Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

I just got the Best Buy ad for the next week (Feb 24th through March 1st) and it says the L2410NM is on sale again for $349. I bought a Samsung 245BW there 2 weeks ago for $499 and now I don't know if I should return the Samsung and get the Westinghouse or stick with the Samsung. I like how there is virtually no input lag on the Samsung but I hate how the top of the screen is darker than the bottom because of the angle at which it is sitting.
I just picked this monitor up from Sam's Club for 329.88, I can't believe how good it looks. I only just set it up but I don't seem to have any dead pixels, can't wait to get some games and movies going on this baby.
My L2410NM made a very annoying buzzing noise at brightness<98, and full brightness is too high for a typically-lit room. There was also the horizontal screendoor effect at the upper right corner.

I've returned it to BestBuy (and barely in time too, since BestBuy's sales rep lied about their LCD monitor return period; it's just 14 days).
yeah.. this is a great monitor as long as youre not gaming on it

Well I'm an avid gamer so I guess it's not the monitor for me. I guess I'll keep the Samsung and wait a year or two until a faster MVA or S-IPS monitor comes out.

I was also at Best Buy a couple of hours ago and they had seven L2410NM's in stock and all except one were returns. Kind of makes me weary of buying one.
This L2410NM is fine for gaming. Certainly there are faster monitors, but I haven't read
that many complaints regarding lag and ghosting.
I just got back from sams club with this thing.

I went home, and hooked it up to my dishHD via hdmi right away and watched some replays of NFL games and some planet earth at 1080i.

FLAWLESS is all I can say. I went from a 50" DLP to this as my HDTV and im not dissappointed one bit.

I plan to hook it up as my main monitor also.

Best $350 I ever spent.
I just returned an acer 24" tn for the westinghouse. extremely satisfied by it. $329 too. was cheaper than the soyo for me since in hawaii the soyo was $350. beautiful bezel, beautiful screen at all angles, nice black levels. even the speakers will come in handy. I'd say they sound like average laptop speakers, just a bit louder. good for when I don't want to carry my 5.1 set with me to lans. or for when my headphones are too sweaty.
I checked for the common problems talked about in this thread.
If I stick my eye one inch from the top right corner of the monitor I notice EXTREMELY slight screen door effect. and if I turn the brightness below 100% and stick my ear near the bottom right corner of the screen there is an extremely faint humming. I couldn't even hear it until I turned off my computer. Neither of these problems bother me at all.. the screen door is really extremely slight and I don't compute with my ear 1" from the right speaker. also you can turn the brightness down with software instead of using the monitor. when I first plugged it in I thought there was a half inch of display defect at the top and bottom but it turned out to be protective plastic on the bezel heh.my OSD says version 1.1 so I might have a newer version monitor than others with problems.
What is the best way to calibrate a monitor without having a colorimeter thing? I've heard something called AMC mentioned?

Mine is a 1.1 version as well, and I pretty much have the same experience as you do. If I sit very close to the monitor I notice a slight screen door/scanline effect at the top right corner stretching about four inches leftbound and 4 inches downwards, and the noise is unnoticeable unless I put my ear just around the vents.

I find it varies depending on the brightness, but right now I only have it at 40 brightness and 50 contrast and I am more than happy. Best $369.99 I've ever spent on a display ever.

I even purchased the component cables for the PS3 and 1080i through component on this thing is quite good. Not quite as good as HDMI, but close enough. This allows me to put the PS3 on the component, the 360 on the VGA, and the PC on HDMI/DVI.

There is a program called "Monitor Calibration Wizard" which can help you create a profile for your monitor. It allows you to independently change the red, green, and blue levels to be as accurate as possible (without a profiessional "eye" tool) and helps calibrate brightness, etc... If you google it, you will find it easily.

Try it out and let me know what you think. It can also load up in the tray and be active on boot up.

I have it sitting next to a BenQ G2400W (TN) on my desk, and the colours, saturation, contrast, and brightness are like night and day. Even though the BenQ is a nice screen (for a TN) there is just no comparison quality wise. While the BenQ is the fastest (input lag wise) monitor I've tried, the Westy is only 16 - 32 ms behind the BenQ, and mostly it's only 16 ms behind, so input lag is not something I've noticed really at all. Occasionally there seems to be the slightest, tiniest hiccup but you have to really watch for it during fast sequences to notice it.

I have a new BenQ FP241VW on order (December 2007 build date) so basically my plan is to have dual 24"s for less than a cool grand (closer to $900) on my desktop which should last me for a long time. I'll compare the two when I pick it up.


yeah.. this is a great monitor as long as youre not gaming on it

I'm sorry but I have to disagree in every way, shape, and form to that. I use this @ 1920x1200 in all my games and it's just awesome. Now I'm really getting the moneys worth that I spent on my 8800GT. It was literally a waste on a small 17" square @ 1280x1024. Also if you plug in any HD cappable console this is THE best bang for your buck HD display. Even my xbox (not 360) is plugged into component and MX vs ATV looks simply awesome and thats not even the full 1080p (I think it was 1080i). The only thing that really isn't too good about it is the composite connection for my ps2. It has to be in it's 4:3 mode so you lose some screen. Also because of it's LCD nature it does have some blockeness. But for a horrible composite connection I couldn't expect much. And in reality it really isn't that much worse than my old flat tube. I'm actually trying to dump the flat tube to pick up some extra money.
I spent about an hour setting this up as a display for my laptop using VGA (no hdmi/dvi out :( ) and all I have to say is WOW. No screendoor, no BLB, no problems displaying blacks, no dead/stuck pixels. Even SD programming over composite looked good. Things should only get better once I get my hdmi cables in the mail for my dv-r. IMO you can't beat this for only $330.
anybody got some good programs to check my monitor for stuff like dead pixels, banding, etc?? I just wanna run some tests on this thing.

Oh btw, mine came from the factory at 50 brightness and it was still SUPER BRIGHT. No buzzing or humming either.
I found the Monitor Calibration Wizard program but I haven't tried it yet. I also just got something called Digital Video Essentials NTSC. is there any reason I should use one over the other to calibrate my monitor?
Use Dead Pixel Buddy for checking dead pixels or subpixels. It displays each of the three primary colors on display so you can check for red, green, or blue dead pixels.

Monitor Calibration Wizard is good for calibrating and creating profiles.

www.lagom.nl has some good tests to check things like banding, contrast, etc....



The DVE DVD is actually not a bad DVD for calibrating based on the monitor settings, whereas MCW is good at creating profiles on Windows that adjust the monitor to being better calibrated.

My advice is to use the DVE on any DVD capable device to tweak the monitor settings to a better calibration for each input, if possible. It's a bit exhausting but you do it once and don't have to mess with windows profiles, etc....


The more I use this monitor, the happier I get,

It does a great job scaling PS3 720P games up to the 1920x1080 resolution, and seems to even perform some basic, but effective anti-aliasing.

I had said earlier that some resolutions on PC through HDMI were blurry, but then I played with the sharpness control and it made a huge difference. Now 1920x1080 from PC through HDMI is as sharp as full resolution, and any other unscaled (1:1) resolutions like 1776x1000 and 1600x900 look just as good.

Still very happy. My only dilemma is if I should buy an HDMI switch to be able to switch between PC and PS3 into the HDMI connector on this screen. I have used the PS3 through component and it looks pretty good, but not quite as good as HDMI.

It seems that this monitor is extremely intelligent with different devices, more so than any other monitor I've used (FP241W, FP241VW, BenQ G2400W, LG L246WP, etc...)


I saw some inexpensive HDMI switches at monoprice. You might want to check those
out there. BTW, what sharpness did you settle on?
I just picked up the westy from BestBuy for $330. I'm pretty happy with it but part of me wishes that I kept the LG I got for $450 instead.
I calibrated the monitor with a 3M Vikuiti LCD calibration disk I got for free. I was wondering if anyone else has used it and if it it any good? The setting I got were different than most here though and is why I'm asking. I got

5 Brightness
80 Contrast

I left my color setting at the default for 7500 since I thought it looked pretty good.

I went to the lagom.nl website afterwards and everything looked ok other than the White-Saturation test. I could only see the checkerboard on the first one but could not on the other 11. Could this be due to my setting?

I tried to tweak a little bit with the nVidia control panel but was having a hard time seeing any differences.
Yeah, I've been reading over on AVS peoples' experience with MonoPrice switches.

Most of them have been positive, and it seems for the ones that were not working properly they were likely defective units.

I purchased an el-cheapo 4 port switch that I tried and everything seemed ok, but weirdly enough, it causes a flash and hiccup on my computer every ten seconds running XP, but NOTHING in Vista 64. Same ATI catalysts (except XP-32, Vista-64) 8.2 on both installs.

I am trying to find it locally due to potential for issues. Not sure, but my XP install may be the issue.

Thanks for the advice. Still enjoying the monitor otherwise.


I saw some inexpensive HDMI switches at monoprice. You might want to check those
out there. BTW, what sharpness did you settle on?
I generally run 30 to 50 brightness and contrast between 40 to 60 in the "text mode" of the monitor. Your settings will vary quite a bit based on mode (text, photo, economy) I find. Photo is insanely bright to the point of retinal pain, though it seems that the 3 different presets correlate to three different settings which I like, so each mode has a direct effect on brightness and contrast.

Oh by the way, my BenQ G2400W turns blue as well when HDMI is selected and in sleep mode. Tested that out, so that is not just the L2410NM that has this behavior.

I settled on sharpness @ 3 and it's perfect.



I just picked up the westy from BestBuy for $330. I'm pretty happy with it but part of me wishes that I kept the LG I got for $450 instead.
I calibrated the monitor with a 3M Vikuiti LCD calibration disk I got for free. I was wondering if anyone else has used it and if it it any good? The setting I got were different than most here though and is why I'm asking. I got

5 Brightness
80 Contrast

I left my color setting at the default for 7500 since I thought it looked pretty good.

I went to the lagom.nl website afterwards and everything looked ok other than the White-Saturation test. I could only see the checkerboard on the first one but could not on the other 11. Could this be due to my setting?

I tried to tweak a little bit with the nVidia control panel but was having a hard time seeing any differences.
Thanks for the info, I need to play around with it a little more. The white saturation test looks much better on my work computers so I probably messed something up. I'll try a higher brightness and a lower contrast and see if it helps.
I picked one up at BestBuy yesterday. I'm pretty picky about monitors and I love it. Had to turn brightness down to 50% to keep it from burning my eyeballs out. No dead pixels, no stuck pixels, and I don't notice any screen door effect even at an inch away from the screen. Huge improvement in color quality over the vx2025 I had before. $371 after tax at Best Buy, and worth every penny.

Only trouble is, now I want to pick up another GTX...

I just spent $90.00 on a switch + $30.00 on HDMI cables, and Best Buy Canada just dropped the price back down to $369.99, when I coulda just picked up a second one and been as happy as a pig in the brown stuff.

D*g D*mmit

Does anyone know what the difference is between firmware 1.0 and 1.1? I just picked one up from Best Buy and it has firmware 1.0.
Does anyone know what the difference is between firmware 1.0 and 1.1? I just picked one up from Best Buy and it has firmware 1.0.

Truthfully, I'm not sure.

How do you find out exactly what firmware you have? I think mine is v1.1 because under the Menu, it shows version 1.1.
just activate the on screen menu (OSD) and you should see it in the lower left hand corner
Mine flickers on 2a/4b as well, but then I scroll up or down one "scroll unit" and it goes away. Weirdly enough if I scroll up then I get the flicker on 2b/4a(???)

But, truth be told, it has flickered for me on my L2410NM, BenQ FP241VW, BenQ G2400W, and my Macbook Pro, which is TN like the G2400W.

Alternatively, it has not flickered on my Dell 2005WFP, or my LG 37LB5D television, both which are S-IPS panels.

The only flaw (picture wise) on this L2410NM I find is that the dark greys look just a tad too dark on angle, like the background to Hard Forums looks pretty dark, whereas with other monitors it doesn't look very dark.

Sorry, meant to say that the grey is very dark when viewing on direct angle (ie, NOT on an angle).



How does your guys' monitor do on the tests over at http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test? Mine has flickering with 2a/4a or 2b/4b at the native resolution of 1920x1200. Anyone else have flickering too?
Mine was built July 31, 2007 and it is firmware 1.1 (based on the OSD).

So far it's working so well, I could crap myself. Better than any other multi-function monitor I've ever had. I don't know what is different between 1.0 and 1.1

No overscan on component or HDMI, and VGA 1920x1080 with my Xbox 360 is excellent.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but all my other monitors had (or have) some sort of distinct issue, whereas no issues with the L2410NM. My only other (almost) perfect monitor is my Dell 2005WFP.

Regards, and sorry if I sound like a sales person.


Truthfully, I'm not sure.

How do you find out exactly what firmware you have? I think mine is v1.1 because under the Menu, it shows version 1.1.
I just spoke with someone at Westinghouse about the difference between firmware 1.0 and 1.1. For what it is worth, they said that this firmware is generic across several of their monitors and that this update does not affect the operation of the L2410NM. However, I recall someone in this thread saying that the backlight adjustment is gone from the 1.1 version. In my version 1.0 I have the backlight adjustment for the video inputs but it is not available for the HDMI and VGA.
I picked this monitor up at BB yesterday for $370 total. I brought it home and hooked it up beside my Dell E248WFP. After playing around with the OSD settings for about an hour, I can't say I'm impressed with the L2410NM :(

The colors on the Westy seem rather dull compared to the Dell which is only a TN display. I was really hoping the Westy would look better than this since I own a 22" monitor and a 42" HDTV by them and like both. I have tried to calibrate both the Westy and Dell to similar configurations but the Dell seems to have more vibrant colors in the end. Maybe I am not tweaking the Westy correctly. Also, I have to admit I'm currently using VGA on the Westinghouse since my HDMI -> DVI cable is not here yet but I don't expect the quality to change that much with HDMI.

The Westinghouse is an extremely bright display, I will say that. I have brightness set to around 60-80 and contrast around 30-40. I set colors to 32-32-38 and sharpness left on 3. I will play with the settings for a few more days and see what it looks like when my HDMI cable arrives, but at this point I'm thinking I will just end up returning it.

Also, the monitor has a dead pixel and has bad screen door effect in the top right corner...
Picked up this monitor from BB last Friday. The typical issues seem to be there: buzzing below 98 brightness (not audible on top of my PC's noise), and screendoor in the upper right corner (not noticeable unless you're looking for it from up close).

I'm having a heck of a time calibrating it, though. I've gotten decent results with the tests at http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test, but it really doesn't do anything for the color accuracy. I've tried most of the settings mentioned in this thread. The RGB of 32/32/38 looks a little too dull for me, and right now I have it at the 6500k setting (50/50/50) with brightness 65 and contrast 80, but things look a bit washed out. I'm primarily using this thing for watching movies, and in any scene with bright and dark colors, the darks just seem to kill everything else on the screen. I might have to try changing it up, brining the contrast way down and taking the brightness up. What settings have worked for other people?

$350 is a great deal and all, but I just don't see myself keeping this thing if it can't be used as an acceptable movie-watching substitute for my 27" tube standard-def TV. Maybe trying a different hookup will help -- I'm on VGA right now and haven't sprung for a DVI-to-HDMI since I've read the ATI 9800 Pro video card has issues at the native res over DVI.
I keep brightness and contrast around 50 each, and set the red green blue to 60, 64, 68

With the other settings I could barely see the dark grey background of the Hard Forums on this monitor, and now with these settings it all looks a little more balanced on the dark end of the spectrum.

Best is HDMI - DVI cable. If you can use it.

I'm not 100% comfortable with understanding how the settings affect the screen, especially in different modes (text, economy, picture) but I'm getting there. Those other settings of 32, 32, 38 seem very dead to me.



Picked up this monitor from BB last Friday. The typical issues seem to be there: buzzing below 98 brightness (not audible on top of my PC's noise), and screendoor in the upper right corner (not noticeable unless you're looking for it from up close).

I'm having a heck of a time calibrating it, though. I've gotten decent results with the tests at http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test, but it really doesn't do anything for the color accuracy. I've tried most of the settings mentioned in this thread. The RGB of 32/32/38 looks a little too dull for me, and right now I have it at the 6500k setting (50/50/50) with brightness 65 and contrast 80, but things look a bit washed out. I'm primarily using this thing for watching movies, and in any scene with bright and dark colors, the darks just seem to kill everything else on the screen. I might have to try changing it up, brining the contrast way down and taking the brightness up. What settings have worked for other people?

$350 is a great deal and all, but I just don't see myself keeping this thing if it can't be used as an acceptable movie-watching substitute for my 27" tube standard-def TV. Maybe trying a different hookup will help -- I'm on VGA right now and haven't sprung for a DVI-to-HDMI since I've read the ATI 9800 Pro video card has issues at the native res over DVI.
Same here but my firmware is 1.1.


I just spoke with someone at Westinghouse about the difference between firmware 1.0 and 1.1. For what it is worth, they said that this firmware is generic across several of their monitors and that this update does not affect the operation of the L2410NM. However, I recall someone in this thread saying that the backlight adjustment is gone from the 1.1 version. In my version 1.0 I have the backlight adjustment for the video inputs but it is not available for the HDMI and VGA.
I just picked up one of these today. Once I got it calibrated I was really happy with it, especially the color.

Then I brought up Adobe LIghtroom and looked at some photographs. I noticed on some pictures, in darker areas, pixels would flash erratically from dark to bright white. The more I use the monitor the less it happens (maybe 1 out of 50 photographs vs 1 out of 5 initiailly), but it is still disheartening.

The monitor is connected to a macbook pro with a ~3 year old dvi -> hdmi cable from pacific cable. When I connected via D-SUB I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.

I had a 2005FPW before this and never had this problem. My guess is that either the monitor is bad or I have a bad cable? It doesn't seem like a cable would cause this, since a digital signal either works correctly or not at all right?

I bought from Best Buy, so exchanging for a new one is not a huge hassle. That said, apart from this issue I have no buzzing or dead pixels, so I'm reluctant to "roll the dice again". Maybe it's worth trying a new cable?

(Firmware 1.1 btw)
I keep brightness and contrast around 50 each, and set the red green blue to 60, 64, 68

With the other settings I could barely see the dark grey background of the Hard Forums on this monitor, and now with these settings it all looks a little more balanced on the dark end of the spectrum.

Best is HDMI - DVI cable. If you can use it.

I'm not 100% comfortable with understanding how the settings affect the screen, especially in different modes (text, economy, picture) but I'm getting there. Those other settings of 32, 32, 38 seem very dead to me.


how do you get to the different modes (text, economy, picture)?
I hear people complaining of a buzzing noise coming from their monitors. Let me just tell you that I bought a Westy LVM 37w1 tv about two years ago and the thing is a piece of junk. The television crapped out after only a year and 3 months (3mos out of warranty). The inputs stopped responding and they only way to make them work was to unplug the tv and plug it back in. This problem has gotten continually worse. Also, there is a buzzing that comes from the back of the tv. The tv, for all intents and purposes, is junk. I would never again buy another westinghouse product. I am not saying this so start a feud over the monitor, I just feel as though people should be aware of the quality, or lack thereof, of Westinghouse products. I called customer service about my issue, and they basically told me I was out of luck. No replacement parts available. Next time, I'll make sure to save my money and buy a quality product.
Hi, if your L2410NM buzzes when you lower the backlight below 98, I kind of found a workaround...

If you lower the contrast all the way and then go the color temperature adjustment and set the user setting to something like 30-30-30, you get a similar picture to if you just pushed "text" mode - without the buzz.

I've been using that and now it's silent and still doesn't burn holes through my eyeballs at night :cool:
You may want to try a new cable. That sounds strange to me. I'm sure you didn't use the cable on the old Dell 2005WFP as it was DVI only.

Since you've tried a different cable on the same monitor and same laptop, you can likely rule that out. I would guess the cable might be marginal.

I'm using mine through an HDMI switch and have no issues with it.



I just picked up one of these today. Once I got it calibrated I was really happy with it, especially the color.

Then I brought up Adobe LIghtroom and looked at some photographs. I noticed on some pictures, in darker areas, pixels would flash erratically from dark to bright white. The more I use the monitor the less it happens (maybe 1 out of 50 photographs vs 1 out of 5 initiailly), but it is still disheartening.

The monitor is connected to a macbook pro with a ~3 year old dvi -> hdmi cable from pacific cable. When I connected via D-SUB I wasn't able to reproduce the problem.

I had a 2005FPW before this and never had this problem. My guess is that either the monitor is bad or I have a bad cable? It doesn't seem like a cable would cause this, since a digital signal either works correctly or not at all right?

I bought from Best Buy, so exchanging for a new one is not a huge hassle. That said, apart from this issue I have no buzzing or dead pixels, so I'm reluctant to "roll the dice again". Maybe it's worth trying a new cable?

(Firmware 1.1 btw)
No offence taken.

I bought this monitor for an ultra low price and put a 2 year warranty on it. I talked to some friends in the U.S. who told me to stay away from Westinghouse last year when I bought my 37" LG TV (as I was considering the TX 42"), so no probs.

Sorry to hear about your issues and loss of functionality (and more importantly your hard earned $$$)

Hopefully the monitors will be more robust than their "monitor TVs".



I hear people complaining of a buzzing noise coming from their monitors. Let me just tell you that I bought a Westy LVM 37w1 tv about two years ago and the thing is a piece of junk. The television crapped out after only a year and 3 months (3mos out of warranty). The inputs stopped responding and they only way to make them work was to unplug the tv and plug it back in. This problem has gotten continually worse. Also, there is a buzzing that comes from the back of the tv. The tv, for all intents and purposes, is junk. I would never again buy another westinghouse product. I am not saying this so start a feud over the monitor, I just feel as though people should be aware of the quality, or lack thereof, of Westinghouse products. I called customer service about my issue, and they basically told me I was out of luck. No replacement parts available. Next time, I'll make sure to save my money and buy a quality product.