If you could choose your 1 (!ONE!) favourite game....

Chrono Trigger, the best RPG ever. Megaman 2 is a close second(and for the record, FF7 is my second favourite RPG ever).
My favorite game of all time has to be...

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I just hope the new Zelda will be just as good or better!
MurDoc said:
My favorite game of all time has to be...

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

I just hope the new Zelda will be just as good or better!

it will be hard to do, I think its the best in the zelda series! but hey they never dissappoint though! :p
Zero82z said:
Chrono Trigger, the best RPG ever. Megaman 2 is a close second(and for the record, FF7 is my second favourite RPG ever).
So true, my friend.
UT2k4 probably. You can do so much with it, including mods, game types, weapons, etc. UT would definatly be my choice.
Total Annihilation. There has yet to be a RTS that allows you the sheer number of customizations, number of units, and just fun. You create and destroy armies, you have air, sea, and land. You have an AI that you can tweak, you can create your own units, you get to see massive battles! No lame small squad limitations (StarCraft, WarCraft, etc.) just waves of destructive fun. I can only hope that someone picks up the torch that is TA and brings it forward. FPS is fun for some, but to see massive waves of destruction are so much more satisfying. Total Annihilation -- Why choose anything else? :)
(NES) Super Mario Bros. 2
(PC) Quest for Glory 4
(Gameboy) Warioland
(Genesis) Earthworm Jim
(Super Nintento) Super Metroid
(GameCube) Resident Evil
(PS1) Star Ocean: The Second Story
oh man so many choices

I think I had the best time with Goldeneye for n64.
Cause I'm all about multiplayer baby :D
Oh man, there are a number of games I can think of that have totally captured me and still hold a special place in my heart.

If I have to pick one, I gotta go with Chrono Trigger. I hate to chime in with one that so many other people have said, but great minds think alike. :p It just had everything a game should have, great story, great gameplay, amazing graphics (for its day), and a timeless nature (great games are never forgotten).

Honorable mentions: Zelda OoT, Grandia, ICO, FF7, Super Metroid, SimCity (the original), and Goonies 2. I've played all of them through a number of times. Hell, I still play them every so often.

We should do this right though and break it down by console. There are seriously a lot of games that are probably getting overlooked.

Now I gotta go break out the old school consoles!! :D
animeguru said:
We should do this right though and break it down by console. There are seriously a lot of games that are probably getting overlooked.

Why do you think I cheated and put the platform before my choices?
I'd have to say my all time favorite was King's Quest 4. At the time (on my Apple //c) it had some badass graphics, an awesome plot line, and a great controls.

It's such a shame that such a great game never made it as an "notable" PC game. If it weren't for KQ4, we would never have had any of the games that eventually led to Doom 3 and Half Life 2. (Seriously, think about it. -- third person text adventures, like KQ4, led to third person games like Police Quest, which eventually led to first person shooters.)

Then again, most of the kiddies here have no idea what an Apple //c is, let alone an obscure game like KQ4 is.

But, hell, I'm an old man compared to most teenagers here, so what does my opinion matter?
Alright, I've seen a good number of things listed, and I decided to follow The_Mage18's lead and divide mine up between the platforms that I have favorites for.

PC: Final Fantasy VII (As I stated above, I have yet to find a game that I can put 80+ hours into for the 12 time and still stay interested and have fun.

SNES: Mortal Kombat 2 (I had literally every move and every fatality for every character memorized....including all Shang Tsung's morphs....that's when i knew it was time to stop....that and nobody wanted to play me :p )

GameBoy: Pokemon Red (I was in 8th grade when Pokemon hit, and I got caught up in it.....having a full 6 uBer pokemon at lvl100 and pwning everyone was just too fun.....not to mention knowing when each Pokemon learned all its moves off by heart, and recognizing all of their "cries" in the game)

PS: Mortal Kombat Trilogy (The same reason(s) as MK2, except now I had quadruple the characters, and multi-hit combos to memorize....but it was done)

N64: A toss up between Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye.....I had WAY to much fun with multiplayer GoldenEye, and perfecting each level was quite fun.....whereas Ocarina of Time was one of those epic titles that you just can't help but get immersed it.....it is by far the best Zelda game to date.

Gamecube: Metroid Prime (A nice refresh to the series, and while not nearly as good as Super Metriod on SNES....still a great game)

That's all i can really think of for now....man.....this thread is sure bringing back some memories. :)
Stinn said:
X-Com UFO Defence, I spent more time on that game than any other I'm sure. I still love it and wish i could get it to run half decent and be able to put the time in that it deserves.
I picked up the collectors edition of X-Com, which included Ufo defense, TFTD, and Apocolypse, and it runs fine because they updated it to run in windows. (Although I haven't tried it in XP yet)

My choice goes to Quake as well. It was the first, and still seems like the best, multiplayer game I really got into. I'd played Doom2, Duke3D, C&C and Warcraft2 multi with a couple of my friends, direct connect over modem. But QuakeWorld changed the landscape. Playing with 20+ people really blew me away. DM was great. But TF hooked me like I never thought possible.

My friend and I even installed it on some computers at school. It was, to say the least, frowned upon, but screw that, we were LPBs with 90 pings!
Archonn (not sure if spelled right, the game played on a chess board).

If talking about a game within the last 10 years or so, I would have to pick Neverwinter Nights
Wow what a loaded question...

I cried when aeries died... and I knew she was going to die too. I think that is probably one of the most emotional gaming moments across the board. Did anyone ever play the originial Lufia for SNES (another rpg). For some reason the ending to that game made me really emotional too I have no idea why though.

As for the best game... Well that's so tough but I'll throw out a game that's probably overlooked by a lot of gamers but I find it one of the staple games I have that I keep returning too and I feel like I could play forever and not get bored.

I'm talking about Civilization 3. All the civs are excellent but I'll take 3 as a representation of the series. Just a consistantly fun game that I've gone back to and lost more hours to than another other single player game. Maybe I shouldn't be putting it as the best game over so many other great games but I felt it was worth putting out there.

For Honorable mentions:
Call of Duty (amazing visuals and sound-effects), ICO (just a beautifully 'pure' game), the entire Metroid Series (all of them truley outstanding games), Super Smash Brothers 1 and Melee (best party game ever), Einhander, Deus Exs, Max Payne 2 (I absolutely loved the story telling and flow of MP2 as well as the visuals and sound effects, no replay value but an amazing game none the less) and so many others I can't think of... what good times.
Halo - Its still the game I play the most more than two years after it came out! The Xbox version is great (co-op is amazing why the fuck havnt more developers picked up on this??!) and the pc version with good online tied up all the loose ends (except co-op :rolleyes: )

Honorable mentions:

Goldeneye - The definition of a classic.

Total Annihilation - Id spend 6 hours building a massive perfect army, take over the enemy commander, and end it all in one huge battle! Or Id beat them down until they were barely alive, just to almost whipe them out again and repeat the process over and over.
Real hard choice between GTA 3 and Vice City. I have beat both only to find myself going back months later to start it all over again.
(PC) GTA, Worms 1and2, The curse of monkey island, neverland, QUAKE 2 still play multiplayer daily, Q3 RA3

(SEGA) Sonic 1,2,3 . Wonder Boy in Monster Land

(Super Nintento) Gouls and Ghosts, Mortal Kombat,

(Commodore 64) Wonderboy , Rainbow Island , New Zealand Story, Bubble Bobble, X - Out, Giana Sisters, Warner Flash Beer..

i know you said 1 but it got my mind racing :D
Hmm, my vote's gonna have to go with the game I've had the most fun playing in multiplayer... Sure, it may not have the best design of every game out there or the biggest impact in the industry, or even the best replayability ten years later... But it's still the game I had the most fun with while enjoying it with friends, the fondest memories I can have.

SNES Bomberman! :p

I can't remember staying up 'till 5am with four+ friends as many times with any other game since... There were some Super Smash Bro. bouts, some prolongued StarCraft 2v2s, some CS server hopping, a bunch of Worms flying, and even a lot of wasted hours on MMORPGs (somehow the memories of those always end up tainted when you stop playing 'em), but nothing beats the pure fun factor of Bomberman.

Perhaps it's because it was the first multiplayer experience of that scope for me and some of my closest friends, we weren't particulary inclinded towards computers at that age and it was practically the first 4-player game for the SNES I think so... Biased choice I guess, but maybe someone else out there remembers it. :cool:
P.S. Am I the only gamer in existence that's only played 15 minutes or less of any Final Fantasy game? I can't even remember actually playing more than two or three of 'em... I played the FF7 demo and I might've tried out one or two of the SNES ones at a friend's house... I can't really say why either, it's just bizzarre. I'm not a huge RPG fan but it's not like I hate 'em either.

P.S.S. Zelda rox... Somehow I got bored with consoles after PS1/N64/Saturn... The most fun I had with any of the three was actually with the Saturn (bought a Dreamcast and only owned Crazy Taxi and a fighting game)...

Had Ocarina of Time and I never got into it. Again, no clue why, I love Super Metroid and A Link to the Past... Heck I play them on an emulator every once in a while for the heck of it, they're just fun to play. I've been || close to getting a GB just to play that new-fangled Metroid game... :p
Final Fantasy VII, no doubt. I have played this game through at least 7 times and never have a problem picking it up again if I have nothing else to play.
Some really good games mentioned here (and especially props to corsair for his C64 choices!)

I'm going to settle for a game that's probably older than a lot of you guys (judging by the number of Goldeneye/FF/Halo choices we have here).


Originally release on BBC Micro. I had the Electron, Commodore 64, PC CGA, PC MCGA, WAP (yes, as in on a mobile phone - don't ask!) and X-Elite versions (plus both the sequels). I have spent so many hours playing that game over the years.
Half-Life amazing graphics for its time, Still amazing today. It had a great plot and many mods! Still rockin the game for 5 years since 1999 baby!
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Half-Life amazing graphics for its time, Still amazing today. It had a great plot and many mods! Still rockin the game for 5 years since 1999 baby!
yeah, definatley my favorite pc game. I have played it thru six times 2x easy, 1x med, 3x hard. what I also like are blue shift and opposing force. Not nearly as good but they fit in very well and also have some funny moments!
for pc i would have to say wolfenstein 3d

and for console, my favorites are ff 7 and chrono trigger... hands down
Another vote for Half-Life. It took about a week for me to beat, and took way too much of my time. That didnt matter though, I just HAD to get out of Black Mesa. This was easily the most immersive game I've played, and the most fun. It was also the first game to actually hold my attention start to finish. Usually I just give up or only play when I have nothing else to do. Half-Life, on the other hand, HAD to be beat. I would get home from school/work around 9 pm, and play untill 1 or 2 A.M. I'll never forget the feeling of urgency and panic after hearing a marine's radio or the sound of a headcrab spawning behind me. I jumped more than a few times when those damnn things supprised me. The difficulty was just right, too. Some areas were a little frustrating (Took me forever to figure out that damn rocket engine) but I never got pissed off at the game. The areas were also huge, immersive, and diverse.

Well worth the 15$ at EB Games.

ThugsRook said:
Hell yes! I probably wasted more hours of my childhood on that game than any other.

Tribes 1 is also a close tie. This was my first online FPS and was great fun for a long time.
someone chose vietcong?!?!? WTF??

your number one Favorite game is Vietcong?!

How many games have you played FPS?!??!

(i hope that was a joke)
At the time of play, my favorite game of all time?

Probably Half-Life, but also LOVED Deus Ex as well; very hard to decide between the 2, but I'm leaned towards the former.

I loved Total Annihilation back in the day, but never really went deep into it; I was mostly into the Age of Empires series.

Those guys mentioning HALO - come on, even on multiplayer that game is mediocre.
Commander Keen!

A lot of the old Apogee games were so cool and they ran on almost no system requirements. Kept having to use memmaker to get enough useable memory out of that 640k though.

Honorable mention goes to Curse of Monkey Island, Zork, and old text based games of all types. I still remember some text games I did not beat on my TRS 80. stupid games....
Vampire The Masqurade Redemption

I was so addicted to this game. You guys are not gonna believe it. I played day and night continously. This game is awsome and big. One day i played 8pm to 9am none stop. No bathroom break or food break... just kidding.. food was right next to me and for bathroom.. when you gotta.... you gotta go ;)

I can wait to play the new Vampire The Bloodlines.. using Half Life 2 engine.. :D ;)