House Approves CISPA Despite Last-Minute Push By Opponents

Everyone needs to relax, voting rep's out of office is not the solution here, adapting to the situation is. New layers of encryption and evasion will be developed to circumvent these issues to the point that their new laws will be useless, because unbeknownst to them, we control the internet, not them.
Everyone needs to relax, voting rep's out of office is not the solution here, adapting to the situation is. New layers of encryption and evasion will be developed to circumvent these issues to the point that their new laws will be useless, because unbeknownst to them, we control the internet, not them.

Your IP has been flagged by the new PATRIOT-AI Terrorist detection system. Subversion team dispatched for further "Interviews."
I was talking to some co-workers about this week and they were like, "wait, uhh what?" I am an advocate for keeping your footprint light and mobile which includes not owning a house or a brand new car, having a passport and knowing more than one language etc etc. Usually even before I can finish listing all the benefits, people jump in with how owning a home is the "american dream" and how they can't live without their fully loaded lexus they just leased...

No worries though, I try to respect the right of people who choose a life of learned helplessness and ignorance. It does benefit me in the end so I can't complain or rant about it too much because after all, one of the benefits to living in an apt complex close to so many statistically ignorant people is the wifi. Oh the glorious wifi...
I think the more severe problem is that regardless of how dumb or intelligent the population is, there isn't a way to vote someone "out" without voting someone else "in." So until there are dozens of candidates that would be substantively different than the rest it's irrelevant whether the population is thinking critically.
This! We should definitely have the option to vote them out.
Sadly, they dumb down the kids because it's easier to control them that way.
Everyone needs to relax, voting rep's out of office is not the solution here, adapting to the situation is. New layers of encryption and evasion will be developed to circumvent these issues to the point that their new laws will be useless, because unbeknownst to them, we control the internet, not them.

Sure, but where does it stop?
Just putting out their that it was heavily favored & pushed by Republicans & they are the main reason why it was passed. Really waiting to see how many " Americans " vote republican again during the elections in November. 42 Democrats also approved for CISPA & I'm betting they know their ass is grass :p.
As an IT Professional who has worked in more business demographic sectors than I can remember at this point. I can confirm that the complete late of critical thinking is basically across the board. As a father of two, I spend a depressing amount of time teaching my kids how to actually think since the school system only teaches them how to smile and obey.

count me in that group. Business IT, watching the business world exist around me makes me ill sometimes. The sheer lack of anything but routine, automation and a complete lack of critical thought..

i think the 1 in 100 is about accurate nowadays.
There are plenty of us that believe he would be far worse for this country than any of the other candidates. Even reversible Mittens would be better and he is a nonsensical human being. I could write an entire novel about all the problems I have with the Austrian school and the right-libertarian obsession with creating some massive unfettered global marketocracy.

Right-libertarianism isn't the only kind of libertarianism... in fact it's not even the original libertarianism. Left-libertarianism or anarcho-socialism was around long before. Go check out some Chomsky or any of the Continental philosophers/social theorists from the 60's.

We're still all fucked for a while. IMO the best way to fight it is to come up with ways to destroy scarcity. 3d printing, digital piracy if you're into that, open source. The more things of theirs you can make accessible or belong to society as a whole and the more difficult it is for them to enforce artificial scarcity, the more a consumer market system that heavily favors a small number of people owning most of the means of production and relies on ever increasing consumption stops making sense and working. Once you can "pirate" physical goods, I think it will force us to have a much more serious discussion about our economics. No one's going to listen until they get hit in the wallet.

Err, there are many schools of thought in the libertarian spectrum. Many of which have been around for 300 years.

Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist. He hasn't much in common with the classical liberal, or those that follow the Jeffersonian libertarianism at all.
Just putting out their that it was heavily favored & pushed by Republicans & they are the main reason why it was passed. Really waiting to see how many " Americans " vote republican again during the elections in November. 42 Democrats also approved for CISPA & I'm betting they know their ass is grass :p.

In the last decade alone, I don't know how much more people need to see to finally figure out that this "two party system" is a myth and sham utterly.
Wow, the ratio of Republicans voting for this versus Democrats is incredible.

are you surprised by this? I'm certainly not.

Sign this petition to tell your senators to reject this bill and send this link to your friends and tell them to spread the word. Facebook it. Twitter it. Reddit it. 4Chan it. Chain mail it. Post it everywhere and get everyone to sign it.
I especially like the title of this bill:
BILL TITLE: To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cybersecurity entities, and for other purposes
ref: here

Key phrase being: ... and for other purposes

That's really open-ended.
We've GOT to enact term limits on the House and Senate, otherwise you'll never break the good-old-boy-in-the-pocket-of-big-buisness status quo.

No. Lets keep keeping them in for 30/40/50 year terms, vote straight down party lines, voting for one of the two halves of the Repub-Dem party, don't vote at all, etc, etc, etc.

I'm starting to have an attitude of:

"Who cares. PEOPLE, generally speaking, don't care. Shit will get passed in one form or another no matter what. Because PEOPLE don't care."

The sad truth that we live in.
I'm starting to have an attitude of:

"Who cares. PEOPLE, generally speaking, don't care. Shit will get passed in one form or another no matter what. Because PEOPLE don't care."

The sad truth that we live in.

I think it's more because normal people only have so much 'care' to give. Most of us can't live our lives watching politics like hawks - it's too depressing, overwhelming, and in general people just have more immediate concerns.

So, a public outcry can stop something like SOPA.

They'll repackage it either into something identical or something equally harmful, and try to pass that. It might pass, it might not. If it goes better, they'll try again.

When I first heard of SOPA, I knew that EVENTUALLY they would get something terrible through - just through persistence. They whittle down people's ability to care.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. VOTE them out NOW. Next there a way we the people can legally force a re-write of the constitution? Its time to enact a few additional restrictions on government.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. VOTE them out NOW. Next there a way we the people can legally force a re-write of the constitution? Its time to enact a few additional restrictions on government.

With words like that, you definitely were just bumped up in priority on the NSA's watch list.
Any drones in the sky? lol
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. VOTE them out NOW. Next there a way we the people can legally force a re-write of the constitution? Its time to enact a few additional restrictions on government.

Oh, and to the FBI guy that is now making a copy of this post and marking me down as a radical to be monitored, my phone tapped, my car tagged with GPS, and my clothes bugged...all of course without a legal warrant...FUCK YOU.
With words like that, you definitely were just bumped up in priority on the NSA's watch list.
Any drones in the sky? lol

Lol. The NSA can bite my ass. I'd be more than happy to explain to them why corporate influence and general power mongering was *not* what the founding fathers wanted.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. VOTE them out NOW. Next there a way we the people can legally force a re-write of the constitution? Its time to enact a few additional restrictions on government.

Yes there is. Read up Thomas Payne's Common Sense, the ideology the United States Constitution was based on - republicanism/liberalism and our "natural rights" to disolve governments that no longer serves our interest. If this was illegal, then everything we've fought for in 1776-1781 was in vain and Thomas Payne wasted a lot of ink.
you mean there not still GASP! :eek::rolleyes:

Well, one says abortion is good and one says abortion is bad... which is enough of a polarizing issue to keep enough people on either side permanently.

One pretends to hate big government, one pretends to hate big business. But when it comes down to it, enough guys on both sides vote to get big anything done.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. VOTE them out NOW. Next there a way we the people can legally force a re-write of the constitution? Its time to enact a few additional restrictions on government.

the Constitution has a rest button but it would take a revolution to make it happen and the people in the country are to cowardly and to complacent to do any thing about it

there should be riots in DC over this bill but there is not
We've GOT to enact term limits on the House and Senate, otherwise you'll never break the good-old-boy-in-the-pocket-of-big-buisness status quo.

No. Lets keep keeping them in for 30/40/50 year terms, vote straight down party lines, voting for one of the two halves of the Repub-Dem party, don't vote at all, etc, etc, etc.


I agree to a point. Not so much for this law, but for many of the laws as these people are in government forever and lose sight of anything else. you have them trying to make laws about the internet without knowing what it really is. My old GM at work was telling us about some thing a few year back when he was in DC and the law makers thought that all phone systems ran on wireless now and that all that existing coper and fiber lines had been torn up. Somebody had to tell them that all that stuff was still in use and it floored them. I say that gets changed. President can only serve 8 years, lets make them 12. won't fully change things as you still have the pupet masters pulling the strings, but it will cost them a lot more to buy out a new person in office more often to keep their stuff going through which makes them burn through money a little faster. also might help for some of the other things for them to actually have a better idea of what is going on. and hopefully get us younger people in office.

Then you have the state governments where people refuse to vote as you said. i think they should change that. if you aren't there for a vote, then your vote goes to the side that has more votes already, then on top of that you lose 3/4 of your pay for that year. if you avoid having to vote twice then you are fined twice your normal pay for a year, 3rd time make it a felony charge and give them 30 years in jail. That is starting to become the new method now, if you don't like a bill going through and you know that you can't fight it down by voting no, then you just don't show up and vote, instead you leave your state and go hide so that the bill can't be passed due to not enough people being there. that isn't the point of how it is supposed to work. a bill is created, everyone votes and it gets put in place based on if enough people want it or not. If people don't like the law then you vote for somebody else next time and try to get that point pushed through.
I was disappointed that my Rep had voted for it. I called his DC office and calmly explained why I was upset with the Yea vote to CISPA.

I consider it a good idea when speaking to an elected official to stay calm. I don't know if this happens to everybody, but they asked for my address (I assume this is to mail out some sort of response). Even so, it wouldn't surprise me if the conversations were recorded, so I have no intention of getting into it with the Secret Service.
So, a public outcry can stop something like SOPA.

Nope, the public outcry did not stop SOPA, it was the corporate outcry that did. These same Corporations that threatened blackouts over SOPA support CISPA (looking at you Google). The only reason they gave one single fuck about SOPA was the fact they could be held responsible for what you did on/with their services, CISPA not so much.

Our rights, or lack there of, are bought and sold. The Constitution might as well just be printed on Charmin with how many people in power positions have been using it to wipe their ass with over the last decade+.

I hate to get all tin foil hatty but, it just seems like they're getting more brazen to the fact, to admitting publicly, that we live in a police state. Patriot Act, NDAA, SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, etc. I'm almost afraid to think of what's next.

I also don't know who to get mad at since all my states reps voted no. /shrug