How old r u?

How old r u?

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ComputerGeek737 said:
18 will be 19 in under a month :)

Hark! We are of the same time! Although you're probably a few days older . . . :shakes fist in faux-rage:
BakedON said:
I read your mind....
You sick bastard....

Of course... i thought it too. :)

:eek: yall are so naasssssssssttyyyyyyyyyyy

*thinkin maybe that smiley should not be there*

machwireless said:
HaHa he doesnt live in GA.

And Im not telling. I already got fussed at once for calling him out in a thread.

You men and ur reputations. GEEZ

Hey, Kodiak doesn't live in GA. He doesn't like being "called out" in threads. Coincidence? Hmmmmmmm................ ;)

pageian said:
Hey, Kodiak doesn't live in GA. He doesn't like being "called out" in threads. Coincidence? Hmmmmmmm................ ;)

He's not seasoned member....he has a seasoned member though....hmmmmm :p
AtomicMoose said:
He's not seasoned member....he has a seasoned member though....hmmmmm :p

You guys are starting to scare me... now we've got a moose strokin' K*'s ego... one can only hope that is followed by a cleansing reach through!

p[H]ant0m said:
You guys are starting to scare me... now we've got a moose strokin' K*'s ego... one can only hope that is followed by a cleansing reach through!

No ego stroking here....I have just heard that he salts the thing before.....well, you know. ;)
AtomicMoose said:
No ego stroking here....I have just heard that he salts the thing before.....well, you know. ;)

That is way more than I ever wanted to know, actually where's are cross-dressing shemale Mary when we need it to bring some sanity back in here? :p

Moose is just jealous... ever since the household ++ he hasnt got any ;)

Sadly I heard from oldbenwa that he (moose) sent an email asking Marty to send pix of it's fine shemale self since the wife wont give him any ;)
We can tell. there are moose droppings everywhere around here.. starting to stink the place up ;)
Max Power said:
Wow, I can't believe no attention whores have voted 1-10 :D

I'm 17 btw

No, around here they just keep posting, and posting and posting....

Ok, why beat around the bush.

Hint Hint Kodiak Star
Oh yeah, it's really smelling like a Y! chatroom in here... or could it be the moose droppings?

I am just wondering how long it will last... since I know you will probably not get anymore in a long long long time :)

well there is always plan M.....

Plan Mary that is ;)
AtomicMoose said:
Well, I did say no thread crapping.....but I gotta let you guys have fun somewhere.... ;)

Well then to be honest, the hardest thing for me was not squeezing one off in your no crapping thread.

We had a pool going on it and the hole nine yards.....big money was at stakes. In the end I stopped everybody from disrespecting you.

Ok, I made that last part up.

machwireless said:
lord have mercy on this thread

The way today has been, I don't think its just this thread, the curse of the moose droppings has hit more than a few of em. ;)

imma have to stick up for Kodiak. he seems like a nice guy.

*yahoo batting eyelashes*

he just cant fondle my font.
machwireless said:
imma have to stick up for Kodiak. he seems like a nice guy.

*yahoo batting eyelashes*

he just cant fondle my font.

You just don't know him well enough then. ;)

If it folds, he borgs it!

p[H]ant0m said:
You just don't know him well enough then. ;)

If it folds, he borgs it!

Okay I learned what folding is but what is borging? Reference to Star Trek maybe??

I cannot and will not be assimillated.
machwireless said:
Okay I learned what folding is but what is borging? Reference to Star Trek maybe??

I cannot and will not be assimillated.

But your boxen may be up for grabs... borging is the act of loading F@H or UD on someone's poor unsuspecting boxen.

A DC forum translation guide can be found here since we like to have our own little language.

Borging is getting to other peoples computers, and getting them to run FAH/UD under your name, even though they belong to your friend, family, work. etc (with permission)
KodiakStar said:
Borging is getting to other peoples computers, and getting them to run FAH/UD under your name, even though they belong to your friend, family, work. etc (with permission)

well that is not very nice. i havent started folding yet. i downloaded but not installed. waiting on my new rig.
well its for those people who dont care enough to start their own name etc, or you can convince them to add to your pile of points :) Pretty soon you try and get everything you can folding, if its under your name, good for you, if not, at least it is folding and searching for a cure :)

Why wait? :)

i have it running on 14 cpu's at home.. and looking to increase that to 26 soon.
KodiakStar said:
well its for those people who dont care enough to start their own name etc, or you can convince them to add to your pile of points :) Pretty soon you try and get everything you can folding, if its under your name, good for you, if not, at least it is folding and searching for a cure :)

Why wait? :)

i have it running on 14 cpu's at home.. and looking to increase that to 26 soon.
none of my other 4 CPU's have OSs and my laptop is for my biz ONLY. im still researching it though.
Sounds like it is Fold-Server time ;)

if you ever have questions about install, or anything else about the project, just ask around, one of geeks should be able to come up with a half-valid answer for you :D
19, going 20 this october...YES, next year I can legally buy alcohol! No more worries of the nice Chinese dairy owners and I going to prison! Horray! :p
Just remember, the geeks can give a half-valid answer, Moose can sometimes give a whole-valid answer, but K* can only give a quarter-valid answer. Something about cosmic balances and all.
i always find it funny how everyone likes to talk sh!t about me.

Oh well all in fun right?

KodiakStar as a nice guy, now I truly have heard everything.

Well I'll show off large...
marty9876 said:
KodiakStar as a nice guy, now I truly have heard everything.

Well I'll show off large...

I am clairvoyant so maybe I see the great soul within screaming to be in the forefront.

machwireless said:
I am clairvoyant so maybe I see the great soul within screaming to be in the forefront.

I always thought of that as the inner child not wanting to be so "inner" anymore.

K*:"Mommy! Mommy! I want more attention for no good reason!"
Shadowchild said:
I always thought of that as the inner child not wanting to be so "inner" anymore.

K*:"Mommy! Mommy! I want more attention for no good reason!"

This one thread is really making me forget I got laid off two weeks ago. Thanks guys.
Shadowchild said:
I always thought of that as the inner child not wanting to be so "inner" anymore.

naw.. its more like your mom begging for more after i cut her off.
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