How much is BF3 pushing PC graphics?

i thought i'd be fine on a gtx480.

i was wrong, i ended up going sli 480's to get it to run on ultra. I honestly love using games as an excuse to spend money on my computer. Upgrades.... upgrades everywhere.
Overall, I think BF3 is just OK looking. Some things look great, like the player skins, weapon skins, HUD, etc. But I think the terrain and buildings look pretty mediocre. Overall, I think Bad Company 2 was a way better looking game.
cpu usage wise its leading the pack.

got to love seeing 90%+ utilization makes my jump from a 955BE to an 8120 so worth it.

52% on a i7 2600K which is a touch better than BC2 which was running at around 75% average on the same CPU.
This is not true. Even an 8500GT had no problem playing crysis on low. I was shocked an appalled at all of the PC gamers shouting insults at crytek calling the engine things like "an unoptimized piece of garbage" just because they couldn't run it on max settings. The game actually had very low system requirements it's just really hard to max out (which is exactly what they were going for, an engine that is highly scalable and future proof). I swear there are some PC gamers that can't grasp the concept of not running a game at max settings. They just upgrade there hardware whenever they can no longer run all there games at max settings, and since they couldn't do that with crysis they got angry and made fun of it for having high requirements when it didn't.

Didnt mean to imply that you couldnt play the game at all without a $500 video card, just that it had all these great and wonderful graphics that you couldnt get without a $500 video card. Crysis on low looks like any other shooter to me.

BF3 offers all the great graphics goodness but without the very steep price tag.
BF3 pretty well cranked 5760X1080 eyefinity looks amazing. To bad I don't like the game lol
Dual Mars II Cards in SLI Running Battlefield 3 gets owned.

That guy is a fucking douchebag. "If you want to play on Ultra you'd better put a time clock in your room and come out in a year blah blah"...Seriously? I play Ultra with buttery smoothness. Not on a 30" but I'm guessing with GTX 580 SLI you could do it. Sounds like something was either wrong with their setup or it was a driver issue. No reason to be seeing that kind of stutter/lag on those cards.
Didnt mean to imply that you couldnt play the game at all without a $500 video card, just that it had all these great and wonderful graphics that you couldnt get without a $500 video card. Crysis on low looks like any other shooter to me.

It doesn't matter, at least they had a setting for low end hardware. I don't care if it looks like shit if it allows my friends to play it without going out and buying a $120+ video card. Adding in the cost of the necessary hardware upgrades that many people will need makes that game too damn expensive for some (coughing up $50 is one thing but $200 for game + graphics card is another, and god forbid if your cpu is three years old you'll need a whole new system just to be able to play the thing).

I really wish they had included a very low setting or something so more of my friends could have bought it. Since the game has no squad voip not having many friends to play with really diminishes the amount of fun you can have with it (that's what I loved about bf2/bf2142, even if none of my friends were online I could still jump in a random squad and start working together).
Some levels on BF3 look awesome, Trees and foilage but there are some things that dont look great, Walls,Barriors, the vehicles that are just sitting around look like ass. But now im Nitpicking i love the game. Runs great on 3 6970's in Tri-Fire.
That guy is a fucking douchebag. "If you want to play on Ultra you'd better put a time clock in your room and come out in a year blah blah"...Seriously? I play Ultra with buttery smoothness. Not on a 30" but I'm guessing with GTX 580 SLI you could do it. Sounds like something was either wrong with their setup or it was a driver issue. No reason to be seeing that kind of stutter/lag on those cards.

Yeah, he states later that it was a driver issue. BF3 is having some teething issues. Its a great looking game, probably one of the best but current generation hardware can run it.