Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

I had to sign up to say thanks to everyone who posted in this thread. I bought this sucker off Newegg on Sunday for $360 after a MIR and spent a lot of this week reading over this thread. Finally got it around 12 hours ago and have been loving it ever since.

It's my first LCD, so it's taking some getting used to with the flashlight-like brightness and contrast, but pushing it back from me helped some.

No dead pixels, no screen dooring, no weird viewing angle stuff, etc. It's perfect from as far as I can tell. I did the LCD test and my blacks were really black and my whites were really white all without washing them out (I could see all the varieties).

I also did the real life contrast ratio test (use a camera and upload) and I got a 800:1 ratio on my non-max bright/contrast settings. Not bad if you ask me.

Also been seeing a lot of picture requests, so here's my contribution. Please forgive me for using a horrible, old 2.0 MP camera. It's all I have. :(

(looks a LOT better in real life)

And yeah, confirmed MVA. No color reversing here!
I had to sign up to say thanks to everyone who posted in this thread. I bought this sucker off Newegg on Sunday for $360 after a MIR and spent a lot of this week reading over this thread. Finally got it around 12 hours ago and have been loving it ever since.

It's my first LCD, so it's taking some getting used to with the flashlight-like brightness and contrast, but pushing it back from me helped some.

No dead pixels, no screen dooring, no weird viewing angle stuff, etc. It's perfect from as far as I can tell. I did the LCD test and my blacks were really black and my whites were really white all without washing them out (I could see all the varieties).

I also did the real life contrast ratio test (use a camera and upload) and I got a 800:1 ratio on my non-max bright/contrast settings. Not bad if you ask me.

Also been seeing a lot of picture requests, so here's my contribution. Please forgive me for using a horrible, old 2.0 MP camera. It's all I have. :(

(looks a LOT better in real life)

And yeah, confirmed MVA. No color reversing here!

Damn, nice wallpaper? Where'd you get it?
I recently purchased both the Viewsonic/Optiquest Q241WB, which is supposed to be a MVA as well and also this Westinghouse L2410NM.

I can notice input lag in Windows mouse movement and especially in games.

I took a picture @ 1/500 of a stopwatch script running and here are there results. Viewsonic on the left, Westinghouse on the right.



so about an additional 30 ms delay compared to the Viewsonic

I'm running into the same problem. I came home with this 26" model as a gift from BB for not being able to repair my 24", after hooking it up with a dvi->hdmi cable I was presented with the same issues you are having.

Currently I have the monitor running on vga but I would prefer to get it up on the hdmi. Thing I noticed while poking around and yelling insults at the monitor over its crappy resolution is that when its set at 1920x1200 on the hdmi port the osd menu was reporting the res as 960x1200, clearly something is up.

I plan to give Westy a call tomorrow and burn some ears until I can get a straight answer from someone, thankfully if I have to return this I've got another 24 westy to fall back on, but my appreciation of Westy and faith in their product is quickly diminishing with the faulty hdmi port on my last 24 and the questionable support of 1920x1200 over hdmi on the 26".

I'll keep you posted with anything I find out.


try to boot up a linux live cd like ubuntu and see if you get good picture. if you read the whole thread you'll find several people including myself that have had problems with this monitor and certain nvidia cards. e.g. my 8600gt looks like complete shit with the westy through hdmi (vga looks fine) but my 7800gt looks just fine. Also when i use the 8600gt in linux it looks fine.
i wish we could get the OP to put in a buyer beware to warn people that this monitor has issues with certain video cards when using dvi-hdmi.
just wondering i hook up the wii using component and i get two black bars left and right i set wii to 480p and widecreen 16:9 and have westington 24" on normal? is it suppose to display like that?
try to boot up a linux live cd like ubuntu and see if you get good picture. if you read the whole thread you'll find several people including myself that have had problems with this monitor and certain nvidia cards. e.g. my 8600gt looks like complete shit with the westy through hdmi (vga looks fine) but my 7800gt looks just fine. Also when i use the 8600gt in linux it looks fine.
i wish we could get the OP to put in a buyer beware to warn people that this monitor has issues with certain video cards when using dvi-hdmi.


I've already returned the L2610NW for a Samsung 2493MH which I'm currently.. adjusting to, seeing how I lucked out with the L2410NW and the fact that it's an MVA panel. I'm not acclimated to the TN panel, which is a small gripe considering how good this panel looks.

My biggest problem with it is the fact you need a 200x100 adapter in order to get it on a damn lcd arm, such as the Ergotron dual LX setup I just forked out for.

As for the L2610NW I can't say it enough, stay the hell away from it. Seems the vendors have realized there is a big market for widescreen LCD's and they are just happy as can be to put out the cheapest, featureless POS they can. The simple fact that the L2610NM comes with an DVI->HDMI cable suggests that they want you to use HDMI for pc input, however the monitor doesn't seem to support 1920x1200. I suppose they want me to use the cable to connect to the monitors non-existing DVI port in order to use my 360... :rolleyes:

Yes, that sounds correctly,

The L2410NM is 16:10 aspect ratio, and 720x480 is really close to 15:10, which means that it's not as wide, so the Westy will put black bars left and right and scale up vertically to the full 1200 pixels.

Does it seem incorrect? Do circles look wide or long? If not, then I think it is ok.

I know if I set my PS3 to 480p it will do the same thing on the Westy.


just wondering i hook up the wii using component and i get two black bars left and right i set wii to 480p and widecreen 16:9 and have westington 24" on normal? is it suppose to display like that?
Yeah, that L2610NW sounds like a POS for sure.

Westinghouse just puts their name on it. The monitor is designed and built by CMO in China, and it seems like they didn't just slap a 26" panel and use the L2410NMs very good logic electronics.

Very disappointing, but 24" TN panel (in the 2493HM) sounds better than a bigger 26" TN, as viewing angles are limited.




I've already returned the L2610NW for a Samsung 2493MH which I'm currently.. adjusting to, seeing how I lucked out with the L2410NW and the fact that it's an MVA panel. I'm not acclimated to the TN panel, which is a small gripe considering how good this panel looks.

My biggest problem with it is the fact you need a 200x100 adapter in order to get it on a damn lcd arm, such as the Ergotron dual LX setup I just forked out for.

As for the L2610NW I can't say it enough, stay the hell away from it. Seems the vendors have realized there is a big market for widescreen LCD's and they are just happy as can be to put out the cheapest, featureless POS they can. The simple fact that the L2610NM comes with an DVI->HDMI cable suggests that they want you to use HDMI for pc input, however the monitor doesn't seem to support 1920x1200. I suppose they want me to use the cable to connect to the monitors non-existing DVI port in order to use my 360... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I tested the same way vs. a BenQ G2400W monitor which is reported (and I tested) to have about 5ms max input lag.

I got between 32 and 40ms difference, mostly closer to 40 more often. The Westy seems to have about 38 to 48 ms input lag. I notice a bit on the mouse movement as well, but since I use it mostly for console gaming (and not PC FPS) I don't have an issue with it. I also have it configured as a second PC monitor. But strangely enough, the other monitor I have (BenQ FP241VW) is reputed to have about 40ms of input lag, so either there is something wrong, or the BenQ is faster than reported, because there is no way the Westy has 60+ ms of input lag.

Weirdly enough, having it on the second port of an ATI 3870 card it seems to lag a little tiny bit more than on an 8800GTS 512MB, where I currently have it on the second port too.

I did notice one thing. Regardless of what, when I'm running an input lag test between two LCD monitors, there is always a difference of 16, 32, 48, etc.... or thereabouts, multiples of 16 or so (which makes sense with a 60hz refresh rate. So keep in mind, you will only understand how many "frames" of input lag vary between two lcd monitors, which makes the test a bit less reliable, where one monitor may have 10 ms input lag, and another 24, but the difference might be two frames in measurement, or 32ms, making it slightly inaccurate. Unfortunately to get true input lag tests you need a CRT to compare against.



I recently purchased both the Viewsonic/Optiquest Q241WB, which is supposed to be a MVA as well and also this Westinghouse L2410NM.

I can notice input lag in Windows mouse movement and especially in games.

I took a picture @ 1/500 of a stopwatch script running and here are there results. Viewsonic on the left, Westinghouse on the right.

so about an additional 30 ms delay compared to the Viewsonic
I just returned my second monitor to BB. The first one had the screen door effect on almost the entire right side of the monitor and the second was grainy. It just didn't look right while gaming too.

I just picked up a w2408h. I game and browse the web mostly so I don't care about viewing angles. Sure its a TN but its a quality TN. Unless you really need a MVA for the colors or angles, I don't recommend the L2410NM. my 2cents on this monitor
Anyone else running Vista using a 630i-based NVidia Mobo with a 7-series GPU and HDMI?

I'm having issues where the image quality via HDMI is just crap. I've tried reinstalling the video drivers. No luck. It hurts my eyes. Everything is out of focus. It's like when you hook up a LCD to your PC for the first time before you have the proper video drivers ... *shrug*

I dunno. Very disappointed though. Works fine with VGA

You can try playing with the sharpness control in the OSD as well as selecting "normal" under the OSD (bottom/tools menu) for Aspect Ratio, so it stops stretching images (if that's what it's doing).

It might be that somehow your vid card only outputs to 1080p (1920x1080) when the DVI to HDMI cable is plugged in and I know that before I tweaked sharpness, 1920x1080 looked brutal on the Westy.


Wow I just got this monitor. It is AMAZING. Coming from a TN panel samsung to this is a world of difference. The colors pop out at you. It's so clear and crisp.

Got the freakin' thing @ 35% brightness 50% contrast, 6500k temp, and it still lights up my room.

What an awesome monitor. Gaming rocks on it too. :D
I've had this monitor for a few weeks now and love it. No screen door effect and no noticeable dead pixels. I do have the buzzing below 98% brightness but I just use the Nvidia software to turn it down as needed. Only thing I wish this thing had was a glossy screen as it would make the blacks less washed out and the colors more vibrant but other than that, it's a great monitor, especially for the price. If the prices come down anymore, I might think of picking up another one!
Hello all.

Please go to my blog and post your experiences with this panel's 2 major flaws:

1. The Screen Door Effect
2. The Brightness Whine

I want amass a collection of similar complaints in an effort to make Westinghouse aware of the number of people who are affected by these nagging issues. Please post a reply message on the blog and tell me of the problems you've had with the monitor. Thanks.

The URL for the post is:
Alright, 10 days later I thought I'd give my updated impressions.

I run it at 40/40, but I'm in a really dark room. Sometime I even switch to "economy" mode (10% brightness) if I'm viewing a white screen for long periods (sucker's bright!).

Still no problems with the monitor. No dead pixels, no screendooring, no whining at low brightness levels, etc. It's damn near perfect. If I lean to one side though (resting on my arm or whatever) the colors in the far corner will change slightly (white to a slight redish or grey), but hardly noticable, especially if you look at it straight on. The colors don't invert or anything, even at a 90 degree angle to the monitor.

Been playing many video games on it (TF2, WoW, Bioshock, Crysis, etc.) and games look DAMN good on it at 1920x1200. Crysis eats it though on my 8800 GT at that resolution, lol. 1080p video looks amazing.

Also been playing GT4 on my PS2 via composite and that looks like shit, mostly due to the low resolution and interlacing. I also notice though that the case of the monitor doesn't allow most YWR (composite) cables to fully push in. The colored plastic bumps into the monitor's case. Not a big deal though.

VERY happy with this monitor. 10 outta 10 easily.
to anyone having the dvi->hdmi nvidia driver problem with this monitor, check out this:

"I've discovered a workaround for this problem. Basically you can use a registry key to override the monitor advertising itself as an HDTV (by setting the number of EDID extensions to 0). Using the following steps, I am now getting proper 1920x1200 resolution on my LG monitor:

1. Start the installation of the latest Nvidia drivers and cancel out once the files are extracted
2. Open nv_disp.inf. By default for the current drivers this is in C:\NVIDIA\WinVista\169.25
3. In the [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings] section add the following:
HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, 1E,6D,3F,56,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00

The first 4 bytes (1E,6D,3E,56) in my OverrideEdidFlags0 are specific to the LG monitor I'm using. For other monitors, you will need to replace them. Using Phoenix EDID Designer (Google it), extract the current EDID and open up the byte viewer. The bytes are in byte 8 through 11.

4. Uninstall your current drivers and reboot
5. Install the modified drivers by running the previously extracted setup.exe. By default for the current drivers this is in C:\NVIDIA\WinVista\169.25. You'll get a warning about the driver not being signed because of the modified inf. Just press OK."
I have this lcd for about 3 months now. Yesterday the screen started randomly blanking out every
so often. I am using DVI->HDMI. Video card is a ATI 9800NP. Anyone else seen this? Searched the thread and did not find anything.

My first monitor started doing that and a week later it died. The Light behind the screen was 90% dead but I got it at BB and was within the month exchange so I got a new one and its been over a month so far an no problems knock on wood.
Thanks for the reply. I will keep an eye on it, and if it keeps happening exchange it.
Sucks though cuz this one has no dead pixels and does not make any noises when lowereing the
You may want to check the monitor to see if it gets very hot during use.

Mine is pretty good in this regard, but excess heat could lead to rapid deterioration of internal components. Maybe even try aiming a fan at the back to help in that regard.

I've removed the cover over the back hump (where all the connectors are) to aid in heat dissipation. It's the cover that guards the stand mount and has the serial number on it.


my westy's vga auto adjust isn't working

it adjusts it differently every time, even on the nvidia control pannel adjustment screen (the "show test pattern" thing), and no matter what everything is blurred and looks like a non-native resolution even though its 1920x1200. It was working fine until today.

anyone else have this problem? I know it relates to the Clock adjustment but changing it manually dosent help, i dont really know what im doing.

*just tried unpluging the monitor and trying again but that didnt fix it
huh i just noticed that the monitor thinks im running 1600x1200 when its definatly at 1920

i change it to 1600x1200, and everything looks super-crisp as normal (only with bars on the sides a-la 4:3 resolutions)

switch it back to 1920, and it looks like 1920x1200 squished into a 4:3 square... im going to try setting back my video drivers see if that helps, although im pretty sure i have the right driver
to anyone having the dvi->hdmi nvidia driver problem with this monitor, check out this:

"I've discovered a workaround for this problem. Basically you can use a registry key to override the monitor advertising itself as an HDTV (by setting the number of EDID extensions to 0). Using the following steps, I am now getting proper 1920x1200 resolution on my LG monitor:

1. Start the installation of the latest Nvidia drivers and cancel out once the files are extracted
2. Open nv_disp.inf. By default for the current drivers this is in C:\NVIDIA\WinVista\169.25
3. In the [nv_SoftwareDeviceSettings] section add the following:
HKR,, OverrideEdidFlags0, %REG_BINARY%, 1E,6D,3F,56,00,00,FF,FF,04,00,00,00,7E,01,00

The first 4 bytes (1E,6D,3E,56) in my OverrideEdidFlags0 are specific to the LG monitor I'm using. For other monitors, you will need to replace them. Using Phoenix EDID Designer (Google it), extract the current EDID and open up the byte viewer. The bytes are in byte 8 through 11.

4. Uninstall your current drivers and reboot
5. Install the modified drivers by running the previously extracted setup.exe. By default for the current drivers this is in C:\NVIDIA\WinVista\169.25. You'll get a warning about the driver not being signed because of the modified inf. Just press OK."

Do you know the 4 bytes specific for the L2410NM?
I just purchashed this monitor and I have a problem that I'm wondering if someone else might have had on this forum: the monitor does not seem to handle 480p input correctly. When I attatch my wii or dvd player or original xbox and output 480p the monitor squishes the output to 4:3 ratio. This is somewhat solved by setting the output mode from normal to full so that the picture is stretched to fill the whole monitor but I want the normal aspect ratio. My firmware is 1.1 and I called the tech support and they told me to exchange it but since there are none left I'm going to call them again tomorrow but it doesn't sound like they've heard of the problem.
Keep in mind that 480p is NOT 4:3 ratio.

It is actually 1.5 to 1 or 15:10 which is 3:2.

But back to your question, does it not fill the screen either vertically or horizontally in normal mode?



I just purchashed this monitor and I have a problem that I'm wondering if someone else might have had on this forum: the monitor does not seem to handle 480p input correctly. When I attatch my wii or dvd player or original xbox and output 480p the monitor squishes the output to 4:3 ratio. This is somewhat solved by setting the output mode from normal to full so that the picture is stretched to fill the whole monitor but I want the normal aspect ratio. My firmware is 1.1 and I called the tech support and they told me to exchange it but since there are none left I'm going to call them again tomorrow but it doesn't sound like they've heard of the problem.
Thanks for the quick reply, what it does is take the 720x480 resolution and scales it to a 4:3 ratio making any circle look like a vertical oval, that is the longer part is vertical, and I can get similar results connecting my computer via d-sub; if I set the resolution to 1920x1200 and then set the display mode timing to anything else but auto-detect it scales the picture to a 4:3 image so it basically looks like its 1600x1200.

That sounds wrong. When I've reset the video on my PS3 with this monitor I've been able to get it to full height and black bars on either side, and it seems to look right. When the PS3 is reset it defaults back to 480i over HDMI, but I tested 480p as well, and it seemed right.

Alas I cannot test it, because my L2410NM died on the weekend, so I'm looking to get it fixed using my Best Buy extended warranty. It seemed to have died after I snapped the back panel onto it that covers the stand mount.

Very sad day, as I had decided on the Westy over the BenQ FP241VW, which I love, but not quite as much.


I have this lcd for about 3 months now. Yesterday the screen started randomly blanking out every
so often. I am using DVI->HDMI. Video card is a ATI 9800NP. Anyone else seen this? Searched the thread and did not find anything.

mysteryman - is your screen still blanking out every so often?

I am curious because I just bought the demo one from Best Buy and it was already doing it, so I exchanged it for a brand new one somewhere else, but this one is also doing it. I am hooking it up to my 360 via HDMI, and I was hoping it was just the HDMI connection, but now I wonder if its a Westinghouse thing. For reference, the Xbox, cables, and Westy are all new now, but it is still happening.
My L2410NM never blanked out with a PS3 over HDMI except when changing resolutions.

I don't have HDMI on my Xbox so I can't test that specifically, but never with the PS3.



mysteryman - is your screen still blanking out every so often?

I am curious because I just bought the demo one from Best Buy and it was already doing it, so I exchanged it for a brand new one somewhere else, but this one is also doing it. I am hooking it up to my 360 via HDMI, and I was hoping it was just the HDMI connection, but now I wonder if its a Westinghouse thing. For reference, the Xbox, cables, and Westy are all new now, but it is still happening.
Interesting. I have been playing Xbox via component and there is no blanking out, so I assume it must be the HDMI on one of the machines. Unfortunately the component just doesn't look as sharp as the HDMI one, so I really want to get this fixed. I am using the Xbox HDMI cable, would that make a difference?
Interesting. I have been playing Xbox via component and there is no blanking out, so I assume it must be the HDMI on one of the machines. Unfortunately the component just doesn't look as sharp as the HDMI one, so I really want to get this fixed. I am using the Xbox HDMI cable, would that make a difference?

I use the microsoft brand HDMI cable and it works fine. Have you tried the cable with other sources to see if it's messed up?
Unfortunately the Westy is my only HDMI item to test, and I don't know anyone else with an HDMI screen.

I have put in a support request to Westinghouse, but haven't heard back. Out of curiosity, what firmware are you running? Mine says 1.1 in the OSD.

Do you have any other HDMI cables or any computers with a DVI that you can try with DVI to HDMI?

The monitor should be fine with DVI to HDMI, as it's the same signal.

Even a cheap-o DVI to HDMI cable should work.

Keep in mind that this monitor is made by Chi-Mei Co (I confirmed it by taking it apart, and the inside is stamped by Chi-Mei, so Westinghouse support might be slow to respond.


Don't expect much from westinghouse support. I exchanged my first monitor and had to call them 15 times before they called me back once. The "somone will contact you in 28-48 hours" line is BS - they told me that every time they called and I would wait a week and not here from them, then call them again to be fed the same line :mad: They also lost my monitor after 2 months into the RMA process and I had to call them dozens of times for them to give up and admit they lost it and send me a new one....needless to say, I'm a little pissed about their "support" :mad:


You could try getting different hdmi and dvi to hdmi cables from monoprice .com, though I'm not sure why the 360 cable would cause a problem. I know there is a setting over vga to make automatically adjust for new timings (blank out, then come back) but hdmi should need that since it's digital...

I have version 1.1 firmware btw.
Well tech support suck. The first time I call the guy says all I need to do is turn it off and then on, reset the settings, and it will work fine. I had already tried that, so we moved onto unplug the cables, plug back in, reset, and that will fix it. I realized this guy was not going to be much help so I gave up and let him go. His "fix" didn't work - it blanked within 5 minutes.

So I call Westinghouse back and this guy sounds more knowledgeable, but unfortunately he can't help me. He figures it probably is a HDCP issue, and I should return the monitor to the store. This is my second monitor with this issue, and all of the stores within a 50 mile radius are sold out now. So now what do I do?

I asked about replacement, but he said I would need to pay for shipping and it could take 3-4 weeks, but they "probably" would send a replacement. Doesn't sound promising. So I go and pick up 3 different HDMI cables to test out, just to make sure that isn't the issue.

Radioshack - blanked within 10 minutes

Monster - lasted 15 minutes, but then blanked

Dynex (Best Buy brand) - lasted a whole hour without blanking. I shut off the system for 10 minutes, come back and it blanks within 10 minutes. However, in the next 4 hours, it only blanked once.

So it sounds like the Dynex is the way to go, but it shouldn't be blanking at all!! What else can I do? I got the monitor for $329 over the weekend, so I really want to keep it, but it just doesn't seem to work right (and Westinghouse don't really care).

EDIT - I did order a DVI to HDMI converter, but I haven't tried it yet. This monitor was supposed to be dedicated exclusively to the 360, so it ultimately won't matter if the computer likes it (cuz it can't have it :D)