HP L2335 23" 16ms... sweet

Expletive said:
A rep from BGF told me today that the 6800 ultra will only support up to 1600x1200 via DVI, can anyone confirm this?
I have read some users have been able to do 1920x1200 with a BFG 6800GT OC but havent heard anything about the ultra OC. Any information is appreciated.

Expletive, that rep's statement sounds totally Wierd.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm arguing with him.
Consider this.....

The "6800-Ultra" is the #1 card in Nvidia's new "6800" family. And the "6800-GT" is #2.
This BFG rep is effectively-telling you, that BFG's "#1" card (Ultra) is LESS of a performer than BFG's "#2" card (GT).
He's saying his "first team" ain't as good as his "second team". Wow. That's strange.
Consider this....

I'm typing this post in 1920x1200 rez, on my 23" HP L2335 monitor, using my BFG "6800GT-OC" video card.
("OC" means its a 6800GT that BFG has overclocked in their factory).
My HP is connected to BFG card using a "DVI-DVI" cable.
(That's a cable with big White DVI connector on each end).

List of resolutions my BFG 6800GT-OC video card has listed in its "Valid Modes" menu......
:D :D :D
Just to be clear, i didnt discuss the 6800GT with the BFG rep, i was only basing my comments of that card on the the fact that users on this thread have had success with that card (like yourself). It does seem odd that the ultra wouldnt work and the GT would tho...

turtles said:
That's simply not true. The 165Mhz only allows up to 1600x1200 for CRT monitors since it takes time for the beam to return to the top after drawing the screen. LCD monitors don't take as long to start drawing the next frame so you can get higher resolutions through that 165Mhz if the video card supports reduced blanking.

Everyone should be albe to run 1920x1280 on the L2335 over a single link dvi cable if their video card supports reduced blanking.

well then, is the PNY 6800 ULtra w/ 256 MB support reduced blanking?
Happy Hopping said:
well then, is the PNY 6800 Ultra w/ 256 MB support reduced blanking?
As I posted before, PNY support says they don't support DVI @ 1920 x 1200 and their web site clearly states 1600 x 1200 as the maximum DVI resolution. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't work. As current 6800 Ultra cards are basically the same other than cooling designs (and some tweaks, like pre-overclocking)... there is a fairly good chance that if one works, they all do. It seems the various vendors are either clueless on the capabilities of the current design, or they just don't want to "officially" support it.
Hi all,

I believe when the card manufacturers are saying they only support dvi up to 1600x1200, because that's the highest resolution that can be displayed on a CRT monitor through dvi.

It's a shame they don't make it more clear whether or not they support reduced blanking and 1920x1280 on LCD monitors.
Andillo said:
Hmm I don't understand...

1. You say Windows "uses" 73.85kHz horizontal frequency and 60 Hz vertical. All right, this is about what is needed for 1920x1200 @ 60Hz. This part is clear...

2. You say that in Windows setup, the frequency is 75kHz and 60 Hz??? This would be higher than 1920x1200!!! Are you sure? As far as I know Windows setup runs @ 640x480... that would be less than 50kHz horizontal... ???

3. You mean that at the moment you choose the destination path, the display goes blank? Or does it happen when the GUI is loaded for the first time?

4. By the way, XP or 2000? Or did you try both?


Spoke to Andillo this morning, great guy! But im gonna answer his questions here just incase anyone else is interested. I run Dvi-Dvi input.

1. You say Windows "uses" 73.85kHz horizontal frequency and 60 Hz vertical. All right, this is about what is needed for 1920x1200 @ 60Hz. This part is clear...
1920x1200@60Hz, the 60Hz here refers to the Vertical Refresh. Which is running fine at 60.

2. You say that in Windows setup, the frequency is 75kHz and 60 Hz??? This would be higher than 1920x1200!!! Are you sure? As far as I know Windows setup runs @ 640x480... that would be less than 50kHz horizontal... ???
I just checked and my bios and windows setup actually runs at 1920x1200, thats what the screen says. I have it on 1:1 but its still showing a fullscreen bios/windows install.
In the bios, where the screen works my Vertical Refresh is 60 and Horizontal Refresh is 73.85 at 1920x1200. When i get to the part where Sync goes Out Of Range during windows install (the part where you have to hit F8 to accept windows license) it says the screen is running 1920x1200 Vertical Refresh of 60 and Horizontal Refresh of 75.0
It looks like the 75 Horizontal puts the screen out of sync.

3. You mean that at the moment you choose the destination path, the display goes blank? Or does it happen when the GUI is loaded for the first time?
When the gui loads, everything is fine, its the part before that where it installs all the files the gui needs. After the part you have to hit F8 to accept microsofts license.

4. By the way, XP or 2000? Or did you try both?
Only tried on XP so far.

Heres a shot of what im running right now on my PNY 256mb 6800 Ultra through Dvi-Dvi mode.

If you click the image, youll see my screens running at 1920x1200.
It will show you my full desktop.

I dont know if ti supports blanking or what not, but its working equally as well as my Radeon 9800 all in wonder pro.

If anything does show up, ill keep yall informed.

It's an Apple issue.

A guy at the Apple forums said that, according to Matrox, Apple uses "non-standard timings" in their displays, which results in the vast majority of PC users being unable to view POST or most of the boot process.

On my old 9800 Pro I didn't get POST screens or the WindowsXP loadup screen on the new Apple 23" display. Since getting an X800XT-PE they now show up.

The Apple screen has a single cable coming out of the back that splits into 3 connectors. DVI, firewire and usb. (The screen acts as a hub for 2 firewire and 2 usb ports) The only connector for the cards is DVI.

It runs fine at 1920x1200 default in windows and D3D, OpenGL games and I'm absolutely loving it! Should also note that at first there was all sorts of freaky tearing effects when dragging windows or opening windows but after removing the check in the "Alternative DVI operation mode" in ATI control panel, the corruption disappeared.
Okay, now that I have read a lot of reviews here on the HP 23" monitor and the "new" Apple 23 inch Cinema I decided it was time to offer my own first hand experience with them in hopes of helping someone who might be considering buying one of these badboys. I've also seen several posts claiming that the Appple and HP have the exact same image quality.

How do I know? Because I tried out 3 of these babies. The HP f2304 ($2100), HP 2335 ($1600) and the 23 inch Apple ($2200.00) give or take a few bucks and I was very impressed with them all. As for the HP f2304 I didn't need the HDTV/speakers (no true gamer uses monitor speakers anyway) and as it turned out it was about two inches to wide for my setup and needed to lose those speakers. Then I found out that the business section of HP had the 2335 model which has the "exact" same specs as the f2304 but without the speakers/HDTV monitor and was priced about $400 less.

And instead of buying the HP 2335 locally with a typical 14 day return policy and sometimes even a 15% restocking fee, I found out that HP offers 30 days no restocking fee and even pays the shipping. So needless to say I couldn't pass that up. After I got the HP monitor my sales person at CompUSA called to tell me that he had just got the new 23inch Apple in with a 16ms response time and I needed to check it out. So I decided to pick it up too and that way I could do a side by side comparison and let the best monitor win!

The system I compared them on is an AMD (64) 3400+ with 1 Gig of Ram, (2) Sata 10,000rpm drives in raid-0 set-up and a PNY 6800 Ultra (which by the way overheats) video card. After two days of side by side comparisons I settled on the HP. Not only was it less money, but it also has far more tweaking options and it also has a slight advantage in the darker image areas. With the HP in very dark areas of either game I could see more of the objects details then I could with the Apple which is very important in games which typically have lots of very dark areas.

I even made sure I was being fair to the Apple by adjusting the brightness to try and bring out those same details but couldn't. So without further ado.....the winner is the HP 2335.
CookiePuss said:
I just checked and my bios and windows setup actually runs at 1920x1200, thats what the screen says. I have it on 1:1 but its still showing a fullscreen bios/windows install.
In the bios, where the screen works my Vertical Refresh is 60 and Horizontal Refresh is 73.85 at 1920x1200.

First of all, thanks again for the info from your PM.

Now, did you have to do anything special to get 19 x 12? Or is it just a smooth and straight forward install?

Obviously HP doesn't bundle w/ that DVI-DVI cable. Could it be the special cable that you buy that makes the difference?
RAF said:
Okay, now that I have read a lot of reviews here on the HP 23" monitor and the "new" Apple 23 inch Cinema I decided it was time to offer my own first hand experience with them in hopes of helping someone who might be considering buying one of these badboys. I've also seen several posts claiming that the Appple and HP have the exact same image quality.
I even made sure I was being fair to the Apple by adjusting the brightness to try and bring out those same details but couldn't. So without further ado.....the winner is the HP 2335.

Well, it's good that you found the IQ to be very similar on all three because they don't just have the same stats, they're the same panel. They're made by LG-P and are branded by HP and Apple. Of couse, individual panels may vary slightly, which would account for the slight difference in darks. As you also stated the onscreen controls are slightly different as well. It's good to hear from someone who has actually tested them together, if only to confirm what we already know. I only wish the salesman where you bought the monitor knew this so you wouldn't have to go to so much trouble. But, since you did, thanks for the report.
Question for all the HP L2335 23" owners

Is the panel used in the HP the same used in the Benq LCD?

Is any mayor difference between both LCDs?

I'm in Canada and the HP model is not available just the Benq

That's dope. Thanks for the report. I think everyone on this forum has been hoping someone would do a side by side comparison of all 3 of these panels. There have been a lot of conflicting reports about them - so even if kamikazichaser says this just confirms "what we already know" - I don't think you wasted your time at all. Thanks again.


You should really read this thread, it talks about the BenQ numerous times... The bottom line is that there are conflicting reports :confused: According to ExtremeTech:

"It's worth noting that Acer-subsidiary BenQ has a "sub-subsidiary" of its own called AU Optronics, which manufactures LCD panels for it and other monitor makers. Many display makers buy their panels from LG/Philips or Samsung, but BenQ uses its own."

However, another poster in this thread went on to say that ExtremeTech may be wrong, because he was unable to find a 23" panel that AU Optronics manufactured...

Anyway, if you don't want to read through the 30+ pages of this thread, remember you can search through this thread only and have it return results for "BenQ" only ;)

askimo said:
Question for all the HP L2335 23" owners Is the panel used in the HP the same used in the Benq LCD? I'm in Canada and the HP model is not available just the Benq

Askimo, IMHO the Benq 16ms 23" monitor & HP 16ms 23" monitor and Apple 16ms 23" monitor are using same panel.
It's the only 16ms 23" panel on the market and is made by LG-Philips (panel # LM230WO2).
No one claiming there's "another" company marketing a 16ms 23" panel, has ever shown documents.
(Well, at least I haven't seen any, and I'd be glad to see them so as to end the argument :D ).).

Philips also makes an LCD monitor using this very same panel they're selling to HP & Benq, etc.
It's aimed at big business: the "Philips Brilliance 230W5".
Integrated spkrs / 16ms / contrast 500 / 250 nits / 1920x1200 / 176 H-V.
If you're curious to see it try this link (it was working two months ago)
Supah thread. My last CRT finally popped, and I planned to get another, assuming that no LCD would be good enough for my gaming habits. I tried a Samsung 213T and was amazed at how beautiful it was at native resolution, but non-native resolutions looked bad, and ghosting was very easy to spot just shifting windows around.

Based on the feedback here, I am strongly considering the L2335, but I would like to hear more detail about how well this monitor handles ghosting and non-native resolutions, especially from people that play a lot of games. Since 1920x1200 doesn't seem like a common option and I don't want to make multiple video card upgrades just to play the most cutting-edge game at 1920x1200, I want to hear that its non-native resolution performance is comparible to a CRT. On ghosting, are there any harsh ghosting critics that can offer some opinions on its performance? Posts in this thread mention how well it performs with ghosting, but I want to be certain it can stand up against a picky gamer. I have a feeling my expectations are too high, but I hope not, cause this monitor looks great.

Thanks ahead to the kind folks that respond.
Happy Hopping said:
First of all, thanks again for the info from your PM.

Now, did you have to do anything special to get 19 x 12? Or is it just a smooth and straight forward install?

Obviously HP doesn't bundle w/ that DVI-DVI cable. Could it be the special cable that you buy that makes the difference?

Straight forward as can be, and the cable im using is the one that came with the hp monitor. They give you 3 different types of cables actually.
CookiePuss said:
Straight forward as can be, and the cable im using is the one that came with the hp monitor. They give you 3 different types of cables actually.

2 Quick Q.:

1) I thought HP only gives DVI-I to DVI-D? And w/ your PNY, you need DVI-I to DVI-i, am I right?

2) Does every ultra 6800 requires owner to connect TWO power plugs to the end of the card? As most power supply only have 5 power plugs coming out. I have 3 hard drives & 1 CD, that's 4 down, 1 left only.
Happy Hopping said:
2 Quick Q.:

1) I thought HP only gives DVI-I to DVI-D? And w/ your PNY, you need DVI-I to DVI-i, am I right?

2) Does every ultra 6800 requires owner to connect TWO power plugs to the end of the card? As most power supply only have 5 power plugs coming out. I have 3 hard drives & 1 CD, that's 4 down, 1 left only.

1) the output on the 6800U is a DVI-I and the input on the L2335 is a DVI-D

2) Yes, all the Ultras need two 4pin connections Use a 4pin Y cable or 4pin daisy chain cable. Of course, you will also want to make sure that your mobo and psu will be able to handle the 6800U. This is especially true if you want to overclock.
Happy Hopping said:
2 Quick Q.:
Does every ultra 6800 requires owner to connect TWO power plugs to the end of the card? .

"6800-Ultra" uses 2, "6800-GT" uses 1.
Kyle claims GT might well be finest video card on market.
Study his HardOcp review of BFG 6800GT OC.
You might agree with him, you might not.. Good luck.
Just registered to post a few comments.. Great thread, I ordered an HP 2335 after reading it, using it atm :) I just wanted to share a few tips I picked up after setting this thing up.

First, regarding windows resolution, I struggled at first to find an adequate one, everything looked odd at first (especially in VGA mode), the text was fuzzy (very slightly) at first.

From what I've found, the best resolution in windows is: 1600 x 900, 96 DPI (normal mode), with cleartype on. This might be obvious to some, it took me a few hours of fiddling around to get the settings just right, cleartype made all the difference. It looks absolutely perfect now, text size isn't overly small, it's very readable.

A few words on extensions, if anyone is considering using one: I ran the monitor with a 25 foot VGA extension, ran fine, the text was slightly blurry however, but it ran all resolutions fine, up to 1920 (with a leadtek 6800 gt).

I then purchased a 25 foot DVI-D copper cable (made by Cobalt Cable). It worked well, until I discovered that it randomly spouted some red lines in 1600 resolution and higher (apparently the maximum length is 6 feet, I slightly exceeded the length :), I thought the exceptional cable quality would compensate for it, I was wrong lol). It worked perfectly in DVI up to 1200 resolutions however. I ended up getting a DVI Repeater instead, the one made by Gefen, the only one going up to 1920 resolution. Pretty pricey, but it ended up working great with a 15 feet cable extension + 6 feet cable, no red lines anywhere. You absolutely need to go DVI with this display. VGA works good too, but not as great obviously.

I can run DVI up to 1920 with my leadtek 6800 GT, no problems, with reduced blanket mode, looks fine, whatever. That resolution makes the text too hard to read in windows anyways, and few games support it, but it works fine.

Doom 3 in 1600 looks VERY nice on it. The brightness level is also pretty extreme on this monitor, I had to lower it down to 50 from the default of 80 to give a comfortable output.

I upgraded from a Cornerstone P1500, and the image is way better overall. This is really a perfect monitor. Also the monitor COATING is flawless, you can use it in daylight and it won't reflect anything. It behaves very much like the UltraGlass Screenfilter that I used on my older monitor, I was *very* impressed by this, I don't think they do coating better than this.

I was concerned about the "stretching" effect that might happen given the odd shape of the monitor, but everything is fine really, you get used to that 16:9 type ratio pretty fast. You can also sharper up the image quality via a menu if needed, from 1 to 5, makes a big difference if you need extra sharpness, but then again cleartype fixes this.

I bought mine for 1444$ (refurbished, not new) on ebay. It has two stuck pixels, they are barely not noticeable. The base was however very slightly scratched (one scratch to be precise). No big deal to me, my stuff always ends up banged up fast anyways.

And 60hz refresh rate on it is as good as 85hz on a monitor

Anyways hope this is helpful to anyone, kick a** monitor :)
I suppose you are all familiar with the differences between DVI-I and DVI-D, but most answers says "i use dvi/dvi" which lacks a bit of information.
It would be nice if posters could start writing something like this:

SL = Single Link
DL = Dual Link

Graphics card/Monitor




I would say that only the cables that have DVI-D on one of the sides and supporting perfect 1920x1200 could be said uses DVI-D ("real DVI") at that resolution.

And no, the L2335 does not have a DVI-D input: http://h18004.www1.hp.com/products/monitors/tft/l2335_specs.html

More information for the interested:

And i have a couple of questions:

Does both devices, that is both monitor and graphics card, have to be of DUAL LINK type for dual link to work (as well as cable of course)?
Does DL-cables work with SL-devices on one or both ends?

printer said:
I suppose you are all familiar with the differences between DVI-I and DVI-D, but most answers says "i use dvi/dvi" which lacks a bit of information.
It would be nice if posters could start writing something like this:

SL = Single Link
DL = Dual Link

Graphics card/Monitor




I would say that only the cables that have DVI-D on one of the sides and supporting perfect 1920x1200 could be said uses DVI-D ("real DVI") at that resolution.

And no, the L2335 does not have a DVI-D input: http://h18004.www1.hp.com/products/...2335_specs.html

More information for interested:

And i have a couple of question:

Does both devices, that is both monitor and graphics card, have to be of DUAL LINK type for dual link to work (as well as cable of course)?
Does DL-cables work with SL-devices on one or both ends?

DVI-D basically signifies it is only digital. DVI-I is used to show it has analog and digital over the DVI interface. DVI-A = Analog only over DVI.

A DVI-I to DVI-I cable will work just as well as a DVI-D to DVI-D for a digital over DVI, if both are of equal cable quality (heh, no guarentees if you use a crap 50' DVI-I vs 10' DVI-D :p). Of course, if the display has the problem of defaulting to analog instead of staying on the user set input or if the source has problems staying selected to digital, you'll want to use a DVI-D to DVI-D cable to make sure it stays the way you want it.

Yes, both ends have to be dual-link capable. TMDS reciever/transmitter both have to be dual-link.

Dual-link cables should work fine on single-link devices. The extra connections just won't be used. DVI cables whether single/dual/DVI-A/DVI-D/DVI-I should use the same connector, if not the the point of a standard is lost :p

On a side note, Silicon Image now has single-link TMDS transmitter/recievers pair that is capable of 225mhz of bandwidth. So if manufacturers (both display and vidcard have to have the 225mhz chips) start using it you can have up to 2048x1536 via single link DVI. Supposedly it's cheaper to implement as well.
I spent a while looking through this thread and didn't find any mention of a device or how to play full screen 16:9 DVDs on this monitor without using the computer.

Can anyone clarify this? Is it possible to use the L2335 as a widescreen monitor using the video inputs (not the DVI or VGA connectors)?

Rim said:
"HDTV" & "MOVIES"------ON THE 23" HP-L2335:
Anyone who's interested in doing it go here

Some real sharp "audio-video" fanatics search around for the "best" 23" LCD monitor and finally settle on HP L2335.
They then decide to use their L2335s for MORE than just PC-monitors.

You'd be wise to begin at Page-1 and read thread patiently.
As you work deeper into its 30-odd pages, you'll see them decide to see if L2335 can work as home theater screen.
They name the item they purchased, that lets them do this.
It's some sort of box or device (costs maybe $50).

As you read post after post, you'll see how they s-l-o-w-l-y find out "how" to get L2335 to display "PERFECT" 1080-i hdtv pics.
They get in a couple fights with various (clueless?) company reps but they don't give up, they persist.
Yeah, 30-odd pages IS a job to work thru, but if you're serious about using your L2335 for home theater, you'll do it.
Good luck :D
Yes it has component inputs so you can connect a stand alone DVD player or other HD source and use it without a PC.
well, been playing with my Pny 6800 Ultra today, finally put my waterblock on it, and its now running at 485/1.25. I thought it was cool playing D3 in 1024, but its uber playing it at 1920x1200.

However, I have to say that ATI's Dvi connection worked much better at 1920x1200. I think it was a bit sharper, and with the 6800 Ultra, I sometimes get these odd horizontal screen lines that show up on certain applications. Games are not affected with these glitches.
Igthorn said:
DVI-D signifies it is only digital. DVI-I is used to show it has analog and digital over the DVI interface.
On a side note, Silicon Image now has single-link TMDS transmitter/recievers pair that is capable of 225mhz of bandwidth.
So if mfrs start using it you can have 2048x1536 via single link DVI..

Thank you for explanation of "DVI-I and DVI-D". Best I've seen and it cleared up my confusion.
Also thanks for the good news that LCD monitors will be able to go 2048x1536 with the new SI chip.
CookiePuss said:
well, been playing with my Pny 6800 Ultra today, finally put my waterblock on it, and its now running at 485/1.25. I thought it was cool playing D3 in 1024, but its uber playing it at 1920x1200.

However, I have to say that ATI's Dvi connection worked much better at 1920x1200. I think it was a bit sharper, and with the 6800 Ultra, I sometimes get these odd horizontal screen lines that show up on certain applications. Games are not affected with these glitches.

Yeah... I noticed the difference between the two also.. This is with a PNY GF6800GT and an ATI X800XT:pE The ATI's card had noticably better image at 1920X1200 with DVI.
Is the screen quality of the 6800 something I should worry about before buying this monitor. In other words should this make me not buy the monitor for my 6800bfggt thanks

I've read that some owners of the HP L2335 complain about the high pitch noise it produces. This is what bothers me the most about my L2335! I wonder if everybody else with this monitor has the same complaints... My PC (and room) is very quiet in general, so maybe that's why I notice it harder. It really annoys me... I don't really notice it when I have music on luckily.

The strange part is that the monitor doens't always make this noise. It starts buzzing when it's on for 10 minutes or so...

What's even stranger is that the buzzing stops (most of the time) when I push on the back and/or the sides of the monitor!
I just grab the sides with both hands and find the right spot and push there (gently). That makes the buzing go away. But unfortuntely it always comes back after a few seconds or minutes :)

Can anyone try this out on his monitor? Maybe it's a production error or something and should I return the unit....

I've also been told that HP sells this monitor with a separate (external) power brick. Is that true? I can't find anything about it on their website.

Oh, and here's a picture of my setup :)


Thanks for your help!
dewsky said:
Is the screen quality of the 6800 something I should worry about before buying this monitor. In other words should this make me not buy the monitor for my 6800bfggt thanks

No, not really anything to worry about. Just a minor difference but a difference none the less.
Freejack said:

I've read that some owners of the HP L2335 complain about the high pitch noise it produces. This is what bothers me the most about my L2335! I wonder if everybody else with this monitor has the same complaints... My PC (and room) is very quiet in general, so maybe that's why I notice it harder. It really annoys me... I don't really notice it when I have music on luckily.

The strange part is that the monitor doens't always make this noise. It starts buzzing when it's on for 10 minutes or so...

What's even stranger is that the buzzing stops (most of the time) when I push on the back and/or the sides of the monitor!
I just grab the sides with both hands and find the right spot and push there (gently). That makes the buzing go away. But unfortuntely it always comes back after a few seconds or minutes :)

Can anyone try this out on his monitor? Maybe it's a production error or something and should I return the unit....

I've also been told that HP sells this monitor with a separate (external) power brick. Is that true? I can't find anything about it on their website.

Oh, and here's a picture of my setup :)

Thanks for your help!

there's something wrong with your monitor.

RMA, baby.


dewsky said:
Is the screen quality of the 6800 something I should worry about before buying this monitor?
In other words should this make me not buy the monitor for my 6800bfggt? thanks

Yes, I've read that ATI X800 has "slightly better" image quality than Nvidia 6800. (I have a BFG 6800GT and love it just the same).
But if that "slight diff" really bothers you, don't change the monitor, change the card.
A monitor----any monitor----only draws what a card feeds it. ("Gold in, Gold Out"----"Garbage in, Garbage out"). :D
according to : ATI, my radeon 8500 is supposed to have dual link AND It is supposed to support reduced blanking: http://www.ati.com/designpartners/appp/marketing/RADEON_8500Chip.pdf <-- search for "dual link" and "reduced blanking" second page!

Can anyone confirm? I can't get the DVI -> DVI connector to work at 1920x1200 on my ATI AIW 128Mb Radeon 8500 connected to my HP L2335. Right now i am running 1920x1200 in analog and it is fine.

When i run DVI-DVI, i get random colored lines popping up around the place, as if the bandwidth wasn't fitting accross the cable (i.e. no reduced blanking!?!?!)

please help!
WuLabs said:
according to : ATI, my radeon 8500 is supposed to have dual link AND It is supposed to support reduced blanking: http://www.ati.com/designpartners/appp/marketing/RADEON_8500Chip.pdf <-- search for "dual link" and "reduced blanking" second page!

Can anyone confirm? I can't get the DVI -> DVI connector to work at 1920x1200 on my ATI AIW 128Mb Radeon 8500 connected to my HP L2335. Right now i am running 1920x1200 in analog and it is fine.

When i run DVI-DVI, i get random colored lines popping up around the place, as if the bandwidth wasn't fitting accross the cable (i.e. no reduced blanking!?!?!)

please help!

The monitor has to have dual link as well, and if i understand correctly the L2335 like most existing devices doesn't. :(

$1899! and this price does not include the $100 mail-in rebate.

Check it here.

Express shipping was $54 for 3-6 day. Had to pay tax of $114 but even then, considering the rebate its still tens of dollars less than anywhere else.
Drew23 said:
I spent a while looking through this thread and didn't find any mention of a device or how to play full screen 16:9 DVDs on this monitor without using the computer.

Can anyone clarify this? Is it possible to use the L2335 as a widescreen monitor using the video inputs (not the DVI or VGA connectors)?

I have a DVD player connected to the component inputs of my L2335 and it plays 16:9 DVDs fine with no computer needed.

got some really bad news for ya'll.

Effective 8/29/04, HP is removing a 92.00 instant rebate off of the L2335 panel (other panels will prolly suffer the same effect). After 8/29/04, my panel pricing then jumps by 92.00 to 1592.00

sorry 'bout this. Any orders on STOCKED panels before then will get the 1500.00 price.


Freejack said:

I've read that some owners of the HP L2335 complain about the high pitch noise it produces. This is what bothers me the most about my L2335! I wonder if everybody else with this monitor has the same complaints... My PC (and room) is very quiet in general, so maybe that's why I notice it harder. It really annoys me... I don't really notice it when I have music on luckily.

The strange part is that the monitor doens't always make this noise. It starts buzzing when it's on for 10 minutes or so...

What's even stranger is that the buzzing stops (most of the time) when I push on the back and/or the sides of the monitor!
I just grab the sides with both hands and find the right spot and push there (gently). That makes the buzing go away. But unfortuntely it always comes back after a few seconds or minutes :)

Can anyone try this out on his monitor? Maybe it's a production error or something and should I return the unit....

I've also been told that HP sells this monitor with a separate (external) power brick. Is that true? I can't find anything about it on their website.

Thanks for your help!

I believe there's something wrong with your monitor. I never heard any buzzing from mine.

I had one that started displaying a pinkish hue throughout the entire screen and could be reproduced if I "grab the sides with both hands and find the right spot and push there (gently)." I called HP on Monday and received a replacement on Wednesday. I am extremely pleased with the speed and professionalism of their serviced dept. Also, my original had two stuck pixels and the replacement is perfect, no stuck pixels, no dead pixels. :D