If you could choose your 1 (!ONE!) favourite game....

I just realized another one of my favorite games is Zombies Ate my Neighbors for SNES. Wasted hours on that game trying to beat it without cheating. Hard game once you get way up their in the lvls.
Favorite game based on memories or based on what I enjoy playing the most right now?

Memories = Doom, Doom2, Heretic, Hexen, Hexen2, Rott, Corncob7, stunt, Magic Candle 3, Hell Cab pc, Golden Axe for genesis, Jurassic Park gen, Altered Beast gen, MK and MK2 gen, goldeneye, rogue spear, soldier fortune, counter-strike, helf-life, Jane's FA, Operation Flashpoint, Raven Shield, Far Cry, Doom3, The list is out of control

RIGHT NOW = Star Wars Battlefront, but this will likely change when doom3 becomes coop.
PC: Farcry. I just can't tire of the game and its unique brand of stealth gameplay.

Console: Gran Turismo. Part 3 kept me occupied for literally hundreds of hours. I love these games.
team fortress classic. Have been playing it for years now and just now starting to try other games. To me it will always be the best.
Grinder66 said:
Zelda The adventures of Link gave me many, many hours of fun...

Finally some love for The Adventure of Link which is often called the worst in the series... I think I've actually grown to like it more than the original.

My vote goes to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... I'd love to see a modern remake with higher quality music and updated graphics and without all the fog... then it'd be perfect.

Honorable mentions:

Deus Ex
Doom 2
Doom 3
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Grim Fandango
Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda (all of the other ones except for the Gameboy ones which I haven't played)
The Longest Journey
The Pandora Directive
beer pong.... oh you mean video game??? Unreal Tournament, the original

console has gotta be tecmo super bowl for nes, nobody can stop bob nelson of the packers
Gotta be one of the early console rpg's on the SNES, but it's hard to 'pick a winner' from these four:

Zelda: A Link To The Past
Chrono Trigger
Secret Of Mana
Final Fantasy 4 (might have been 2. Cant' remember, but its the one with the airships)
Kevin003 said:
I just realized another one of my favorite games is Zombies Ate my Neighbors for SNES. Wasted hours on that game trying to beat it without cheating. Hard game once you get way up their in the lvls.

Hell yeah, only managed to complete it in 2-player mode. The music was great too.
I can choose one single title when it comes down to multiplayer. Worms on the Playstation has sucked up more of my free time than any other game. Me and some friends used to play it right through the night with Korn, RATM and L7 in the stereo on continuous play. A work of genius, which I still play now.

MarioKart gets an honourable mention, for somehow getting better with each release (except battle mode which peaked on the N64 version).
Damn, man... This is a tough choice...

It's VERY close, but out of pure attatchment, I would say Chrono Trigger. No other game (except Chrono Cross, maybe,) made me think as much as this one. Chrono Cross definitely got much more philosophical and interesting as hell to delve into (like the conversation right before the final boss,) but Chrono Trigger's gameplay and timelessness is just unmatched. Extremely close second is Final Fantasy VII. It gets second only because I didn't form a Final Fantasy Fan Club like I did with CT :eek: FF7 has a very engrossing plot and phenomenal gameplay, but due to the fact that it had a few wonky translations, and didn't have a giant, screaming, mutli-tiered space alien eating the planet, it gets an extremely close second. FF7 DID have the best villian of all time, though (Sephiroth.)

And to further undermine this thread's emphasis on ONE game, my third favorite would be Final Fantasy VI. Has an equally engrossing plot as FF7, and remains the ONLY FF game I haven't beaten, because ever damn time I sit down to finish it, something IRL takes my time away, and I don't have time to beat that damn final uber-tower :mad:

That's my two cents. They are all RPGs, simply because I think I enjoy them the most. But other games will always have a place in my heart for goodness, but hours of fragging just can't match a really engrossing, satisfying story.
Dragon Force- Sega Saturn

This is for favorite game and not the best game I have ever played. Dragon Force was the only game that I played from beginning to end over 8 times in a span of 3 weeks and never once in that time did I feel like buying or renting a new game. :cool:
Halo for PC because:

1. It made me upgrade my computer for the first time (emachines).
2. It made me buy an Xbox
3. I still am playing almost everyday...

I can't believe it ... We have a TIE!

XCOM UFO Defense


Jagged Alliance 2

I'm a sucker for good turn-based games with a touch of character development.
bobsaget said:
Halo for PC because:

1. It made me upgrade my computer for the first time (emachines).
2. It made me buy an Xbox
3. I still am playing almost everyday...


I'm sorry to hear that. ;)
Myth: The fallen Lords
Oh yeah, Tribes: Vegence, its a new classic in my book....give it a try!
Hmm, I gotta go with the Baldur's Gate II.

No wait, make that Fallout II.
Making the porno was awesome, but it was even better later in the game when that one lady wouldn't even talk to you becasue you had done it. Greatness. I never bored my wife so much with my character's exploits as I did with that game.
Battlefield Vietnam - simply way too much to see and do as far as each side as concerned as well as the option to fight underground in tunnels now with the latest patch.
kubalaTF said:
Does no one remember Mario?

Super Mario Brothers 3 was the first game that i absolutely had to finish, its what made me a gamer. But I'm not one of the people that says everything old was great and everything current is crap. I think progress has been made and while ill never forget the classics, my favorite game is a newer one.
I must add Ultima 7 to the list...That was the most immersive, story-rich game I've played....the outdated graphics only add to its charm...the only game that comes close to it in terms of story and immersion is Planescape:Torment...

Can't beat good ol' DOS gaming...If I had to rank my top 5 games, they would all have been made more than 10 years ago, all of them.
Hard Question?? Nah, this is pretty easy for me....

Ultima Online!!

*Just hoping that the new MMORPG "Wish" lives up to its hype and is able to recreate that UO feeling for me. Such a mighty feeling when you been taming bulls and ridgebacks for months and then finally tame your own Dragon or White Wyrm :D

Im gonna make you a offer you cant refuse... :eek:

Welcome to the family!! :p
