Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

HighTest said:
AMDHunter, here's my latest image. The older one is broken.

Shows all that beaut copper. To bad I can't find a decently priced 100% tarnish resistant Copper computer case.

That looks awfully like an Antec Super LANBOY case. :cool:

I have it, too :), although not w/ all that copper inside the aluminum. :(
beowulf7 said:
That looks awfully like an Antec Super LANBOY case. :cool:

I have it, too :), although not w/ all that copper inside the aluminum. :(

It might be, but was rebranded. CompUSA sold these aluminum cases for $49.95 a couple years back and then quickly discontinued them. Couldn't understand why because it's an awesome case for the price! Or they quickly learned of some kinda pricing system malfuction and the 1 was missing in front of the 49.95. :D

I had gone back to get several a day or two later for some friends and family and they had already vanished.
HighTest said:
It might be, but was rebranded. CompUSA sold these aluminum cases for $49.95 a couple years back and then quickly discontinued them. Couldn't understand why because it's an awesome case for the price! Or they quickly learned of some kinda pricing system malfuction and the 1 was missing in front of the 49.95. :D

I had gone back to get several a day or two later for some friends and family and they had already vanished.
I also got mine from Comp USA, but it was branded as Antec. I think mine came out to $40 or $50 after mail-in rebate (tax on $80, though).

I like the case. The blue glow is pretty :cool:. All I need is a 12" neon tube light to put in there, but I haven't seen any hot deals on them lately.
Id like to join the Socket 939 Club Please. Im running a asus a8n sli premium with a AMD Athlon 4800 X2 SOCKET 939.

Thanks :cool:
why is't there a amd fx-60 link in the first page. its allso a socket 939 chip.... WHY? :confused:
OC_LeGeND said:
maybe cuzz the FX-60 is to exspensive to touch ;)

Only if you buy new one. i purchase mine from e-bay, should hit my mail box this thuesday.
got a real bargain, 450 USD/ 354€. can't wait :cool:
Solarfall said:
Only if you buy new one. i purchase mine from e-bay, should hit my mail box this thuesday.
got a real bargain, 450 USD/ 354€. can't wait :cool:
That's not a bad price at all. But it's still a lot more expnesive than a new X2 3800+.
OC_LeGeND said:
true, but the FX-60 still probally smoke the AM2 x2 3800+
It probably will, but don't forget that an X2 3800+ can be OC'ed quite a bit (not sure how OC'able is an FX-60). Also, given that the FX-60 is more than twice as expensive as an X2 3800+, can it double its performance? ;)
I just finished building my new system, see my post over in the modding section under the thread of pictures only of your system; no comments.

Here are a couple of pics. I would like to join the AMD Socket 939 Alliance

Jarod888 said:
I just finished building my new system, see my post over in the modding section under the thread of pictures only of your system; no comments.

Here are a couple of pics. I would like to join the AMD Socket 939 Alliance


<other images sniped>
Hmm, I don't know what it is, but that strikes me as a very nice photo...maybe its all the logo's in one shot :D
I was really amazed when I pulled that off my camera. A couple of the other ones I took were blurry or had some glare on them. This one is perfect, and thanks for the compliment!
aztec61 cool looking case, is it a thermaltake. like the fact that is black.... very,very,very BLACK.
OP has been updated. If anyone has some links or info to post at the bottom of the OP, post it here.
So i will be joining the alliance soon, as soon as I can load my pics to photobucket....
But first I had a question about my AMD 3500+. What is a suitable idle temperature/load tempterature when not OC'd?
I just reseated my CPU HS/fan (got a little carried away with the thermal paste last time) and I am down to ~43 degrees idle. Underload I am around the high 60's. This seems like a big swing to me...

Any suggestions or ideas? Are these appropriate temps?
Jarod888 said:
I just finished building my new system, see my post over in the modding section under the thread of pictures only of your system; no comments.

Here are a couple of pics. I would like to join the AMD Socket 939 Alliance

sorry for the ignorance but what paint did you use on that?or did you asked somebody to the paintjob for you? I like to paint the inside of my case black too, but dont have the nerves to do it, let alone selecting the right paint, i guess being a modder is not in my blood after all....
60 c is way high,my 3500 oced to 2500 mhz idles @32c never been above 45c load that was after 11 hrs of prime 95 on a very hot day....

what cooler u running??stock??i would guess that your heatsink is not making proper contact with the heatspreader
Modred189 said:
So i will be joining the alliance soon, as soon as I can load my pics to photobucket....
But first I had a question about my AMD 3500+. What is a suitable idle temperature/load tempterature when not OC'd?
I just reseated my CPU HS/fan (got a little carried away with the thermal paste last time) and I am down to ~43 degrees idle. Underload I am around the high 60's. This seems like a big swing to me...

Any suggestions or ideas? Are these appropriate temps?
My Venice 3200+ (at the stock 2.0 GHz) tops out at 51-52 deg. under extreme load (video encoding) in TX. When I was in NJ, it topped out around 48 deg., so my environment is a few deg. C more here. :(

I don't use an aftermarket paste; just the stock stuff.
Ok i just got my new X2 4400 939 cpu in and it is up and running, I have not tweeked it much yet and im running the same settings as my Opteron 148 on the ram. This thing is not a CONROE but I love it.

I have it running first test @ 2914 MHz Game Stable , I played BF 2 and COD 2 for a few hours last nght without a Hitch :D im going to do a bit of tweeking on it this weekend when i get a chance and see how high i can get it up too. The funny part is this thing runs cooler then my 148 . It sits right @ 31c no load and jumps to around 37c Load, not bad. :D

For 180 Bucks and not having to buy New MB and Ram plus CPU I'm Very happy.

This should hold me over until Spring time and then I can see whats new out and go from there I hope :p
So i am officially signing up.
Here's my 'puter. An Emachines T6524, AMD Athalon64 3500+ (venice), 2G ram (4X512), ATI Radeon x700Pro slightly OC'd,
This replaced my old Socket a athalon. Sweeeeet.
lol. Only cost me 250 bucks for the base system, 75 for the card, 80 for the extra g of ram. Also added a TV tuner, wireless card and I replaced the PSU whoch WAS only 250 watt with a 430 watt one.

^ Yea, that's right, there's a Dodge Ram hood ornament on the top. THAT"s how I mod. lol. A benefit from knowing someone who works for Dodge.
I'd like to join... I'm loving my 3500+, great upgrade from a crappy P4 2.8 Northwood >.<

I'm at school right now without access to a picture, but I'll have one later today.
finally got some time to overclock my new FX ,so far it seems very promising. got it all the way to 3.1 ghz(1.50v) and stable. funny thing.... while i was overcloking i had forgotten to put all the fans to max and still got so good oc, i feel so lucky. can't wait to try this chip with watercooling.
sorry for the ignorance but what paint did you use on that?or did you asked somebody to the paintjob for you? I like to paint the inside of my case black too, but dont have the nerves to do it, let alone selecting the right paint, i guess being a modder is not in my blood after all....

I went to Walmart and bought some spray paint called Fusion for Plastic. It dries really fast.

I buffed up the sufaces i wanted to paint w/ some 200 grit sandpaper, and then used a tack cloth to get out all the dust. I started by disassembling the entire case, but I only removed screws, I didn't drill out any rivets.
I sprayed a light coat on and let it dry for about 4 hours, it was really dry, to the touch in about 30 minutes, but i let it dry longer so that I wouldn't leave finger prints in the paint. Then i reapplied the paint and repeated that same process, until I got a nice even coat of black.

One thing I learned is to go easy on the paint any where that you will be sliding in or out other components; ie hard drives or cd roms or in my case the 2 thermaltake I cages that I have. You will probably have to do some minor touchup, using something like an automotive touch up paint, it is in a container that looks sort of like nailpolish.

I have heard that any automotive paint works well, but they are usually more expensive. Check out a checker autoparts or napa, they usually have great paint selections if you decide to go with the automotive paint option.

The more you can disassemble your case the easier it will be.

Also remember to keep the can about 8 or 10 inches away, and paint in a "sweeping" patteren.

I will probably take you the better part of a week or so to get a nice finish. I went with a flat black instead of a gloss.

here is a link to a great thread ;
Late sign up! 3800 X2 in sig!

^^ you used Fusion Plastic paint on metal?


** dont mind the Vinyl Dye on the tubing :D **
Yes, I did. if you read the can it say's that it is basically an all around paint, but it is designed sepecially to bond with plastic. I had some plastic parts to paint on another case, so I figured why waste the money and buy expensive auto paint when this stuff seems to work just as well. I really don't plan on the inside of my case getting a lot of friction type movement, so this paint should hold up well. If I were to paint the exterior of a case, I would probably go with an enamal paint designed for metal, ie car paint. That combined with lots of prep work and sanding/buffing should provide an excellent exterior protective coating that would withstand the occasional moves. plus i would apply a clear coat to add extra protection for the paint.
^ DeadlyAura, that's pretty cool and scary. :cool: :eek:

While we're talking about painting, I painted an old CD-RW/DVD combo drive that I put in my new PC. It's the only piece of hardware that I migrated from my old PC; everything else in it was brand new.

1 year later, the paint has held up pretty well on that drive! :D
Has anyone jumped ship lately from Socket 939 to something else?

I haven't and have no immediate plans to replace my S939 computer. :cool:
Went from 754 to 939 for no good reason. Went from a 754 3700+ ClawHammer to a 939 3200+ Venice. Some would call it a downgrade.

To be honest, Windows boots up a lot faster and so do my programs. Could be thanks to a relatively clean install though.

I got in on that Microcenter deal a whlile back and picked up the Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe for less than $50. I was in the process of trying to sell it when I saw a post in the FS/FT forum of someone that wanted to trade a DFI Ultra-D so I helped him out and traded.

I was going to sell the Ultra-D but wanted to test the motherboard first just in case (don't need any dead mobos on my mind). I needed a 939 CPU and a PCI-E video card to do so.

Picked up a a brand new Venice for $65 shipped. Found a Gigabyte 6600GT PCI-E (passive) for $85 shipped. Decided I would just keep this stuff.

The 754 system was watercooled so I had to take that all apart and it's already sold. Running the X2 heatpipe cooler for now and it seems to be working great. Very happy with how quiet the system is. Will likely upgrade to a Thermaltake SI-120 or a Ninja.
Well, in theory it's not entirely a downgrade. You've gone from a 2.2GHz chip with 1MiB of L2 cache to a 2.0GHz chip with 512KiB of L2 cache. Your HyperTransport has gone up from 800MHz stock to 1GHz stock, which probably makes no real difference, but, more importantly, the newer memory controller in the Venice supports dual channel which may just make a significant difference in things like loading. I still think more than anything else you are getting the benefits of the clean install, but, dual channel is nothing to sneeze at.

Once you start overclocking though, that venice may just come out ahead if you are lucky. For one thing, I think they are supposed to go up to 2.4GHz in even the worst ones when you start overclocking. And, of course, due to the smaller process, Venice runs pretty cool for the most part, so it should be easy to work with. I suppose you've also even got the benefit of a few newer instructions like SSE3, though the actual real life usefulness of things like SSE3 is a bit in doubt.

Unless you do a lot of encoding, you won't really notice the decrease in L2 cache size. In games and such, I think you are looking at 2-8% difference between the same clocked same chips where one has more L2, and it's probably more often 2% than 8%. If you can run yours at 2.4GHz, games are going to run nice and smoothly though. Even 2.2GHz is enough for most games, though a lot of newer ones like Oblivion really need the 2.4GHz I think.
Thanks for the input, I have yet to try OCing on the 64 chips. I've just been to lazy to test my memory (CH-5 Kingston Hyper X) and deal with HTT and all those number and such.