HP L2335 23" 16ms... sweet

More guys have boughtt L2335 since last poll.
So, lets repeat it.....

Using your digital "DVI-DVI" cable (the cable with big White 24-pin connectors each end) can you get 1920x1200 screen resolution?
If you CAN-----then EXACTLY what Video card are you using?

I'll start things off......

Using DVI/DVI cable my L2335 does 1920x1200.
Vdeo card: 256mb "BFG 6800GT-OC".
Overclocked by BFG at their factory and carries full warranty.
Best Buy store had 2 of these bad boys yesterday, $399.
(I grabbed one sooo fast :D "o, sweeeeet heaven" !!! :D )
note: See the HardOCP Review a couple weeks ago ("....this might be the finest all-round gaming card on the market").
Rim said:
More guys have boughtt L2335 since last poll.
So, lets repeat it.....

Using your digital "DVI-DVI" cable (the cable with big White 24-pin connectors each end) can you get 1920x1200 screen resolution?
If you CAN-----then EXACTLY what Video card are you using?

I'll start things off......

Using DVI/DVI cable my L2335 does 1920x1200.
Vdeo card: 256mb "BFG 6800GT-OC".
Overclocked by BFG at their factory and carries full warranty.
Best Buy store had 2 of these bad boys yesterday, $399.
(I grabbed one sooo fast :D "o, sweeeeet heaven" !!! :D )
note: See the HardOCP Review a couple weeks ago ("....this might be the finest all-round gaming card on the market").
I haven't tried in person, since the damn FP231W is still all but impossible to get in Europe, but we've established on Ars in the Bigass LCD Thread™ that an ATi R9700Pro will run 1920x1200 with no problems over DVI. (I can't guarantee for non-ATi R9700Pro's, as they may use different TSMC's.)

If you can do it with your card, why do you care about anybody else? :p

the evga 6800gt does it, as I've already mentioned.

Rim said:
More guys have boughtt L2335 since last poll.
So, lets repeat it.....

Using your digital "DVI-DVI" cable (the cable with big White 24-pin connectors each end) can you get 1920x1200 screen resolution?
If you CAN-----then EXACTLY what Video card are you using?

I'll start things off......

Using DVI/DVI cable my L2335 does 1920x1200.
Vdeo card: 256mb "BFG 6800GT-OC".
Overclocked by BFG at their factory and carries full warranty.
Best Buy store had 2 of these bad boys yesterday, $399.
(I grabbed one sooo fast :D "o, sweeeeet heaven" !!! :D )
note: See the HardOCP Review a couple weeks ago ("....this might be the finest all-round gaming card on the market").
Question for all you 2335 owners:

Have you experienced any kind of magenta/pink huing, especially noticeable on white backgrounds and grays? Or de-saturation about 1 to 2 inches from the left and right bezels? I ask because the 2335 uses the same panel as the 23" Apple Cinema Display, and lots of users are having this problem, including myself.

Check out these threads (two of many) at the Apple forums:

Saturation issues
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.6897dc1a

Pink shift
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.6897453c
Could a L2335 owner please measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the actual viewable screen area?

I'm trying to get the boss to ante up for 7 of these and I want to cut out a piece of mat board to show the viewable area and hold it over our 19" CRT's.
One of the main reasons why I was swayed from the Apple displays. I was under the impression that they were different panels though since the contrast ratio is higher on the HP and I'm not sure if it's 100ppi like the Apple ones are.
[LYL]Homer said:
Could a L2335 owner please measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the actual viewable screen area?

I'm trying to get the boss to ante up for 7 of these and I want to cut out a piece of mat board to show the viewable area and hold it over our 19" CRT's.

if you want to get some quantity pricing, i could see what I could do for you on these.


[LYL]Homer said:
Could a L2335 owner please measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the actual viewable screen area?

The inside-the-bezel visible LCD area measures 19.5" x 12.25".

[LYL]Homer said:
Could a L2335 owner please measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the actual viewable screen area?

I'm trying to get the boss to ante up for 7 of these and I want to cut out a piece of mat board to show the viewable area and hold it over our 19" CRT's.

23" in a 16:10 format - it's math. ;)

One of the main reasons why I was swayed from the Apple displays. I was under the impression that they were different panels though since the contrast ratio is higher on the HP and I'm not sure if it's 100ppi like the Apple ones are.
It's the same panel, regardless of how they jumble the specs. Also, the ppi figure is "pixels per inch", so given the panels are the same physical size (23", 16:10) and have the same number of physical pixels (1920 horizontally), I'm pretty sure they have the same ppi. ;)
And also, they are the same panel. :p

Lestat said:
23" in a 16:10 format - it's math. ;)

It's the same panel, regardless of how they jumble the specs. Also, the ppi figure is "pixels per inch", so given the panels are the same physical size (23", 16:10) and have the same number of physical pixels (1920 horizontally), I'm pretty sure they have the same ppi. ;)
And also, they are the same panel. :p


Then why does Apple report 400:1 and not 500:1?

And why are a lot of people reporting pink color shifts with the Apple display and nothing of the sort with the HP if they are the same?
Mav Phoenix said:
Then why does Apple report 400:1 and not 500:1?

And why are a lot of people reporting pink color shifts with the Apple display and nothing of the sort with the HP if they are the same?
No idea. But it's 99.9% certain that the panels are both the LG-Philips LM230W02 panel. I haven't found any other manufacturer that has a 23" 16ms panel in their lineup. Not to mention in production.

Mav Phoenix said:
Then why does Apple report 400:1 and not 500:1?

And why are a lot of people reporting pink color shifts with the Apple display and nothing of the sort with the HP if they are the same?

Here is someone who is experiencing it with the HP.

From this thread at Apple's forums
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.6898abec/14About

the PINK color problems with Apple Displays, here are my thoughts:

Some time ago, I found a review about the HP 2335 (23") display. It said, the display is nice but white color tends to look more like red than white and it cannot be corrected by software. They took a picture as a proof:


On the left, you have a "normal" Eizo TFT, where white is more blue-like, and on the right, there is the HP.

Well, Apple probably uses the same panel as HP. If so, and if the problem is panel-related, this would explain it.

Nevertheless, the pink color disqualifies the Apple display for me :-( Let's hope something changes until October - I can wait until then. But honestly, I'd prefer the "old" 23 inch panel in the new alu case, even if it's slower and not so bright, the colors were just beautiful.
Torquemada XP said:
Here is someone who is experiencing it with the HP.

From this thread at Apple's forums
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.6898abec/14About

the PINK color problems with Apple Displays, here are my thoughts:

Some time ago, I found a review about the HP 2335 (23") display. It said, the display is nice but white color tends to look more like red than white and it cannot be corrected by software. They took a picture as a proof:


On the left, you have a "normal" Eizo TFT, where white is more blue-like, and on the right, there is the HP.

Well, Apple probably uses the same panel as HP. If so, and if the problem is panel-related, this would explain it.

Nevertheless, the pink color disqualifies the Apple display for me :-( Let's hope something changes until October - I can wait until then. But honestly, I'd prefer the "old" 23 inch panel in the new alu case, even if it's slower and not so bright, the colors were just beautiful.

Hmm ok, guess no one is safe then. :(
Mav Phoenix said:
Hmm ok, guess no one is safe then. :(

My 23" shows the pink shift (using on a PC), and since Apple shipped me another 23" I'd canceled a week ago, I am contemplating cracking it open and suffering the 10% restock fee to see if it also displays this behavior. No amount of tweaking the color correction in the video card drivers can fix it, either... :(
Torquemada XP said:
Here is someone who is experiencing it with the HP.

From this thread at Apple's forums
http://discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.6898abec/14About

the PINK color problems with Apple Displays, here are my thoughts:

Some time ago, I found a review about the HP 2335 (23") display. It said, the display is nice but white color tends to look more like red than white and it cannot be corrected by software. They took a picture as a proof:


On the left, you have a "normal" Eizo TFT, where white is more blue-like, and on the right, there is the HP.

Well, Apple probably uses the same panel as HP. If so, and if the problem is panel-related, this would explain it.

Nevertheless, the pink color disqualifies the Apple display for me :-( Let's hope something changes until October - I can wait until then. But honestly, I'd prefer the "old" 23 inch panel in the new alu case, even if it's slower and not so bright, the colors were just beautiful.
Actually it looks like it's set to 5000K or 6500K temperature which is actually more correct than the 9300K many people run their monitors at.


:Edit: What the topicposter on the Apple forum is talking about isn't uncommon on LCD's - color shifts because you are seeing more of the red pixels from the side. That's the way the subpixels in the display are arranged. It doesn't bother me because it's slight and only from the side.

Lestat said:
Actually it looks like it's set to 5000K or 6500K temperature which is actually more correct than the 9300K many people run their monitors at.


Perhaps, and on the HP you can adjust it...the problem is that PC users (whom Apple also targeted with their new revisions) have no way to control the color temp. I'd hate to get rid of this thing, but it may be HP time.
Torquemada XP said:
Perhaps, and on the HP you can adjust it...the problem is that PC users (whom Apple also targeted with their new revisions) have no way to control the color temp. I'd hate to get rid of this thing, but it may be HP time.
have 2 of thse screens, and neither have this problem.. interesting though.
I don't see the pink/red stuff. I've got a samsung 191T sitting right next to it to compare with, as well.

Now the desaturation... What I notice is that if you sit too close, you're effectively looking straight on at the center of the panel, but at a fairly decent angle to the vertical edges, which makes them look darker. If you have one of these, you can verify that yourself, keep moving closer to the display until the area of the menu bar with the clock(if you're on windows)looks darker. If you then move your head over to where you're looking directly at it instead of from the middle, it isn't dark anymore, but of course the opposite corner is even darker. Long story short, you really shouldn't sit as close to this panel as you would a significantly smaller one.
eastvillager said:
If you can do it with your card, why do you care about anybody else? :p.

Because it helps new people who arrive in this big thread and ask. Because it gives people a pretty good list of cards that will run the L2335 panel at 19x12 dvi. Because it helps people, that's why.
Request to a Mod: Go through this thread (please) and delete all the posts that basically say "I got my LCD today w00t" because this thread is already massive enough without posts like that. I know I would post the same thing, but if this is going to be the ulimate resource for the HP L2335 it has become to be, it could use a little house keeping. ;)
*feel free to delete this thread in your process of being a good mod :D *
Right now, I'm trying to convine my parents to get me this screen and I think my mom will go for it. Only question I have now is, considering I'll be doing extensive gaming and less-than-frequent movie watching, is this the best LCD for the job. I know that I can get much much better quality using a smaller LCD (perhaps 19 or 17") but in this specific case, I'm willing to sacrifice minimal amounts of quality to the increase in size.
Taking that into considering, I feel that this is the best monitor so far. But, I've been reading through all the posts in this thread, and I kind of get the feeling that there's something up LG's sleeve that's going to be significantly better than this LCD. I don't plan on buying the LCD for at least a couple weeks, so if it comes out around then, even a month later, would it be worth the wait?
Also, do you guys think that there would be outrageous deals on LCDs this year around Black Friday, because I remember last BF, pretty much only the crappy LCDs were discounted enough to be "outrageous". If it's going to be around 1000-1200 by xmas time, perhaps that would be worth waiting for as well.
Lastly, is this LCD wall-mountable? :p That feature is pretty important to me, but if it doesn't have it, I won't abandon the LCD.
Pixeleet said:
Right now, I'm trying to convine my parents to get me this screen and I think my mom will go for it. Only question I have now is, considering I'll be doing extensive gaming and less-than-frequent movie watching, is this the best LCD for the job. I know that I can get much much better quality using a smaller LCD (perhaps 19 or 17") but in this specific case, I'm willing to sacrifice minimal amounts of quality to the increase in size.
What TFT do you think is better quality? I certainly haven't found one that is similar or better quality among the smaller sizes.

Taking that into considering, I feel that this is the best monitor so far. But, I've been reading through all the posts in this thread, and I kind of get the feeling that there's something up LG's sleeve that's going to be significantly better than this LCD. I don't plan on buying the LCD for at least a couple weeks, so if it comes out around then, even a month later, would it be worth the wait?
Well IF LG-P had another panel ready now, it would be in retail around november. Considering they don't seem to, and neither does AU Optronics and Samsung (at 23"), maybe a new TFT featuring a new panel will be out around 2005.

Lastly, is this LCD wall-mountable? :p That feature is pretty important to me, but if it doesn't have it, I won't abandon the LCD.
It's VESA100 compliant, so any compatible VESA wallmount will fit.

Speaking of the 23" HP, has anyone hear the ETA on the 30" HP? As Apple already got their one out.
ioman said:
I have also heard rumors that the Apple Cinema display uses an LG panel in it. I have not done any research to verfiy that claim however. Maybe you guys know.

The 30" Apple Cinema Display uses an LG panel.
Pixeleet said:
..... is this (HP-L2335 23" LCD monitor) the best LCD for the job??
I know that I can get much much better quality using a smaller LCD (perhaps 19 or 17") ......

Pixeleet, that is an absolutely amazing, incredible, fascinating Theory.
:D Would you care to explain it----in great detail? :D
Lestat said:
Well IF LG-P had another panel ready now, it would be in retail around november. Considering they don't seem to, and neither does AU Optronics and Samsung (at 23"), maybe a new TFT featuring a new panel will be out around 2005.
I'm going to rephrase myself on that - considering the BenQ FP231W which i've just now ordered is based on a panel from LG-Philips that's probably been in massproduction since around March, and only now is the FP231W becoming widely available, i think a new panel which went into massproduction NOW would probably be available in monitors around January next year. If the panel is only announced, but not yet in MP, it could take much longer to reach consumers.

How much of a frame hit do you take playing games 1920x1200 VS 1600x1200?

Can a 6800 gt / 3800+ cpu run it fine?
I played all the way through doom3 on 1920x1200, only a couple spots where framerate was a bit too low, and those weren't areas I had to really battle in, so it was ok.

That was with a p4 3.4, evga 6800 gt, and a gig of ram, all at stock clocks.
eastvillager said:
I played all the way through doom3 on 1920x1200, only a couple spots where framerate was a bit too low, and those weren't areas I had to really battle in, so it was ok.

That was with a p4 3.4, evga 6800 gt, and a gig of ram, all at stock clocks.


I am considering this monitor and have your basic configuration. One question, your eVGA ... is it feeding this monitor over DVI or VGA? Supposedly some GT/Display combos will default to one lower resolution on widescreen formats, and I would like to know as I have your same video card.

Just got my new 2335. It's pretty nice....I''m used to multiple 21" Sony monitors.....so the size is pretty much the same, but widescreen.

I will be taking pictures when i get back to school(next weekish). This 23" LCD will be flanked by 2 21" Sony CRT's. I'll hoook this up to a VCR for TV, and also a DVD player so you can see the image quality. Post requests for types of shots here.

I will also take pictures of this thing hooked up to my Apple powerbook so you can see "mac" pictures on this display.

I'm having problems running this screen in DVI, i'm using an AIW 128Mb Radeon 8500. Using the DVI-DVI at 1920x1200 i get wierd horizontal colored lines that pop up really fast and go away randomly. When i run it at 1920x1200 with the DVI->analog cable everything seems ok, i can't see any visible artifacts anywhere. Eventually i will upgrade to an x800 or something with true DVI support.

Only problem i have had thus far is:
1) black scuffs on the silver base and top of monitor
2) DVI problem above
3) some games screw up because of the resolution stuff

Other than that the monitor is running really great, its crisp, bright, and no ghosting thus far.

Also BTW the reason the apple display seems brighter is because the mac's run with a higher gamma than Windows PC's do. I have both a mac and a PC and this is true in testing as well.
WuLabs said:
Just got my new L2335. It's pretty nice .... using AIW 128Mb Radeon 8500 in DVI-DVI.
At 1920x1200 i get wierd horizontal colored lines that pop up really fast .....
The apple display seems brighter because Mac's run with a higher gamma than Windows PC's do.
Congratulations on your new 23" HP.
Yes, you do need a quality card to run the panel in DVI-DVI at 1920x1200.
But in a pinch, almost any old card will run it at 1920x1200 (in crummy Analog).

Regarding the "gamma"-----if you want to make your HP screen brighter or dimmer, you can do it anytime.
Follow these steps.....

(1) On your HP's row of buttons, hit button just to left, of "On/Off" button.
(2) A menu will appear. The word 'Brightness' will be lit up.
(3) Next, repeat step (1).
(4) Next, hit the 'Up' or "Down' buttons (the buttons with arrows) repeatedly, until you get the Brightness value you want..
NOTE: I have mine set to "33", because this wonderful 23" HP-L2335 is so doggone BRIGHT-----that I have to turn it way down, to get the brightness-level that I personally like.
(5) When you're all done adjusting 'Brightness', then repeat Step(1).
(6) You will then see the word "Exit" lit up.
(7) Repeat Step (1) ----and you're all done.
(Follow the above Procedure to adjust any of the Menu settings).
Good luck with your new 23" HP-L2335; it's a real winner, the best.
mikloyd said:

I am considering this monitor and have your basic configuration. One question, your eVGA ... is it feeding this monitor over DVI or VGA? Supposedly some GT/Display combos will default to one lower resolution on widescreen formats, and I would like to know as I have your same video card.


Nevermind on this request. I found a personal deal breaker. The DVI input on this monitor is not HDCP enabled. Therefore hooking up any DVI source material with this flag enabled with result in no video.

I recieved this information on the phone from someone in HP tech. support.

I suppose one could always go analog, but I find DVI too far superior to not let this bug me.
I suppose one could always go analog, but I find DVI too far superior to not let this bug me.
But wouldn't you rather run your computer via DVI and your HDTV via component?
Glad you like your monitor...Sorry 'bout the scratches...that really bugs me when it happens. can you take a picture of the scratches and send it to me (email me via my profile)?


Dave Graham
leobag said:
But wouldn't you rather run your computer via DVI and your HDTV via component?

Sure, today.

If I am spending $1700 on something that touts High Definition as part of its marketing paraphenalia, I would expect that the display would have HDCP.

It would be nice for this display to be flexible in the regard that I could hook it up to my Voom and watch some High Definition DVI fed goodness if I wanted to.

New graphics cards are already announced that will utilize HDCP ... so tomorrow's computers will require this at somepoint, and I tend to get a long period of use for my displays.
well, the good news is that it's technically only 1500.00 + 15.00 shipping (until the end of august) right now.. :-P


mikloyd said:
New graphics cards are already announced that will utilize HDCP ... so tomorrow's computers will require this at somepoint, and I tend to get a long period of use for my displays.
No doubt, that was a good catch mikloyd. The obvious question now is do any of the other 23"-24" widescreens have HDCP enabled?

mikloyd said:
Nevermind on this request. I found a personal deal breaker. The DVI input on this monitor is not HDCP enabled. Therefore hooking up any DVI source material with this flag enabled with result in no video.

I recieved this information on the phone from someone in HP tech. support.

I suppose one could always go analog, but I find DVI too far superior to not let this bug me.

Uh, can you expand on why you're not geting the LCD because of HDCP? I know very little about HDCP... just that it's some form of encryption on DVI signals Do things not work of they are HDCP-enabled? Sorry for sounding nubish here, but I just don't understand why it's such a big deal if there won't be quality loss (which I'm guessing there won't be). Please fill me in on this.