something a borrowed in the mean time.

Anyone have any suggestion?



I'm running into the same problem. I came home with this 26" model as a gift from BB for not being able to repair my 24", after hooking it up with a dvi->hdmi cable I was presented with the same issues you are having.

Currently I have the monitor running on vga but I would prefer to get it up on the hdmi. Thing I noticed while poking around and yelling insults at the monitor over its crappy resolution is that when its set at 1920x1200 on the hdmi port the osd menu was reporting the res as 960x1200, clearly something is up.

I plan to give Westy a call tomorrow and burn some ears until I can get a straight answer from someone, thankfully if I have to return this I've got another 24 westy to fall back on, but my appreciation of Westy and faith in their product is quickly diminishing with the faulty hdmi port on my last 24 and the questionable support of 1920x1200 over hdmi on the 26".

I'll keep you posted with anything I find out.

Well just spent an uneventful hour on the phone with Westy customer service, supposed to get a tech calling me back in the next 24 hours. I hope I can manage to continue to even have this POS on my desk until then.

So far I've noticed the same annoying buzzing sound that the 24" model suffers from when you reduce the brightness and to go along with that I'm seeing horrible inverted ghosting on light colored backgrounds.

Me thinks this thing is going back and I'll try the Samsung or LG.. maybe just get my money back. I don't understand how difficult it is for these damn vendors to put out quality pieces of hardware, what happened to quality assurance?
Well just spent an uneventful hour on the phone with Westy customer service, supposed to get a tech calling me back in the next 24 hours. I hope I can manage to continue to even have this POS on my desk until then.


Let me know what you find out. I just hooked up this monitor to a new Mac Pro, and I also got the "Out of Range" with a DVI connection, and it works fine through VGA. I do have my replacement video card for the Windows box now, so I'll put that in shortly.

Which video card are you using for this monitor?

I'm just curious. I've had issues using my second port on my ATI card with the L2410NM through an HDMI switch until I turned off "Alternate DVi operational mode". Not sure if there is something similar on the nVidia cards.

It would be a crying shame if they removed all the great HDMI functionality that the L2410NM has when they put this thing together, and just (very mistakenly) expected computer users to go through VGA.

Good luck,


Well just spent an uneventful hour on the phone with Westy customer service, supposed to get a tech calling me back in the next 24 hours. I hope I can manage to continue to even have this POS on my desk until then.

So far I've noticed the same annoying buzzing sound that the 24" model suffers from when you reduce the brightness and to go along with that I'm seeing horrible inverted ghosting on light colored backgrounds.

Me thinks this thing is going back and I'll try the Samsung or LG.. maybe just get my money back. I don't understand how difficult it is for these damn vendors to put out quality pieces of hardware, what happened to quality assurance?
I replaced the NVidia Quadro FX 3000 with a new NVidia 7900GS, and I installed the lastest driver. Same issue. Works fine in VGA, but you can't see the boot screen with the DVI/HDMI connection. And my Mac Pro with the NVidia 8800GT just says out of range with the DVI/HDMI connection. VGA works fine on that also. Very strange.

Which video card are you using for this monitor?

I'm just curious. I've had issues using my second port on my ATI card with the L2410NM through an HDMI switch until I turned off "Alternate DVi operational mode". Not sure if there is something similar on the nVidia cards.

It would be a crying shame if they removed all the great HDMI functionality that the L2410NM has when they put this thing together, and just (very mistakenly) expected computer users to go through VGA.

Good luck,


I'm using a BFGTech 8800GTS 640MB.

Initially the person I spoke with on the phone said something along the lines that the HDMI wasn't supposed to be used for PC's. However, the damn thing comes with a DVI->HDMI cable.. so that doesn't hold much water IMO -- though considering 1920x1080 works fine while 1920x1200 doesn't certainly makes you wonder.

I'm back on my L2410NM at this point and tomorrow I'm returning the L2610NW for something else. Frankly the monitor just isn't as impressive as the L2410NM and the inverted ghosting over light backgrounds was just nauseating, the fact that no one caught this is beyond me, that is unless I lucked out and got the shittiest monitor on the rack.

For those of you looking at the L2610NW I would certainly steer clear, they've got some kinks to work out which is unfortunate, I stumbled into the L2410NM because it had the inputs I was looking for and it turned out to be a very impressive monitor I had high hopes when they handed me the L2610NW, even though it's missing several inputs.

I wish the trend of having multiple useful inputs would continue, the L2410NM's selection of input's was a huge selling point and I'll be a whiny baby if this ones HDMI craps out to, with a Wii and 360 sharing my attention on my desk I'm left with few choices for a multi platform monitor suddenly.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend some time at the display center and take a closer look at these new lineups of 24-26" monitors that everyone is shipping out, after doing some more research I'm now leaning towards checking out the new Samung 2493HM that Bestbuy is carrying.

Unfortunately I'm limited by the fact that I prefer instant service when dealing with things like defective monitors, while online shopping is nice the returns/exchange policies generally aren't as easy to deal with and are more hassle then the convenience of shopping online, not to mention you can't look at the monitor, even if it isn't in the the best light/situation.

If your 8800GT equipped Macbook is having issues, then I would look for a new monitor.

I have a Macbook Pro for work with an 8600GT M which worked great so far with the L2410NM and my LG 37LB5D TV through both VGA and DVI>HDMI.

Pack 'er up and get a monitor that works if you can. Sounds like a POS to me. How the hell could they market a monitor that only uses VGA as a connector from PCs when the L2410NM (while similar on the surface) has absolutely NO issues with a PC, even with an HDMI switch in between.

Good luck,


I replaced the NVidia Quadro FX 3000 with a new NVidia 7900GS, and I installed the lastest driver. Same issue. Works fine in VGA, but you can't see the boot screen with the DVI/HDMI connection. And my Mac Pro with the NVidia 8800GT just says out of range with the DVI/HDMI connection. VGA works fine on that also. Very strange.

I would at least check the 2493 or 2693HM if I were you 100%,

At least it will work with your computer. I have an older Asus 8800GTS 640MB which worked great with my L2410NM prior to me "sidegrading" it to the 8800GTS 512MB. My only issue at the time was to do with HDMI switching, but that was a different issue.

Well it seems like the "planners" at ChiMeiCo (who really design and manufacture this monitor) stepped on it big time. Very disappointing.

Good luck,


I'm using a BFGTech 8800GTS 640MB.

Initially the person I spoke with on the phone said something along the lines that the HDMI wasn't supposed to be used for PC's. However, the damn thing comes with a DVI->HDMI cable.. so that doesn't hold much water IMO -- though considering 1920x1080 works fine while 1920x1200 doesn't certainly makes you wonder.

I'm back on my L2410NM at this point and tomorrow I'm returning the L2610NW for something else. Frankly the monitor just isn't as impressive as the L2410NM and the inverted ghosting over light backgrounds was just nauseating, the fact that no one caught this is beyond me, that is unless I lucked out and got the shittiest monitor on the rack.

For those of you looking at the L2610NW I would certainly steer clear, they've got some kinks to work out which is unfortunate, I stumbled into the L2410NM because it had the inputs I was looking for and it turned out to be a very impressive monitor I had high hopes when they handed me the L2610NW, even though it's missing several inputs.

I wish the trend of having multiple useful inputs would continue, the L2410NM's selection of input's was a huge selling point and I'll be a whiny baby if this ones HDMI craps out to, with a Wii and 360 sharing my attention on my desk I'm left with few choices for a multi platform monitor suddenly.

Tomorrow I'm going to spend some time at the display center and take a closer look at these new lineups of 24-26" monitors that everyone is shipping out, after doing some more research I'm now leaning towards checking out the new Samung 2493HM that Bestbuy is carrying.

Unfortunately I'm limited by the fact that I prefer instant service when dealing with things like defective monitors, while online shopping is nice the returns/exchange policies generally aren't as easy to deal with and are more hassle then the convenience of shopping online, not to mention you can't look at the monitor, even if it isn't in the the best light/situation.

is this acutually a TN monitor???


Originally posted by: festus
I finally got an update from Westinghouse about the panel on this Monitor.

Here it is:
The L2410NM uses a TN type panel at 1000:1 contrast ratio. The carton
and manual may indicate it was a MVA type panel, but that is not the
case. We changed the panel type and did not reprint the boxes and
manuals to reflect that, but the information on our website is correct.
That post has been disproved several times. That is one of those typical cases of clueless customer support reps not knowing their own product. The L2410NM is definitely not a TN. It has been confirmed that the specs on the website are correct despite what was printed on some earlier
packaging material.

To requote from that same thread (which was quoted from this forum):
"Talked to a supervisor at WH, he apparently owns the same monitor as all of us, so I told him the situation. He said to me "I'm sorry for the confusion but I promise you, what we say on our website is what you own. There is no difference at all except for the manual and the box, most of which are correct. The reason for the confusion and use of misinforming boxes and manuals is solely because we already had these boxes and manuals in production when the monitor was changed, and shipped out to stores in the U.S. There is 0 difference between the specifications of your monitor and the specs on our site. Westinghouse was just saving money instead of reprinting everything for the large chunk of boxes and manuals that are off."
No way,

The Westinghouse people are WRONG. This is NO TN panel. It does not invert colours when viewed from the bottom, nor does it have vertical viewing angle issues.

It is 100% M-VA.

Additionally, Westinghouse does not build this monitor, nor the L2610NW. These monitors are built by ChiMei Co. I am sure of it.

This is exactly why I purchased an extended warranty through BB so I don't have to deal with them.


BB doesnt seem to carry this model anymore sadly. However, I see the L2610NW ..most likely a TN ?
Yes, and from what people have said the HDMI is useless for computer display purposes. I would shy away from this one.

I noticed that BB U.S. no longer shows the L2410NM on the web site, while BB Canada is liquidating stock at $369.99, making it a spectacular deal.

It's sad to see Westinghouse discontinuing it (if that's the case) because so far it's been (by far) their best monitor. They'll probably replace it with some low quality 24".


BB doesnt seem to carry this model anymore sadly. However, I see the L2610NW ..most likely a TN ?