If you could choose your 1 (!ONE!) favourite game....

Not sure if this is suppose to be console or PC

Legend of Zelda: Original 8-bit Nintendo

still have the working game and console :D :D :D
An earlier person listed Doom2 but I disagree.

Quake 1
Multiplayer dm/ctf/teamfortress for the masses all over the world using a client-server method instead of Doom's p2p. Quake1 was the golden age of internet gaming.
The community was at its largest at that time because there were literally no other games worth playing online. Duke Nukem was a joke.
I think right now i'd have to say Knights of the Old Republic as well.

Its a very good game by itself, but it is also a Star Wars game that is free from the story line of the movies. What I mean by that is that it inherits the feel of the Star Wars universe(which is good) but isn't compelled to try and recreate any part of the movies(which usually turns out bad)
Favorite game..........of all time..........hm...............

I'd have to go with Halo. I do love Chrono Trigger, FF3, KOTOR, but nothing beats 16 people on 4 xboxes all packed into a living room playing King of the Hill and CTF for hours on end. incredibly fun
Chrono trigger

With all of the Megaman games being tied for an extremely close second place. Can't let my favorite blue bomber go without an honorable mention after all. ;)
khturner said:
nothing beats 16 people on 4 xboxes all packed into a living room playing King of the Hill and CTF for hours on end.

Except for 32 people on 32 PCs packed into a warehouse playing King of the Hill and CTF for hours on end... :p
Doom 2 for sure. When it was released nothing compared.. not even close.
I'd only have two that compete and since one (Tribes) was already mentioned I'll add Rome Total War to the list. Only problem is it's only a week old so I'm not sure of its staying power, but having sunk 30+ hours into it already, I'd say it's pretty damn good.

There can be only one.

I have to give Loderunner honorable mention thought :)
Clouds of Xeen = Darkside of Xeen = World of Xeen.

Nice one on Wastelands mdaniel. Reminds me of Magic Candle for some reason.
Neverwinter Nights

The amount and availability of user-created content, plus the editing tools and multiplayer . . . . when it's all said and done I'll have paid maybe $.01/hour for all the time I've put into it based on the purchase price.

I did love XW:A though, quite a bit.
ZePHyRaNTHeS said:
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Heck yeah! incredible story line, characters, and maps. The land of hyrule came alive for me in this game. There are so many places to go and so many things to see. This game is about really becoming the character and getting involved in his life. Don't get me wrong but games like doom 1,2,etc and the like are fun and I love them but in the end it is NOT about how pretty the game looks. It is about falling in love with the characters, and great gameplay something a RTS will never touch. You FF7 fans know what I'm talking about!!!
Milez6 said:
Heck yeah! incredible story line, characters, and maps. The land of hyrule came alive for me in this game. There are so many places to go and so many things to see. This game is about really becoming the character and getting involved in his life. Don't get me wrong but games like doom 1,2,etc and the like are fun and I love them but in the end it is NOT about how pretty the game looks. It is about falling in love with the characters, and great gameplay something a RTS will never touch. You FF7 fans know what I'm talking about!!!

you talk about doom 1,2 then you say RTS... do you mean FPS?
i dunno, my all time favorite game i have played was super mario RPG for SNES

you know mario is hardcore when you DONT have to save princess peach and she can bomb

and you can make melodieswith frogs, ahhhh so many memories of that game
cornelious0_0 said:
Yes, this is exactly what I was going to say......Final Fantasy 7 IS the greatest game I've ever played. The story is amazing, the characters kick ass, everything about the game is so great. I have no idea how I can still get so into it, but it's the only game that I can sit down and put 80 hours into playing after I've beaten it a dozen times before.....I guess that's why it's my fav. FF3 is probly my second choice, but I can't play it over as much and still have fun like I can with FF7.....truely an amazing game.
Am I the only one who was nearly brought to tears when Aeris died?
Honorable mention for the original F-Zero.

Oooh, definitely thirds on the [H] mention--for the first level alone. I felt like I deserved a Nobel prize the first time I got a sub 2:00.00 time.

(Yeah, so it's more than one game per person. Live dangerously!)
Bane said:
Am I the only one who was nearly brought to tears when Aeris died?

Dude, I feel for ya, but some stupid prick in my 7th Grade class told me that she died when I wasn't there yet.....that prick. :mad: It was still sad yes, that has been the only game I've played through where I actually feel connected to the characters, because the game goes into so much depth about their personalities without boring you to death.....so when something tragic happens you actually feel like it's happening.

I know that sounds really lame, but it's why I love the game, and why I have yet to put more time into an RPG then I did with FF7.
X-Com UFO Defence, I spent more time on that game than any other I'm sure. I still love it and wish i could get it to run half decent and be able to put the time in that it deserves.
Honorable mention for PS: Torment, the best RPG i've played.
Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge.

It is a pretty old game. I'm guessing at least 10 years. It came with EGA graphics and digitized sounds, and was one of the games of the age to offer sound without having to have a sound card, which were very expensive, at the time. Given, the PC speaker was not able to produce outstanding sound quality, but hey...It was EGA anyways, and it came on (i think) 4 x 720KB floppies.

What makes the game stand out to me is that it is a classic rpg dungeon hack experience. You keep going deeper and deeper into this dungeon, encountering more and more powerful enemies. There were all the standards...slimes, spiders, scorpions, wolves, ninjas, dog-people, lizard-people, samurai, knights wizards. It had everything. It even had an admirable character class system, allowing the player to change classes, at the minor exensive of a level or two of experience.
I played for hours and hours and hours, stretching into months, and never reached the end.

This is follow closely by Darklands by Microprose.


...But these days, I can't play that kind of game. I don't the attention span to be any good at them anymore.
This may sound gay, but Zelda The adventures of Link gave me many, many hours of fun...

...until the battery inside the game cart died after a few years. :rolleyes: (so I bought another one)

hummm, I have a emulator and a .rom around here somewhere, Think my VC will handle it? :D
darkking said:
Tribes.. Ive lost more of my life to that game then any other. was like 4-5hrs a day for over 2 years :D

Ditto!.... Man I still love the memories of playing on a real team!.
Man, there's just no way I can limit it down to one game.

NES: Super Mario Bro's 3 and Kirby's Adventure. Best side-scrollers of all time.
Genesis: Shining Force 3. Best turn based RPG i've ever played (similar to FF tactics)
SNES: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, FF3 (us) and Secret of Mana.
N64: good ol' mario 64
PC: Total Annhiliation

I'd have to go with Total Annhiliation as number one if only based on the amount of time i've spent playing.
corran_horn314 said:
you talk about doom 1,2 then you say RTS... do you mean FPS?
No i was just throwing in the comment that rts games REALLY can't touch games like loz oot. personally i think they are boring but thats just me. If I were to comment fps i would say they are addictively fun and thrilling (i play them all half life,far cry, doom1,2,3 etc.) but they just don't have storylines that are as moving.